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over 5 years ago - /u/Mod_West - Direct link

Originally posted by NetFisherman

They're really good at noticing and commenting on memes and ironic suggestions, that's for sure.

Hey, /u/Mod_West! If you have a minute, take a look and tell me what you think!

This was essentially what 'aquatic bane' meant in the initial Warding blog but it was met with negativity. Possibly due to the vagueness of it, but no-one seemed put off that it was removed. Certainly a possibility to make these armours useful if there is indeed demand for it.

We're more likely to see memes as they rise to the top far more frequently than content suggestion, sorry about that! I believe that was why the other (far less populated) sub-reddit was created. Just because we're not commenting though, doesn't mean we're not looking.

over 5 years ago - /u/Mod_West - Direct link

Originally posted by NetFisherman

I vaguely remember that, now that you mention it. "Aquatic Bane" sounds really cool! Thanks for your feedback. Hopefully, the community can be warmed up to the idea of an aquatic bane in the future.

As far as the memes, I was being very facetious! I know you guys are each very attentive, and we all appreciate it.

No problem (: I'll be sure to bring up the possibility of updating these armours when a relevant project is underway - I believe it has been mentioned before...

over 5 years ago - /u/Mod_West - Direct link

Originally posted by BioMasterZap

I liked Aquatic Bane but I think the lack of clarity is what hurt it. Personally, I'd call it "Waterbirth Bane" or such and focus it more on Dagannoth, Wallaski, and Rock Crabs (the three Waterbirth creatures), which also would mean it would be useful on training on Rock Crabs too.

Even that requires prior knowledge to understand which monsters it would work on but I suppose it’s an improvement. I think there was some contention over armours having the effects usually given to jewellery as well, although not 100% sure on how many thought that. It would also be confusing that it works on dagannoths on waterbirth, but what about the ones under the lighthouse? Needs some thought, for sure.

over 5 years ago - /u/Mod_West - Direct link

Originally posted by ImNotFromFlorida

Hey it’s you! Weren’t you the one responsible for modeling dz?

Na, that was Mod East >.>

over 5 years ago - /u/Mod_West - Direct link

Originally posted by Megolito

Hey mod west. i just wanted to let you know i love you with all my heart.


over 5 years ago - /u/Mod_West - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


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