Transcript (by Youtube)

4s hello hello hello everybody and welcome
8s to today's live stream before we get in
10s s thank you for the raid much appreciate
13s we saw that happened just before we went
15s live so I appreciate it uh if you
18s weren't aware dead man Armageddon begins
20s tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. BST and we are
24s here to catch everyone up on what you
26s can expect uh once the newest edition of
28s dead man kicks off uh first we'll go
31s over what's in store tomorrow so that
32s you can be prepared uh and afterwards we
35s will answer the most asked questions uh
37s you've asked across all our socials
39s about dead man Armageddon uh and then
41s we'll if you know for got some time
43s we'll go some chat questions as well uh
45s I am joined by my PVP stunt double modm
49s how are you you've worked uh pretty
51s pretty hard on dead man I'd say and it
53s will be out tomorrow how you
54s feeling yeah yeah pretty hard um I'm so
58s excited for it obviously uh I can't
60s believe it's starting in under 24 hours
63s now it's insane how quickly time has
65s gone it's halfway through July which is
66s mental but yeah I'm just I can't wait
69s for it it's going to be an absolute show
71s I feel like best dead man yet hopefully
73s apart from the original I don't think it
74s could be that but very excited Still
77s Still High Praise though still High
78s Praise is this like one of your like uh
81s other Christmas periods for the year
84s yeah I'd say this is probably better
85s than Christmas to be honest oh oh okay
89s this is mod Ms Christmas let's go all
91s right um I can use actually awesome we
94s were joking about not being able to use
95s that before but awesome uh now before we
98s kick things off uh I'm just going to
100s dress right at the start of the stream
102s even though it's not a wild guix stream
104s uh our team has been hard at work
106s working through all of your feedback uh
109s and have some tweaks and fixes lined up
111s uh based on that uh we should be able to
114s get you an in-depth update most likely
116s tomorrow uh with what you can expect but
118s we won't be answering any more wild Guff
121s seeps questions here because today we
123s are getting hyped for dead man it's time
125s for the pvpers out there to get excited
128s excited for once I feel like it's very
130s rare we get to do like a PVP Focus
132s stream and now we can so yeah get hyped
135s get hyped it's time uh before we jump
138s into uh letting you know what's coming
140s uh let's talk about our announcements
142s exclamation mark game update this week
145s sees while graffic sleeps feedback
147s changes uh drop adjustments more common
149s burning clause drops and more plus of
152s course the reason why we're here dead
154s man Armageddon begins tomorrow so you
156s can check that out with exclamation mark
158s game Update exclamation mark video C
161s engineer por khazard Katarina JCW or JCB
165s for those that know skill specs dyo pure
167s spam and elop 14 joined man to give you
170s the best tips and tricks you could need
173s before dead man Armageddon so after this
175s stream because you know you want to stay
177s tuned for all the stuff we've got to say
179s uh go and uh use exclamation mark video
181s and check that out is a very very good
183s uh handy tips and tricks guide uh
186s exclamation mark DMM uh you know if you
189s want to get a bit more prepared while
190s you're watching the stream you can check
191s out a handy blog to ready yourself for
193s dead man Armageddon including featuring
195s main game cosmetics new sigil better
198s breaches and a REI a revised finale and
202s much more uh and then we got two more
205s we're nearly there guys don't worry
207s exclamation mark poll 82 we've made a
209s hand changes to our pole 82 blog with
212s your feedback in mind and you can find
213s out the updated questions for the miname
216s makeover poll with exclamation mark poll
219s 82 and one of the most exciting things
222s especially for twitch we've got some new
224s emotes it's it's pretty cool we've got
227s them up on the stream right now uh and
230s they have been enabled in the BTV
233s extension uh which you know you can have
235s them there and they're also available in
237s the twitch chat so go ahead start using
240s them they're there for you uh and you
242s can use exclamation mark Jord bear if
244s you want to find out more as we've
246s partnered with The Talented Community
248s creator of the same name for the new old
250s school RuneScape emotes so check out her
252s profile to see all of her amazing
254s artworks uh and as you can see on the
256s screen they are adorable and amazing um
261s and as a little bit more information
262s here we wanted to make a remake the most
265s used emotes of twitch and Discord with
267s an old school touch so for example we
269s know how much you like uh pop friend so
272s we now have a cuff B pop friend emote uh
275s it was a must to you some of the most
277s iconic old school NPCs here uh and also
281s for the release of wild graffic sleeps
283s we also made sure to create some emotes
285s relevant to this iconic
288s Quest I feel like gigachad raid and Yapp
292s him will see a lot of use um man where
296s where are you sitting in your favorite
298s favorite one of this lot it's it's a mix
301s between pop friend and the the hypers
303s hypers is growing on me it was pop
305s friend originally but yeah hypers is
308s doing
309s well yeah yeah I I feel that I feel that
311s I'm a big fan of the gnome stair myself
314s uh even though I've got like an inverted
316s version on my script which looks even
318s more uh cursed which I'm a big fan of so
321s yeah lots of gnome stairs in the chat uh
324s when available uh awesome all right you
328s know what chat what SP your favorite go
331s for it you know use them that's what
332s that's what we got them there for you
333s know go for it uh they're available for
336s all our twitch followers you've got cuff
338s pop friend the wise old man lol Baron
340s hypers Crown cppy uh deed uh if your
344s favorite is one of these you know share
345s it in chat now uh and you know actually
348s why not share the D emote in honor of
350s DMM launching tomorrow let's go uh yeah
353s and you can use them at beta TV as well
356s and we also have these emotes available
358s on Discord so you can type exclamation
359s mark disc ORD for a link to our official
361s server and try all the emotes there too
364s I my big ramble is over that's not DMM
368s related but now we can get on to the
370s second ramble which is DMM related which
373s I'm sure you guys are all here and all
375s excited for um so we thought we'd
377s highlight a few things we'd like to chat
379s through before we go in so this year we
382s will have four breaches per day up from
385s the previous number of three and
387s introduce brand new region breaches now
390s region breaches see monsters spawn
392s across the entire area such as mellin
396s asgarnia perhaps even vmore obviously
400s you'll have to wait and see and jump in
402s and find out yourself uh but one of
404s these will spawn at a completely random
406s time meaning the schedule looks a little
409s bit like this so one uh breach will
411s happen at 300 a.m. BST a second breach
415s will happen at 11:00 a.m. BST and the
419s final breach will happen at 80000 p.m.
