Leagues II Megathread
Current status:
- Leagues worlds are now LIVE!
- We're preparing to bring other game worlds online.
- We are currently investigating issues with Leagues points and trialling the possible solutions.
List of League worlds:
- Worlds 401 through to 412
- Added five new worlds: 442, 460, 462, 536 & 537
- Leagues Veteran Worlds 441 and 461
- The official Leagues II - Trailblazer launch newspost - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/leagues-ii---trailblazer-launch?oldschool=1
- The Old School Wiki Trailblazer League Hub - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Trailblazer_League
- The Community Led Leagues Discord Community: https://discord.gg/osrsleagues
- The Old School Wiki Tasks Hub - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Trailblazer_League/Tasks
- The Old School Wiki Relics Hub - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Trailblazer_League/Relics
List of known issues and status:
- Players were unable to claim Stronghold of Security rewards on Leagues worlds. [FIXED]
- Players points not showing up correctly on their Leagues interface. [IN PROGRESS]
- Unable to smelt bars with coal from the coal bag. [IN PROGRESS]
- Issue with Endless Harvest not catching Karambwanji properly. [IN PROGRESS]
- Players that obtain the bird's nest with Endless Harvest selected do not complete the associated task. [IN PROGRESS]
- An issue with preventing unlocking Last Recall in a bank until you re-log. [IN PROGRESS]