over 5 years ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s hello and welcome to this week's old
4s school Q&A I'm your host mod Cabot and
7s joining me on the so for this week
9s ma - hello and mon tight hey over on the
13s PCs we have mod husky and mod West are
17s we opposite there there hey guys they're
20s gonna be showing us some content in a
21s bit and on chat we have the wonderful
23s modern Maz hello and well she smoked up
26s as well so she'll be able to answer the
27s questions along along with us if you
29s have any questions throughout the stream
30s we'll start well we try to answer those
32s at the end so send them to a truce
35s capable act we've got the old school
36s account at old school runescape at
41s almost school RS - to get your questions
43s in last week we had a special stream for
48s song of the elves which had all of thee
50s not all but most of the song of the
52s elves team on and they talked about the
54s progress they've made so far and
56s answered your questions exclamation mark
58s elf stream or one word will take you to
61s that stream if you're interested and we
63s also have a gift to show you of crystal
66s armor this has been updated since then
69s Maji has been working with your feedback
71s and produced this so feast your eyes I
76s think this is looking great vast
78s improvement from the original I think
81s thoughts on this tied I'll really like
85s the spikes on their shoulders in there
86s the helmet looks really nice as well
88s especially since it doesn't really show
90s the cloth anymore and it's just full
91s crystal I believe it's a slight mash-up
93s of thieve popular ones from the survey
95s Sheeran and it's I hope that's a good
97s compromise people I really like this
100s design of course I'm gonna move on to
103s the announcements and get those out the
105s way there's quite a few so please bear
107s with us the first one is I suppose we
110s can consider it something of an elephant
113s in the world which is the recent let's
117s call it a recent controversy if that
118s happened especially over the weekend
120s because I did want to touch on this so
124s for anyone who sort of I think missed
128s out is the wrong word that isn't aware
129s of what's been going on there have been
131s some concerns recently regarding
132s accounts
133s purity and that was provoked us let's
137s say or sparked off by some decisions
140s made regarding P mods so to touch on
143s that if you remember we did release a
147s message to community post a couple
150s months back where we explained the
151s player support will be posting regular
153s blogs touching on the main topics of
156s concern which were want to make sure I
158s get these right toxicity tools account
161s security and there was one other one
165s well the first blog they put out was
167s mostly about people's ability to contact
169s them and get responses and in that they
172s also touched on security was sort of
174s preview of the forthcoming blog because
177s they knew that needed addressing before
179s waiting for the next one's come out so I
182s think it's meant to be series of for
184s blogs they've had the first one yes and
186s the next one's due to be up security yes
188s so the next one is like my ash has just
191s said about security we're hoping that
193s will be out next week and will hopefully
195s answer a lot of your concerns next on
201s the agenda is the merch store so
202s alongside the update at 11:00 a.m. UK
204s time tomorrow we'll be adding some well
208s some new things to the merch store I
210s think I have a little slide show to show
213s you guys which will feature this is the
216s old school map printed on a desk mat
219s that's not going out tomorrow but will
222s be available for pre-order as of
224s tomorrow
226s clicker here I won't turn on this too
230s much but I believe it's a mash-up of
231s both the old school and runescape and
233s maps there's some really cool features
235s on there yes it was this time to cover
237s both versions of the games so for us
239s it's got well some of the well it's got
245s zaiah it's got some the kingdom of
247s currents in its current layout and it's
250s got the kingdom of oil and water to the
251s south that we've been teasing for quite
253s a while now
254s also fossil island for us and for our s3
258s it covers the south end of mana force
260s and the Lost Grove and Ashdale
265s trying to represent you in scape in a
268s way that all versions can recognize us
271s pretty much their view an escape and
274s hopefully you guys don't mind the
277s occasional thing in the sea that we
278s ain't got like the lost Grove let me go
283s having modeled by the lovely evening I
287s think I need blood shed okay what's your
292s name Joe sorry mother by the lovely
295s Maude John so this is what it might look
297s like you're in friend of your horror in
298s front of your people if you choose John
300s Nigel don't worry there's also a mouse
307s mat available if you don't want the full
309s on desk mat or you want both you can get
312s it in smaller size shown there on the
314s right there we go ah there's more Chad
320s doesn't have a ring on this finger see
322s yes
324s spotted and also has sheds face yes no
331s one's perfect also adding some pins and
336s key rings to the angel escapes range on
337s the merch store this is a new pin as you
341s can see thank you guys wore well
343s hopefully you guys will like that
345s God love the early o leave pin it again
348s no picture of the Nathan do we get to
353s model these sorry nothing Cape keyring
361s let's keep an even cape these ones I
368s thought were very cool ancient staff
369s pins in blood barrage and ice parish
373s variants I think these are very cool hmm
377s had to request early for Dragon
379s Warhammer one that'd be nice
381s the chain was longer to imitate thrown a
383s spell someone oh yeah and there they are
388s all together
390s I think oh yeah and yeah if you aren't
397s aware where the aware of where the much
399s thought is that's where it is but
401s exclamation mark merch will take you to
403s a tweet where we're showing off the
405s pictures that we just shown you but also
406s a link to the merch store like I say
409s these things will be available as of
410s tomorrow with the game update at 11:00
412s a.m. so make a note if you're interested
416s all right that's gonna be interesting
418s since it at 11:00 a.m. game time we
420s reboot at 11:30 a.m. British summer time
423s oh well I guess it to be around that
428s time yes I believe it will be yeah
434s they're gonna be an hour separate aren't
435s there well game time is separate from
437s yeah also it depends by the accounting
440s the update us when the countdown starts
442s or when the server's reboot right it'll
444s be twelve game time in that case yes
447s also Thursday is the I think 13th oh did
454s you say 14th the head that's a mistake
456s okay well you'll be able to bite at some
460s point on a day at a time
464s yes confirmed at some point in time
466s these will be available we're hoping
467s tomorrow tomorrow around the time of the
470s update yes we've got candy oh well okay
477s so I'm gonna move on the summer special
479s is now available as well you'll be able
483s to buy three months of membership for
485s the price of two exclamation mark of
488s membership for all of the details so
491s it's more with a fourteenth why don't we
493s get
494s I believe we're updating the bonds
497s interface to accommodate that tomorrow
501s oh well no we've done that already some
502s special has been available on the bonds
503s interface since Monday Monday at about
505s 11:00 a.m. British summer time which I
508s think was 10 a.m. games on lots of
511s exclamation mark membership in the chat
513s asked Goods
513s cool so next port on the agenda is a
518s dead man the spring finals rerun is
520s happening
520s this Friday exclamation mark Deadman
523s will link you to the twitch event if you