422s BST and the Mystery One totally random
426s could literally pop up at any moment of
427s the day maybe at the same time one of
429s the breaches who knows so you're going
431s to have to pick your pick your battles
432s carefully all right so just keep that in
435s mind and again they could appear pretty
438s much anywhere I'd say maned I don't know
440s if there's many areas off you know off
443s that yeah I mean we tried to for the
446s region breaches we Tred to make it more
448s areas where the normal breaches don't
450s really occur just to you know mix it up
453s where people actually go
455s to yeah there you go so just keep an eye
457s you know you might be chopping uh
459s chopping Willows at dror at some point
461s and then boom you know jads in there
463s smacking your about or something I don't
465s know so uh just be be prepared uh and
468s then right second thing you should know
470s is the prize poll is
473s $25,000 from which you yes you can earn
476s a slice of by earning points by
479s participating in bre and progress in
481s your account however this year for the
483s very first time you'll be able to use
485s those points to earn tradable cosmetic
488s rewards in the main game it's I think
490s it's a first for a PVP event M but but
494s feel free to correct me if I'm wrong yep
496s no wanted it for years and I'm so happy
498s I I looked at my old tweets and I was
500s begging for cosmetic rewards so yeah
502s finally got there there we go finally
505s yeah it's been it's been a while and I
506s feel like the pvpers out there deserve
509s some sort of cosme
510s at last for something like this uh so
512s it's good it's good uh and it's not just
515s breaches either remember that points can
517s be earned by progressing your account in
519s a number of ways it doesn't matter how
521s you want to play this dead man whether
523s you want to pvm whether you just want to
524s sit there and skill whether you want to
526s do quests combat achievements
527s achievement Diaries clue Scrolls or you
529s just want to PVP and do the breaches
531s there are plenty of way to earn points
534s uh so you can get those cosmetic rewards
537s so you know there's a little bit for
538s everyone here even though dead man is
540s primarily a PVP focused uh event you
544s have plenty of opportunity uh to get
546s those points no matter how you on so
549s which is pretty cool I think Mt pretty
552s cool it's GNA be
553s great uh right rewards and we told you
556s about rewards uh so if you haven't seen
558s them I'm sure you will have but you
559s voted on these uh earlier this year in
562s case you need a reminder here's a full
564s preview of the god cap Bri colors uh can
567s we get that up on screen there we go
570s very very cool um oh man the gothics one
573s looks so nice unbiased though all the
575s gothic stuff looks
577s good we do have and perhaps which is our
580s favorite the home teleport animation
583s override which is so nice so good uh man
589s I don't know if you want to talk a
590s little bit about uh the inspiration for
593s this uh the inspiration for me was hey
596s Art team can we have a a home teleport
599s for dead man and then they
601s cooked they did cook they sort of just
604s went yeah all right we hear you and they
606s came up with this amazing it's so good
608s it's so good this is this is like one of
611s the reasons I want to play dead man now
612s like honestly so yeah pretty cool stuff
618s again if you want to see the other ones
619s feel free to go uh and check out the
621s blog with exclamation mark DMM should
624s see them in there uh right next thing
628s you should know is uh you you'll be able
630s to purchase these in the main game from
631s Nigel in lumbridge graveyard after dead
634s man Armageddon wraps up and your points
637s are transferred over I don't know if
639s we're revealing the amount of points yet
641s are we maned we're keeping that hush for
644s now we'll probably discuss that later on
648s interesting interesting so maybe maybe
650s we'll get a sneak peek of that um but
652s our new finale format means you might be
654s able to blag your way to the end of the
656s world and earn Cold Hard Cash Plus a
660s dead man Armageddon exclusive medal
663s which is a first for DMM as well uh so
666s if you've seen the leagues ones they're
668s very similar to that in the sort of like
669s style would be the logo and uh you know
672s you could you could bag yourself one of
673s them as well as some cash uh this year
676s we're splitting the finale into five
678s combat brackets 45 to 50 51 to 70 71 to
683s 90 91 to 110 and finally 111 to 126
689s where the winners from each bracket will
691s earn prizes allowing you to try and
693s Theory craft or optimize your way to win
696s in a lower combat brackets like we've
698s never seen before what was uh what was
700s your what was your reasoning behind uh
702s this this change M just thought it'd be
705s really funny to see a bunch of like
707s people in you know blue wizard robes
709s trying to fight against each other and
711s then against a bunch of NPCs as well in
714s a finale and I think it's it's just
716s there's going to be so many different
717s strategies
720s oh everyone oh you're back you're back I
724s think I think you glitched a bit my bad
727s guys yeah sorry everyone's seen kind of
730s level 126s fighting it out but no one's
733s ever seen 100 level 50s fighting it out
736s so I think it will be quite nostalgic to
738s an extent and should be a lot of
740s fun I really do think it might be some
743s of the most chaotic brackets we see in
746s the lower levels which I'm I'm really
749s looking forward here too which is
752s fantastic um yes so uh let's have a look
756s alternative you can still earn prize
758s money uh and medals by scoring points
760s and moving up the leaderboard for
762s entries into our raffle draw uh so you
765s know not just have to be the top players
766s but I think mate do you want to explain
768s that a bit more in terms of how they can
770s uh get onto that so the top uh 20% if
774s you're in the top 20% you have a chance
776s to win basically um and then it goes
779s goes up by the percentage of points so
782s the top 20% there's one winner then the
784s top I want to say 5% there's two winners
787s I think then top 1% there's another two
788s winners basically goes like that that's
790s all in the blog for the actual like
793s amount of people that will win but we
794s wanted to give you know the Casual
796s player who maybe isn't the best at PVP
798s but is an insane Skiller and can get
800s loads of points and get really high on
802s the lead leaderboard a chance to
803s actually win
804s something it's very very cool there's a
807s lot lot of uh lot of thought for a lot
808s of players in this in this version which
810s is really good but obviously the the
812s pvpers are still probably primarily uh
814s the prime target for this dead man of
816s course um of course beyond that we've
819s got brand new breach monsters brand new
822s corrupted Weaponry blighted overloads uh
826s changes to prayer that are sure to shake
828s up the lower brackets with riger and
829s augre reworked revived and rebalanced
833s sigils Global loot table changes and
835s your very first chance to experience
838s recent releases like scarus volore or
842s tormented demons in a dead man setting
845s so that is some big sort of overview
848s things uh about DMM which I think is
852s quite exciting I would say very exciting
854s I've seen a lot of hype around this dead
856s man um you guys man and the team have
859s been I I I I I'm pretty sure I remember
863s since the end of the last one you guys
865s were like right we've got a bunch of
867s things we want to change um is exciting
870s to finally be able to say like you guys
872s can experience it
874s now yeah uh I think last dead man we
877s cated loads of feedback obviously and
879s sometimes is too late to implement
881s feedback um due to you know certain
883s restrictions we've got so we made sure
885s we implemented it for this one so again
887s I think this one will be the best one
889s hopefully the most balanced so it should
891s just be the most enjoyable for everyone
894s involved awesome hopefully you say that
896s about the next one as well and the next
898s one after that and it will just
899s continually improve that's the The Hope
