over 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by ZarosEXE

If you store a slayer task can you get assigned that same task again or does it act as an extra blocked task if you stored a task you didn't want to ever do.

So you won't get a duplicate task when you first store one, but you can receive duplicates after you've completed at least one task after storing.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by ANDY_FORDHAM

"we've also updated some of our Terms and Conditions, so please read on for everything you need to know" - I didn't see anything further about this in the rest of the post, did it get missed off?

Thanks for raising this. There will be some changes made later today, but these will be happening later on today and will be added to the newspost then. I've edited the newspost accordingly.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Amaranthyne

It just kind of boggles the mind. It takes 2+ months to get small changes like this, but we've also had completely skipped weeks with no updates & long stretches with no/low-effort content. What is the team actually doing?

I appreciate you're looking for more information from us and it feels like a long time since you've had something to look forward to. Small changes can still take time to develop and QA, and hopefully these changes are quite impactful still to your day to day gameplay. As for what we've been working on, the Summer Summit (happening this month) should give more details on what's in store regarding upcoming content this year.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by here_for_the_lols

So killing hydra after the update and its just.... disappeared?

Was this on the normal hydra? And did you receive the drops/XP after they are defeated?

Any other information you can give us would be welcome. Thanks! :)

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Smithe37nz

Uh oh, looks like hydra is bugged. Disappeared on my during blue phase when running away from lightning.

Thanks for raising this! The team is currently looking into this issue. Any other information you can give us is appreciated. :)

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by ThiceH2

Alchemical hydra just disappeared on me when it was changing to blue phase, very strange

We're investigating issues related to the animations of the Hydra now. Sorry about that! Thanks for raising it to us, we'll update the Newspost once they're resolved.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Smithe37nz

Uh oh, looks like hydra is bugged. Disappeared on my during blue phase when running away from lightning.

Hey there, thanks for raising this. We're investigating this now, please check the Newspost for more information once we've deployed a fix.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by florian_peelsteg_AMA

hydra is bugged, goes invisible in blue phase, also the animation is nice but why isn't there a sound like hunllef?

We're investigating issues with the animation of the Hydra now, it looks like it's disappearing when it changes colour to swap attack style. We'll update the newspost once we've deployed a fix. Thank you for raising it to us.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by lunch0guy

Happy for the grotesque changes, I was putting off completing my task for this update!

Glad to hear it! Good luck with your task!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

We're investigating reports of issues with the Alchemical Hydra and regular Hydra NPCs.

Updates to follow. Thank you for your patience.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Amaranthyne

It just kind of boggles the mind. It takes 2+ months to get small changes like this, but we've also had completely skipped weeks with no updates & long stretches with no/low-effort content. What is the team actually doing?

Sure, I can take this one.

So first off, the dev team is split into several groups each with their own projects and responsibilities.

Wardens - Recently did AKD and ToB Modes, currently working on the A night at the theatre rework

Juggernauts - (The team I'm on), Recently did Clans and ERB and are now finishing off Combat Achievements for next week

Unknown - Working on the New client features, you recently got batch 1

Operators - Recently did the work to take Phosani's Nightmare from ideation into a real project and also work on the polls and things you see week to week outside of actual projects

??? - We have another team working on things which haven't been announced.

And naturally each of the project teams have unannounced projects we're working on whether that be design work/creative briefs/design documents etc. or being further along doing implementation work.

The Operators currently have the least amount of devs in the team and will methodically work through each of the jobs on the poll grouping them into content batches that make sense such as "Slayer updates", "Gauntlet updates" etc.

The Operators team also have release constraints in place to protect the larger projects. We don't want too many updates from various different projects all going in together, the more things from different sources the higher chance of bugs, this is also why you see no update weeks from time to time.

So the stuff you're seeing in this weeks update hasn't just been done this week, it's been worked on since Phosani's Nightmare by the Operators team.

I hope this gives a little clarity as to why some of this seems like it takes a lot of time, it didn't take 2 months just to do this amount of work, there's a lot of it that goes into such as resource management, scheduling etc. If it helps at all I've seen tons of other stuff from the poll and from other projects during sprint review so we are constantly keeping busy!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by SikenAdam

PS: Submitted bug-report in game.

Thank you! :) We'll update you on the Newspost once we've deployed a fix. For the meantime, it is looking like we're going to revert the changes made this week so that the Hydra is working as intended. This will give us a bit more time to fix the underlying issue and then we'll put the changes back in once we're satisfied that it's working properly.

Edit: It should be resolved now. Thanks again for raising it to us.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Marrth93

Any news on why there was no Q&A stream last week? And is this week’s definitely going ahead?

