almost 6 years ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s answer tactically no Oh excellent really
3s good no interesting right hello
6s everybody and welcome to this week's old
8s school Q&A I'm your host mod gambits and
11s joining me on the couch this week is mah
14s - hi so they're not going to get that
16s you know what they're not gonna work
18s that one out no I agree it's pretty
20s convoluted but no yeah also joined by
22s mod wolf hello welcome back to the couch
25s although we did have you on last week
26s didn't we yeah yeah uh welcome back we
30s have Matt Kay as well everybody left so
34s we'll go through the announcements as
36s usual so first things first premier club
40s gold if you're interested in that get it
43s quickly we're actually ending that offer
45s on Sunday at midnight so did we need to
50s reprogram the menu in the game to know
53s that yeah I was allowed to say actually
55s I don't think we've done that so I have
65s yeah okay get it if you haven't already
70s just in case and you're interested we're
72s going to aim to close it if we can
73s otherwise we'll let you know what's
75s what's going on there is hotfix boss or
77s something the only other notice want to
83s give at the moment is regarding the
85s attack style change that happened last
88s week I'll just let you guys know what's
89s happening with that if you have a pure
92s account and you were affected by the
93s change or the bargain ended up getting
95s some XP you didn't want head over to the
98s forums in the general section I think
101s it's the top skip sticky to thread is
104s where you can put all of your details
105s explaining what account you're intending
108s to build why XP you accidentally gained
110s and when and would look to get you
111s sorted to do that quickly though we're
112s actually closing that forum thread
114s tomorrow is tomorrow what time around
118s the time of the updates the plan make
121s sure you put down information a bit
123s we've been looking at a couple of them
125s and the ones that we've been getting so
126s far is I gained a lot of it of Defense
128s XP and I was a pure like if you can tell
131s us kind of what defense level you
133s previously
134s and how much a bit more than just a lot
136s or some that would help as well
139s that'll be appreciated yes and we can
142s check if you got it
143s around that time or three years ago so
146s please also don't do that yeah the we
150s can't really give an ETA on an ETA on
152s when that's going to be sorted it's in
155s terms of the fix itself I understand
157s that's ready to go it's a case of all of
159s the admin and working out who was
160s affected in identifying those players
161s and accounts this is not something
163s that's been tried before sitting on
164s nothing like this scales so it's rather
166s hard to look at previous ones to see how
168s long that took I gather there's a lot of
171s manual looking up involved yes but rest
174s assured that's what we're we're doing
176s and we're still working on it
177s I'm gonna get it sorted as soon as
178s possible so I'm gonna move right on to
180s the questions then the first one being
183s from legit who wants to know what the
186s skill requirements for some of the elves
188s is going to be mod ed is actually very
191s kindly put together little infographic
193s forests which I hope we can screen there
195s we are so pretty these are the skills
199s you're going to need obviously some of
201s the elves is currently being polled it's
203s doing really well fingers crossed it
205s continues to do well with my 4.8 when I
208s check this morning's yeah good pretty
210s comfortable I reckon so yeah all the
214s stats required a 70 and those is a three
217s quest you'll need not see all of their
218s own prerequisites I don't have any of
221s them all the questions I think I have
223s them all I think I'm good think on those
225s 70s in mm 73 oh if you can pick up that
230s pin match shop contact of a keyring
233s shout that out why not 73 kilo booster
237s pool that's an excellent question I
240s believe that I believe they believe they
243s won't be boost them all but I'll
244s double-check that with mod IDI he didn't
247s take a boost ball for Dragon's Lair sued
248s yeah it's but we don't always make them
251s booster ball that's for sure I think
254s they won't be I've got all of those I
255s should accept 70 construction so I'm
258s gonna have to get working on that as
259s well myself
261s younger pull no use clan was part all
267s what a scrub come on man I've got 35
270s constructors I'm halfway there sorry so
279s second question she was more aimed for
283s mod keyring cuz I know he's got a strong
285s opinion on this too to join us although
289s I think he's going to her later later
291s XIII view the question yeah well I lost
293s the question now we can come back to it
295s for his opinion later if we would like
297s so lost man wants to know if there are
300s any plans to buff using magic in PVM as
303s a whole because very few bosses
304s currently have magic as a viable
306s strategy I suppose he does do a lot of
309s the boss design around these parts
311s possibly curse after he did the old he
313s just carried on it did the inferno and a
315s lot of theater a blood I guess the
317s question is do we buff magic or do we
320s make a boss that works better for me I
322s imagine that will be more likely the
324s case if I was the guess his answer if I
326s was checking that I was like my hair is
327s good today I mean the trap earlier said
332s that our hair is looking great today so
334s ah that's very very comedy with her I
338s think today anyway yeah anyway yeah so
341s new bosses everybody likes new bosses so
346s I will go for new bosses that you can