525s are interested in watching we will have
527s night inator hosting which is very
529s exciting and it's gonna be cast by reg Z
531s and ian spam from well this studio right
534s here in the house so watch out for that
537s exclamation mark Deadman to mark the
539s event we shall miss their trips to
541s exotic Lester
543s it's got good bars we had a couple of
546s questions about that which I wanted to
547s touch on as well
548s Manx asked if we'll be allowing swapping
550s in the final Deadman tournament I think
554s he's referring to the summer tournament
556s so to be perfectly clear on this we're
560s okay with swapping in the season same as
563s last time but for the tournament itself
565s we don't want anybody essentially buying
567s advantages so that's that's how it's
570s gonna be we won't consider it okay for
573s the the tournament itself ie the finals
575s but in the season swap away not the wave
580s out of your season yes and one other
587s thing I wanted to touch on was the three
589s hour period for non PvP activity which
593s we're going to have before the spring
595s final rerun we wanted to explain why
599s we've chosen to do this so I've got some
602s words here which will hopefully do that
605s so the reason the reason for that is we
608s weren't able to restore people's
610s accounts exactly exactly as they would
614s want them basically at the time that
615s things stopped working for lack of a
619s better phrase last time and the point of
622s this rerun is to do the right thing for
624s as many players as possible which means
630s leveling the playing field essentially
632s we want it to be so that no one misses
634s out or was set further back than they
636s have to be and yes that's that's the
642s reason behind it
643s we know it's not perfect we know we
644s can't we can't fix everything just like
647s that but we're hoping hoping this will
650s make some amends we're quite limited in
652s our ability to roll back to specific
654s points partly because the save games are
657s not all synchronized across one server
661s you there's a lot of safe game servers
663s across the planet and when we've needed
667s to roll back we've been very limited for
669s exactly where we could get you synched
670s to so I'm afraid this seems the best
674s compromise of all the things available
675s to us even if it's not the ideal one for
677s anybody sorry and yeah for anyone who
683s didn't know we are offering the full
686s 32,000 dollars in prize money for this
688s rerun as well so it's all to play for
691s and yeah final reminder exclamation mark
695s Deadman will set the e to event if
697s you're interested in watching so I'm
699s gonna move on we have two very patient
702s mods waiting over there on the PCs to
704s show us content that they've been
705s working on exclamation mark for Foss fo
708s r th OS will link you to the poke log
712s that went live last Friday it detailed
715s the fourth horse dungeon that mod husky
717s has been working very hard on alongside
719s mod West who originally pitched it so
721s we're gonna go over to those guys who
723s are gonna well give you give you the
725s rundown on what it looks like and what
726s it's all about
729s hey guys as you can probably see on the
733s game map this is hideous
735s it was recently being worked by this
736s wonderful man here and right now we have
740s the strange room in here called the
742s fourth Austrian and part of the original
743s Sidious rework was to have a dungeon
746s pitched in there but with so much do
748s with the rework it wasn't actually done
750s with that and that's what I've been
751s working on so you'll see these two
753s entrances here which you can't see this
756s part of the game map we know the ladder
758s so that's good and see what's there so
761s walking through this is kind of similar
763s to the dev blog but we've got this area
766s here of red spiders not raised by
769s there's temple spiders there a higher
771s level version of them well along with
774s red spider eggs bones I just get a look
776s at this environment here as I walk
778s through it we have some flashable webs
781s because they're spiders so why wouldn't
783s have why wouldn't you have way
785s you can slash and then fail to slash
786s like three times in frustration a whip
792s so I'll just teleport through to save
794s going through that we have this
796s character here brother a Mary as
798s mentioned in the blog so you can talk to
800s him
800s this is where you'll start the mini
802s quest that was pitched in there and
804s he'll give you information about things
805s in the dungeon essentially if you find
806s anything you don't recognize if you use
808s it on him he'll give you some
809s descriptive information about it we have
812s over here the new NPC the undead druid
814s which I think was the raid skeletal
816s mystic model yeah there's just a sort of
818s temporary graphic for that so you've got
820s here these these creepy looking
822s corrupted druids with a an amazing mass
827s very very happy cultists in a strange
833s pot teleporting through the rest of the
839s dungeon here is that grubby chest
842s spruced up a little bit since last time
844s the grubby key you'll get from killing
846s creatures in the dungeon as a uncommon
849s to rare drop in it'll essentially give
850s you some loot and some supplies walking
852s through more of the these smiley boys
855s here and some bookcases I wanted to make
858s that the model name but I resisted and
860s just kept it sensible you can these
864s bookcases are all different unique the
866s quite cool might find as useful in the
867s quest heading up to this altar of the
870s Sun but that's not a Sun water that
874s looks more like a moon we have a broken
877s Sun altar there's Lord and suggestions
880s for the cup that you can explore in here
882s to find out what this happened praise
884s the Sun here's this NPC old Bertus who
890s we're not going to go into much but he
892s has some function in this dungeon I look
894s forward to everyone finding out tell
897s point through here's this scorched
899s grotto
900s with a number of Red Dragons and baby
902s Red Dragons these will be added to the
904s corner areas for Red Dragons so you've
907s got another option to kill them yeah and
910s this has been spruced up a bit since the
911s image it's no longer just one big brown
914s the image is worth over working progress
916s of the dungeons
917s we have a never to sort of keep floors
919s that's of solid brown color yeah get
923s some know this looks vastly different to
925s when I was working on the dev stuff mod
927s West has been using a lot creativity in
930s designing this over the last well I was
932s like agility shortcut I passed with 75
934s agility let's move through to the last
936s room which is uh here's the crypt of the
939s moon was what we called it yeah
942s where you can see more of these undead
943s druids they're sort of phasing
945s transitions of the moon this relief here
948s which behind it will have some sort of
951s entrance that you'll unlock somehow in
952s the dungeon taking you to this bone
955s burner room you've got NPC called Odin
958s Oreo down the Tanner whoever you want to
959s transit the bone burner itself for
963s burning the bones as mentioned in the
964s blog and then he'll Tan your hides for a
967s bit more than or mother price and once
968s you've made your way into here pull the
970s lever and they'll permanently unlock
971s this door yeah okay I unlocked it there
980s we go so you'll be able to access this
982s there's a lot of exploring the dungeon
983s to unlock more content within the
985s dungeon which I think adds a lot more
986s flavor and depth to it you just might a
988s bug I found earlier if you walked the
990s all rights because when the door opens
998s it removes the blocking on the wall next
999s to it nice problem I had with the the
1001s doors in his cities itself as well and
1003s so doing here as well so you need to add
