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RSNs: Algernon, EU4

After taking a break of a few months from playing, I go to log into my account and the password had been changed. The email was also changed, so I had to answer security questions to get it back. Unfortunately I didn't know Runescape had an authenticator system, and since I hadn't checked on it in months they got through the pin. Lost only maybe 10-15m, not really a big deal in that way, but losing imbues on items and having my friends list cleared sucked.

Then when I tried to log into my other account, it was hacked too, seemingly by the same person seeing as the email had been changed to the same one! This was really surprising, as I had thought maybe someone had possibly gotten into my email, but I'm 99% sure it used a different email, and another account I have which IS tied to that email was not hacked. Also, isn't it impossible to change the email without having access to it? The only thing that comes to mind of what happened would be someone recovering the accounts somehow. I hope now that I've got an authenticator set up they should be safe regardless of what happened, but I still want to know what did happen.

On top of it all, whoever hacked the accounts got one of them (EU4) permanently muted. I would really appreciate if someone from Jagex could look into how my accounts were stolen, and reverse the mute. Thank you for reading!

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over 6 years ago - /u/Jagex_Noodles - Direct link

Hi there. It's Mod Noodles from Player Support here. Firstly, I just wanted to confirm that neither of these accounts were recovered via our appeal system. I've investigated both the accounts you mentioned and it looks like they were both accessed by the same hijacker, whom had access to the registered email on both of the accounts, as well as your game log in details. I can see that you've since recovered them and enabled the authenticator, which is great! Regarding next steps, I'd go ahead and check out the articles and mute appeal link u/Lazy_Inferno provided if you haven't already. Hopefully this provides some clarity on how your accounts were compromised!