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This will give everyone a clan to be in from the start. If you are cutting trees minding your business and you see a fellow guthix member being attacked by a zammy guy, you can come in and try to help your mate knowing that he can just fight back with you on the spot making it a 2v1. No joining a forum very organic team functionality. It also makes it a lot easier for a group of casual randoms to go pk together without fear of betrayal or anything.

The reason that there are three teams is because in games like elder scrolls online, and planet side you often have to claim objectives. With a two team system (zammy, Sara) one team will always be bigger or more dominate because people join the winning side. On a three team system (guthix) what tends to happen is the two underdogs naturally focus more on the bigger threat more than eachother, and forces the dominating team to split rescourses making them a less unified target.

A three team system brings balance to the world just like guthix intended. We may not have a capture locations on map system, but naturally clans do this already as we seen from last tourney where a clan locked down shilo.

This IMO would make Deadman way more accessible to everyone, and kinda give you a team to root for and have a feeling of being apart of a group without having to do anything on your part like more serious players do almost as a requirement.

The finals can still be a 1v1 for the prize money, the clans don't have to mean anything besides just a native way to group up with friends. It could be limited to seasonal too.

Naturally one team will be the largest this is the case with ESO and planet side. But even when given the choice to pick your team it is almost always a even split fight the whole way through.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

We've discussed similar ideas before, whether it's the entire tournament or just the final stages. I just don't think there's any getting around the fact that clans would make new accounts to ensure they're on the same team, or they would grief their teammates purposefully (running into barrage piles etc).

I think this would work if we had the same amount of interest in playing as the earlier Deadman tournaments, but at the moment it'd be difficult to get right because of the reasons above.

Happy to be convinced otherwise, and it could certainly form part of the overhaul we mentioned in yesterday's post.