Updates are nice though 👍

This week is should be going ahead, unfortunately last week we didn't have enough guests available to be on so we decided to cancel. Lots of interesting streams coming in the next few weeks though! (Summer Summit reveal this month).

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by JagexSarnie

We're investigating reports of issues with the Alchemical Hydra and regular Hydra NPCs.

Updates to follow. Thank you for your patience.

The issues that affected the Alchemical Hydra also had unintended effects on regular Hydra NPCs. For this reason, we have temporarily reverted changes with the Hydra in this week's game update. The Hydra Boss and NPCs should be working as normal, however this is without changes from Poll 75.

We will continue to investigate the animation issues and once we have resolved the underlying issue we will deploy the Poll 75 improvements. Thanks for your patience!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by florian_peelsteg_AMA

is there any chance of a sound being added to the animation similar to hunllef? I'm visually impaired and rely heavily on game sounds

thanks for all your hard work!

We have a Game Update Review meeting on Thursday mornings so I'll add this as a suggestion and see what the team say. If it's not something we can get in straight away, perhaps something we could look at long term in our player suggestions process.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by CAREFACE720

Alchemical Hydra is buggy af. I was getting random Range<>Mage attacks before the 3 count on her first phases. And when transitioning to her last Phase she no longer was using the opposite last attack she did ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Long story short, I got clapped.

Suggestion: Just make the projectiles different, like Range attacks would start with 1 Spike, then 2, then 3 spikes so we would get an idea when to switch prayer. Animation seems bland with no sfx. At least make it like Hunllef.

Thanks for raising this to us. It looks like a side effect to an issue we're already investigating. A second hotfix is being readied for deployment now to fix this and we'll update the Newspost once it's out.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by mrcobbb

I love the idea of the hydra boss update but I'm disappointed it was released with obvious bugs, like Phosani's Nightmare last week. Shouldn't these be bug tested more? Or maybe released on beta worlds early so players can test en masse.

Everything else is great this week. Love the helm recolors and can't wait to store this Zuk task I've been sitting on!

Thanks for your kind feedback. I can confirm, this bug was not present in testing. We'll review in our Game Update Review on Thursday morning when we have more information about where it came from and make improvements once we've identified why. :)

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by mrcobbb

Awesome! Been looking forward to the Hydra update, you have no idea. All this kc and no pet, it really will help a lot lol

Thats awesome :) Yeah I collected a lot of the suggestions for Poll 75 so I am really glad it went through. We'll make sure it's fixed as soon as possible!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Marrth93

Thanks for the reply!

That’s good to know, thank you. Do you think it would be worth having a stream schedule on a news post? Something you could update when there’s a change like this? I understand the streams are already a bonus for us and I’m grateful for them, I just didn’t know why it wasn’t taking place. I was wondering whether it was Twitch not being on BST or something and I had the wrong time!

Buzzing for the summer reveals!

That's a good suggestion and I'll most certainly pass it on.

We are pretty regular with our schedule (most Thursdays at 5pm) and will typically only cancel if we don't have staff available. I appreciate that we could announce our schedule better though especially for extra streams.

Schedules can be moved, sometimes at last minute, depending on staff availability. Staff may have to be pulled at last minute to work on a project or deal with an issue. If players were cool with the fact our schedule may move around, and it doesn't create negative sentiment to do so, I don't see why an 'official' schedule on our newspost wouldn't work.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

The issues with the Hydra NPCs have now been resolved and the intended changes that came with this week's update have now been reimplemented.

We will continue to monitor the situation and share any further updates. Thank you for your patience.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by florian_peelsteg_AMA

thank you very much!

I've found out that there should already be a sound added but it's quite faint. We can review feedback on it to see how players find it and whether it needs to be adjusted.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by DivineInsanityReveng

In phase two of the Grotesque Guardians fight, you’ll now see an indicator where rocks will land. Heads up!

I may be mistaken... but this already existed?

I thought the update for this poll question was in regard to the giant freeze/stun orb thats thrown by Dawn? As it has no visual ground indicator, but the falling rocks always already had one.

Bit disappointing that 1 of the 2 grotesque changes isn't done / is misunderstood, even after taking this long. And the other big change I was waiting for (Hydra) is so buggy it has to be undone.

You guys are for sure working on stuff in the background, but polled QoL changes taking this long to be drip-fed to us, only to come out buggy / be mistakenly not done is kinda frustrating as a player.

