3 months ago - - Direct link
This is the first half of a 2-Part blog, be sure to read Part 2!
3 months ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by benosthegreat

I like what I'm seeing so far, but

Each port has a unique set of five repeatable Tasks for each Task category, but they’ll change every day. If you don’t like the look of them, try another Port, or come back tomorrow!

Please please please don't introduce daily tasks, it's such an annoying feature,

Hi there! I've talked with the team about this and wanna reassure you guys as I've seen this come up from a few people. It's completely valid feedback and definitely something we will continue to look at throughout development.

While port tasks change daily, it's for variety mainly. The same tasks are repeatable each day and we're trying to design away from having "Good days" and "Bad days". It's not daily in the sense of "you can only get X amount of XP a day from each port". It's a shake up of what tasks are offered each day to keep it feeling like a living port. Also, 4/5 tasks will also be shared for all players, as currently implemented, and the last one will be level based. I'm hoping this clears up the concern around Port Tasks, but let me know if you have any further queries, we can also chat about it a little on stream later today.