I want to start off by asking that you don't spoil anything past part 1!
Also if you're interested in reading the book you've been warned that part 1 spoilers will be below!
TL;DR: Is there a map that explains Part 1 of The Gift of Guthix? Specifically
- Where does the Wolf clan actually live?
- What path do Master Endel, Ilme, and Azris first make it to pretend they're from the moon clan?
- What stone temple did Ilme and her cousin Martyn meet at? Taverly or South of Varrock?
- Did they actually make a huge loop to find the air altar just south of their starting point?
- What river/dark forest did they go through?
I just finished part 1 of The Gift of Guthix and am a little confused by the paths they took as well as where everything is located.
The book starts with Master Endel, Ilme, and Azris pretending to be from the Moon Clan and looking to learn about the rune essence mine. This leads me to believe the Wolf Clan is located on Lunar Isle, since that's where the rune essence mine is. This is kind of confusing because the book seems to describe Rellekka, specifically the longhall, as their summer camp. Am I too focused on current Gielinor to understand how things might've changed?
If we assume the Wolf clan is actually in Rellekka and there is another rune essence mine to the east is this the path Master Endel, Ilme, and Azris took before the book starts? Is this also the path they used to transfer the rune essences to Asgarnia as they tricked the Wolf clan to be from the Moon clan?
The other part that confuses me the most is when Master Endel, Ilme, and company attempt to find the different altars.
They start their journey in Falador, based on the idea of being around the white knights, then go around Misthalin, "'Perhaps we should divide our forces,' Unaia suggested when they had made the long trek around Misthalin to the frontier beyond the town of Varrock."
After more traveling they "came to a river, deep in the lands of the Asgarnian Tribes. The waters were swift with spring melt, but the bed was wide and shallow. On the other side lay a dark forest." This sounds like the River Lum and what is present day Draynor Manor. Is this actually the general path they took or am I misunderstanding something?
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