1005s some block in there it's a good thing I
1007s rendered that lets okay we'll catch that
1009s so part of the quest and show you some
1012s cool models
1020s these three books move a bit small on
1023s the screen down here but uh the off
1025s these little books you have to fill as
1026s part of the dungeon once you've got back
1028s that's right the mini quest dungeon and
1029s once you do you'll be able to enter this
1032s crypts down here which leads to the boss
1035s room and I think the spot area looks
1038s amazing I'm going to teleport in and let
1041s you have a look and see Sir Agnes in its
1042s habitat but no but no boss spoilers no
1047s boss spoilers we're not showing you any
1048s mechanics I'm invisible to the boss
1050s right now so you've got these like egg
1052s sacs on the walls which are broken open
1054s are still there you've got this lovely
1057s patterns on the wall plenty webs the
1059s hanging webs which I think we pinched
1061s from a theatre of blood yes some classic
1063s yeah if you've been to blood you might
1064s ever notice the fewer unfortunate heroes
1066s trapped in these webs yes so this was
1071s the idea for this room as this was a an
1073s old like sort of place where the the
1075s moon druids that are exploring the story
1077s of the dungeon would bury their their
1079s places but unfortunately when they left
1081s well one that this deserted the spine
1084s and decided to make it at home so you've
1085s got these nice little empty
1087s sarcophaguses start off a guy however
1090s that is so yeah little box for
1096s retrieving your items if you die in
1097s there and that's kind of it I think yes
1100s pretty good rundown of it cool I don't
1102s want to spoil too much let you leave
1104s explore the dungeon at your own pace yes
1106s yes I see a lot of questions over the
1109s feedback and stuff which we're gonna
1110s answer when we get back to the couch
1111s because well there were like 700
1114s comments not ready for anything you and
1115s I both read all of them
1119s yeah cool but that's an overview of the
1122s dungeon just to sort of walk through in
1123s the purposes of each room not going to
1125s story or anything better yeah hopefully
1127s you guys have fun with it oh they want
1129s to examine the boss examine the boss a
1131s little bit yeah getting a really big
1136s newspaper guys I'll give another exam
1145s test
1145s examining an egg sack summer you might
1147s get that
1150s Oh everyone loves a bit a little cool
1155s anyway that's us and they didn't even
1165s touch on the mini quest no that's true I
1168s think I think they wanted to smoke we
1170s wanted to deliberately leave some stuff
1172s a surprise
1174s so yes alright spoiler free zone yes
1180s yeah there's someone someone in the chat
1183s they're saying uh well you've spoiled
1184s the whole thing
1185s no absolutely not there's loads left
1187s that you haven't seen and the boss fight
1190s itself is not gonna be a straightforward
1191s you stand there and hit it until it dies
1193s there's a few mechanics in there right
1194s there yes yes a lot of fun designing
1198s that boss I won't go into how I've done
1200s it but essentially the way I look at it
1201s is this is a people it's like this
1204s Midway bosses yeah okay you've killed
1207s them all you've killed KBD and there's
1209s quite a big step up to zola yeah things
1210s like work out some quests and there's a
1214s lot of mechanics I think the biggest
1215s thing with the combat system in our game
1216s is etc you're switching or prayer
1218s switching and suddenly going from having
1219s to do none of that to all of that is a
1221s big step up so this force requires one
1224s of those things yeah it's just get used
1229s to it and it's not gonna be terribly
1230s punishing either if you mess up the
1233s mechanics you'll be a bit more food
1236s you'll get less trips the boss fight
1238s might take a bit longer but ultimately
1240s it's not going to be all like service
1242s you don't perfectly ghost in you die
1244s it's not going to be that level of
1245s punishing because it's the idea is to
1247s give people this entry I think all of
1249s you saw me walking around that sort of
1250s toe tags gear obsidian cake combat
1252s bracelet that that's kind of the guy who
1254s I was making this for right you know
1257s this is the guy who's maybe just got as
1259s a Bissel whip 80s combat stats 60 prayer
1261s that sort of level and he's like that's
1263s the point we're leveling in this game
1265s starts to it starts to get quite a bit
1267s harder but you know it's the time
1269s between levels moving two hours and it
1271s just gives them some content so I look
1273s out for that thing that's not listed by
1274s those KBT more that's nice what West it
1280s was in your original hideous rework blog
1283s that we
1284s first pitch the idea of the dungeon
1285s wasn't it with them I suppose just for a
1287s bit of context what what made you want
1289s to include a dungeon as part of that
1291s rework well the ten words there on the
1295s on release it didn't have too many
1296s dungeons I was really looking to sort of
1297s add a few more underground areas to just
1299s the area in general and I really want a
1302s ver areas as toughly dungeon so I wanted
1304s to do sort of sort of incorporate that
1306s sort of feel to a dungeon for the grind
1309s and and then had the sort of other idea
1311s of having this sort of self-sufficient
1313s dungeon where you can you can cure you
1315s dragons you can turn your hides into
1317s letters with the Tana and you can help
1318s them and also use your bones on the
1319s burner so it's off because that's sort
1321s of nice loop inside the dungeon itself
1323s it's quite a nice unique full effect and
1326s now sort of the original designer came
1329s from sure I suppose suppose the part
1331s that you could say is a world building
1333s like Greece the depth of the area that's
1340s cool yeah this is what makes it feel a
1341s bit more engraved into the game gives it
1343s a purpose so it sort of like ball first
1346s and then we sort put the content in
1347s afterwards sure it's good to go about it
1349s that's cool um have you found well this
1352s is your first major project you've had
1354s essentially to yourself since west
1357s handed it over right husky yeah so after
1360s I finished my start training it was what
1362s we're gonna we're gonna give mod husky
1363s to to show his stuff essentially
1365s normally it's like Easter Christmas
1368s events that sort of thing but there's
1370s the next month Halloween and you know
1372s they kind of need to know if I'm good or
1373s bad before they decide to keep me or get
1376s rid of me so it was a okay well we'll
1379s tackle this that was mentioned I think I
1380s mentioned GreenFest it was mentioned in
1382s your city street what it is and we'll
1384s see so obviously I spoke to corner saw
1386s the original design so they serve a bone
1388s burner a dragon hides grubby key sort of
1390s idea and it's dungeon layout and the
1392s first thing this is why why why why you
1395s know what is the story here why are
1396s these people here what has happened
1398s because to me that's really important to
1400s understanding and playing the content
1401s for those that don't know I thought my
1404s basically favorite game apart from this
1405s is Dungeons & Dragons
1406s it's all lore it's all RPGs and I really
1409s wanted that sort of classics or a
1411s dungeon feel of like this thing existed
1413s before you guys got there and it wasn't
1415s made for you and I've had to
1417s balance that between actually fitting it
1419s into the game where people can do it and
1420s I wanted to stick true to a lot of what
1422s mod West did because to me you know it
1426s is essentially the dungeon was their
1428s first and I put the content yeah sure
1430s thing didn't want to change it too much
1431s yeah I think you've really captured that