348s use magic on rather than do something
349s which makes it different all the other
351s bosses does such a nightmare to go and
353s try and make sure whether we balance
354s that riot
355s yeah not suddenly make a new matter and
357s you buff magic substantially and three
361s years down the line or be I really hate
363s the twisted staff I think so hey I wish
366s range was stronger and same problem
368s happens this few things that may be
370s influencing this and one of them would
372s be the Dragon Warrior
374s now we use that thing a major defense
377s level go down
378s however NPCs magic defense tends to be
381s based on their magic stat rather than
382s their defense stat with one or two
385s exceptions which means that though a
388s dragon wall hammering them love into it
391s and also NPCs that have high magic level
395s there's a reason or chance that it
396s Whiston boat will go right
397s that like butter yeah so between these
400s factors there's a lot of reasons why
402s magic isn't going to be the thing you
404s want to use
405s that's all thought she could just be
406s artificial bat and say this NPC is
408s immune to ranging deal with it and also
410s make its life in the sky so you can't
412s melee it either
412s that's one way of going about it I'm
415s possibly cuz he drew it the trivial
417s solution but it will give you a magic
419s based boss yes I saw somebody talking
423s about lack of melee bosses as well
425s everything has ranged these days it's
427s been a very long time since who made one
429s for melee intended formerly we did a
433s multiplayer boss technically the Corp
435s was one we didn't exactly make it but
437s some when we could take the other and
440s and enough range I have a question about
445s this later
446s monka so we can give up give up lots on
450s that now i don't if i can find exact
451s wording but is essentially how do we
453s feel about ranged being the strongest
455s thing at the moment for PBM and what can
458s we do about it if anything i do seek
461s hearing some good ads yeah yes I think I
463s think I definitely think I'm okay like
466s you were saying is the most important
467s point like we're at a point where all
470s right so um that was saying like if we
473s just buff something then that becomes
475s the stronger thing
476s mm-hm and I think it's more about what
478s you things having variety in boss types
481s as opposed to buffing unearthing
483s something I remember at one no not going
487s to say that sorry can't say everything
488s leaked no cuz we we came close to doing
492s something that we then didn't release
495s because we had the same discussion
497s actually that we're having right now I
498s think so yeah was very discussion
502s nothing the blowpipe was it it was
504s [Laughter]
507s scared the chat I don't mind saying that
509s we've talked about that before I think
510s we've raised it on previous Q haze
512s yeah it's something we've considered and
514s I I mean we
516s we met at one point we recorded and
519s tested a change at one point but then we
522s had further discussions and we're having
523s the discussion we're having right now
524s really which was just it doesn't solve
526s the problem just creates another combat
527s style to be stronger
529s hmm so having mother
530s in combat is the best solution generally
533s surely absolutely what if right this
537s might be stupid if I probably had a
539s stupid idea most Meister mind generally
541s tend to be after occasionally ones come
544s out which quite please it was a great
545s success
545s popping practically yeah and Devlin I
549s was good
550s was hiding bubble heels no now I think
554s that was he who can't be spoken about I
556s me actually do anything okay yeah how
562s about something which requires a balance
564s between all three attack types to defeat
567s it you mean bang guards Eric there's
572s those three things that's not on the
574s floor like vans well even a boss with
579s maybe three stages or phases where you
581s need to use each attack style to weaken
584s it oh no I'm thinking the model trays
586s I'm thinking more a weapon that combines
588s all three of your attack types to create
590s damage so use like the wall of them to
594s try a try bridge weapon yeah
596s the sword borer thing from that yes I
598s think there was a film I watched years
600s and years ago I must've been many more
601s the sort of ten and there was a chap in
604s there who had a sword as a fantasy film
607s so swords and Dragons and stuff he had a
609s sword and the sword have three prongs on
611s it and to the prompters fire out and
614s I'll go sharp now right which salamander
620s can be your three stones but he can't do
623s what at the same time maybe taking maybe
627s requiring you to use all three would be
630s a good idea if something else remembers
631s our film I didn't dream it well maybe
637s there could be something you do with a
638s three-headed salamanders combine it with
641s a Hydra and get one that actually does
642s far and also the simultaneously previous
644s discussions around white salamanders at
646s one point I remember being there
647s community suggestion for a while but
649s then we were like is that a bit strong
650s because if I remember correctly as well
651s salamanders are based off your like
653s merely accuracy despite it being a mage
656s attack or a range attack I'm not sure
658s about that I think it's it's something
660s weird didn't but some well if it were
664s a special one for use a special place
666s that could get around some of the
668s problem what's my god leo and always a
671s kind of salamander if whatever wants the
673s excuse for an extremely powerful white
674s one you have any questions to get
