over 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Cope1010

I like it! But as someone who can only play 2-3 hours a day max, it kinda seems pointless to even try to compete against streamers and other people who can easily play 8+ hours a day everyday.

What if each account was limited to like 6? hours a day on the league gamemode? That way, it keeps it more about efficiency and less about who can dump the most time into it. It would also discourage account sharing for those who would try to grind 24/7, and it wouldn’t end your run to #1 if you have to take a day off.

Keep your eyes peeled for the future Rewards Blog. The Rewards System might give more insight as to why it will be worth playing even if you can only play for a few hours a day :)

over 5 years ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Originally posted by Cope1010

I like it! But as someone who can only play 2-3 hours a day max, it kinda seems pointless to even try to compete against streamers and other people who can easily play 8+ hours a day everyday.

What if each account was limited to like 6? hours a day on the league gamemode? That way, it keeps it more about efficiency and less about who can dump the most time into it. It would also discourage account sharing for those who would try to grind 24/7, and it wouldn’t end your run to #1 if you have to take a day off.

Whilst you can compete for top of the HiScores, this should be something that is worth playing regardless of whether you're winning or not! The main focus isn't that it is competitive, more that it's a fresh way to play Old School, spinning it on its head with a different hook.

over 5 years ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Originally posted by 99AllStats

This seems really cool! Though I'm a bit unsure about cosmetics carrying over to the main game if they're only obtainable if you achieve a 'high score in the leagues'. For alot of players this is out of reach, and I'd hate to see people missing out due to the little free time they have. I hope everybody has a chance to obtain these cosmetic rewards in the main game. Other than that, I'm interested!

The cosmetics we offer in the main game will be detailed in a future blog, but I'm expecting them all to be tradeable. This means players who don't wish to player leagues can still purchase them from others.

over 5 years ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Originally posted by Forkward

Nowhere does it mention if this is a no trading mode. So won't the people winning this just be people that got fed gear and resources? (aka streamers and clans)

Whilst there's HiScores, the main focus of leagues isn't to be hyper competitive. Each league would have a different twist, and we'll announce the twists prior to the launch. One league may be ironman, another may be more focused on groups.

over 5 years ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Originally posted by Tomsot

Can you say why it should be worth playing because currently it does not appear worth starting over?

The rewards system. The expectation is the cosmetics offered in the main game will be tradeable, purchasable with the points earned in the leagues. Either buy them for yourself to show off or sell for profit.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Tomsot

I see, if I can buy them in the main game I am happy, but more so if they are like ornament kits rather than no stat cosmetics

Hopefully you'll be pleasantly surprised with the Rewards we intend to offer :)

over 5 years ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Originally posted by Goldthumb33

Kinda bummed considering this isn’t a new game mode friendly for all players. Some of us have full time jobs and children, where some play runescape for a living. And I understand that it’s shit luck for some of us but a new skill or something could have been fair and exciting, not a race to the finish line. But good work on the creativity. :)

The content is genuinely aimed to be wider appealing. We ain't really aiming this to be a super competitive game mode like we've done in the past.

It is a fresh take on Old School and a different way to play, whilst playing less you'll get less points, every point you earn makes a difference in terms of the rewards you can get onto your main account.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by OSRSTone

Does this have to have rewards that carries over into the main game? I'd rather it didnt

Nope, it doesn't - that's why we'll be polling it to see if you'd like what we offer.

over 5 years ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Originally posted by OSRSTone

Does this have to have rewards that carries over into the main game? I'd rather it didnt

They'll be talked about more in a future blog and polled.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexFlippy - Direct link

Originally posted by Tomsot

Can you say why it should be worth playing because currently it does not appear worth starting over?

Additionally, we don't aim to make you feel like you're starting a new main account from scratch again. We have played with game pace, tasks and relics to make it feel like a unique experience compared to playing normally on your main!

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by AspiringMILF

Each league would have a different twist

would i be crazy making a comparison to path of exile, diablo3? the base game is basically the same, but every couple of months they start a "fresh leaderboard" with some kind of modifier for a few months. ie diablo recently gave every play a passive that made set bonuses take 1 less gear piece, path of exile currently has a tower defense thing going on, in addition to the core gameplay loop.

That's not a crazy comparison to make. It's not exactly the same, but in the sense that it's a fresh season with new twists (like they do it) is similar.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by LothricsLegs

Idk man the problem with this and deadman mode is retraining the shit you already had to do (twice) now. For no purpose since its basically irrelevant to your main account.

Idk maybe its just me but once once i 99 a skill i generally dont want to do it again

XP is accelerated, and the relics will offer a whole new method of training. But you're quite right, that's why we're trying to gear the Tasks around actual exciting things rather than just reliving what you do on your main account. We don't want to release anything that's boring!

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by Discord_Show

Group ironman mode too please

Leagues is all content work, whereas the likes of Clans and Group Ironman (related) require some platform work first. We can offer Leagues now, but can't yet offer Group Ironman. We know there's an appetite for it, and we'll offer it when we can.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by EthanRScape

Poe does this and it's amazing, could also be cool for osrs, if they are planning world changing stuff, which I doubt.

Expectations = demons take over and are everywhere except major cities, very easy to die, world feels totally different, gamemode feels fresh

Reality = iron man mode for EVERYONE wowww. I'll just play my regular iron man lol it's no different

We could do world changing stuff for sure. We don't want to do anything boring. We've looked at what Path of Exile and Diablo do, and we want to hit their highs and meet expectations.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by FourOranges

Standard league (our current characters) is going to suck if this goes through. Ever since seasons/leagues were introduced for D3/Path, standard servers went completely dead. You'll find at most one or two players chatting in one of the general chats that everyone automatically joins. If you're one of the few types of people who can ignore all of that and play by yourself then that's fine but for players who actually enjoy the MMO aspect of walking around a bustling city and seeing people around them, it's definitely off-putting and deviating towards the newer and "funner" league where everybody else is playing becomes the norm. Standard league becoming a joke "dead" league is pretty much the general consensus of both communities. If we do have players that stay in Standard, splitting them from the seasonal players (after already splitting us from rs3 players) is going to cause such a huge divide between populations.

Honestly it'd work out alright if exprates are upped in this mode since I (and I can imagine a lot of other players) aren't even maxed on our mains yet so the stuff we're doing there could be done on the character that we've enjoyed improving over a long period of time. D3/PoE also have different classes to master too which adds to the replayability, OSRS doesn't really have anything close to that.

XP rates certainly are upped, and some of the Relics could affect XP/progression rates too. We don't want the main game to suffer because of Leagues!

I think we're in a unique position as an MMO because there's always something to do in the main game, whereas other games 'normal'/'standard' offerings just aren't as enjoyable as their temporary game modes.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by Lazypole

For this to work you really need to address the extreme bad habits of players. Actively rewarding players for missing sleep and punishing those with jobs is a fatal flaw. If its in game time, cool!

One thing we'll be offering is tiered rewards, ranging from Bronze tier to Dragon tier. The tier is dependent on your performance in the League. Players who can play for longer will have more opportunity, sure, but with the League being open for so long, and rewards being offered to everybody who plays, there's definitely not the same pressure that Deadman had in terms of playtime.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by Discord_Show

Thank you for responding to me about it and knowing (possibly) less then 2 weeks after that, you guys would announce it at Runefest. <3

I knew :)