1433s feeling I know a lot of the players did
1435s as well when I saw all the comments in
1437s the reaction to the blog they said you
1439s know this feels really old-school it's
1440s all quintessentially what an RPG dungeon
1442s should feel like so I think you nailed
1444s that yeah it's great you know we're
1447s talking earlier about some of the other
1448s things
1449s players raised in feedback which I know
1451s you wanted to explain or have a chance
1453s to discuss while we're here yeah so far
1458s a couple of them at you the first well
1460s the first three are around the boss I
1462s suppose we'll go on go on and touch that
1464s first sure some players want to know if
1467s there's a chance to make the boss non
1469s instanced and multi so I will preface
1475s this with not my sort of game mode is
1477s that I came from an Ironman background
1478s would used to instant stuff and people
1481s have said oh it's just an instance area
1482s my boss it's catering to Ironman I think
1484s it's kind of most bosses this way have
1485s done that and I wanted to stick to that
1487s and give new players an example what to
1488s expect however just because and that was
1491s potentially where I am balance the
1493s mechanics around right I've balanced
1494s mechanics around a single player but
1496s since people have brought it up I've
1498s been thinking why not have both and I'm
1501s not promising it I have to look into my
1503s design to see how I can scale it up to
1504s more people make more of the mechanics
1506s and or more players of that sort of
1507s thing I would love to have sort of the
1509s Kraken and KBB treatment where you you
1511s you pay for your instance to go in solo
1513s and otherwise you can just go in with
1515s your friends and do it and it's like you
1517s know this might be designed for a level
1518s 100 combat people but you know after me
1521s my three friends write you five combat
1522s let's give it a shot I'd love that
1523s feeling of it and obviously like if
1526s you've got a bunch of maxed players
1527s they'll just shred it I preface this
1529s with this boss so much a max player will
1531s shred this boss it's not made for you
1533s you'll kill it quickly that's just how
1535s it is I'm not gonna balance it around
1536s that I want it to be primarily balanced
1538s around the new players I think that was
1540s something that was tried with the Gortex
1541s Guardians and maybe was missed a bit
1543s because it has so much HP it has a
1545s Slayer alternative that's better golden
1546s hour that even when it was looked at for
1548s a new player boss people have said why
1550s are you doing this one
1551s guardians failed because I think I want
1552s to design it around that person there is
1554s no alternative spare a golden hour
1556s there's no you know there's no
1558s alternative it's just this is cool boss
1561s see ya and I think also max players will
1564s shred it people like shredding bosses
1565s that's fun as well so I think you hit
1567s that for both players cool again not
1570s promising I can make it group I want to
1572s try I need to tank off that and see how
1574s much work that will take for me to
1575s rework mechanics well thank you for
1578s agreeing to look into that I know it's
1579s gonna make a lot Bears happy that you're
1582s acknowledging the feedback I'm gonna try
1583s yep people are also interested to know
1588s about serac misses drop table
1590s particularly the potential for uniques
1593s so i know in the poll blog we discussed
1595s the idea of a giant egg sac which is
1597s going to contain lots of red spider eggs
1600s how do you feel about other uniques
1602s potentially or something different it's
1604s something i wait till i come on stream
1606s because i really want to start a
1607s discussion about it it's really hard to
1608s find this unique reward space for this
1610s boss that fits I think I have one after
1613s if we're looking at some suggestions I
1614s would like to pitch a unique which would
1617s be a crush weapon that's sort of in
1620s between the 60 and 70 bracket so it
1624s would be essentially worse than a whip
1628s but better than a better than a scimitar
1630s but because it's a crush weapon the only
1633s thing that I think comes close to leaf
1634s blade a battle axe and it's very much
1635s like a kiosk laying weapon 5 tech thing
1637s it was for tech and I've actually Terran
1639s I can the boss's stats are already set
1641s so that a for tech crush weapon with
1644s about 70 attack bonus and 70 strength
1646s which is worse than a whip will still
1648s outperform the whip that this boss so
1650s it'll be a nice step up for the player
1651s to go I had a whip when I started and
1653s I've got the money for this boss I
1655s really like that self-fulfilling
1657s prophecy in boss drops being good for
1658s the boss for the people that it's done
1660s work after did that with a skeletal
1662s research for the Dragon Fire award very
1666s sick has done that with the scythe Allen
1668s did that with the twisted bow I like
1669s this idea of you kill the boss to get
1671s something and it won't actually the whip
1672s anywhere else it's just because and this
1675s is kind of giving away something about
1676s the boss it is primarily designed around
1677s melee and crush is going to be a
1680s specific weakness of it that's a freebie
1682s for that for the people but they're
1683s going to mechanics
1684s because of that it's Hass that will
1686s still be better if you've got a house
1687s that's a 40 ml weapon bludgeon will
1688s still be better but you know you'll have
1690s that for that
1691s I know rock also proposed something like
1693s a spider silk bow string that you can
1695s attach to a dartboard that would make it
1696s one tick faster
1697s another potential idea for a weapon I
1699s want to start this discussion to see
1701s what we want to do and the poll isn't
1702s out yet we can say would you like this
1704s unique would you like that unique so
1707s yeah I like the idea of the crush weapon
1709s maybe the bowstring something as well
1710s but we can start that discussion cool I
1713s want to sort of emphasize at this point
1715s if you have any ideas for uniques ping
1718s them over to Ma dusky at jagex husky on
1720s Twitter and I'm sure to take them into
1722s consideration yes I know what you think
1724s of the crash weapon idea yes yes I mean
1727s at this point if if people say they hate
1729s it I we won't put it up all but if I get
1731s a lot of positive feedback saying it's a
1732s good idea we'll see how it does if it
1734s fails it fails sure cool people also
1739s want to know pet pet or now I've seen
1744s lot of mixed opinions from people I
1745s think the biggest one is it's another
1747s spider pet I would like a pet I've
1749s already kind of got that it's not a lot
1751s of work to make a pet I've already got
1752s it in the game just needs to be skilled
1754s the model down I would like it there I
1756s think the concern is that some of the
1758s elves already said they're having two
1759s pets right my my stand point is I've
1762s never minded pets as a player it's
1764s always that nice to have I got lucky
1766s put it in you know I showed off my
1769s friends
1770s I think pet hunters like people said
1771s it's not fair to pet hunters but their
1773s parent does cuz they like to get that my
1774s opinion it's gonna be a fairly low level
1776s boss but it's not gonna be a hard pet to
1778s get so I think why not go for it I think
1780s it's unique enough model from the other
1782s spiders that it doesn't it's not just
1784s gonna be always just another been in a
1785s sort of aversive pet it's if he doesn't
1786s like the other spiders no come on I was
1789s speaking to G yes was a we were looking
1792s at daddy longlegs spider as an
1795s inspiration for that for it to be
1796s different that little body and long legs
1797s sir yep yeah yeah we caught that alright