902s dream yes indeed all right so that is uh
906s that is our little sort of like
908s information uh dump over uh but I think
912s we should get on to some q&as because
914s M's probably been sitting there for a
915s while not speaking much and I would like
917s a swig of water I'm not going to lie so
920s we will start with what time on Friday
922s does DMM actually launch mate so it
926s actually starts in just under 24 hours
930s um so it's currently 5:20 p.m. in the UK
934s and it starts tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. so
937s whatever time zone you're in uh 20
939s minutes ago it starts tomorrow that was
941s the worst way I could have worded that
942s probably but yeah in 23 hours and 40
945s minutes there you go there you go
947s wherever you are yeah wherever you are
949s that counts 23 hours and 40 minutes or
952s just under 24 hours so there you go so
954s just set your alarms check your clocks
957s whatever set your timers up go to bed
959s maybe a bit earlier than you normally
961s would or way later depending on on how
963s you're taking on this dead man you know
965s make sure you get that sleep in cuz I
967s imagine a lot of you going to be staying
969s up for quite a while playing this
971s especially on day one so uh yeah get
973s yourself prepared get your meals prepped
975s you know we know what you're like so
977s let's yeah just just get at it just get
979s at it guys um all right will we need to
981s speak to Nigel again on world 45 if we
984s wish to play dead man on that account or
986s will all accounts log in into Armageddon
988s be automatically reset on
991s 45 so there's there's a few ways this
994s works um if you did play dead man
998s apocalypse so the last dead man and um
1002s yeah you made any progress then you
1004s should or hopefully you've logged into
1006s World 45 and transferred your account um
1009s if you've done that then that's great
1010s you need to go to Nigel in lumbridge and
1013s uh reset your account you just talk to
1015s him and say yeah I want to reset
1017s everything and then on Friday day you
1019s can just log into the worlds if you
1021s played dead man apocalypse and you
1023s didn't transfer your account to World 45
1025s all you need to do is log into a Dead
1027s Man Armored world and reset your account
1029s it will it will prompt you and you just
1030s reset your account and if you've never
1032s played dead man before uh you've never
1034s played dead man permanent before which
1036s is World 45 then you can just straight
1038s up just log in and uh have fun and oh
1041s yeah um everything on those accounts
1044s will be reset there's like eight
1045s different questions saying are you sure
1047s you want to reset this so yeah
1049s everything's lost otherwise you'd be
1051s bringing literally everything that
1053s you've got currently in permanent dead
1054s man to dead man Armageddon and it
1056s wouldn't be a fresh economy so of course
1058s we want everything to be fresh and fun
1060s so yes so just be aware if you're going
1063s to do this it will reset your account
1066s your world 45 account not your main
1068s account just your world 45 account so if
1070s you don't want that to happen maybe hop
1073s on a new account or an Al that you've
1074s got instead that you you don't mind that
1076s happening to uh so just make sure again
1079s like M said there are plenty of warnings
1081s but we will give you another just to be
1083s safe uh all right thank you m are there
1087s any learnings from previous DMM that
1089s you've applied here for dead man
1091s Armageddon yeah um so much balancing
1095s this time around I think we kind of we
1097s took what we had last dead man and just
1098s tried to make this one a lot more
1100s balanced around that so we have
1101s introduced new systems like region
1103s breaches but then we've also worked on
1105s sigils to try and make them more you
1107s know enjoyable give more variet through
1110s trying to balance them all and not make
1112s them all a lot weaker but make a lot of
1114s them more strong actually um because it
1116s should be hopefully more enjoyable
1118s you're only playing for two weeks so you
1120s know you want to have a good time for
1121s that entire time so we're making you
1123s really powerful and you know you might
1125s never have done raids or never have done
1127s some form of pvm and you might easily be
1130s able to do that now because you've got
1132s sigils so that will give you kind of
1134s that that boost of confidence to
1136s potentially Do It um and yeah I think
1139s think that was our our um mindset for
1142s the whole dead man just keep it don't go
1145s too crazy with it make sure everything
1147s is balanced people should enjoy
1149s themselves ensure we cater to kind of
1151s everyone if we can um and that was our
1156s approach sick thank you very much M all
1160s right here's a good qu I will answer
1162s something that I saw in chat yes you
1164s will need membership to play dead man uh
1167s like most other timed game mode things
1170s like leagues yes you do need membership
1172s so just bear that in mind before you
1174s start make sure you have membership on
1176s your account because you don't want to
1177s be logging on and being like Oh no I
1180s can't get in what's going on losing
1182s valuable seconds you know you don't you
1184s don't want to be doing that uh right so
1187s the next thing is which is I think a
1188s really good question to ask assuming
1192s I've never played DMM before why should
1194s I care about this
1196s one yeah it's a great question I think
1199s lot of people see dead man as just a PVP
1201s game mode and you know kind of just
1203s dismiss it from there um we have really
1206s tried to make it a lot more casual
1207s friendly I think the Cosmetic rewards
1210s are kind of the biggest appeal for
1211s someone who maybe isn't very interested
1213s in PvP but you know enjoys RuneScape as
1216s well as you know dead man because it's a
1218s limited time game mode you have so many
1220s different Buffs that just make the
1221s gameplay feel a lot more enjoyable um
1224s and uh like I said earlier we've tried
1226s to balance everything a lot more for
1228s this dead man so if you are a casual
1230s player and you you know you just want to
1232s skill you don't need to PVP in dead man
1235s uh you can just you know you can play it
1237s really smart and and stay to Safe zones
1239s or or just keep your wits about you when
1241s you're running around and you could
1242s probably I think you could get all of
1244s the Cosmetic rewards without actually
1247s having to run into any PKS um so yeah
1250s basically just tried to make it more
1253s enjoyable for everyone involved not
1255s primarily focused on the pvpers um
1258s giving points for any piece of content
1260s people might like doing like you might
1261s love doing Clues well great you can go
1264s do clues you can get loads of points and
1265s you can get those rewards um so yeah
1268s we've tried
1269s to slightly go away from just making it
1271s for you know Clans and like people that
1273s just want to be really sweaty and and
1275s take over everything on their own and
1278s more for everyone to have an enjoyable
1282s time I I will say something I found when
1284s I played the last DMM uh and maybe I'm
1288s giving my own little tactics away but I
1290s think I think it's nice especially for
1292s the more casual players honestly do some
1295s quests that will give you access to
1297s areas that people don't normally do
1300s because you'll be surprised how many
1302s places you can duck in and people can't
1305s come and chase you you know I'm just
1307s going to call our Elemental workshop for
1309s one uh I used that last emm to duck out
1311s of so many people trying to kill me
1314s because they couldn't access that uh
1315s which uh made it made it very very nice
1319s to play that I had some sort of Escape
1321s method which was nice um awesome all
1324s right so uh question five what are you
1327s as a designer most looking forward to in
1329s this
1331s DMM I think just to see how everything
1334s interacts with each other obviously we
1337s kind of design components individually
1340s and we have the whole picture in mind
1342s like we want everything to work well and
1343s syn synchronize well together but to
1346s actually see it come to life and to see
