about 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by yuei2

Now that looks like something to get excited about.

Glad to hear! :)

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by LazloDaLlama

Low life seemed so nice, even if niche. Sad to see it replaced with a generic ranged strength change.

Hopefully it's something we can revisit in the future as personally I think the idea behind the mechanic is cool :)

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Thermald


The fully upgraded armour will surpass the Offence capabilities of Armadyl’s pieces. For comparison, the fully upgraded armour will have the following stats over a full Armadyl’s set:

Range Strength: +6

this should be +8

Thanks! I've updated this now :)

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by GrayMagicGamma


Should be "its attunement", not "it's attunement".

Correct! This is now changed :)

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by moneycomes1st

Why do they do so much with the names? ‘Amascut’, heka of tumeken?

Say Heka of Tumeken ten times fast :)

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by hotcoldfear123


is the ancient spellbook effect of 3x3 applied on every attack or just the 4th with the Heka of Tumeken?

This will just be on the 4th attack.

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by ForbiddenSkinny

Will you be able to use a twisted ornament kit on the ward? Seems like it would only match nicely with regular ancestral

Unfortunately not.

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by PlusVE

Only thing I'd ask is that we have a lore reason to break down Arma, even a somewhat tenuous one like we do with Nex/Bandos and Torva

I'll feed that back to the team :)

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by SixSamMaster

I have some extreme reservations on the Pharaoh's Scepter being used as the teleportation method for the Tombs of Amascut for multiple reasons

The previous teleportation methods had methods to unlock them that both made sense and weren't prohibitive in any meaningful way, e.g. anybody could kill a few lizardmen to pick up a quick Xeric's Talisman and then once they had become comfortable with the raid associated, unlock not only the teleportation method from doing the content itself, but also charge it by doing the very same thing as Fangs are frequent drops in large quantities from CoX.

This also holds true with the Drakan's medallion which in my humble opinion is one of the best pieces of teleportation jewelry yet implemented in the game (just ask anyone in leagues)
Not only does it have thematic purpose being an item that the player earns through their conquest of the regions associated with the raid, but it feels personal to them since its something their character took from a significant foe.
This is all not to mention of course that its also Unlimited use with one of the best Bank teleports (as well as being useful for Nightmare, The Hallowed Sepulcher, Dayealt Essence and Vyre Slayer Tasks too!)

Which leads me to the Scepter, an item that is not only obtained through an abnormally rare chance from a minigame that many players lack experience with, but holds a measly 3 charges in the case of many players who haven't completed the admittedly lacking Desert Diary.
This is bad for many reasons, but one of the main ones being that even for dedicated players like myself who put in the time to complete side objectives like the achievement diaries (Just finished every elite this year) It would still only hold 8 charges before being necessary to grind a minigame -that some many have little to no interest in- just to be able to mimic the function of items that do it better many times over!

So in conclusion;
Chambers of Xeric's Teleportation item is a generally applicable all purpose teleportation method around Kourend with a simple method of obtaining that can be charged by doing the content you wish to be doing in the first place.

Theatre of Blood's Teleportation item is a thematic and mechanical powerhouse giving you Unlimited access to every significant piece of content that you may want in the region that wasn't covered by something else, all for the price of doing one of the best questlines the game has to offer!

and lastly Tombs of Amascuts teleportation item is a limited use, limited function, heavily botted, unwieldly item that requires players to go out of their way to not only do Achievement Diaries to get the most of, but play a minigame as well to even make it worth keeping around.

I think I'll stick to the Carpet Rides, thanks.

Appreciate the level of detail from this feedback. This is something that I'll raise with the team. Cheers!

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by King_Flipsta

u/JagexSarnie The current rewards are good, better than the first draft. I specifically like the special effects given to the heka, and the anti-corp mechanic of the fang. Masori armour being new BiS range is also nice. One question though, is the Zaryte Bow originally proposed with the first nex blog still on the menu? Out of all the initial nex and raids 3 rewards that bow was the most fun to play with. Currently raids 3 is already pretty packed with loot, but I was hoping that the bow will be added with a future boss.

I know we mentioned it being something we would potentially revisit, but currently, there are no plans for it.

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Burdenedd

u/JagexSarnie Is keris partisan no longer valid? I thought that didn't have particular issue and it's kinda sad that no one mentions it. Was an interesting approach to make use of good quest item with strong potentials (how arclight became)

The Keris Partisan has already been polled and passed back with a previous poll so I didn't feel it necessary to include it within this newspost. So the plans are still the same with that item.

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by nostalgicx3

Bro these rewards are sickkkk. The range armor and heka are wild. Looking forward to raids 3

Glad to hear it :)

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by AtkarigiRS

Found 2 typos u/JagexSarnie

"He crafted a powerful ring which he imbued with the unstable energy left behind from Tumekin's sacrifice." -> Tumeken

"The Sceptre would also be recoloured and made untradeable after completing it’s attunement." -> its

Good blog!

Thanks, this has been changed :)

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Lewufuwi

You've done right by me with the Heka of Tumeken and The Ward of Elidinis. Those items look gorgeous.

Clean and low complexity compared to other post-2007 items, yet they're visually striking and unique.

In my books, you've nailed it. I'm very happy with those designs. Beautifully old school.

The Heka looks like it has taken inspiration from the Pharaoh's Sceptre in a way, but that's to be expected considering their similar theming (this is a good thing). The Ward looks like it has taken inspiration from the Odium Ward (or)'s shape, which I always thought was a nice shape and you've done it justice.

Design-wise, I like these items. As someone who is more opposed to powercreep than supportive of it, since Nex I've become mildly more open to the idea. I don't think the items proposed will break the game's balance and is an appropriate level of powercreep, as long as we don't get items like this yearly. These items should be BIS for a long time.

I absolutely love the Heka's unique effect of different attacks based on spellbook. That's very inspired and an exciting feature.


about 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by 4so4so4so

We didn’t like lowlife until we used knifes edge and realized how valid of an affect it really is

Thanks for the feedback! Hopefully, we can look into re-introducing this mechanic in the near future.

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by polar_chimp

I think this all looks great! Super stoked!

Quick question though. For the Heka, what happens if while attacking something, we kill it on the 2nd attack of the cycle, and then start attacking again in like 30 seconds? Will it pick up where it left off, meaning it’ll perform its 3rd attack and then the 4th slower one, or will it reset and start off with the 1st attack in the 4 attack cycle? Essentially, will the game remember which attack of the cycle we left off at?

Essentially, the only factor that will set you back to your '1st Attack' would be not attacking with the Heka for 10 cycles. This also means if you un-equip it and re-equip whilst on your '3rd Attack' within that time, your attack will still be set to your '3rd Attack'.

Hopefully, that makes sense, but let me know if not! :)

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by draikken_

One new aspect of the Fang is more similar to the Crystal Halberd and various Spears: this weapon will deal full damage to the Corporeal Beast when on Stab. In addition, we will be removing the 50 damage cap that Corp currently has. Now you’ve got a weapon that’s great for taking on ol' Corp, so you can have more fun hunting the Sigil to make that completed Ward of Elidinis!

To clarify, this damage cap removal would only be for Osmumten’s Fang, correct?

No, this will be on all weapons.

about 3 years ago - - Direct link
We're back with a revamped list of rewards for Old School's next raid!