1800s so yeah it has a little body and big
1802s legs and I think it's that unique feel
1803s yeah definitely sits like a lot of
1805s taller than the other spiders spider
1807s pets we have thing yes other questions
1812s players what oh yes the the burnt the
1814s sorry the bone
1816s that features in the dungeon some
1820s players are concerned about the XP rates
1821s for prayer around it do you want to have
1823s a chance to talk about that yeah so I
1826s really like spreadsheets and I kind of
1828s made a spreadsheet for this I don't have
1830s the numbers at hand have left them on
1831s the desk over there
1832s but essentially people are forgetting
1835s that Red Dragons are a lot harder than
1836s Blue Dragons and defense they've got
1838s thirty five more hit points and
1839s essentially any main account is never
1842s going to do this as their predominant
1843s trading method the chaos ultra in the
1845s wilderness is essentially a seven times
1847s multiplier because it's three and a half
1848s times and you get twice as much benefit
1850s of your bones same for Ironman they'll
1853s just do that the two groups that it was
1855s kind of targeted towards as maybe being
1856s strong for where ultimate and hard
1858s course specifically hard courts going
1860s for piety and then any of those accounts
1861s going for ninety nine was kind of the
1863s thing if you're going for piety you're
1865s probably about a rune crossbow and I
1867s worked it out to be roughly 18 to 19 k
1869s ex perience an hour
1870s assuming you're flicking eagle eye zero
1872s time picking up bones you're never
1874s losing damage and you're one tick using
1875s the bones that's a lot of ribs
1876s that'll scale up to that experience per
1878s hour the same anything with blowpipe is
1880s actually doubles it but the maximum gear
1882s with like void myth darts I think I used
1885s a shooing for alts that would have ax
1886s easy access to and a blowpipe flicking
1889s rigger it was about 45 Cakes minutes
1893s night I think that was even range potted
1894s as well so like having that much
1895s supplies flicking rigor is a it's a lot
1897s of effort and I think even pest control
1900s is borderline like 40 K experience an
1902s hour for alts that's what they do I'm
1906s okay with moving a prayer method that's
1908s marginally better away from pest control
1910s you know actually training prayer as
1911s opposed to just spending points on it it
1913s feels a better gameplay thing for
1915s hardcore say meth guild Green Dragons
1916s it's probably still a thing the
1918s intention for this wasn't to make a new
1919s meta the intention of this was here's a
1921s cool idea let's balance it so it's not
1923s ridiculous and so it's a nice feature
1924s when you get this is a task or where you
1926s just want to do something cuz it's such
1927s a waste to leave those bones and those
1929s hides on the floor when you're killing
1930s those dragons the Simoni people do all
1931s right having to go in bank to do it so
1934s yeah that's the idea
1935s the expense rates are not that bad and
1937s even if they even if I'm wrong even if
1939s I've counted every tick for every hour
1941s that you can do my spreadsheet wrong and
1942s it is bad we can nerf it I'm absolutely
1945s okay for moving it down to two and a
1946s half times if it proves too powerful
1949s oh thank you for explaining I know
1952s there's one final point that you wanted
1954s to touch on so there are some of you
1957s even in chat who are actually saying
1959s this so I'm gonna give what house key
1961s here a chance to respond some people are
1963s concerned at this update is to Ironman
1965s centric and others are saying I was just
1968s another Slayer dungeon would you like a
1969s chance to respond to that yeah I think
1972s as I touched on earlier the dungeon was
1973s designed first
1974s we've only got two monsters in it which
1976s is the temple spider in the druids plus
1978s the boss which is essentially just a
1979s boss version of the temple spider and i
1981s feel like if it was a slayer dungeon it
1983s would have had more creatures and the
1984s creatures would have been chosen
1985s specifically to be a slayer dungeon
1987s monsters of the Slayer level none of
1989s these creatures have a Slayer level and
1990s it was more of an afterthought to be huh
1992s we've got these new creatures in Zeya we
1995s have as a Slayer master why not just put
1997s them on her Slayer assignment list just
1998s to push people towards and discover this
2000s piece of content that they might
2001s actually enjoy as far as an Ironman
2004s thing I think that's mostly come with
2005s the red spider egg thing which is just
2007s it's mostly it's done through tired of
2009s life killing level 42 think creatures
2011s the original design had a red spider
2014s which I was interested in putting to a
2015s boss to see you know learn myself how a
2017s boss has done get that practice in I
2019s thought it'd be really fun to do and hit
2021s that niche of the mid-level player
2022s awesome it was a lot of fun actually I
2024s got to look at a lot of Boston's whoever
2026s coded I've spent hours killing in the
2027s game and I think that it was just the
2029s what we're doing up spread spider boss
2031s this is who I'm doing it for we might as
2033s well address the nightmare zone red
2035s spider eggs issue and at the same time
2036s make it nicer and more enjoyable for
2038s iron people to get their red spider eggs
2040s because nobody likes going to tower life
2042s and doing it and you know it's never
2045s because not gonna be better than that
2046s just to be an alternative and I think
2048s the people think people forget I'm end
2050s up need a lot of them I think going to
2051s net and herb-lore ID about two K to
2053s three case snapdragons that's not a lot
2056s of time at our life that's for three to
2057s four hours it just would have been nicer
2059s to have spent that time doing something
2060s else it's not gonna break the herb-lore
2062s meta and because you don't have our
2064s abundance of snapdragons to use and
2065s nobody uses Hera Landers cool well thank
2068s you for commenting on that one so like
2072s we say exclamation mark for thoughts
2074s we'll take you to the poll blog that
2075s went out on Friday
2076s I think we're expecting to go over
2078s feedback this week and possibly post a
2081s change list based on our feedback
2083s this Friday and we'll be looking to poll
2085s I think next week early next week
2087s so yeah thank you very much for that mod
2090s husky thank you I'm gonna move on to the
2092s chaps questions now give mods ashen tied
2096s a chance to speak I spoke earlier
2101s so our first is from Ray and he wants to
2104s know if we could attach a counter to the
2106s kingdom of miscellanea which would tell
2108s us the last time we collected resources
2110s from there how do we feel about this one
2112s I think it would be quite nice because
2115s then you can see how many days of
2117s resources you've got sucked up so if you
2119s want to wait a month and then go get
2121s resources ooh much you've actually young
2123s thing there month then you know exactly
2125s how long has been it's think it'd be
2127s quite nice
2128s am i right in saying that there is
2130s actually a cap on how many resources it
2133s will collect or how long it will collect
2134s them for there's a cap on how many
2136s resources it can have and it will tell
2138s you you've got there right I think when
2141s you interact with the possibly when you
2145s interact with the place me you get a
2147s favor so if you hit that you'll probably
2150s know about it and the way it gives you
2154s resources from your favour is when you
2158s interact with something on the island
2160s bought enough on the island it checks to
2162s see how many full days it's been since
2164s you last did so and for every full day
2172s multiples 24 hours give you some turn
2177s some of your favor into resources