1348s people you know go to the breaches um
1351s get the the new secondary that's used
1353s for the new blighted overload potions
1355s and just kind of you know see how
1357s everything inter links and works um is
1360s the thing I'm most excited for and
1361s obviously just to see the content um
1363s that everyone gets up to as well as you
1366s know feedback from players saying I've
1368s seen a lot and I mean a lot of comments
1371s from people saying this is going to be
1372s my first dead man I'm very excited and
1375s and that to me is so exciting so I'm I'm
1377s really hopeful that you know people get
1378s stuck in and just enjoy it because I
1380s don't think enough people you know give
1382s it a chance so hopefully this time
1384s around people give it a chance and
1385s realize oh you know what maybe dead man
1387s was actually you know for me even though
1389s I thought it
1392s wasn't yeah honestly I would give it a
1395s go if if you've never done DMM or any
1397s PVP just jump in and give it a go
1399s especially if you already got membership
1400s like it's worth jumping into and just
1402s seeing what it's like you know you might
1404s find that you really enjoy it you might
1405s find this ain't for me but you know what
1408s there are opportun need to skill in this
1409s dead man which is great or Quest or do
1411s whatever so I feel like to M's point is
1415s probably the best dead man for any kind
1418s of player to get involved in you know
1421s it's a good opportunity and again if you
1422s don't like it cool just you know go play
1424s the main game like normal but we I I
1427s would highly encourage you as a more
1430s casual player to to to go on and give it
1432s ago cuz I did and I had a great time uh
1435s last
1436s DM um awesome I will say I saw something
1438s in the chat which you might be able to
1440s answer M uh do I have to play on my Iron
1443s Man if I want to get the
1445s Cosmetics yeah so all the rewards are
1448s tradeable so obviously if you're a main
1450s account and you you're not interested in
1451s dead man and but you do want the rewards
1453s you don't have to play you can just let
1455s someone else play it and then buy the
1457s the Cosmetics off them if you know
1459s they're willing to sell them but yeah if
1461s you do want it on your Iron Man you will
1462s need to reset your world 45 account if
1464s you do have a world 45 account um and
1467s then use your Iron Man account to play
1469s in dead man and then you'll have those
1470s rewards and I I don't think we've
1472s actually mentioned this yet but you will
1474s get the rewards for your old school
1475s account and your world 45 account so you
1477s can actually buy the rewards on both of
1479s those profiles if you are a you know
1481s keenwood 45 player as well there you go
1484s so there you go so if if you don't
1486s really want to get rid of your world 45
1487s account I imagine you'll just be able to
1489s be like you know what I'll see if it's
1490s on the GE which is quite of nice so you
1493s know you can play on an all and keep
1494s your world 45 progress if you'd like um
1497s awesome stuff all right let's go to
1499s something more specific now man will the
1503s private instance of scaras still reward
1506s XP um if you've got in there you're
1509s going to have to file a bug report
1511s because you shouldn't be able to get
1512s into the private instance for scarus
1514s where we've disabled that you know
1515s you're going to have to go in the public
1516s room for everyone with everyone even so
1519s um good luck out there it is multi um if
1521s you decide to go there or I'm I'm
1524s already feeling a mass at some point on
1527s maybe one of the streamers uh doing a
1529s mascaras run which will be very very fun
1533s uh so I'm I I might float around if I
1536s can on my jmod account seeing what
1538s people are up to because it's always fun
1539s seeing uh what people are doing in in
1542s DMM uh all right let's talk about
1544s valmore next will there be any safe
1546s Banks uh within the region uh or will
1549s the entire region be
1551s dangerous bore is going to be a scary
1554s place I know the perilous moons um boss
1558s fights that's going to be really scary
1559s because I think that's multi um so you
1562s can get very well rewarded for that um
1565s content but yeah it's going to be very
1566s dangerous no no banks are safe on
1568s valmore valmore is enter at your own
1573s risk there you go interesting
1575s interesting so you know take it take
1578s that as you will you know if you can
1579s risk Valore uh maybe you want to do some
1581s Hunters rumors to get that up or or take
1584s on the Coliseum be aware you will be uh
1588s I mean I imagine just very exposed there
1592s so just be careful all right uh let's
1595s talk a bit about uh one of the rewards
1597s next M what rooms will the dead man rug
1599s be usable in uh just rooms with carpets
1601s alone or can I use it in my Nexus
1604s room
1605s so I was meant to check this actually I
1608s I have I have run around in my house
1611s before and I was just going to all the
1613s rug spaces and adding it to them so I
1615s want to say it's available in a lot of
1617s the uh different rooms I I can't quite
1620s remember exactly which one cuz it was my
1621s colleague who actually did this um
1623s implementation for for the rugs um but
1626s you will need multiple rugs for each um
1628s room as
1630s well there you go so maybe that's what
1632s you want to spend all your points on is
1633s making your P look as deadly as possible
1635s so there we go uh speaking of the dead
1639s man rug how will the other rewards work
1641s when we've purchased
1643s them so the other rewards we're doing it
1646s a little bit differently um obviously a
1648s lot of the corrupted weapons and the uh
1651s Cape Cosmetics typically you know people
1654s die in in runescope and they lose their
1656s items so what we've done is when you buy
1659s one of the Scrolls from Nigel in
1661s lumbridge graveyard you you'll use that
1664s scroll on Nigel and then you basically
1666s unlock the ability to uh override uh
1669s your item with the Cosmetic so then you
1672s could take 20 ags's use them all on him
1676s and override all of them and then
1678s whenever you die and you actually lose
1680s your AGS um the PK will obviously get a
1682s normal AGS and and the the Cosmetic
1685s override will just be gone but it should
1688s hopefully make it a lot nicer for people
1690s uh if you want to override 20 major
1692s arena 2 capes so you don't have to
1694s constantly um you know re- uh add the
1698s Cosmetic you can do that so it should be
1700s a lot nicer hopefully um and you know
1703s for like a uim for example if they get
1705s the unlock they can you know get they
1708s can put the Cosmetic override whenever
1710s they want um or or or not you know um so
1714s yeah it should hopefully be it's a bit
1715s different than what we've done in the
1716s past but hopefully it should be quite
1717s nice for people oh and I don't know
1719s whether we're going to talk about it at
1721s all later on May maybe you've got a
1723s question for me later on about it but to
1725s find out the how much uh each reward
1727s does cost you can currently go to Nigel
1730s in the graveyard trade with him and you
1732s can see all of the rewards you can see
1735s how much they all of them cost so you
1737s know kind of what to aim
1739s for there you go so you can already
1741s pre-plan your uh DMM journey I suppose
1745s with your points uh knowing the cost of
1747s things and what a lovely change honestly
1749s mate what a nice change so throw a lot
1752s of love for that in the chat which is
1753s great uh let's talk about we we go over
1756s some tips and tricks what what can you
1758s share with us for this emm what to watch
1761s out for what to do to be prepared I will
1764s say uh you can also watch regardless of
1767s this stream exclamation mark video after
1770s the stream uh I think it's a 23 minute
1773s video uh which will go over a ton of
1776s information about uh what you can uh you
1780s know tips and tricks that are very very
1781s handy no matter what type of player you
1783s are I feel like the video does a really
1784s good job covering every kind of player
1787s uh but M what what have you
1789s got yeah um I've seen some questions in