I expect the indicator feature already existed in Runelite only. As for the freeze/stun orb thrown by Dawn, you're right - it should be considered as a stun and be covered by Poll 75. In this case, it was overlooked unfortunately due to a communication error. I probably mentioned Dusk to the team instead of Dawn. As soon as we have the time to do so, we'll get it in. Ideally by next week's game update, but cannot confirm that as I don't want to disappoint if we can't get it in by then.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Merdapura

Light why was Dusks rocks changed instead of Dawns white orb? Was it a communication failure? Only Dawn's orb needed predictability of where it would hit

Hey Merda, I'm sorry about that one it's likely a communication error - but I've brought it up to the team and have got confirmation that we will be able to fix this relating to Dawn's stuns.

I know you spent a lot of time talking with me about the encounter to help me understand some of the core issues relating to GGs so thank you for that.

I can't confirm when it is likely to be fixed however it is a high priority. Thanks for raising it.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by --HORUS--

whats up with the indicator for falling rocks in phase 2 of gg fight? I cant see any difference to how it looked before the update.

The indicator may have been a runelite thing already. However, we intend to fix Dawn's predictability with the way her stuns will land. This wasn't included in the update but should have been.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Merdapura

In phase two of the Grotesque Guardians fight, you’ll now see an indicator where rocks will land. Heads up!

What? This was worded in a way it would address Dawns white orbs being completely random where they would land in the poll, why was Dusk changed instead?

We've updated the Newspost to confirm this but you're right - Dawn's stuns should have been included and were not. We'll look into fixing this as soon as possible. Sorry about that. It's likely a miscommunication error on my part.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by GoreonVHS

same also didnt the rocks already have indicators lol.

I think they may have already had indicators but on runelite only. I've let the team know about this and we're going to make sure Dawn's stuns are included, as soon as possible.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Merdapura

I can't be mad because Dusk's rocks were also on my list of things that need to be changed with the boss but Dawn's orbs are A LOT more annoying.

We'll review this tomorrow to clarify for sure, but I've got the general 'yes' from the team that it'll be fixed at some point when we can. Sorry again!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by theotherjono

the alchemical hydra final phase is bugging and not changing its attack style correctly. Almost died a couple times

Can you give more details on this if possible? It should be fixed and working as intended now so I am keen to understand if further fixes need to be made.

Edit: We've identified an issue with the final phase and have deployed a hotfix. Thanks and apologies for any inconvenience caused. :)

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by FightingTheFat

Just a heads up on another Hydra bug, sometimes he wont switch styles on final phase transition. If he ranged last he should mage on his first final phase hit, and vice versa. However, for some reason sometimes he just does Range -> Range or Mage -> Mage after the transition causing you to take a hit.

Hey, can you confirm if this is still happening? I'm seeing a couple of reports of it feeling bugged but I am not sure if these are after we deployed the hotfixes.

Edit: We've identified an issue with the finak phase of the Alchemical Hydra and have deployed a hotfix. Sorry for the inconvenience caused there.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by a_non-e_moose

what happened to hydra always starting with ranged?!?! /u/JagexSarnie

I raised this as a possible bug since from the way you phrased it, I thought it could have been. Mod Arcane let me know this was polled a long time ago and failed, apparently.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by a_non-e_moose

it's so weird, myself and others in my cc were all talking about it last night and i vividly remember it being a question in poll 75. but alas it's not there. i must have hopped over to this universe last night without knowing

I'll bring it up with the team when we discuss PvM QoL stuff to see what happened there. I started working here in January, so I'm not too sure about stuff prior to Poll 75, sorry about that!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by PaleozoicFrogBoy

Seems Hydra's last phase got reversed. It used to be she would open with the attack style opposite to the one she had last used in the previous phase, then alternate between range/mage.

Now since today's update she will continue with the saem style her previous phase used for the first attack, then alternate.

edit: also going to mention it'd be nice if we had a sound for when Hydra changes her attack style in the first three phases instead of just a visual

There were a few unintentional bugs with the Alchemical Hydra this week but we've deployed several fixes that should have resolved the issues now.

As for your suggestion, there should also be a faint sound for the Hydra, but it's a bit quiet at the moment. It was temporarily hotfixed out as we worked on some of the animation issues but it's back in game now. We can certainly look at making this louder or more obvious - thanks for raising this.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Aarrg0

The bug began when the slider was added back to the game. So my assumption is that that update caused the bug in the first place haha.

I'll ask our team about this. How frequent does it happen?

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Emperor95

The indicator for the falling rocks was part of the regular boss mechanics, even without runelite.

Thanks for passing it on, hopefully we get indicators for the orbs soon, as they can be quite annoying due to different projectile speeds.

Ah okay, sorry about that. I will bring it up in our game update review tomorrow. I appreciate the response and clarification

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by HiddenGhost1234

The rocks have always had shadows under them, even on mobile

There is no plugin for the ggs fight on runelite.

Thank you, I will make sure to raise this with the team and find out more tomorrow.