

27 Apr


What a beautiful looking cape!

03 Apr


Originally posted by Hagendaz1337

If sailing passes can we expect group content maybe in the form of making a crew of your friends, like 5 players maximum. Experience gained could be based on participation to prevent people from paying others to train sailing for them.

This is definitely one for further down the line in refinement, however I love the idea personally, and would absolutely love to see some group content on the sea


Originally posted by TheEpicZay

If sailing gets in, will we finally be able to hear sea shanty 3?



Originally posted by Loki_the_Smokey

I’m voting no to everything because you specifically annoy me.



Originally posted by Agustinb14

Would the spirit realm be like the upside down from stranger things?

Sort of.... but also not really. There could be things to do within the spirit realm that have impacts on the regular game world, but I don't see it working exactly the same personally. We'll have to see if it makes it to refinement though!


Originally posted by Silly_Professor_1872

Would sailing take a considerable longer time to develop compared to the other two skills?

It ultimately depends on how much content is included in the skills. There are complex aspects to all of them but at this point I can't confidently confirm that would be the case.


Originally posted by Shurtugal929

Do you think there will be any interest to work the new skill into already existing the Chambers of Xeric? Every skill except runecrafting and smithing has a use within the raid. Granted some skills (Fishing, cooking, hunter) are present but...not ever used.

I don't think we'd look to retroactively shoehorn a new skill into content like Chambers of Xeric. If there were core areas of the existing game that felt like they would benefit from having some content added in relating to a new skill then the option is definitely there, however I think ultimately it's better to leave content like that alone unless we were going to do an overhaul of the entire game. We could definitely utilize a new skill for future content though!


Originally posted by Investedd

Please explain to the community that taming is not gonna be like summoning. Taming seems to be losing massively because of hate directed unfairly at it from summoning and taming has the potential to do everything sailing can but through animals instead... if taming doesnt go through, which inevitably it wont, because of said hate towards it, but if it doesnt, can you guys PLEASE think about possibly adding functionality to pets we already have? Make them useful, and have a purpose? Maybe add more pets into the game even if the skill isnt passed and/or add small pet benefits or skill trees baked into hunter or something? Runescape desperately has always wanted and imo needed to have pets and companions baked more into its core functionality, and i dont think im alone in this.

Reading into the skill should also show that Taming is not "like" summoning. It's hard to escape similarities as each of these skills have the concept of a creature following you however that is purely a reward of the skill.

The core method of how you obtain creatures, what they can do, how they interact with the game world around them and the benefits that they could provide is wildly different to taking some materials, a pouch, some shards and charms to an obelisk and creating a temporary familiar with a specific ability. I understand that It's difficult to move away from that and ultimately it just requires a bit of open-mindedness to how different this skill could be.

In regards to the functionality to existing pets, I'd be curious as to what you would like added to them if they ever got an overhaul. There's plenty of things that they "could" do, but it'd feel pretty harsh gating something very useful behind some big RNG.

I can't see taming in its ...

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Originally posted by Xeppeling

If Sailing passes, can you add the song Sailing by Christopher Cross to the game

Would you not rather have Sea Shanty 3?

26 Aug


Are you not meant to eat them?




25 Aug

24 Aug


Did you check the ToA item reclaim chest? It's by the entrance.

14 Aug

24 Mar

29 Oct


I wasn't going to reply to the thread publicly however due to the edit on the OP I'd just like to confirm that this situation has nothing to do with the group storage system and its maintenance, and was the result of a double death causing the gravestone NPC inventory to be wiped.


If you could DM me your RSN I'll take a look.

08 Oct

26 Jan


Hey I've taken a look into this and it looks like you dropped the full set and never picked it back up, might be worth having a quick look at the floor before running away in the future, best of luck with the rooftop grind! :)

19 Jan