1792s the chat that I might go over quickly so
1794s um yeah go for it go for it some TP some
1796s tips and tricks someone's asked how do
1797s you get tier three sigils they've never
1800s seen it answered if you go to the higher
1802s level brackets you're more likely to
1803s obtain them in the lower level brackets
1805s you can't actually get them so you need
1807s to be I I I can't remember exactly if
1809s it's the third or fourth bracket you
1811s know the the 91 to 110 or higher those
1814s the brackets where you can get the
1815s better tier sigils and we have actually
1818s added sigils from Skilling this time
1820s around so there's a like wood cutting
1822s fishing you can get sigils from those so
1826s the the tier of sigil is related to the
1829s combat bracket you're in um so you can
1831s literally if you're cutting an oak tree
1833s and you're in the top bracket you could
1835s get one of the best sigul you know we're
1837s trying to make it a lot more open for
1839s people um and you know for casual people
1841s that want to play I also saw another
1842s comment which was if I've only got three
1844s hours to play am I wasting my time I'm
1846s pretty sure you could quite easily get
1848s all of the Cosmetic rewards um by
1850s playing three hours a day um if if not
1852s have excess points uh and you could
1854s definitely have a lot of fun the the
1855s reason we've got brackets these days is
1858s to allow people to kind of cater their
1860s play style to um the game mode obviously
1863s dead man typically you think okay I need
1866s to compete with streamers that are
1867s playing 18 hours a day well no you don't
1870s anymore you can you can sit in a lower
1873s uh combat bracket like 3 to 50 and do
1876s you know how long it takes to to get an
1878s account that's level 50 when you've got
1880s 10 times XP it would be a couple like a
1883s couple of hours right so it's it's going
1885s to be a lot more accessible if you don't
1886s have as much time to play you can
1888s literally just stay in a lower bracket
1890s you only have to compete with people
1891s that are very low stats and can't get
1894s amazing gear so you never really going
1896s to be out geared and stuff and funnily
1898s enough that's what I plan to do as well
1900s um I'm going to be starting late because
1902s I'm I'm working uh the the evening and
1904s the following day to make sure
1905s everything's in order for dead man so
1907s I'm going to start late and I'm going to
1909s play in the lower brackets and have some
1910s fun and yeah I guess I didn't really
1912s answer the question did I for tips and
1913s tricks the tips and tricks I think
1916s definitely the video that we did upload
1918s had so many tips and tricks if you
1920s literally
1922s YouTube dead man Armageddon osrs there
1926s are so many guides right now by content
1928s creators that are giving you like this
1931s is what you can do in these brackets
1932s this is how you can make money and they
1934s have so many good points where it's just
1936s like you know bring food with you have a
1938s have a plan if you don't have a plan
1941s just have a goal that you want to hit
1943s and and just go for that um I I think
1945s yeah me being able to say specific tips
1947s and tricks right now is probably not
1948s wouldn't be too helpful for people but
1950s there's so many videos for you to to get
1952s information from if you want to have a
1953s look at
1955s those there you go plenty of sources out
1957s there so go have a go have a explore
1959s maybe your favorite content creator has
1960s a video maybe watch that maybe if not go
1963s to someone that you know maybe is quite
1965s you know versed in PvP and uh wants to
1967s give you some extra information maybe
1969s there's some Skiller ones out there who
1970s knows go and have a look uh I think
1972s that's very good advice very good advice
1974s mate um awesome all right what's the
1977s best way to get good at PVP as an Iron
1980s Man before the mode starts uh this
1982s person in particular says I've done LMS
1985s but want to learn more in
1987s depth yeah okay um before before dead
1991s man starts you've got you know 23 hours
1993s and 23 minutes um I would probably um if
1997s you've done some LMS I'd say you're
1998s actually like probably you know average
2001s um already but for dead man specifically
2003s you probably want to focus on your
2005s escapes um because escapes are huge and
2008s if you know again we cover this in the
2010s video that we uploaded and it is none
2012s other than skill specs who teaches you
2014s about this but freeze hugging people so
2017s this is where you catch a freeze on the
2019s peak air trying to kill you and you run
2021s around a tree and you can just Escape
2023s for free that will save you 99% of the
2027s time in dead man so you know that is a
2030s great thing to learn before it starts um
2033s and you will annoy a lot of PKS by
2035s knowing that so yeah I think that it's
2038s like kind of the biggest thing um
2040s otherwise uh probably just jumping on
2042s like a low level and and learning how to
2044s PK people um it sounds really weird but
2046s knowing kind of when to spec um is is
2049s going to help you a lot knowing how to
2050s get food out of the bank sounds silly
2052s but when you open the bank and you're
2054s panicking because you're getting
2055s attacked by someone with knives um
2057s knowing you know where you need to click
2059s you can actually put a food right in the
2062s middle of your bank interface and then
2064s whenever you click on the chest to open
2067s it you just click you just keep on
2068s clicking again in the same spot and it
2070s will keep on uh clicking on that food so
2072s you can withdraw food without
2074s necessarily being really good you know
2077s um so there there's so many little
2078s things that you can do um again that
2081s video that we uploaded covers a lot of
2083s it yeah honestly I can't recommend it
2085s enough I watched it yesterday and I was
2086s very very insightful massively
2089s insightful so yeah go and check it out
2091s exclamation mark video I think it was
2093s maybe I'm wrong but exclamation Mar
2094s video after the stream or you know have
2096s it on in the background Maybe you know
2098s who knows who knows whatever you want to
2100s do uh all right next question then will
2102s the new imbued God capes have a Max Cape
2106s variant so no I think we did discuss
2110s this internally and we want to keep Max
2113s Cape variants for very specific you know
2116s best in slot kind of uh things of course
2119s technically the imbued god capes are
2122s best in slot for mage but because it's a
2124s dead man variant it felt a little bit
2125s wrong to you know then do a dead man
2128s imbued God Cape Max Cape variant so
2130s we're not going to do that I I would I
2132s would love it but I completely agree
2134s with the team that we shouldn't so we're
2137s not going to for this and I don't think
2140s they'll be stored in the PO um cap rack
2143s but again like I said earlier you can
2146s remove you can add and or remove the
2148s Cosmetic override whenever you want so
2150s if you can currently store the regular
2152s uh imbued cape in your PO you can just
2155s quickly use the cape on Nigel and then
2157s just put it in your in your house and
2158s then you're chilling and then whenever
2160s you want to use it again you go back to
2161s Nigro and use the cape on him so yeah
2163s free
2165s storage free storage indeed there we go
2168s um all right here we go this one's a
2170s very very specific question I will say
2173s uh how does the shield of ARA
2175s autocomplete work with
2177s gangs um so you're it's just RNG it
2181s literally
2183s thinks are you going to be a zero are
2185s you going to be a one and then you get
2187s assigned a zero or one and then you're
2188s in a gang of old schools
2192s choosing the mercy of RNG I like that
2195s maybe we should have made that uh the
2197s actual
2198s quest Quest variable to be like oh no
2202s all my mates are now Phoenix gang I'm
2203s going to have to find someone I'm have
2205s to speak to another
2207s individual uh but I'm sure we won't
2209s change it but I love the chaos so you
2211s know unbiased uh all right next one uh I
2216s mean we've already gone over that the
2217s Poss to for iren uh with current world
