over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by ATCQ_

Shame about prod master not smelting glass :(

Really wish I had gone for +12 now, but prod master can be useful after farming bosses for resources.

I've been really enjoying the 30k Smithing XP drops with Production Master but I do think Skilling Prodigy would have been the better choice for me!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by mazrrim

Added the Second Inventory item to the League Tutor.?

It's meant to say model, it's been changed now!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by ATCQ_

I think they removed it as it had "Added the Second Inventory item to the League Tutor" which seems like an error.

Yeah we had to make a quick edit so I assume in the time we were saving it you'd loaded the page whilst it wasn't technically live. It's back now!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Anilusion

What does it even mean?

Go and find the League Tutor after the update is live and you'll see he has a new fancy backpack :D

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Aurarus

Link not working?

Sorry we made a last minute edit so it may have been down for around 1 minute or so. It's working fine now :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexOasis - Direct link

Originally posted by Zb34k

What do you mean by the respawn rate of revenants have increased? Does that mean there will be additional spawns or will the existing ones just respawn faster after being killed?

They'll respawn faster after being killed.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by radeanne

Great to see a huge amount of tweaks to leagues. Thank god to no longer getting zeah steps

The devs really went in on this update lol

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by here_for_the_lols

Thanks for all the updates and fixes. League is so fun!!

If you're having fun we're having fun!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Hey Swaaz, we added worlds 539, 540, 541, 542, 543 (US), 548, 549, 550, 551 (GER) & 558, 559, 560, 561 (UK).

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Clippton

I found a bug recently where i can't complete my desert task to make 1000 adamant dart tips. (made 1200 tips and made all of them into darts incase i did it wrong)

Also the gem stall in the tzhaar area doesn't count as "Steal from gem stall" task.

The task 'Smith 1,000 Adamant Dart Tips' is now tracking your progress correctly.

You will unfortunately have to smith the dart tips again if you did it previously. Really sorry about that.

I've raised the Tzhaar gem stall issue with the devs, thank you for letting us know!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by AbsolutelySwedish

Group minigames world for Aus looks to be 412* not 112. Confused me for a sec.

Good spot! We've made the changes to the newspost :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by xWebsterz

Appreciate the mention about Rev changes - Its understandable that the devs main priority is leagues due to the success of it.

Can we have some feedback around how the caves are performing in terms of PVP activity?

And also possibly some thoughts about changes going forward to revs/PvP?

We're still actively monitoring the situation in the caves but I would like to provide more insight that is player facing in the near future.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Hipnog

Are you going to fix the infinite money exploit people are abusing anytime soon?

Have you reported this in-game as a bug? If not, could you do that please!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by throwaway1996-000

Are the changes to GWD happening in this update?

Yes! They're listed under

Teleporting out of an instanced or non-instanced God Wars Dungeon boss room with Last Recall will now teleport the player outside of the boss room when they use the Crystal of Memories. For more information, see this newspost.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Alexion031

"The Asgarnia Drops section of the Areas interface now correctly states that it affects dragon defenders"

Does this mean dragon defenders are affected by the passive drop rate modifiers?

EDIT: Well f**k me so I'm 600 kills dry at a 1/50, not 1/100 droprate

I'm sorry for your dry streak :(

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexFlippy - Direct link

Originally posted by assuasivedamian

Still slightly salty about getting steps in locked regions but this is a good improvement which should increase completion percentages without having to drop trick.

Cheers guys!

Yeah I understand that. As we've mentioned previously, we couldn't do it even if we wanted to at this point. It not only impacts the clue relic, but it's a big job to tackle. Something we're not comfortable doing post-development of the League.

We see clues very much as quests. They're sometimes completable and sometimes not depending on your area unlocks. We never intended for clues to be a viable strategy the same way they were in Twisted League, so I'm personally happy with where they are now with the new QoL fixes.

We'll take this feedback with us though going forward. Perhaps the purist-version of area lock wasn't the right strategy for clue scrolls in Trailblazer League. Dropping clues bring frustration that maybe doesn't belong in Leagues to a certain extent.