2179s multiplied by your favor at the time
2181s decrease your favorite it'll give you
2184s some resources exchanged your favor now
2187s it's a bit lower decrease your favor
2188s again repeat that once reach full day
2191s it's been and thus over time it kind of
2194s tails off because your favors going down
2196s and you're getting a lower multiplier
2198s turning your favor into resources and
2201s thus it abates your resource points
2205s tells you you've got the gap and then
2209s you visit some Grimm and it turns the
2212s points into actual items and dumps them
2215s on you
2216s which is why I've advised people when
2218s they ask that some it's beneficial to go
2221s there regularly and get your favor up so
2224s that's rather than having it decay over
2227s time and in some decreasing multiply
2231s makes not anyone asked but it's come up
2234s occasionally okay so I suppose we would
2237s consider adding something that lets you
2238s know but I don't see a problem with it
2241s it's not a secret especially she
2244s probably knew already cool cool money
2248s some I put is sometimes a pain but it's
2251s got an interface already so that's easy
2252s that's true furious wants to know if we
2258s would consider allowing players to
2259s combine ancient shards with some ranged
2262s weapon to create arranged demon Bane
2264s weapon possibly something that's lesser
2267s used like circle or the bone crossbow
2270s someone just really wants to get their
2272s sickles there you should panic by them
2278s anyway
2279s always worth their just plan about them
2282s how do you feel about arranged demon
2284s Bane weapon as opposed to arc lights I
2286s don't I don't like it personally I think
2288s blowpipe is already pretty strong
2290s against most demons anyway so is it
2291s better than a blowpipe and we've already
2293s kind of got a range scape thing going on
2295s anyway Arclight is one of those few
2297s times where you're like okay we should
2299s actually use you know melee for this
2300s boss I think even twisted bow is
2302s actually better at krill anyway if you
2304s you're up there and you can do the
2306s method to kite it properly then and I
2307s feel a but I like that that's unique to
2309s melee at least like I don't want to add
2312s any more to range because it's worse
2314s than blowpipe nobody uses him it's
2315s better than blowpipe we've just power
2316s creep range they didn't up the holy
2318s water which kind of is a ranged thing
2320s but a very very different one and it
2323s could if it were made not so horrible to
2327s get it could also be made to roll off a
2331s different kind of defense from the usual
2333s kind of ranging merging the problem of
2336s that as well we've not got a dark light
2339s crossbow because you actually had the
2340s crystals to a dark like to make the arc
2342s light yeah you have that sort of middle
2343s ground that's true we'd need to give
2346s another item as well and it's
2348s just across patrols which does seem a
2349s bit inconsistent why not allow it to be
2352s used on the staff of lights and making
2354s it corrupted stuff of lights and majors
2355s a bit more powerful to demons okay we're
2358s giving mage more options like I said I
2359s just don't think ranges the power creeps
2361s specifically okay yeah you know that
2363s sought both no bow sword thing from the
2366s devious minds quest yes yes
2368s [Laughter]
2372s Linus wants to know if the gauntlet pet
2375s will have a transmog option to allow it
2378s to turn into the other crystal creatures
2379s from well the gauntlet for anyone who
2383s hasn't seen them exclamation mark elf
2386s stream will link you to the stream where
2388s we showed off a few of those I can't
2392s speak on the behalf of the artists and
2394s the devs but I love the idea so I will
2399s pose it to them I suppose to be like
2402s some idea it's sort of cool usually we
2405s had transmog sort of like after the you
2407s know give it a time for them to get the
2408s pet first and have it you know walking
2410s around a bit you know before we like
2411s sort of mix up the the differences you
2413s can change do a bit like with the young
2415s thing we did was suck when the nibbler
2417s and Corp yep so potentially but I don't
2420s know that they do that would be like
2422s having like even more people said
2424s earlier they didn't want more spider
2425s pets that would be another spider pet
2427s and also I don't think all of them would
2429s really work in a one by one
2430s some of them like wolves and you have
2432s thorns they might look a bit okay if
2438s anything like I did hear that there was
2439s potentially we might want to gauntlet
2441s hard mode at some point later on that
2443s might be a cool way to add the
2444s transmodulator as a like leave a
2447s challenge mode rates that might be an
2449s idea I don't know if the heart boat
2450s gamma is coming out I just heard that it
2452s could be an idea for future sure it
2455s would be nice the next reward so they're
2458s just giving out for free yeah fair
2460s enough
2465s Punisher wants to know if soul Wars can
2468s make a comeback this has been asked that
2472s I how many times since and the a not
2475s changed Emily West could tell us more
2480s about the process for trying to get a
2481s model back that was used in runescape
2483s back in those days and how it doesn't
2485s work for animations so oh yeah because
2487s um one I think was after the 2008 update
2490s when they did though the whole HD update
2492s they sort of merge all their frames
2493s together so current we have our frames
2495s stored in separate files so every frame
2497s is a its own file but they they changed
2500s it so they will just collapse into a
2501s single file and also think that doesn't
2503s work with our current animations
2504s we do with models because all the models
2506s are they're just a lot larger and a lot
2508s more detailed so with model the color
2510s space is a bit more definition as well
2512s but essentially we just look small and
2514s make the model smaller that's why I did
2515s for the PvP armors and then we just fix
2517s all the colors up and make sure it works
2519s with the car animations usually the
2521s labels work quite nicely so it still
2523s works with the skeletons if you already
2525s have them if you don't have that base
2526s it's just not going to work so it would
2528s be a large job to adapt okay I record
2533s talked somebody about a week to get
2536s there and exchange and that doesn't
2537s actually have a huge number of models
2539s another animated either so that's a
2543s scared of it
2543s when we did the Corp we actually did
2546s bring about the models from back then I
2549s think the artist was on it from several
2551s weeks despite there being only like nine
2553s models total like the Beast cutlip Roger
2557s anims Lee create those animations not in
2560s very high frame rate but I look over the
2563s way the court moves by like I did a
2565s recreated the the animation for it for
2567s the pet because it didn't really look
2568s very good on the pet when I do maybe a
2570s lot smaller mm-hmm I mean we cut out a
2572s well it plays whenever we could add a
2573s smoother animation for the the Corp but
2576s I mean it's not ready come up saying I
2578s already suggested it well sometimes that
2580s stop-motion animation look has its
2582s appeal yeah I mean it's it's very very
2587s stop-motion because there's movie watch
2589s I know Empire Strikes Back you get
2590s battle yeah possibly yeah very classic
2595s what if we were to make our own soul
2598s wars with bespoke models and maybe the
2603s slightly tweaked system sees a thing
2604s when we brought out the Rev caves you
2608s know a lot of the behavior was the same
2610s the way the things were programmed I
2612s understand the developer actually
2614s adapted the original code from 2008 ish
2617s and much of the dungeon layout you're