678s through by the way plenty good can we
683s have the time on the chat by the way
685s it's not appearing for us thank you
688s so the same player actually asks another
691s question lost man they asked if there's
694s a possibility of adding the Crystal
697s quiver idea to our concept for song of
701s the elves I think we actually raised it
703s and discussed it in the song of the
705s elves poll blog itself the one for the
707s poll that's currently live and said we
710s really like the concept so for those who
712s don't know the idea is to have a quiver
714s an item that will go into a most lot to
716s buff the damage output of the crystal
719s bow I think we're gonna well we like the
722s design I think we're going to put it in
723s the rewards and extras poll the second
726s one first something else so yes and B
728s yeah I'd be cautious about maybe looking
731s into ragging with that I think there's a
734s rag weapon the crystal ball look into
736s some way of making it so you might
738s actually have a substantial loss if
739s you're doing that with a quiver I think
740s we're more volatile and caused the bow
743s to be lost as a results that's what I
744s think they're death would have a bit
746s more meaning that it currently does hmm
748s or even the quiver itself could be
750s mobile we could hang grease out those
751s anchor its value to something and then
755s make it lost on BB Peter if you've got
757s two items rather than one but the bow
759s and the quiver that's not just one item
762s ease just another human asks are there
766s any plans to improve the friending
768s system currently if someone adds you
770s nothing tells you if they have added you
772s back dressed in what do we think I think
776s we need the engine seem to do it right
779s maybe that's something we can look at as
781s part of that thing we want to work on
783s next year I hope so I really hope so
785s it's not directly connected but if they
788s were free of that project as well then
790s maybe we get some other stuff I think
792s there's a lot of there's a lot of
795s a lot of community connection stuff that
798s I think and go into that project as well
800s not just in game but outside a game as
802s well so I think we do have a lot of
803s success from that so yeah that might be
806s nice look at what I'm talking about then
808s you found the next place to dig for
810s crack through I'm not Kira Monta Kieran
814s has entered the room excellent where do
817s all these cameras they've gotta set up
818s his thoughts yeah well I'll wait for
824s more care to sit down I reckon his input
826s on the next question are we quite
827s personal we care why he's doing that
830s would take the one about I'm group Iron
832s Man from the chat it's been a while
834s since Lancer Jocelyn simply that yes we
838s know many of you'd like group iron and
840s unfortunately there's not just in game
842s content for that but a lot of energy
843s inside of it required as well like any
846s new mode really so I'm something
848s available to deliver their side of it we
851s won't be I'm trying to go any further
853s the in-game content bit but we know user
856s wants it we think you'd be quite a
857s popular and we look forward to hopefully
859s have to give it tis Kieran hello yo
862s hello mr Kieran doesn't currently have
864s heard any questions there are the where
867s is Maki there are a couple we wanted to
871s get your opinion on I saw put them
874s together the first was how do we feel
876s about magic well not really having any
880s magic faced bosses or it being kind of
882s pants with PBM and then also how do we
884s feel about range just being the best for
886s PBM this is where we hope you say what
888s we all agreed right so you guys wanted a
893s buff the blowback yeah stop us look
899s don't bother pro/5 magic face buses I
903s would love to but magic it's quite hard
906s work wife in turns just funny of what I
908s feel I we've tried
911s I think abyssal sire is the one we went
912s further fun but we weren't very
913s specifically you need to use dispel this
915s smell and I don't think that really
917s worked greatly the players didn't really
920s enjoy it - well we thought it's a fairly
922s big lift to want to use specific spell
924s especially that one and all
928s so we let other weapons work as well and
932s the benefit of using the specific spell
935s just wasn't enough to make it worth Bob
936s so if we did do this it would have to be
939s very specific and I accepted it snails
940s yeah
941s and then the obviously general magic may
944s be your Trident you'd standard best
945s those little magic weapon it's so bad
948s it's so it's so weak and DPS compared to
951s the others
952s so yes yeah obviously you could make
953s Trident the best one you could make it
955s super strong against range and Chameli
956s and that would work so that's that I
958s want the question but then really you
961s know you're the best use of magic in
963s this game is that you have this range of
964s spells this library try it utilize those
967s I mean somebody was talking about
969s wanting magic bosses restoring about
972s like the comparison to the attack enough
974s mother it slightly changes color and you
976s got used the right thing on it and for
978s me that works well as a one-off boss
980s when you got gonna grind to under them I
983s think you would get frustrating to work
984s yeah so we got to be careful with how we
988s do it but yeah I'd love to bring magic
990s into embossing and even if it's in the
992s case of as little as is it is with like
994s the decays yeah I mean that obviously
997s there's one you have to come off magic
998s because it's super strong against the
999s others yeah even then it invades this
