about 2 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by merlijn2504

So when someone recovers an RS Account using the old school recovery, and when he succesfully logs in and imports its to his Jagex account, the account is theirs forever?

I think the FAQ clears up that, but TLDR: no!

Q. How will character recovery work?

A. Characters that are imported to a Jagex Account will no longer be recoverable using the RuneScape account recovery system. You’ll be able to choose which security features are enabled on your account. By default, log in verification and recovery is possible with access to your email. You can choose to switch to app-based MFA, which will require the code from the app or one of the backup codes provided when you set it up to remove.

Q. We’ve had several questions on the topic summarised in the following question - If someone adds a hijacked character to a Jagex Account, what happens?

A. Player Support will have tools available to assist in cases where RuneScape accounts are hijacked and imported to the wrong Jagex Account. Once the correct owner of the character has been verified, they will be able to import it to their own Jagex Account.

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by NewAccountXYZ

Will Jagex Accounts be mandatory long-term?

Eventually yes, but we'll be running betas until we're certain the system is in a spot players are happy with before having everybody migrate their characters to Jagex Accounts!

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by buttwize

Will there eventually be support for hardware tokens as the 2fa measure? e.g. yubikey

Checked in with the team: 'The new account system makes hardware tokens much easier for us to support but our current focus is on rolling out Jagex accounts before adding further new features.'

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by WishIWasFlaccid

As someone who was hacked years over a decade ago, that fear of losing my items has never left. I'm very much looking forward to having newer security features supporting the game.

I will also note that I recently started using Jagex Launcher, and it has actually been awesome. Love the one click login and switching between accounts. Excited to beef it up with better security

Launcher's been insanely useful for me as well. I use dancers for so many Slayer tasks and the one-click login is nutty QoL.

Glad to hear you're looking forward to updated account security features!

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by Merdapura

What wasnt made clear for me yet (maybe cause caffeine still hasnt kicked in) is: Will the Jagex account be a hub for all character related security so that it will be impossible to recover an account without access to its linked Jagex account while also helping speed up the awful process that is recovering an account linked to the Jagex account?

Will the Jagex account be a hub for all character related security?
Yep, as long as the characters are linked to the account.

So that it's impossible to recover an account without access to its linked Jagex account?

Whilst also helping speed up the awful process that is recovering an account linked to the Jagex account?
Correct. The onus is now on you and your back-up codes etc.

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by Less_Form_8520

I've been using the Jagex launcher to run Runelite for months. It's nice that you only have to log in once to set it up. After that, it's just pressing a play button to log in. Hopefully that stays the same with this added Jagex account.

It remains the same, as staff I've been testing the Jagex Account for around 5 weeks now.

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by goddangol

People will never support this unless you incorporate Runelite.

You can already use the Jagex Launcher and play with RuneLite, I do it all the time! It's shown in the screenshot at the top of the blog!

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by MrOreo3

u/JagexGoblin will there be a Linux launcher coming?

From the FAQ:

Q: Will there be support for Linux?
A: There will not be launcher support for Linux directly. However we will put together an article with details of how Linux users can continue to play if they have a Jagex account. For now, if you only play on Linux you should keep using the old RuneScape account process.

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by vangoloid

Jagex mods love to pick and choose what comments to reply to

Many are covered in the FAQ, or perhaps we're finding the answer later, or it doesn't really ask much and doesn't warrant a comment

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by Night_Thastus

Will this new account finally allow us to change our login and website e-mail? So far we've only been able to change the e-mail where communications and news goes.

Kinda yes. By linking an RS account to a new Jagex account, you'll only log-in to that new Jagex account (which is something you choose).

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by BloodBrothersYT

Will account bans be at the character level, or the account level?

Let’s say little Timmy bots on his main account, or RWTs the t-bow he took from the homies. Would that also ban his iron if it’s on the same Jagex account?

Covered in the FAQ.
Are sanctions such as a mute or a ban applied at the account or character level?
At launch, sanctions will continue to be applied at the character level. We will review this policy over time as usage of the system increases. We do foresee the need for this to be implementable at the Jagex account level in some circumstances. Player Support will have the ability to do this at launch if needed.

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by tgcarpe

Nothing in this post clearly calls out how the Jagex launcher is "more secure" than what we currently have today. It still requires 2FA which is being bypassed by hackers.

All I've read up to this point, is now when Jagex fails like it has historically, ALL of my accounts will be made available to a hacker.

On top of this, theres a note about removing any human manual reviews which is also concerning with how we can actually feel confident the level of support we need is being taken seriously.

Please help me understand - I mean this with the utmost sincerity.

Will pull some bits from the FAQ here:

Q. How will character recovery work?

A. Characters that are imported to a Jagex Account will no longer be recoverable using the RuneScape account recovery system. You’ll be able to choose which security features are enabled on your account. By default, log in verification and recovery is possible with access to your email. You can choose to switch to app-based MFA, which will require the code from the app or one of the backup codes provided when you set it up to remove.

Q. We’ve had several questions on the topic summarised in the following question - If someone adds a hijacked character to a Jagex Account, what happens?

A. Player Support will have tools available to assist in cases where RuneScape accounts are hijacked and imported to the wrong Jagex Account. Once the correct owner of the character has been verified, they will be able to import it to their own Jagex Account.

Effectively it won't be possible to recover accounts if you don't have one of the back-up codes provided to you when you make your Jagex Account, meaning MFA can't be bypassed by recovery. Assuming your email is also secure with its own MFA (and nobody else gains access to your recovery codes), it should not be possible to bypass MFA on any Jagex Account.

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by -WhyNotRS-

What if people have 15+ year old accounts which email it was made with is non existent now - still a user name log in. 2fa is impossible with these guys, my pure Included. I’d love some extra safety but it’s not possible.

By importing those characters onto your Jagex Account, you'd be able to secure them under your Jagex Account instead - meaning you would effectively have a registered email and MFA for these accounts!

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by MegaArms

Can I play rs3 and osrs with the same character at the same time?

No, you'll have to choose one or the other. It's possible to be logged in to multiple characters from the same Jagex Account simultaneously, but our games don't work in a way that allows the same character to be played on the two games at the same time.

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by HC_Fargo

Are you God Moblin? Think I saw some dancers at abyss in catacombs while hopping

Aha that's my old iron, I think I remember seeing you! Dancers are a necessity for my sanity when barraging abbys...

Mostly gets logged in just to dance for my GIM these days, but if you ever see it dancing and no sign of somebody barraging then odds are I'm AFK, so feel free to use the dancers!

about 2 years ago - - Direct link
An update on Jagex Accounts, ahead of our upcoming Closed Beta!