2220s 145 accounts to earn the new Cosmetics
2222s yes but obviously uh you'll need to
2226s reset your account so just bear that in
2227s mind uh all right bear that in mind uh
2232s mate I will just confirm with you next
2233s one because this is highlighted a bit
2234s funky in the script is question 16 okay
2238s yep go for it sick all right what is
2242s swapping I've seen this in the chat come
2243s up a little bit why do people do it is
2246s it safe and if not why is it
2249s allowed okay so swapping is where you
2253s have some dead man gold and a player has
2256s some old school gold and they give you
2259s the dead man gold and you give them the
2261s old school gold or or whatever it is you
2263s know whichever way you're swapping and
2265s then basically you're gaining one
2266s currency they're gaining another
2268s currency that's the basic premise of it
2271s why do people do it well there's certain
2272s people that want to really grind really
2275s hard um and there's other people that
2278s don't want to play you know dead man
2280s maybe that competitively and just want
2282s to make you know a bunch of money for
2284s bonds so it's a it's a way for people to
2287s do that um to to allow people to do
2290s different play Styles is it safe
2293s technically no um it is completely down
2295s to trust trades uh would absolutely love
2298s for us to implement a feature that
2300s allowed us to have like a built-in
2302s system for this I have I have requested
2304s it don't worry I have requested it but
2306s it's apparently going to take a lot of
2308s work to actually Implement that so um
2311s currently it is do it at your own risk
2314s um and and it's allowed because it just
2316s it's very hard you know to to police I I
2320s think it would take a lot of resources
2322s for us um so and you know it's not I
2324s wouldn't necessarily say it's it's that
2326s bad for the game as a whole you know
2328s we've got combat brackets these days uh
2330s you're not competing against someone
2332s who's in the level 126 bracket who's got
2335s Max gear uh and you're just you know
2338s chilling and you're level 5050 so you're
2341s kind of relaxed and also for those
2343s casual players out there that you know
2345s might not know how to make money that
2347s easily um in old school you can
2349s literally jump into dead man and you can
2351s probably do like kill Green dragons or
2353s something and you can you're probably
2354s making like 10 mil an hour or something
2356s ridiculous you know it's it's very good
2358s rates um on dead man the swapping rate
2360s is typically very good so um it can be
2362s quite fun for people to to make a lot
2364s more money than they normally would as
2366s well yeah I will just re reiterate
2370s iterate there we go reiterate the point
2372s of uh just be careful when you're doing
2375s it like obviously we are not policing it
2378s and we we can't police it right now um
2381s so if you're going to swap just know
2383s that you are doing it at your own risk
2385s you know so just take the due diligence
2388s you know and double check triple check
2390s quadruple check wherever you're you know
2392s whatever you're doing to swap that goal
2393s just just make sure you are you know it
2396s is a risk every time you do it um so
2399s just bear that in mind if you're going
2400s to do it and you haven't done it before
2403s um awesome all right next question then
2405s uh for the one in 500 chance at
2408s obtaining a global loot table drop from
2411s wood cutting in danger zones uh does the
2414s free time sigil make that a three out of
2416s 500 chance or still one out of 500 you
2419s get Triple
2421s resources uh so that will still be a one
2423s in 500 but you get Triple resources it's
2425s the same for the XP I believe you still
2427s only get XP for one resource um so yeah
2429s it's basically just per action so per
2431s every time you hit the tree and you get
2434s one log two logs three logs doesn't
2435s matter how many logs you get it's just
2437s that is is the chance uh for the one in
2442s 500 there you go excellent stuff thank
2445s you m all right will the agility X these
2448s are going to go very specific now I
2449s imagine so hopefully we can get onto
2451s some uh of your chat questions so if
2452s you've got any please Chuck them in
2454s Chuck them in the chat and we'll
2455s hopefully get round to them uh will the
2458s agility XP gain from the Sigil of life I
2462s think that's pronounced benefit from the
2463s XP
2464s multiplier yep so if you're level one I
2468s think a lot of people would said have
2469s said you're just going to get two XP
2471s every 10 Cycles or ticks and and they
2473s were like oh it sucks but you get the
2477s the XP multiplier does kick in so you
2479s get at level one you get 20 XP every 10
2482s Cycles um so yeah the multiplier does
2484s work and it is quite a strong
2486s sigil oh even though so a lot of people
2489s be like oh why would I use that why do I
2491s care about agility XP because a lot of
2493s people don't know this you do have
2494s unlimited run in dead man Armageddon we
2497s have added it um so everyone has
2501s run yeah what what a nice little uh qu
2504s what nice little qu so great uh you know
2507s what interesting question M can runs
2510s still be drained though in certain
2513s scenarios yep uh it can be drained
2516s there's very limited scenarios so you've
2517s got the ruthless Ranger sigil um you've
2521s got you know like a venon artist um web
2524s that will also drain your run and then
2525s you've got the Morgan Throne axes they
2527s will also drain your run but you know
2528s for 99% of the game it won't your drain
2531s won't your run won't be drained so
2533s you'll be able to run around as much as
2534s possible that if you do end up with zero
2537s run the second you get one run again you
2539s have unlimited run so you're
2540s chilling yeah so just bear that in mind
2543s if you're doing certain content that you
2544s already know drains run it might be a
2546s good idea just to keep that in mind when
2548s you're when you're doing that and not
2549s get caught out for oh no I can't run
2552s anymore oh what's going on um so just
2555s yeah keep keep that in mind um all right
2557s I saw people in the chat so I might not
2559s get man to know uh to answer this if he
2561s doesn't know off the top of his head but
2564s can you provide a rough idea of how many
2565s points rewards might cost if not I saw
2568s people spamming it in the chat so please
2570s go ahead and put it in there
2572s again yeah uh so because you can go to
2575s Nigel right now in lumbridge graveyard
2578s and trade him and see how many all of
2579s them are you'll be able to get an exact
2581s amount I think it's around 30,000 points
2584s um again if you if you skill um and
2588s let's say you just want one reward which
2589s is 9,000 points if you get 900 total um
2593s you know you've got that reward and 900
2595s total when XP is times 10 is is not hard
2598s at all and then if you go to a breach or
2599s something you know you're going to get a
2600s lot of
2602s points sick sick thank you very much I
2605s will jump in with a random chat question
2607s that I've been pinged does the cape
2609s reward cover all Three Capes or do you
2611s need to purchase it three
2613s times so we're being generous the cape
2616s reward covers all the capes so once you
2619s purchase that once and use it on N you
2620s get all of the capes uh the same for the
2622s weapon one as well once you P purchase
2624s that weapon reward you have all of the
2627s weapon Cosmetics
2628s too there you go so yeah you can you can
2631s don't don't have to worry about the
2632s duplicate rewards you can just go in get
2634s the one and get out of there so uh you
2637s know you're focusing on points for a
2638s little bit then easy peasy um all right
2641s is the sigil deception balanced because
2643s pickpocket in in the safe Zone safe zone
2645s is entirely well
2647s safe yeah so this one uh people need to
2651s remember that um although Ser of
2653s deception will be quite strong because
2655s you know you can just click and then you
2656s can just relax for a few minutes while
2658s while you pick pocketing until you get
2659s caught um in safe zones you don't
2662s actually get a loot when you're