1003s occasional use of magic usually trying
1005s to get one of the arm hands since but
1007s yeah I'd like to tweak it so that the
1011s humidify thing for putting out fires
1012s could work long distance in future won't
1014s be fer this week's update but i would
1016s like to do it what about from i know he
1018s added it so you can use the vessels as
1020s well my balls and but we gotta so he's
1021s all chucking the water from a distance
1023s that there yeah yeah we're losing your
1025s vessel jake'll is cut and the other one
1029s crayons right though just just the
1032s corner first topic but yeah I mean the
1035s other thing as well with her bosses if
1036s it smelly like it split them in Mellie
1039s distance it because quite restrictive or
1041s what you can do with mechanics because
1042s so many of my addicts are standing this
1043s certain location doggedness attacked by
1045s moving and so Mellie can actually be
1047s quite difficult to work with
1049s that's not to say it doesn't work but
1051s that encourages you to want a boss to
1053s generally get with my our distance hence
1055s using right range and magic and hence
1058s range is obviously way way way better
1060s than magic
1061s the matters generally went down the
1063s direction of range and so that's how we
1066s really got to where we are the nation
1069s sure would be creative enough to
1070s overcome those problems like but yeah
1072s obviously we ensure we can the trivial
1073s thing is just to have the boss sit there
1075s with a protect from range over his head
1076s and leave it there may be a deflecting
1081s range thing so every time an arrow hits
1083s in there's a chance they're coming back
1084s hitting you instead I would set a cat
1086s amongst the pigeons nurses who deflect
1089s range confirmed kidding like the house
1092s I mean it's buying items right now
1095s because there's no current plans but I'd
1097s like to do a boss where income we just
1099s use slow hitting weapons stuff like that
1102s mmm nice change Ralph on using fast DPS
1106s weapons I mean probably would at the TV
1108s because it's already a slow and powerful
1110s for other reasons
1111s yeah if the boss world you vulnerable
1113s every six ticks and anything you did
1117s between those reflected so your mission
1119s was try and sink for as your weapon
1122s weird original that's all interminable
1126s are we completely shift the damage
1129s calculation on this right well a lot of
1132s our mechanics of light have involved you
1134s wanting to run around like the clappers
1136s which means that be able to do DPS quite
1137s quickly in the times when you can has
1140s been valuable
1142s we can try not doing that let me go play
1146s a run around like the clappers look
1148s especially you guys use no I was really
1151s confused means running around a lot like
1157s a blue ice fly maybe we just saw wet
1159s that's also like another one he just
1161s he's a really confusing yeah flies fly
1164s yes yes but why is it a blue like he
1167s stops to go faster yeah I don't know why
1169s II live okay when the clappers I suppose
1171s a clapper would be a Victorian
1176s young child who who'd had some sort of
1179s job where he was a runner for somebody
1181s in there called mcwrap it would be my
1182s guess I thought was a pot of a bell and
1185s also there's also a letter you have a
1188s it has been over for three level stream
1190s water waste it's good I'll move on with
1196s the questions at this point for you
1199s yes but if anybody wants to send me some
1201s socks I'll wear them on stream
1202s I mean I'm awesome my name is swathi so
1205s it's been a while since I have got sent
1207s a pair of socks doing this best-of-seven
1216s personally oh yeah what are you 11
1219s oh so rain asks can we add a by maximum
1224s button to the ground exchange for
1226s example if I have a hundred K in my
1228s inventory that I want to spend and I
1230s want to buy some Zora scales this button
1232s would automatically adjust the quantity
1234s to as many as possible
1235s for the price I have set yeah I like
1238s that yeah that'll thing that really
1241s annoys me about the grand exchange hmm
1243s all right you're going on bicep we just
1245s got a quick yes people people like this
1249s you go buy something and then you put
1251s your price in for it and it doesn't buy
1253s you just want to update your price
1254s rather than Kim Yuna's she tried that
1256s didn't you something a long time ago fer
1258s trying to do an AB get off a sort of
1260s thing yeah which we can't update a knive
1263s offer so it'll come to was trying to
1265s automate the process of cancel enough
1267s and recreate an offer do that except
1270s that I I know you tried how did you get
1273s I didn't get very far as a while ago
1274s that it wasn't an easy thing to try no
1277s run into a lot of issues trying to make
1280s it workers the problem is we have to
1281s wait for the G server to even tell us
1283s that your offers been cancelled wait for
1285s your items to arrive and so with a sell
1288s off for it's even more difficult of a
1289s buy offer you need your coins back
1291s before you can that's the only make a
1292s new yet so there's a lot of problems
1294s yeah we can find some other system in
1296s the interim and blackout you squeeze you
1298s don't do anything else while this is
1299s going on less you disrupt us and get a
1301s race condition all I'm hearing it yeah
1303s all I'm hearing it's like I do Swami
1305s fake something reasonably the probably
1308s find yourself delayed those the
1309s Screamers little loading and if it fails
1313s it'll timeout and let you carry on if it
1314s works and it will work look at this
