11 months ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by ZennyRL

I was not interested in sailing until this video, which has kind of won my will to vote for letting the skill in. However, having followed this whole skill ordeal from the start, I noticed that they don't at all talk about "visiting islands" which was the key hype-point I've seen from every sailing shill thus far, unless I missed it. Wasn't that the thing everyone wanted from all this? The main argument is it could be added in time, it's just interesting to me if it wasn't even discussed as potential gameplay

Heya, we will definitely get into that in the next video - the devs have talked a bit about how Islands are a good part of 'reward space' for the skill as when you're on an Island you're not technically 'Sailing' anymore. Very keen to hear what your thoughts are on the next blog! (early July)