2663s pickpocketing in dead man um so what you
2665s can do you can be really sneaky and you
2667s like lure a guard just outside um into a
2670s dangerous point and then use it but then
2672s you know you're probably going to have
2674s some P running around in those um areas
2676s trying to find you as well so it should
2678s be quite
2680s fun yeah yeah I imagine there's going to
2682s be some cheeky cheeky straps we see uh
2684s during this dead man which I'm looking
2686s forward to uh all right next question
2688s will tier three sigil still be uh
2691s unobtainable below combat level 90 uh
2693s besides buying them on the GE yeah we
2696s have not made any changes to um what
2699s tier of sigils you can get based on the
2701s bracket so it'll be the same as last
2702s dead man you have to be in the higher
2704s brackets to get the better um sigils or
2706s the better chance of getting a better
2707s sigil as
2708s well sick I will just say there's a
2711s question in chat where is Nigro and
2712s lumbridge is in the graveyard as far as
2714s I'm aware unless I'm wrong MK I'm pretty
2716s sure he's in the graveyard so yeah go go
2719s ask talk to him there um all right what
2722s was the thought process behind adding no
2725s new relevant PK sigils while only adding
2727s new pvm or Skilling
2730s sigils there there are there's there's
2733s Lo there's a few pking sigils we've got
2735s the onslaught which increases your uh
2738s AOE attacks you've got restoration which
2741s heals you that can be used in PvP we've
2743s got the Sigil of barrows which I saw in
2744s the in the chat which is 40% accuracy
2747s for the weapons I don't think you
2748s actually need the individual uh sorry
2751s the whole sets it is literally just the
2753s items um and I'm pretty sure there's a
2754s bunch of other um combat uh sigils for
2757s PVP so not sure not sure where that came
2760s from but yeah there's a bunch yeah where
2763s where you getting this information from
2764s chatter whoever this was you know what
2766s are you doing check your
2768s sources um all right next question then
2771s which is quite an interesting one
2772s actually will each hit Splat on the
2774s sulfur blades have a chance to proc the
2776s Sigil of the formidable
2779s fighter uh so no that won't I think it
2782s does work for consistency but that's
2784s only plus one for each hit so it's not
2786s too great um I know there is a weapon um
2790s that does work with the formidable
2791s fighter that I'm sure players will find
2793s out very early on but um yeah we'll let
2796s them figure that out yeah I mean you've
2798s only got less than 24 hours to go guys
2800s so you know you can you can maybe wait
2802s wait a little bit they'll probably be
2803s some surprises in there you know you
2805s know you got to leave something for you
2807s um all right will the DMM or ornament
2810s kits work like League orament kits in
2812s regards to pvm
2815s death yep so kind of covered the a
2817s little bit earlier I guess but uh on
2819s death if you do actually lose the item
2821s like you lose your ma2 cape uh that
2824s cosmetic will be lost but then you again
2826s um if you just want to you know go to
2828s Nigel and and use 20 capes on him then
2831s you've got 20 capes to work with so when
2833s you die you don't have to keep on using
2834s the ENT kit back on the on the cape so
2837s yeah it should be
2840s fun awesome stuff all right uh thank you
2843s very much mate I know some people in the
2845s chat were talking about Tagg Hammers and
2847s stuff like that so is is that same B
2850s they're the same yeah yeah yeah so just
2853s uh just just so you are aware uh right
2856s next one is the corrupted uh recolor
2858s only for the AGS or it can be used on
2861s any
2862s godsword uh it is currently only the AGS
2865s I feel like although I do like you know
2867s cosmetic overrides for a bunch of
2869s different items I think we need to be
2871s strict as well to an extent and not just
2872s be like this can be used for everything
2874s CU otherwise we limit you know future
2876s potential reward space so it will just
2878s be the AGS
2882s yeah awesome awesome all right thank you
2884s for that M all right I've got to Mark
2886s the ones we're doing man we're whizzing
2888s through these like on a rapid pace so uh
2891s all right next one I heard FY Rings will
2894s now unlock at the start and in leagues
2896s four you started with a Draymond staff
2897s so my question is do you start with a
2899s Draymond staff in DMM Armageddon
2901s also so technically no but um if you
2905s speak to one of the very generous uh
2908s combat Shooters in lumbridge so that's
2910s you know the range melee or um Mage one
2913s they will give you a Draymond staff
2915s however it is a one-off Draymond staff
2917s so do not lose it um in I I think you
2920s the only way you actually lose it is if
2922s you you know drop it or you go above 20
2924s Wilderness and die um either I think to
2927s a p then you'll lose it and you'll have
2929s to go you know to the actual tree and
2931s chop another one and all of that so yeah
2933s you get a free one don't lose it
2937s awesome stuff does the I saw in chat as
2939s well does the AGS does is it both ags's
2942s M or is it just the the
2945s classic there there's only one AGS I
2947s know I don't know an ancient god sword
2950s yeah that's what I mean so I just
2951s thought i' check CU there was a couple
2953s so I'm being baited it's fine uh all
2956s right do you still need to pay for the
2959s rcas fairy
2961s ring uh no you don't but you do need to
2964s go to kend First
2969s awesome awesome stuff there you go go to
2971s cron you got it all right will the first
2974s starter pack uh we get when we log into
2976s DMM server contain 5K I need to know for
2979s the route I'm planning I feel like we
2981s shouldn't say just to ruin this one
2983s person's routin
2985s mate I feel like they'll find they
2988s probably already know at this point so
2990s we we'll let everyone else know at least
2992s um yeah we still give out 5K in the in
2994s the initial um starter pack and if you
2997s didn't know this every 24 hours I think
3000s it resets at either midnight BST or 1:00
3002s a.m. BST uh but if you do claim another
3005s starter kit there you get another I
3007s think you do get another 5K coins and
3009s you have get another sigil as well tier
3011s one sigil so it's free free money and
3013s free
3014s sigils sick that's what we love to hear
3018s all right how does the transition
3020s between combat brackets happen do you
3022s hit the appropriate combat level and
3023s just get logged off right then or do you
3025s have a timer to log or hop by
3028s um so when you do level up uh you cannot
3032s really interact with anything in the
3034s game um but the the good thing is
3036s obviously you can't get XP while you're
3037s in combat with another player so um you
3040s can't accidentally you know I'm fighting
3042s you and then um I level up and then you
3044s just get to kill me for free basically
3046s no that doesn't happen um but yeah you
3049s you're allowed to bank I want to say
3051s three more times but you you can't
3053s really do anything so you pretty much
3055s have to log out and hop um but you can
3058s you know to make full use of your
3059s protection obviously you get one hour of
3061s protection in every time you go up a
3063s bracket which means you know you're
3065s completely safe for that hour which is
3066s lovely for people who don't want to get
3068s attacked um you can kind of plan that
3071s better like let's say you get some
3073s dragon bones and you want to go use them
3074s at the chaos alar you could buy them
3076s from the g once you've leveled up and
3078s you could run up to the alar and then
3080s log out and then you know start your
3082s production then but you won't be able to
3083s fight back if you do that so keep that
3085s in mind as well may maybe is better just
3087s to log out early in and have protection
3088s when you're running up
3090s there yeah yeah very good advice very
3093s good advice M M's full of so much
3095s Insight man it's so good um how uh will
3100s Quest rewards have boosted
3102s XP yep I'd say quests are one of the the
3105s best way to get XP in dead man um but
3108s again if you're casual it is like 10
3110s times XP for the first two brackets and