1316s guy's it's like also kept being picked
1319s up alright on his mic by the way there's
1320s a chair thing against his t-shirt cuz I
1322s realized
1322s very low down and I was complaining I've
1326s got a strong voice okay we're good then
1328s I'll probably be alright so he reckoned
1330s the by maximum button would be yes quite
1332s straightforward to do yes
1334s well excellent if we get our highlighted
1336s oh I forgot to mention we've got the
1338s wonderful MA dry on chat gathering your
1340s questions so don't forget into the into
1343s the chat if you could highlight that one
1345s for us that would be excellent and we'll
1346s get it added next question is from
1350s broken and they want to know what our
1351s thoughts are on removing me a hundred
1354s and fifteen combat penalty from chambers
1356s of Zarek did you see the thing like
1360s detects I say D footing in the news post
1362s I did can you remember what I said about
1365s it
1366s I remember the gist so we're aware that
1370s you guys well people who raid regularly
1373s are not particularly happy with the
1375s scaling for both points and the NPC
1377s combat levels based on the players
1380s combat level at the moment it a ver ajiz
1383s everyone in your party and scales based
1385s on that in our our soar solution
1389s proposed solution is to have it scale
1391s based on the highest combat level of the
1394s member in your purse sorry the member of
1396s your party with the highest combat level
1397s yeah
1398s indeed well remembered and that's what
1400s we're looking to do so this was offer
1401s player suggest you move without the
1403s changes there it block back in January
1405s we listed a few things we wanted to
1407s change about the balance and this came
1408s off as a fairly popular request to
1409s address we didn't want to commit at a
1412s time - definitely shoehorn it into the
1415s block with all the other things we
1416s wanted to do because time be finite and
1418s we had quite a lot of stuff in that blog
1420s but that is one that we are having it
1424s some hasn't cleared testing in time for
1426s this week's update but it's excellent if
1432s we can and if we can't well just imagine
1434s it's being tested extra suddenly I saw a
1436s comment as well about ice demon and we
1439s saw more comments about that was the
1440s first batch of releases and tomorrow
1442s were actually releasing some additional
1444s changes to the ice demon because we know
1446s that ones really annoying
1446s I think we've lowered the magic and
1448s melia defenses of the demon itself
1450s we've also more importantly we've made
1452s it so that when you chop the trees
1454s instead of getting one branch
1456s you get multiple based on your wood
1458s cutting level like a roundabout as well
1460s as the fact that the tree is no longer
1461s like fall after one or two there lasts a
1463s bit longer we have taken the woodcut
1464s expedia a little bit but unless you were
1466s seriously using chambers of Zurich for
1467s training your wood cutting you probably
1469s all gonna survive that there you go it's
1471s no longer in Ian's to skip room it's
1473s actually pretty good now I think it's
1474s actually one of the rooms to do even
1477s though I like the first draft I said
1478s through you were getting at least on
1480s average six kindling per chocolate break
1483s that was felt okay are you over doing it
1486s now
1487s we may have made it a little too good
1490s I'm sure your letters no but yeah we'll
1493s see alright so another player would like
1496s to know what the added bonus of using a
1498s lockpick when it's optional is examples
1502s include pyramid plunder over coffins and
1504s ham storerooms there is no fixed pattern
1508s to that developers occasionally felt
1511s like giving a little bonus
1512s how much bonus would be up to whatever
1516s the developer was typing at the time
1517s right there isn't going to be a global
1519s lockpick bonus formula okay so don't
1536s bother bringing lock picks where you
1537s don't need the missile valid my advice
1539s there then really okay and a player
1542s asking about some they've got that got
1544s level 13 thieving they found those
1545s chests you can now pick lock to get loot
1547s at level 13 thieving and apparently
1549s they're in the wilderness so player
1551s asked me where the things were took me a
1553s while to find out but the answer is the
1555s pirate shack at that took far north and
1557s also the ax hut that's got some why
1559s don't they get 10 coins oh that's what
1564s your level 13 thievery will give you
1565s there are some outside the wilderness
1569s I'm not sure exactly where I think it
1572s was a novella ker actually imagine I can
1575s imagine some new player camping that
1577s chest making maybe like 2 or 3 K trying
1579s to run back and just game P nights these
1584s chests are broken we need all right
1587s coming he and there might be some but
1590s mostly you get ten coins and it's in the
1592s top end of the wilderness next to all
1594s the pirates or the axes what are some in
1597s valleca oh damn sorry let's move on
1601s let's move on so maggot asks if we're
1606s planning to update the interfaces for
1608s working with metals and smelting jewelry
1611s these interfaces feel inconsistent with
1614s others which have been updated such as
1616s fletching logs cooking and the spinning
1618s wheel I do think so we didn't touch him
1621s during the make all conversion in 2017
1623s because that was first he quite a lot of
1625s stuff already yes it was secondly a uses
1629s the chat box and these things have a lot
1631s of stuff on so we didn't put them in
1632s there but some that way of interacting
1636s with skilling interfaces seems