Either way, sorry for the novel and any frustration this may have caused. There's a million features we wished to have been added or functioned differently, but all we can do is to League-by-League improve on these matters! :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by OSRS_DTG

Welcome back Ayiza. I have a question - can the "light source" warning be removed when teleporting to the Slayer Tower Dungeon via the Crystal of Memories? It's pointless as a light source isn't required.

edit: Slayer Tower Dungeon (task only area)

I've sent it over to the team. Seems like a reasonable change :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexFlippy - Direct link

Originally posted by Invisisniper

I took treasure seeker and I've been holding onto my clues in the hopes that they may be region locked. Is this effectively confirmation I should start opening them and doing the ones I can?

Yes, they will not become region locked for Trailblazer so open away!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Kidd_Legend

Were defenders having increased drop rate always intended?

I believe it only impacts the drop rate of the Dragon defender, which is now correctly displayed in the Asgarnia Drops section of the league areas interface

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by iStarr

"Your Kill Count at the God Wars Dungeon can no longer be reduced by any means while playing on League Worlds."

Does this mean we can get 40kc at gwd then never have to get KC again? Because that's a huge and much appreciated change.

Yeah exactly that :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by jachymb

The amount of ether dropped by revenants has been doubled

This applies to league worlds as well?

Yep, the main game changes are also being applied to the league

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by killswitch_aus

made rune :D

Ayy grats! Now you just have to keep it up for another 2 months ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Magical_Femboy

I really wish 850 wilderness points for black chinchompas werent impossible without unlocking one of the areas with a box trap.

Of the few other cases where tasks require multiple regions, none of them lock out 850 points from an area.

I too would be frustrated, but there are a lot of tasks that are locked behind other regions and this is another example of that :(

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by e-Hax

Hey u/JagexAyiza, there was a hotfix that rune mysteries is autocompleted now once kandarin area is unlocked, however, when unlocking fremmenik area, this quest is completed, but task is still not done.

I've let the devs know thank you

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Wtfmymoney

Can wilderness have box traps added? Black chinchompas seem like an integral part of the wilderness and if you dont take kandarin or desert, you lose access to that content.

There are a lot of tasks that are locked behind other regions and this is another example of that but I completely understand your frustrations with it :(

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by JayceJuice

Hey Ayiza, Wondering if anything was happening regarding the ability to purchase imp jars? Some area's cant get/make then anymore if they screw up at puropuro

There are a lot of tasks that are locked behind other regions and this is another example of that unfortunately. I did ask but no planned changes as of yet for it sorry :(

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by cabbagemancan

u/JagexAyiza Sorry to direct reply to you - But do you think anyone can look at the Desert elite tasks? Mounting a KQ head in your house requires 1 -2 zones depending on how the taxidermist in sophenham works(Morytania taxidermist and Keldagrim for gold leaves), making this an impossible task for the region - Why is it a region task if it requires multiple to do?

There are a lot of tasks that are locked behind other regions and this is another example of that unfortunately. Same for me with a few tasks I really wanted to complete but cannot.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by maidenfreak

in the update is says that you cannot get anymore zeah steps but i just got a hard clue steps that requires me to go to the mess hall on zeah. Is this an oversight?

The team is aware of this clue and are working to get it removed :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Kalanski

Did music steps get removed as per stream also? It's not mentioned in that update that i could find.

They did but we forgot to add it into the newspost, sorry!

It's been added now:

Clue hunters will no longer receive steps for Falo, Sherlock, music and Zeah.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by PotatoFoSho

Sweet update, thanks for putting in the work. Is there any word on the wilderness pvp death bug in rev caves for leagues II? If you die in rev caves to pvp your stuff drops on the ground in the caves rather then respawning with you at a gravestone. Has already lead to a bit of corpse camping and it doesnt appear to work like this anywhere else in the wilderness.

Hey PotatoFoSho, it's an issue the team is aware of and are looking into. I'll make sure to update you all when we've got some more news about it.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Zalerion

Copying my comment about impling jars from the weekly q and a.

Is there any chance that impling jars could be looked at? The fact that you can mess up and permanently run out of jars without the right regions feels really bad. I traded for the magic butterfly net thinking for some reason that I got empty jars back but instead now just have the net and no jars with no way to make more. I don't care if it costs a million gp, could they be sold by a vendor or something for the rest of the league?

I understand that this week was probably focussed on high priority fixes. But maybe next week?

