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Some of the popular discords (THAT JMODS ARE ALSO A PART OF) are advertising services where they'll do almost anything for you for a price. They'll train your skills, get you pvm drops, anything at all, including inferno services. Many irons are using this and basically just buying everything on their account. Between all the plugins available, goldfarmers in plain sight at every boss with thousands of kc, and people being free to buy these services with no repercussions, the game is very quickly losing all its integrity.

Bonesaw lost his iron status for selling items from main to a shop and buying them from iron, but these people are using their mains gp to just pay someone else to get them everything. Don't have to do any quests on your own, any bad pvm grinds, skilling grinds, etc. You can just pay for it on your iron, and jagex is allowing it. Not just allowing it, but they're in the discords where the owners tag every user to let them know about this service, see the notification and the contents, and still turn a blind eye to it.

People have been de-ironed for way less, so why is this being allowed? I know jmods have said that account sharing isn't against the rules, but clearly this has gotten out of hand and a rule change is needed in my opinion.

Here's just a few of the hundreds of posts in this discord:






There's even popular streamers involved in selling services to people, because it's seemingly allowed at the moment.


Edit: https://i.imgur.com/THlLPzu.png

I've also received this pm from someone who sells these services in the discord, claiming multiple jmods themselves purchase these services. I tagged /u/jagexhusky in an earlier post to bring attention to this, but it seems that not only does he already know and not care, he's potentially involved in purchasing services. So I guess now we know one reason as to why it's still allowed. Obviously this isn't concrete evidence, but given the fact that the user has a worker rank in the discord, and only stands to lose out on money if this was removed, I don't see any reason for them to lie about it. Take it how you will though.



Here's a post from a jmod regarding account sharing, in a forum thread that was specifically about paying for account services for gp.


Jagex has been unclear and inconsistent on this rule for far too long, which has lead to situations like this existing. And regardless of if it's currently against the rules or not, this is something that should not be allowed for the overall integrity of the game.

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about 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Hey, not sure why I'm being singled out like this. I'm already maxed so I've no reason to have someone level my account and I don't see why I'd pay someone to do the few goals I have left for me, I enjoy this game too much.

I never responded to OP when tagged in something like this previously because It's not my place to comment on matters like this as I am a content developer and not player support. I'm sorry I can't clarify more about this but the osrs team have seen this post and are discussing it internally.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


The only reason I responded is because it blew up accusing me of something which I haven't done and how the community views me is quite important to me as I want to be able to engage with you to receive feedback on updates I'm working on.

I have never paid for someone to do anything on my account. I quite honestly don't see the point. This game is about setting yourself goals and achieving them, if someone else achieved the goal then it'd be meaningless to me.

If I had a 200m all account with all pets, every item in-game I'd likely just play another account because without goals there's nothing to play for.

about 4 years ago - /u/Mod_Curse - Direct link

Originally posted by Rustledstardust

Honestly, I don't think you really have much to do with this.

But some Jmods are definitely complicit in all this. I think /u/Mod_Curse is definitely someone to look at in all this.

Dumb take.