about 1 year ago - - Direct link
We’re going wild this week with improvements to Barbarian Training, Forestry, and more!
about 1 year ago - /u/JagexMaylea - Direct link

Originally posted by iMikeHimself

Will the no seed dibber work in chambers of xeric?


about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by morentg

I imagine it's player getting so angy that instead of taking out plant from pot he just hits it with fist, then shoves into hole screaming like maniac.

I think it's more of an intense stare makes the Pot get nervous and break.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Sgt_Henno_Garvie

What were the unique rates before and after? It seems odd not publishing them at all for a comparison.

The drop rates of the Fox Whistle and Golden Pheasant Egg increased by ~40%. Drop rates now sit at:

  • Fox Whistle & Golden Pheasant Egg: 1/90 (1 Woodcutting) -> 1/45 (99 Woodcutting) - Should be noted that this rate for the Golden Pheasant Egg is more likely as this triggers per egg gathered
  • Petal Garland: 1/50
  • Pheasant Feathers: 1/2
  • Bee Parts: 2/3
about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by You_rc2

Id imagine you cant just show up. Likely have to be chopping the tree to receive the egg

Exactly right, if your tracked trees aren't within the zone when an event spawns, you won't be able to receive any nests from Ents.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by HoundNZ_2022

Love the update. Especially the fix for the wilderness boss caves. Question unrelated to this week's update...

Are the Squirk'in and Squirk'in too worlds going to be removed now that it's literally dead content ever since leagues?

Probably something we should look at, but I wonder if it would start up again if we removed it? Our acknowledgement can sometimes kill the meme.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by SaionTechnical

Yeah, I don't recall reading an increase of bark from events to match the current bark per hour.

Might take an awful long time to get the axe now.

Also they didn't mention if without the bees on a stick if we just miss out on the extra bark or we get bark as if we had the bees.

As far as I understand it, the rewards you would have got with the event items, will be the case if you are eligable for an event. So shouldn't be too much change, just less maintenance.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Spixican

Excited for the QOL for us mobile folks!
Any ETA on the UI overhaul coming to mobile by chance?

Also, was there ever talks about the gardening trowel not being needed to plant tree seeds with this new Barbarian Training method?

I can't give you an exact date, but we are currently discussing when you all can get another hands-on since the feedback we received.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by philly4yaa

Can you guys please advise on your updates the expected length of time maintenance will take?

You can find all of that information on the game status newspost:

FWIW: All updates unless stated otherwise will have 30 minutes of downtime.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Cicero_Xere

Equipment rebalances when? Scythe and Fang is nice but I can't shake the feeling we're in a half-broken meta with that shake up. You mentioned other things so where are they?

We want to make sure we're doing Project Rebalance correctly so we're making sure we have everything in place before we give you a concrete date. I'm sorry I can't give you more but we are working hard to make sure this is sooner rather than later.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by chol3ric

Nice QOL update, and smoothing out player experiences as a whole with the forestry and barb training update.

Are we still getting an 'empty' rightclick option for the log basket though? If we add that i'd actually be somewhat happy with the forestry update overall! (maybe call it part 4?)


Appreciate the comment! The right-click option is something that needs a bigger overall job as there's some other items in-game we want to 'fix' alongside the Log Basket. We do want to fix it, but it just depends on the when.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by TurkeyPhat

I guess the answer to people going insanely dry on the Forestry uniques was to make them even harder to get by killing event hopping? I genuinely hope these "buffed" rates make them 10x as common because it's ridiculous that you can get from 1-99 woodcutting via forestry and not even complete the collection log. (speaking as someone who gained 10-15m exp through forestry and only got the golden egg for my efforts)

Just linking my previous comment here so you don't have to scroll through to find it: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1aqk1we/comment/kqdbkdl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Spineweilder

What about the petal garland?

I got you homie

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by 5erenade

Regarding the mobile updates any chance we can see a plug-in to turn off attack styles for pures?

I dunno if we would include this for an official client update, but I don't see why this couldn't be a feature made for our Plugin API.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by AndRSea

Are you still adding Arctic Pine Trees to Rellekka as stated in the post “Wrapping up Forestry…”?

This is on me as I forgot to add it in the newspost, but yeah, there's some Arctic Pine trees now south-west of Relekka.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Present_Time_2559

so we still can get eggs from ents?


about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by hirmuolio

Did someone forget to push the update to the c++ client (again)?


(Using jagex launcher)

Heya, the update to the client has been pushed but taking a bit longer to process. Should start seeing it update very soon.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexMaylea - Direct link

Originally posted by Worldberry

I love this update! I have been saying forever that I wish we had barbarian training for crushing pots when doing tree runs! THANK YOU!!!

Sorry if this question is late or buried but after the barbarian training is completed, do we still have a chance of crushing seeds or does that only happen during the training part? /u/JagexMaylea

I know nothing about crushing seeds. But you can continue crushing pots after the training, although you can talk to Otto to turn it on or off.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexMaylea - Direct link

Originally posted by DynamiteTeacher

During the training Otto warns you to not use valuable seeds cause it is possible to fail and lose the seed. I failed twice before successfully planting without a dibber. Now that I completed the training I want to do farm runs without the dibber, but I don't want to risk my snapdragon seeds from being lost failing to plant. Can you confirm if once the training is complete, chance of success becomes 100%?

It does look that way :)