I did raise this after some feedback I received yesterday. We're still discussing it at the moment so I have no official answer to give you. In my opinion its a bit unfortunate to make the mistake of using all your jars without realising you'd need to keep at least one to get more, so I'd like to find a way to give you back a jar.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by OwnedTom

Looks like the change to set Chompy kills to 1001 was reverted or something. Just finished the quest and it's telling me to kill Chompys

Hey OwnedTom! If you check your ogre bow this should set your chompy kills :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by KreaHS

Do these rev changes affect league revs too?

Yes they do!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexFlippy - Direct link

Originally posted by iamcherry

Hey Flippy. Do you have any thoughts on incompletable tasks without taking other regions? For example, for Wildy there's 850 points if you have a box trap that you can only obtain from Frem/Kandarin/Desert. You can't be assigned Bloodvelds in Kandarin, etc.

For Wildy specifically it seems like a really large amount of points (850) that some players can't obtain in a region that already has extremely long grinds to obtain points.

Some regions don't have nearly as many points locked behind other regions (Like Asgarnia, only Infernal Tool) so I wasn't sure if it was intended that certain regions relied more on others to complete tasks or if mostly everything should be completable with the tools available in the region.


Sure thing, I just posted a tweet about this! https://twitter.com/JagexFlippy/status/1324335804890664965

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Blakdragon39

There's NO diary tasks that I've come up against that require multiple regions. Any that do are auto completed. Is this one maybe an over sight? It would be a real shame for the desert diary to be the only one that cannot be completed.

I swear I remember reading somewhere that getting a KQ Head drop was enough to complete the task, but it'll be a while before I can test that.

My apologies, I completely forgot about the Diary task for that. I've sent it over to the team to take a look at as I agree, you shouldn't have Diary tasks locked behind other regions if we've unlocked them for others.

Edit: you just need to get a Kq head or Kq head(tattered) drop instead and it will complete the task for you :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by EpicRussia

Can you fix the Cerberus location too so players can't just TP out when the ghosts come out, wait 10 seconds, and come back? It is the hardest part of that fight and is completely bypassed by Last Recall

Husky said this before so I'll just copy/paste his response

We were considering preventing it in Cerberus room as it skips an entire mechanic but to be honest it's just a cool and inventive way to use the Relic so we're leaving it as is!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexFlippy - Direct link

Originally posted by orion19819

We never intended for clues to be a viable strategy the same way they were in Twisted League, so I'm personally happy with where they are now with the new QoL fixes.

Wait. What? You gave clues an entire relic but didn't intend them to be a viable strategy? And locked like 7k points behind them? I'm sorry but that makes no sense to me. Was I literally just not supposed to pick the clue relic, and if so, why does it even exist?

According to this calculator the chance to complete a master clue without the relic is below 1%. And with the relic it's 1.36% using my regions. And there are multiple tasks for master clues. How is that ok?

I understand if for some technical issue it cannot ever be done. But it really sounds like you are saying you will not do it because of balance. But that just seems like such a weird choice. As someone who didn't play Twisted league, I didn't know clues were meta. So it feels really bad if the justification is. "They were good in Twisted so we wanted them to be bad in Trailblazer."

Yes, just because we're offering a Relic it doesn't mean we want you to revolve your account around clues.

Then perhaps I was too vague, sorry about that.

As someone who didn't play Twisted league, I didn't know clues were meta.

Many players built their accounts around completing clues in Twisted League. For some accounts, they essentially used clues as their only source of points. Clues in their nature are designed as a DnD, something you would do on the side. An opportunity for a rewarding distraction that comes as you are doing Skilling, PvM, you name it.

For Trailblazer Leagues, we wanted to try to mirror the core design of clues in the Relic and Task design. We did not want to see accounts revolving around completing clues, but instead for clues to be equally rewarding to everyone (and a little extra rewarding to people who picked one out of the 18 relics).

We did not want the power of clue scrolls to be limited to account builds revolving around clues and be mediocre for everyone else.

And locked like 7k points behind them?

League tasks have never been designed from a completionist perspective. Just because we're offering you 6k points from those tasks we do not expect anyone to complete all or even the majority of those. Clues are hard to complete in this League, so we reward you properly when you do. The large amount of tasks should help you do so even due to the RNG nature of clue scroll rewards.