2621s take going mad with agility shortcuts
2625s but players were pretty darn scathing
2627s about it and saw us not what they
2631s remembered it looked cheap because we
2633s hadn't recreated it pixel by pixel we'd
2637s genuinely done a cheaper version with
2639s repaid with different models ourselves
2643s and players were pretty vocal that this
2646s was not good enough
2648s so no while for many people the
2652s cosmetics don't matter too much and they
2654s just want the gameplay there's a lot of
2656s people feel differently about that kind
2658s of thing and I do not think that's a
2660s good direction to go anymore didn't help
2663s that it came with the major arena to
2665s update with its I think bright blue
2667s painted demons which that really was a
2671s sort of a never mind cosmetics let's
2674s give them the game play and see if
2675s that's the priority it turns out it's
2678s not enough for the priority yeah that's
2681s fair I also have some not-so-good
2682s memories from soul wars which maybe if
2684s you forget such as being stuck at the
2686s spawn while people right lost my player
2691s it was quite while ago but it was just a
2693s swarm of people just sort of stood still
2695s I'm sure they were really playing the
2697s game for the game rather than just for
2699s the rewards themselves okay well
2702s otherwise it'd be XP waste sure okay
2707s Jordan wants us to allow them to fill
2711s the herp sack with grimy herbs rather
2714s than just clean herbs
2715s you'll get muddy it is grimy herbes you
2718s can't put clean herbs and oh sorry the
2719s other way around
2721s put that down wrong yes but when they
2725s become filthy
2727s Zach yeah suppose it words though when
2730s they're filthy so if I recall
2739s correctly the way it stores the data for
2741s the quantity inside it would ya like
2746s math says so it would need that but a
2750s lot more memory capacity allocating for
2752s it if all the hopes could be in a
2753s different form and well that's not
2756s impossible it's a slightly bigger job
2759s than just switching it around so I don't
2763s think this is something about to offer
2764s sorry I suppose he's asking him because
2766s he's accidentally cleaned it and then he
2768s can't put it in right the you know it's
2770s just be a bit more careful we would just
2772s give you a way to make it grimy again xp
2779s for the cleaning process that could be a
2780s new power trainer get one Guam and a
2783s muddy puddle use it on your grubby chest
2786s yes yes yeah yeah altameyer in my
2793s herb-lore training method just with a
2796s single herb so Vernon wants an update on
2802s Last Man Standing
2804s so a couple weeks ago mod Rock explained
2807s all the things you'd like to do for Last
2808s Man Standing since then we've made it so
2810s you can start casual games with four
2812s players yeah we pulled that on post 67 a
2815s while back but some yeah we've got that
2817s one out before the rest of the rework
2819s comes Matt might be well placed to tell
2821s us more about the progress so that the
2822s last person standing when you game
2824s indeed I am actively working on Last Man
2826s Standing with mod Rock and we are
2829s working through all of the wonderful
2831s suggestions he's come up with and
2832s discussed with you he's going to be
2834s putting a blog out shortly regarding
2836s rewards and your thoughts would be very
2838s very much appreciated on that so wait
2841s for that to come and give us your ideas
2844s thank you very much yes I hope send your
2849s ideas to at Jagex Rock ro q for anyone
2852s who hasn't seen that written down or
2855s James Marrs and this question is from
2859s glasses and there
2861s is can we rebuild the missing statues
2864s left after garden of tranquility using
2866s marble bricks this should give a little
2869s bit of construction experience as well
2870s what do you think
2872s then someone on I like that yeah I want
2876s to rebuild a bus they will rebuild them
2877s to something else like Oh Queen Anna
2880s Maria we have a lower constructional
2883s crafting level they're sort of a little
2884s bit out of shape or deformed but if you
2887s ever if you have ninety-nine then you
2888s can rebuild them as they were I'm just
2890s imagining it was account of where this
2891s what quest that was but you make like a
2893s statue in you it goes like a donkey head
2894s or sewing on your camels head on an
2896s actress laments but you won't have
2898s worked with them as in the sculpture to
2900s build you get a choice of whether you
2903s want the samurai axe head a camels head
2905s his head or something else I I do not
2908s quite know why the developer went this
2910s effort that's pretty cool yeah so just
2913s imagine making rebuilding these statues
2915s but it just has a camels head on it
2916s because that's all the player knows how
2917s to do deep in sand alright it's a dual
2922s one with quite fitting do you know doo
2924s doo doo really yeah yeah judo could have
2928s a start and you do it earlier it's heavy
2930s probably easy to sculpt you bald right
2933s it's quite easy to make the statues as
2935s well because you just take the plate and
2937s turn it great it's done I think maybe
2942s something a bit weird about a city
2945s commemorated celebrating the murder
2949s please seem to seem to like inci in the
2952s spirit of Modern Art maybe something
2953s abstract potentially maybe it maybe it's
2956s a whole like plotline that we never knew
2958s about that the white knights realized
2959s that there were a bunch of black knights
2961s and falador so they committed a genocide
2962s to purge the city and a little mask was
2966s an inside job I realized were actually
2971s running out of time quite quickly so I'm
2973s gonna move on with some chat questions
2974s that mod Maz has kindly gathered for us
2978s the first few are around the fourth
2981s dungeon so I'll direct these to West and
2983s husky the first is will the Dragons be
2986s multi combat red dragon area no no the
2991s only multi combat area in the dungeon
2993s currently
2994s is the temple spider room the first one
2996s that you get into okay
2998s so yeah if anyone does get them as a
3000s slayer test they're not a lot they can
3002s be bashed it is a is a thing sure along
3007s similar lines I know some players were
3008s interested to know if they'll be able to
3010s set up their cannons there I was
3015s thinking about this a lot good and you
3016s forwarded the tweet to me I don't want
3018s to add it they've added to the dungeon
3020s SP to the whole dungeon right I don't
3022s want to add it to the scorch grotto
3023s whether our dragons are because that
3024s would severely impact the experience
3027s rates for prayer that I've courted and
3028s worked out right and I don't really want
3030s to give them an option for that also
3034s that that area hasn't really been done
3036s to prevent potentially other people's
3039s cannons hitting other people's dragons
3040s and that could get quite annoying so no
3044s not currently
3045s I imagine that is oh the next one is the
3053s catacombs shortcut shortcut taken away
3058s no question mark I can go show that if
3060s okay because that's something I did
3062s forget to show off and it looks really
3063s cool yeah please do get is that okay for
3066s us to fight back to that screen yeah so
3071s before we show it it's still it's still
3073s there obviously we didn't even review
3075s access to the air catacombs but it's
3077s either inside the dungeon itself now and
3079s it's sort of more part of the
3080s environment and so it sort of feels more
3081s you know more pop the world essentially
3084s okay
3085s that's nice it's cool when you get the
3087s opportunity to make something feel a bit
3088s more natural you know and it feels um if
3091s sort of feels like the dark or is what
3093s it sort of leaking out of the sort of
3095s pocket dimension it sort of in so it
3097s gives it a bit of Mattox as well very