3112s 15 times XP for for combats in the the
3114s last three brackets so you don't need to
3116s do quests if you don't want to do quests
3118s you can chill and and you know kick some
3121s sand crabs or do what train however you
3123s want and you'll still get really fast XP
3125s but yeah quests are the best
3127s XP yeah maybe maybe for those again less
3129s first in uh PVP or escaping maybe do
3133s some quests that people aren't going to
3134s do you know take my advice earlier it's
3137s very
3138s useful um all right I saw something in
3140s chat that I oh do we get uh any points
3144s for auto unlocking
3145s quests yep you you literally so like I
3148s said if you well I didn't say this
3150s actually if you get to the top bracket
3152s the 126 bracket you will already get a
3155s bunch of points I won't say exactly how
3156s much it is but you do get a lot of
3158s points for literally just playing so um
3160s yeah it's if you could specifically pick
3163s the quest that give you more Quest
3165s points because that will equal more
3168s points sick sick very good so you know
3171s planning a route it might take a little
3173s bit of a different turn now you you guys
3175s know that uh how do shop restocks
3179s work so we've got specific shops that
3182s will restock restock quicker it isn't
3184s all shops and it's it's very likely only
3187s shops that you've kind of seen restock
3190s uh faster in the past I think that is uh
3193s for example the Rune shop in varac uh we
3196s have made the dragon simitar shop on
3199s apol uh faster now um but it is very
3202s specific shops I think it might also be
3204s the archery store in varac as well um
3206s but it's not all shops that they are we
3209s specific increase those um and if we did
3211s do all of them uh I think it would take
3213s a lot of work but I mean we could do
3214s that in the future if it's heavily
3216s requested right I'm going to whiz
3218s through the next questions and something
3219s in chat mate because I know that uh
3221s production have to finish up like in a
3223s decent time so unfortunately we won't
3225s get onto the twitch cat chat questions
3227s so apologies uh someone in chat though
3229s has said I've talked to Nigel to delete
3231s dead man profile but I need to swap to a
3233s dead man arm again world to complete it
3234s do I just log out now or do I have to do
3236s this again again
3237s tomorrow uh yeah we we'll speedrun
3240s through all of these yes just log out
3241s and then log in tomorrow and you'll be
3243s you'll reset your account all right sick
3245s we're going to go fast all right are s
3247s your safe in the bank yes uh how do I
3251s participate in the
3252s final log
3255s in um you you need to be within the
3258s combat bracket and then you just log in
3261s um uh on the 3 of August you need to
3265s into the appropriate bracket
3267s um we will announce when we're going to
3269s be starting another bracket but just
3271s just log in um as soon as you can from
3273s 5:00 p.m on the 3D of August that's when
3275s the worlds will all open um and uh yeah
3279s you can stay in like a safe Zone because
3281s the guarded area won't be removed until
3283s the finale actually starts in that
3287s world that called me S guard man like
3290s yeah just log in be fine uh all right
3292s can I participate in all five finale
3295s worlds yeah if you want to be really
3297s sweaty and have five accounts built for
3299s all five worlds go for it good
3301s luck sick all right should I play in the
3303s finale if I don't have a
3305s team yes um if you have if you watch any
3309s content creators um or you just want to
3311s join like a completely random team um do
3314s it do it because you might not have like
3316s an official team but you can just go to
3319s you know spark Mac or someone a content
3321s creator saying hey what are you doing
3323s for the finale and I'm I guarantee
3324s they'll say
3328s oh no have a bunch of fun oh yeah I
3331s think you broke up there but I'm sure
3332s you said yeah come along to whatever
3334s finale yeah M all right quickly there m
3338s is there any questions that we put in
3340s the script to the the twitch chat
3341s questions that you just want to just
3343s quickly answer that that you think is
3346s important sure you can't gain XP during
3348s the finale uh We've we've disabled that
3350s already PVP is all over the map yeah um
3354s items do not transfer to World 45 we're
3356s not going to tease NPCs for the breaches
3357s although I think there have been leaks
3360s out there points for the rewards 30k
3364s around that um ruthless Ranger will work
3367s because it will deplete people's run so
3369s it will work even though there's
3370s unlimited run it will just be a bit more
3372s difficult for that to work uh breaches
3374s are in every world and every bracket um
3378s obviously it scales um but they happen
3379s at the same time the random breach every
3381s day that will happen at at a specific
3384s time in the day in all of the world
3387s um am I playing yes I'll be playing late
3389s but I will be playing uh blighted
3391s overloads are tradable so you don't need
3393s 83 herbl you can just uh trade um them
3397s so don't worry about having to get 83
3398s herbl um so uh if you look at the dead
3402s man apocalypse um Wiki you can see the
3406s uh completed quests and basically what
3408s what is completed uh when you choose um
3412s and I think the yeah boss combat
3413s achievements they they give um a lot of
3416s points so yeah I think that's a lot of
3419s them status wam 20 attack kill and I
3422s I'll stop there because otherwise we'll
3424s we'll make people sad I mean I imagine
3426s you can go on for ages saying that so
3429s sorry we can yeah we can answer more
3431s chat but again at some point I'm sure
3434s you'll have questions and we'll answer
3435s them over the next couple of weeks I'm
3436s just going to run through the
3438s announcements quickly and then we will
3439s wrap up uh and raid someone after this
3441s so stay tuned exclamation mark game
3443s update this week sees wild graffic
3445s sleeps feedback changes drop adjustments
3447s more common burning claws drops and more
3449s plus dead man Armageddon begins tomorrow
3452s 5:00 p.m. BST make sure to go in there
3454s check out all the information is very
3456s hype if you haven't done it before come
3458s and join in if you're an avid pvper I'm
3461s sure we'll see you there uh and if you
3463s want some tips exclamation mark video
3464s we've got a bunch of content creators uh
3466s join man to give you uh some uh amazing
3470s tips and tricks that get you ready for
3473s uh this DMM so check that out if you
3475s want some more exclamation DMM you can
3477s check out the blog to get yourself ready
3479s and see all the amazing Cosmetics uh a
3481s revised finale better breaches and more
3484s uh so you can check that out there uh if
3486s you want to know about poll 82 we made
3488s some changes and added the questions in
3490s there uh so you can use XM Master Mark
3492s poll 82 to see the changes for the
3493s miname makeover poll and finally if you
3496s want to check out we've got new emotes
3498s for you to use in the chat for both
3499s normal stuff and some special World
3501s graphic sleeps one you can hit
3503s exclamation mark Jord bear to check out
3505s the community Creator Jord bear
3507s uh and and her profile and see all the
3509s amazing artwork that she has done that
3512s is it that is a wrap uh thank you very
3515s much everyone for tuning in to this
3517s wonderful DMM uh live stream I hope
3519s you've all had a blast uh I know myself
3523s and M will be watching very closely
3525s tomorrow as you all join into the worlds
3527s uh and take part in what seems to be one
3530s of the best DMM we're going to do
3532s according to M so let's go all right Ms
3537s any final words before we we yeat
3539s ourselves uh just a quick one for the CL
3543s broadcast um you'll find out tomorrow
3545s whether they work or not or champ log in
3548s as M would say log in find out you know
3551s you'd be fine uh all right we are going
3553s to raid Ashton so uh stay tuned send
3556s lots of love in the chat uh and we will
3558s see you for dead man Armageddon tomorrow
3561s at 5:00 p.m BST uh have a lovely rest of
3565s the day and a lovely weekend and will
3566s see you soon
3568s goodbye bye