There are 6k tasks to make sure you do get rewarded for the clues you manage to complete in an area-locked game mode.

And I can't stress this enough: This doesn't mean we think clues are in a perfect state. We prioritized dev-time where it was needed the most and I don't regret it even for a second. IMO clues are now in an OK state. We've now removed the worst steps and clues (just like so many other aspects of the game) still stay true to the region-locked challenge we're offer in this League. We don't have time to change it, we don't want to impact the META by changing clues or Tressure Seeker, so hopefully you can enjoy the rest of the game mode without being able to complete as many clues as you wished to have completed.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by cyanblur

Interestingly the equip a Leaf-Bladed Sword/Axe tasks aren't completable if you don't have Fremmy unlocked, despite Kurasks also being in Tirannwen. (Yes I reported this in game)

Those tasks specifically mention equipping them in Fremennik!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexFlippy - Direct link

Originally posted by orion19819

I appreciate you taking the time to respond, I really do. But I don't understand why the relic was kept if you did not want people to shape their accounts around it. Relics are account shaping by nature of how powerful they are. If both of the t4 relics were just 'whatever' then it would be fine. But unnatural selection is undeniably powerful, so that's not the situation.

I understand the concept of not being able to obtain all the tasks. The problem is that by looking at the tasks, then looking at the relic specifically for clues, there is zero reason to expect we were not supposed to be able to focus clues. This makes it feel like a trap more than anything.

If it's technically impossible. Or just truly too much work. I would seriously hope there is some concession that can be done for people who picked the relic. As everything in game points to clues being a viable route. And only people who watched the stream or read these messages would know otherwise.

If making clues better is just a no because of meta reasons. I just don't follow. Many best in slot items are still in slayer this league and the slayer relic will always be massively powerful. The only meta being maintained is the meta of laughing at anyone who didn't pick unnatural selection.

No problem at all, it's my job to do so! In this case I think you and me view Relics in two different ways.

I expect players to look at all the Relics and make up their account build based on what they think is the best or most fun combination. We didn't create all clue tasks because of one clue Relic. The Relic is simply there as an option for those who would prefer to do a little bit more clues over getting the slayer benefits from Unnatural Selection or the perks of 2nd Inventory (RIP) that we were planning to offer.

As we've stated previously, we got the balancing wrong on the 4th tier and it shows extra much when there are only two Relics to chose from. If Last Recall and one of the other T2 Relics were the only two to choose from in T2 we would probably get an equally harsh reaction there. But that's just me speculating.

As with Twisted League and future Leagues we will not do balancing changes to Relics mid-League because it will lead to people regretting their choices. For people who in this case picked Treasure Seeker it'd be amazing to see, for people who picked Unnatural Selection (but maybe would have picked Treasure Seeker if it was stronger) it's going to suck and be very disappointing. We don't want to have players regretting their permanent choices because we're doing balancing changes. People are getting ranked in the end of the League and they can't re-spec their Relics. So whatever we change, it will be unfair to those who have strategized based on what we offered at the start.

Other competitive games offers you the ability to adapt and using the new changes to your advantage in your next session, but we can't. Your choices are permanent and will remain until the League ends and you receive your rank. You get where I'm coming from?

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Helpful_guy

Production master makes it so you can 1-click cook an entire inventory of seaweed into soda ash, 1-click smelt an entire inventory of bars at a furnace, 1-click craft an entire inventory of jewelry in a furnace, 1-click fire an entire inventory of clay pottery, and 1-click blow an entire inventory of glass.

Why do I have to spend 2 hours slowly making molten glass 1-by-1?

It just makes no sense that combining sand and soda ash at a furnace happens 1 at a time given that literally everything else related to glassblowing and using a furnace processes the full inventory in 1-click.

Just seems like an oversight.

I agree with you and I've sent some feedback over to the team to figure out the reasoning behind it

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexFlippy - Direct link

Originally posted by eenx

Theoretically, if you could press one button and change the clues to work how everyone thought they'd work and everyone wants them to work, you'd do it.

These walls of text are just an elaborate justification for not investing dev time into this. I guarantee people would love it if ALL clues (not just clue relic clues) were pruned to your area. Even if it comes out halfway through leagues.