3099s cool and there is also a slight
3102s reference to something as well which you
3104s might be able to tell when there when
3106s you when you see it maybe see if we can
3111s transition over to mod husky who's come
3114s back to the PC
3117s oh cool back so as I mentioned this was
3129s the entrance on the east side there is
3131s another entrance on the west side so
3133s this location here is currently where
3135s the entrance to the catacombs is now
3137s what I've done is we've decided to move
3139s it to in here down this ladder you'll
3145s see this this strange hole here so the
3147s catacombs entrance currently works that
3149s you can only unlock it from the other
3150s side you can't get to it currently so
3152s again you do this and you can't get it
3154s but if I cheat and open it you have this
3161s sort of nice corrupted hole within it
3167s which leads to the giant sand crabs so
3170s this is that entrance there so arguably
3175s it's a bit faster for those people who
3177s want to get to dust devils than it
3179s currently is oh I need to fix that and
3181s remove that from the map but yes that's
3183s the current entrance there that's been
3184s moved yeah I think that looks quite cool
3191s yeah I think West got the inspiration
3195s from our stranger things so I've added
3197s the appropriate examine text for their
3201s passage to another realm I've seen
3203s stranger things
3204s very nice yeah thank you very much thank
3210s you for showing us your corrupted hole
3211s thank you think course what better way
3226s there's always a wizard is enough
3231s that's no canon four minutes so we could
3235s try carry office or knock top noon was
3245s asking about the barbed assault Cape
3247s update I think that came out to cut the
3249s weeks ago sorry I was right I'll squeeze
3259s in a couple more questions then we also
3260s have something to show off to close with
3263s I believe if we still okay with that
3264s would ask my Oh awesome
3269s so another player from the chatters
3273s asked can we not open seed packs while
3275s moving similar sorry can we open seed
3278s packs while moving similar to birds
3280s nests didn't know that's a problem
3283s I only notice that the other week
3285s in-game okay I I'm actually looking to
3289s see why it does it imagine it's possible
3292s okay some actions you can do can't do so
3296s like her boxes for example you have to
3298s be still for sometimes if something's
3300s gonna open a menu like chat box menu or
3303s something we won't want you wandering
3304s around with that open because other
3306s scripts get stalled behind it while you
3307s move over boundaries right but that
3310s tends not to be a big issue and I think
3314s you might be because I Ryan it's trying
3316s to find the agile packing your inventory
3318s yeah it's probably stopping everything
3320s else from happening so it's canceling
3322s your walking and then it's trying to
3324s find the pack so I can decrease the
3326s variable that's not on the pack and
3328s that's why it's happening okay okay so
3333s is that something we wouldn't be able to
3334s change without you know okay no you
3338s can't do that can we make a fire giant
3346s boss like oh boy for hill giants right
3349s giant boss so initially the giant bosses
3351s were sort of designed as a things four
3353s of them designed by mod Kiera I believe
3356s yes and he did have some ideas down four
3360s five five two and one and
3362s believe in ice join as well and it makes
3365s sense to sort of continue the line down
3366s there in the future at some point mm-hmm
3368s and I believe you had some thoughts
3370s about it ice one yeah
3373s there was a moment in my training where
3375s unfortunately Myers had other
3376s responsibilities and I can continue so
3378s she's like oh go go think about the ice
3380s boss and I thought some cool mechanics
3382s involving sliding floors and pillars
3383s that your trap you against and a
3385s predominant using fire spells to maybe
3388s real light brassieres that would stop
3389s this passive cold or a damage in the
3391s room but like I had some cool ideas that
3394s I was exploring whether creating and
3396s then also had to go back to my training
3398s and it just never got picked up on again
3400s cuz it wasn't actually sand project but
3402s I'd love to do the whole sliding floors
3403s I'd really like the puzzles from Pokemon
3405s and stuff yet that you know get to like
3407s the the gym leader that the ice Gimli
3409s during this second generation games sure
3411s but if the white lands in rs300 yeah
3414s they did that yes I like that mechanic
3418s doing that while doing a butterfly your
3420s boss as well would be quite quite
3421s interesting yeah I pledge to make a
3423s option in the clan battlefield where you
3425s could paint down ice floor as a
3427s rectangle of arbitrary dimensions and
3430s just have dynamics kiddy anywhere in
3433s your clan battlefield it's one of the
3435s least used features out there partly cuz
3436s it stopped behind clan Citadel's but
3438s also nobody really needed a clan back
3441s foot over there but I was quickly so I
3442s was able to have a dynamic slippery
3445s floor anywhere long time ago I saw
3449s someone saying another instance boss and
3451s it probably would be considering you
3452s need to get a key yourself to enter it
3454s so that would make sense actually maybe
3461s it's like I mean this is possible to
3463s have like two halves of a key but like
3465s she would've around we have to find a
3466s friend to open the door together with I
3468s did guys love that disregarding the
3476s design I just said I did see something
3479s you know a repository of ideas for like
3480s a fire and ice
3482s combo for the giant bosses to do the
3484s last two together and you could almost
3485s do that with like half of like fire half
3487s the key in and ice half the key that
3488s have to go together so that could be
3489s quite cool for that and then you get the
3491s wet hand yeah just water in your hand
3493s that somehow opens the door
3495s having friends the highest requirement
3497s of all fuel to make a second account
3502s right so you've decided max please write
3504s [Laughter]
3509s myself nice kita get rid of that burn
3514s okay on that note I'm gonna summarize
3516s the announcements then wrap things up so
3519s exclamation mark Elstree will take you
3521s to the stream we did last week which was
3523s around some of the elves we had the
3524s whole team well as many of the team that
3526s could make it on to talk about the
3527s development of the quest and its
3530s surrounding content exclamation mark
3533s Murch will link you to the tweet with
3536s the the merge that we showed off today
3537s we're adding a desk mat which this is
3541s one year which mod tide is going to
3542s model for us or let me get a right way
3545s up we've got a mouse map with the same
3549s map print on it and so I'm at new pens
3552s and Kiro estimation mark membership will
3560s bring you to the summer special deal
3562s where you can get three months of
3564s membership through now and estimation
3567s mark Deadman will mark the twitch event
3569s for you we re running these spring
3571s finals this Friday so don't miss out on
3574s that I'm gonna thank everybody for
3577s joining me on the show for this week
3578s so thank you mod Westmont tide ash mod
3582s husky and mod Mars on chat and
3586s apparently blog John over there now we
3587s know John something I'd like to leave
3590s you guys with a little community
3592s spotlight piece we saw this and thought
3595s it was awesome so anyone who happens to
3597s like minecraft will be very interested
3600s in this old-school themed server that
3602s one of the beds made we're gonna leave
3606s you with that and hope you enjoy it have
3607s a wonderful week and we'll see you in
3610s the next one bye bye
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