1638s reasonably well received and of course
1641s now that's mobile as well which is an
1642s extra incentive to make things more
1645s about tapping but yes peer friendly had
1650s been requested before that anyway I
1652s think names are really upsetting like
1655s it's it's it's Maggert broken like just
1660s another human you guys okay I approach
1674s because the amount of thing is on offer
1675s glass the thing if this it's not gonna
1678s go in the chat box but if there were the
1679s quantity buttons built into it yeah and
1682s then there wouldn't be four right
1684s clicking on the individual items that's
1687s at least what players who've talked to
1688s me about it seems to be expecting anyway
1690s and that's quite convenient for us yeah
1693s I know it's a skill see on our quest for
1696s say that it's you thought the trader I'm
1698s worried about but it's a bit annoying
1699s how on a right-click alone yeah mmm okay
1702s so we're aware you guys would like
1704s better interfaces for those things that
1705s we would like to do them these are of
1707s course while interface work he's never
1708s gonna be small it spot the way you seed
1711s vault is but they'll come variety I have
1717s a question from a player called ydm
1720s and they ask if you're doing pyramid
1722s plunder and have a pharaoh scepter in
1724s your inventory does this affect the
1726s chance of you getting one as a drop I
1730s don't think so I just saw that and I
1733s thought that would require Oliver and
1735s write the line in your inventory then
1739s would offer a lower rate I think the
1740s wealth helps all right the ring well huh
1742s as well that might be a question to run
1749s basudev before the stream since the
1750s chances of us memorizing the code to
1752s that extent I know another rate is one
1754s of the thousand no I just wanted to
1758s include it because it just reminded me
1759s of the cute noobs sub and I thought we'd
1762s we'd set all that waffle ydm so that he
1764s can do pretty plunder in peace okay
1766s there we go I'm free I'm pretty sure
1768s it's fine a king egg
1772s Lexus so I'm gonna go for Ashe Alexis
1774s yeah asks if sulk Arno can offer a large
1779s amount of pure essence as a reward as it
1782s involves runecrafting that's the
1783s proposed skilling boss for song of the
1786s elves in prettiness
1788s they say that right now the high-level
1790s methods for getting pure essence that
1791s either killings all right or through the
1793s nightmares own shop that just ruins
1800s people who actually wanted to kill the
1802s boss and get a good drop I mean I'd
1803s rather just work on a better method of
1805s getting pure essence if it's annoying
1806s about this is my own ask which is more
1808s generally how can we fix the problem of
1810s getting pure essence yeah without adding
1812s it to PV air more skilling bosses or
1814s anything like that what what would be no
1816s runecrafting thing I've got a made by
1821s the dwarves is a big truck that you just
1823s drive into a big vein of pure essence I
1826s think a drill okay your essence going
1830s everywhere kind of like scene from from
1836s look thing on Mars what's the film
1838s called Total Recall did you guys see
1840s those that's Saren pure essence
1843s suggestion they did not see it also this
1847s pretty high level content crystal yeah
1850s that's all cue as well like it looked
1853s drifting this oh yeah it's a Grand
1854s Master Quest I'm not sure that's good
1856s too so let's try that also solve the
1857s main problem I mean the best way of
1860s solve it
1861s it's the ruler and some presents
1863s stackable that makes them easy it makes
1866s it easier to realize you were trolling I
1873s was like okay where's it going with it I
1875s won't be to be like and then you know
1876s but you can't use it int we make a nun
1878s stack over below you were just saying no
1879s it's one click night you know you're
1880s trapped in all seriousness I mean mining
1884s you know we've got the dense essence
1886s yeah maybe is a way to convert that
1889s LaPierre essence or something and
1891s halfsies densely converts the more than
1893s one wouldn't even make it attainable I
1896s don't know like something similar to
1898s Minos where you mind something else and
1900s trade it into like a wizard or someone
1903s relevant to give you pure essence McCoy
1905s like spending already enjoyed minerals
1907s so this is only really a problem for
1909s Ironman yes I think true bubbles being
1912s facetious actually no I was think it was
1914s like the way we did shafts was getting
1915s in as a new trading for sharks right and
1917s similarly you know you mind X material
1919s and give it to Y person you get these
1923s new product and he never minded
1924s devaluing the mining of essence because
1927s the mining of essence is not worthy of
1931s your time even at low level mining and
1934s the fact he doesn't get faster at
1936s high-level mining makes it even worse so
1939s if so that's why we didn't mind you know
1942s staff getting today from nightmare zone
1944s and again from Zora unlike
1947s resources that are more legit but
1949s skilling activities for you say guys
1952s picking up flax off the floor I'm really
1954s I'm really surprised that like I see a
1956s quite largely and social as well as like
1958s in the chat right now but you know when
1959s people are like don't care though I am
1961s in or no I am in updates and stuff like
1963s that
1963s it really it surprises me because a lot
1965s of players are I am then you'd think the
1967s deal as much of a vocal majority mix of
1972s any game yeah it's true yeah it's really
1975s bizarre it's hard to get where they are
1977s they may have reasons to resent it