As it stands, this is the "clue juggling relic", which surely was not the design intention behind this relic?

These walls of text are just an elaborate justification for not investing dev time into this.

Yes, exactly. We don't invest dev time into any big content change at this point, including clue scrolls. The development for Trailblazer League is done. All developers have already started the work for our next project. The only work we're doing at this point for Trailblazer League is for rewards and hot/coldfixing bugs or tackling unexpected behaviour. Not adding any sort of new content.

As I mentioned, there's a million things we'd like to improve or change. But the League is done in terms of content and we'll take the feedback and criticism with us and try to improve it for the next League just like we did with Twisted League.

I don't think clues by any means makes or breaks the game mode unless you're aiming to build a stratergy around it.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexFlippy - Direct link

Originally posted by orion19819

For people who in this case picked Treasure Seeker it'd be amazing to see, for people who picked Unnatural Selection (but maybe would have picked Treasure Seeker if it was stronger) it's going to suck and be very disappointing.

Right. But my stance is. Which situation is better. Buff clues across the board (either by stopping impossible clues or just making it where t4 just gets both relics or something else) and everyone is better off overall. Even though maybe some people might get a slightly better buff. Or just keep it as is and clues are just miserable for everybody. And the clue relic just feels bad. I would gladly accept a compromise of the clue relic no longer guaranteeing the minimum steps as long as clues aren't impossible to finish as an example.

To me. I thought eternal jeweller had good synergy with treasure seeker. I did not realize it was supposed to just be a side activity that you do not focus on. I don't think the meta would ever shift away from unnatural selection with whips, dboots, black masks, and many other things being on the table.

It's my sincere hope that something can be done to at least lessen the pain. As like you said, my choice is permanent. And not one I would have considered if I knew there was no chance of a fix.

We have already said we're not going to change the way Relics work mid-League for balancing reasons.

I understand you see this as a "fix", but nothing with the Relic functions differently to what it states on the description. We and you knew the rules of the League and the description of the Relic from the very start. You should never pick a Relic in the hopes that we will buff it mid-League.

I understand you would personally like to see these changes, and I have seen other players wishing the same. I am just trying to give you insight to why we took this decision and to why we can't afford to do anything about it even if we wanted to. It will not change, but I hope you can find other aspects of the game mode that you enjoy.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexFlippy - Direct link

Originally posted by Kalanski

If you build a relic choice out of it you could assume a decent chunk of players wish to build a strategy around it.

Perhaps I worded it poorly. I meant to say "only build strategies around it".

As in: "I'm going to do clues instead of PvM or Skilling this League to get points" which we saw in Twisted League.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexFlippy - Direct link

Originally posted by orion19819

Unfortunate as you can make the whole situation better by changing clues themselves without needing to touch the relic itself.

Not going to lie. It's incredibly disappointing to hear that there will be 0 improvements for such a large aspect of the game and the tasks. My only hope is that for future leagues there are not relics dedicated entirely to aspects you do not want to support.

I wouldn't say we have made 0 improvements as we removed some of the most difficult clue steps today, listed in the update post based on player feedback.

Either way, I'm sorry to hear you're not happy with the approach and that it seems to heavily affect your experience in this League. I wish we could please everyone!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexFlippy - Direct link

Originally posted by orion19819

Is what it is. Appreciate the insight.

On a closing note. Option to reset account during a league please. So I can undo my mistakes. lol (I know that's a whole different can of worms you don't have to respond to.)

Thanks for all your hard work.

Edit: Also don't believe I've ever had this great of communication with a game company so kudos! Definitely looking forward to rest of the league and my main ironman that will receive the league rewards.

Yes now that we have the tech for that, it's definitely something to consider for future Leagues. Could help in many of these cases.

It's nice being able to discuss these things directly with players, one of the many perks of being a game developer. Thanks for your time! :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by BeneathSkin

I got the enchantment and it does in fact use a charge with every cast.. u/jagexayiza sorry for the tag, but would it be possible to look into this? All other spells/powered staffs save 90% of casts with the Double Cast relic. The Slayer Staff (e) uses a charge with every cast currently.

Hey, no worries at all :) If you haven't already could you please report this in-game as a bug and we can look into it further. Sounds reasonable to me that it would act the same as the other staffs