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almost 5 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by erikbond

Hi u/Mod_Stevew I'm wondering if you could clear up the ins and outs about P-mods. I see there's some information on the Wiki page, but it might be useful to get some more attention on the costumer ser.... I mean Reddit :). I would really appreciate it!

What is it you wanted to know?

almost 5 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by erikbond

Thanks for your response Steve!

1: My assumption is that more P-mods will help to lower the amount of scammers, advertising bots or dicing bots or "very toxic players". I understand that a temporary mute won't delete the guys from the servers, but making them unable to chat lowers the casualties I guess. What are your thoughts about this? Are there any pros and cons I'm unaware of on a higher amount of P-mods in the game?

2: The wiki page about P-mods states there are about 1600 P-mods in OSRS. Are they all active players? My first thought would be: no, because I rarely see a P-mod in the game and I'm a very frequent player. I do understand not every P-mod is an active talker every time he/she is online. But the amount of times I see 'bad people' in the game not getting muted or whatsoever gives me the feeling there are not enough people with the ability to combat the 'bad people'.

3: How does one apply to become a P-mod or is it only possible to be chosen by J-mods? I know there are some memes on this topic, like placing a ':)' behind every post you make, but I'm seriously curious about "how to become P-mod".

4: In addition to question(s) 1, are you (Jagex) aiming for a higher number of P-mods or other player involved measurements against 'bad people'?

Those are some questions that came up first in my head, feel free to comment if anyone has more!

1. The impact is probably less than you might think, because those accounts have a vested interest in retaining a presence in game, as soon as an account is muted it will be replaced - so it adds a few seconds of inconvenience, but it wouldn't help on a larger scale.

2. There are about 1,600 in total across both games, about half in each (actually slightly more in OS and a few accounts who play both of course). They are all active in terms of logging in within the past few months, but as we don't place any sort of minimum activity requirement it will vary across the team from daily players through to those who only play a few times a month or so. Bear in mind P Mods will be from a wide range of countries as well, if you always play in the evening for example, you are unlikely to see a P Mod who also plays in the evening but in a very different time zone.

3. P Mods are selected by Jagex. We start with a randomly selected group of about 1,000 accounts that meet criteria of a cohort we specify, from that we carry out a number of checks for account security, offences, linked accounts and so on. We usually get down to about 100 players who satisfy all our criteria. We then invite those 100 accounts, and about 30% accept.

4. We try to maintain the current level, allowing for time zones and game bias, generally we add about 100 a month which offsets those existing P Mods who become dormant, remove Authentication, voluntarily leave or leave the team for other reasons.
