Original Post — Direct link

Hey guys,

Using your feedback on the designs offered & suggestions for alternative designs, we can now offer your four more options from the community.

Option 1 - The winner of staw poll 1.

Option 2 - A variation on last weeks winner without shoulder pads. This guarantees no awkward clipping with Bandos chestplate.

Option 3 - A simplistic infernal cape with no alterations to the mesh and just a new texture.

Option 4 - A player's take on the "Rhino cape" which gathered a lot of support on Twitter.

Options 1 - 3 have in game models for your consideration, seen on the image. If option 4 is the winner we will produce an in game model of that also.

Infernal cape designs: http://imgur.com/a/RAx6I Strawpoll: http://www.strawpoll.me/11332903

Make sure to vote! Next week we'll be looking at the results on the Q&A, and will discuss what are plans are for the cape moving forward.

See the original post for straw poll 1 here: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/543u9k/infernal_cape_design_strawpoll/

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about 8 years ago - /u/modghost - Direct link

Originally posted by Maximum_Goof

I don't understand why you changed it so much from the previous design and added the weird black rock looking overlays to it? It doesn't make it look any better and it makes me wish the old combination was a choice to vote on. Like why are there black overlays coming off of the cape, it just looks messy

Technical limitations.

about 8 years ago - /u/modghost - Direct link

Originally posted by roxo9

That picture looks nothing like any of them did in game and animated. Makes a massive difference, I like 2 on that picture, it looked horrible in game on the q&a.

We can't always achieve the same results because of engine limitations.