1979s becoming easier for ya ugh race well you
1983s could have a high you mining level you
1985s mind bigger chunks of
1987s essence yeah then drop into a machine
1989s and just that's kind of where we go with
1992s the Zen sense they're not thinking okay
1994s so we're we're that pure essence is a
1997s problem for some players and we're open
1998s to finding better ways of a team
2000s attaining it we wouldn't I find
2002s something like smoke on it I suspect if
2005s we went with something like that it
2006s would probably not compare with what the
2009s rate you can get it from Zora but it
2011s would at least mean that if you're not
2012s into the combat which is a thing there
2016s is a better source than the back and
2019s forth with five XP per plot or them for
2022s like a really left field all right when
2025s are you cast a spell use in their rooms
2027s there's a chance for the pure essence to
2030s get to live it back into your inventory
2031s you uphill I guess so much junk and you
2035s in fit that right into a pure essence
2039s bag or something so that's definitely
2042s yes like seals support from that and the
2045s chat we should do that now I'm gonna
2049s move away from pure essence the next
2051s player wants to know when they can
2053s expect to see a blog regarding Deadman
2055s mode I've gone as a from mate mod acorn
2057s which is that it's soon next week in
2061s fact mod icon herself and mod Archie are
2066s working on this currently so that's
2068s where the Deadman blog a player called I
2071s crash at sand crab that's a cool man as
2073s well good now asks now that old school
2078s is more popular than ever where do we
2080s expect new players to train combat given
2083s that we plan to remove the nightmare
2084s zone and crabs are crowded at peak times
2087s that's an ironic name now all of a
2088s sudden su as we release more combat
2090s related content the need for combat
2092s training spots continues to increase
2095s suppose you'll find a way of introducing
2097s more combat training spots I guess
2100s training the same levels we talking here
2102s I mean for new players we're not like
2105s talking more carefully or no we I mean
2108s I'm not sure exactly what playing they
2111s just say new players so I'm guessing
2114s this letter yeah I also look at
2119s combat and I would say the solution is
2122s more worlds
2124s especially for free-to-play they're
2127s getting filled up and stick them in
2129s there I don't know it's a hard one like
2131s what we did was a rift if when we just
2132s free-to-play is we put holder new mobs
2134s down in that Lumbridge are you still
2138s there I've got it and I probably break
2140s expand didn't but you know they're
2141s probably being splashed on yeah it's fun
2149s I don't have feel about instancing
2153s training areas like that like I really
2158s am I the only person in like the world
2161s who actually thinks that nightmares on
2162s if we got rid of awards and we slightly
2165s know if the X be a little bit so it's
2166s not the best training method but it's
2169s something that's still Afghan still has
2171s a use like how but because at the pot I
2175s don't like the idea of completely
2177s removing nightmares on personally is it
2178s just completely removing it that is
2180s because then just sand crabs get full
2183s and bandits get full and it just causes
2187s issues well I still like the idea of
2190s just moving it to lunar Isle locking it
2192s behind dream mentor but nobody fair that
2194s I also for the record I also don't like
2196s knowing that as long as it is as well so
2197s it's like this catch-twenty situation
2200s where it's like what do we what what do
2201s you do for the best scenario what's the
2203s best thing to fix it I don't know but I
2208s look out who's using it and what what
2209s what we do with it I have something data
2211s we look at yeah I mean if we look at who
2213s uses it if when we made the first enough
2215s to it we looked at who was legitimately
2219s using it weren't we there wasn't very
2221s many people which is why the first nerve
2223s happened and if it's not got any better
2225s and people aren't legitimately using it
2227s accounts that are using it are being
2228s sold off or accounts are using anything
2230s going on to bottle and if that's what
2232s it's been useful then we'll get rid of
2233s it there's that reason to keep it if
2235s those game guys want to come in and try
2237s and grind up in the other areas will
2239s catch them an awful bit speaking it
2241s modern
2243s why can we do a straw polish I'm curious
2244s to see whether chat at Toria the chat is
2247s that on that's alright guys rusty nice
2248s to use it legit
2252s cause my if we can ask what should
2254s happen to the nightmare zone we'll have
2256s leave it as it is completely remove nerf
2260s XP slightly and move to lunar Isle /
2263s lock by injury mentor and see what the
2265s most popular is I'm curious to know in
2270s terms of new training areas for lower
2271s players the next suggestion actually
2273s covers this a little bit and maybe we
2274s can do more this kind of thing which is
2276s can we add a basement to the alkyd
2279s palace with more guard npcs requiring
2281s completion of Prince Ali Rescue to
2283s access yes or an upstairs it's got some
2286s upstairs that's not really used so I
2289s think things like that could be really
2291s useful for this kind of thing and also I
2293s like that slightly more than just
2295s throwing worlds at it because you know
2297s you had a cave with quite a lot of
2299s places in it and suddenly there's 100
2303s and something of those caves from all
2304s the worlds that do exist obviously let's
2307s play see what we would like more worlds
