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Another screencap got posted today showing Mod Arcane giving insider trading information out on private discords. This is reaching Jed levels of absurdity.

The post in question shows Mod Arcane telling this clan that a buff to the ZBow is currently being discussed. Wouldn’t you all like to know that too? Isn’t it unfair that only some players get the inside scoop?

Leaking update information to private discords gives an unfair advantage to those clans in both meta strategies and market manipulation and I’m f*cking tired of it. You can’t just keep making a mockery of the entire community like this. IT IS CHEATING. STOP IT.

edit: Mod Ayiza has confirmed in the comments that all along the recent several Arcane leaks have all been fakes.

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over 2 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

I can't see the original thread or the screenshot in question because its been deleted, so forgive me if I got something wrong here as I've had to go off your comments (which may I add hasn't been fun, why do we have to be so hateful?).

There is nothing coming out in any blog discussing changes to the Zaryte crossbow. There might be the odd over a cup of tea conversation here and there, but that's literally an every day occurrence with many items.

The screenshots in this thread were faked, most likely by someone attempting to merch.

Arcane is one of the most passionate developers I've ever had the opportunity to work with. He puts in so much effort with his work and truly does care about the community and Old School as a whole.

The last few days have been quite frankly awful for him, and it's mostly down to this subreddit and its targeted hate towards him. I don't understand why some of you think it's acceptable to keep this up.

We JMods are only human. Sometimes we goof and make mistakes. Mistakes should be crtiticsed, and I'll always welcome that, but it saddens me to see that for some of you it's enough justification to just instantly assume the worst and become abusive :(

I'm preparing myself for the typical replies when I come out and say something like this, where you highlight how we're just trying to push the blame on you for being mean and we did nothing wrong. But this hate brigade over an honest mistake really needs to stop.

The reality is I've been working closely with Arcane around the Nex release and how communications were handled.

Whether you believe me or not is your decision to make, but I can assure you there was never any malicious intent or purposefully trying to give an advantage to certain players. The little information that was shared by Arcane around the Nex launch were from conversations driven by passion. After seeing so many negative comments about a boss that wasn't being approached with the best meta, he simply just wanted to spread the word and emphasise how not everything had been figured out, getting players to really think about their strategies before asking for further changes.

We both know and appreciate that speaking in Discord servers isn't ideal, and how doing so can seem rather hypocritical when we're purposefully withholding information elsewhere. We're genuinely sorry if you felt like it was unacceptable. I'd like to think this won't happen again and you can expect key details to be shared publicly going forward, but also expect to see conversations with JMods across social platforms continue - we love talking with you and being as involved as we are. Without it we'd miss out on so much valuable feedback.

Can we all just agree to log in and have fun on the Shattered Relics League now? :)

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by CoronaHerman

I think you’re overstating my positions. I don’t think I’ve said anything hateful. All along I’ve maintained that it is a genuine possibility that these screenshots could be faked.

It’s no secret that there have been handfuls of posts citing Mod Arcane leaking information and I’m glad we’ve gotten to the bottom of it here. If these have all along been fakes and there have been no insider leaks the whole time, that is something community needs to know.

Sorry, the comments weren't directly at you or your post, it was more to those commenting.

Whilst posts like these are misleading and only amplify the hate, I'm sure you had good intentions based on the assumption the screenshots were real at the time.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by hatesranged

The last few days have been quite frankly awful for him, and it's mostly down to this subreddit and your targeted hate.

I presume "your" refers to the subreddit/social media as a whole?

After you said that, I looked through OP's post history and I see (at least going back 2 weeks) nothing hateful towards anyone associated with osrs.

Yes most certainly as a whole, I'll edit that now as I don't want to give the wrong impression that OP is the issue!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Illustrious-Shallot9

Happy you cleared this up. Still dislike the man for nightmare and nex droptables tho.

That's fair enough, I don't think he'd argue with that 😅

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by HEROxDivine

Jagex employees shouldn’t even be having these kinds of conversations with players in private settings regardless of whether it’s faked or not. Don’t you think it’s a bit unfair that a specific group of players are able to receive tips that other players don’t have access to until it’s leaked?

Yes I do think it's unfair which is kind of what I said in my post. Going forward we'll try to ensure key information is shared fairly across the community.