2308s anyway would you summon Australian
2310s future I haven't got any tea on that but
2313s it's something that this happens every
2315s spoked for problem of too many worlds as
2317s well as that you know it's great there's
2319s a hundred more spots for training the
2320s things that pack but then things that
2321s have a fair amount of competition that
2324s you want to have competition balance
2325s wise suddenly just become free for
2327s everyone and it gets rid of that part of
2329s the game one that simple can be even
2331s harder with music PvP you know more well
2334s if you have the harder PvP as far as
2336s like that was actually I was saying but
2337s yes sorry yeah you can't find the people
2341s to kill yeah I guess I love you might
2344s like that cuz it's hard to find but the
2347s point in the world of this is a nice
2348s dangerous see how many votes so well
2351s thank you okay
2354s believe the boat the straw poll running
2356s a little bit longer but we've got quite
2357s a few votes coming in I'll move on to
2359s the next question in the meantime which
2361s is from M bloody so I'm gonna go for
2364s duty something something similar quite
2368s it's not yeah
2369s they ask why does crystal armor have no
2371s negative offensive stats despite having
2374s very strong defensive stats
2376s oh that actually is ml good that is
2377s actually that is wrong oh thank you for
2382s asking
2383s so I'll go ahead and answer this one
2385s this
2386s with the crystal armor is you may have
2388s noticed we actually pulled it from the
2389s poll it's not currently being voted on
2392s because of this reason amongst others we
2394s weren't happy with the balancing in the
2396s design so we would rather take the time
2398s to work with you on that and include it
2401s in the second round for the extras in
2402s rewards poll I don't know what the I
2407s wasn't there for the original design of
2409s the stat so I don't know what the
2410s thought process necessarily was but
2412s we're trying to work out where it will
2413s fit into the game and what we would like
2415s it to be no answer a spot on really yeah
2418s there we go
2419s yes the answer was yeah good question
2421s that's why we've not put it on the pole
2423s so we get your feedback hmm a situation
2427s with crystal armor at the minute so our
2430s straw poll is in we've had well over
2432s 2,000 votes so the question we asked was
2435s what should we do to the nightmare zone
2437s 7% of you out of two thousand and three
2441s hundred let's say would know if the
2444s experienced 17% would leave it as it is
2446s whereas 20% would completely remove
2448s nightmare zone and 56% of you would move
2451s it to lunar Isle and lock it behind a
2453s dream mentor just 17% box so what do we
2459s do with the imbues if it's been locked
2461s behind dream mentor cuz you know in
2462s viewing some of those stacking off King
2464s rings it's not entirely appropriate yeah
2466s so the answer can be anything players
2469s would like an obvious one that's been
2471s discussed before words having the imbues
2474s drops as a scroll from the same kind of
2477s source as the ring or from a similar
2479s thing in the area so that the immune of
2482s the ring comes from something relevant
2483s to the ring yeah something I would
2486s definitely want to look to do first eyes
2488s move all of the imbues away from the
2490s shop so things like the crystal
2493s equipment warding as if the one saying
2494s along somewhere else warding would be a
2496s great one for it for example before
2498s doing anything with nightmares owned I
2500s think the shop needs to be addressed
2501s lastly interesting way of getting in to
2502s vote for warding takes getting safe
2504s currently enjoy using as they have it
2506s back if you vote this school
2507s so login screen they're not getting
2509s until work for wordings part you can't
2511s access god wars of their chances area
2514s unless you have at least 99 warding
2519s if well we're doing proach I move on to
2525s our next question from Matty which is
2527s Kendall over cane graceful outfit
2529s recolor be made more Orange
2532s they say it's currently an unpleasant
2534s shade of yellow they use the word
2535s unpleasant so civically when other
2538s represents other representations of
2540s lower cane such as the house symbol are
2541s more orange the walls are very orange in
2544s love a cane week I'm sure we could do
2546s that it's almost like a golden yellow a
2549s kind of color I think it's very doable
2552s it's melted we click actually as well I
2554s think but so sure if you will want it
2559s sure it's not the Klan thing I'll good
2562s have a strong opinion no yeah kind of
2565s indifferent I suppose we can if if we
2567s want to
2567s awesome nose in chat now whatever
2570s whatever then last case are as I say
2576s quasar the space thing that happens oh
2579s yes yeah they say what they ask are
2583s there any market prices of newer items
2585s that surprised you after release and are
2589s there any items that wound up being much
2591s more or less valuable than expected
2592s during development blinken siphoned up
2595s staying over multiple bills for a lot
2597s longer than I thought it would I thought
2599s eventually I'm not shocked no I knew
2601s value and you really strong I didn't
2603s think of me like I what was it like 10
2605s bill to begin with 15 bill it was
2607s something ridiculous anyway it hover
2609s around 7 bills but ages like so much
2612s like 2 months or something I was insane
2615s yeah I'm always surprised at the price
2618s of the scythe given but it's happened
2620s maybe I was way on that but it was a lot
2622s more than max cash for a lot longer than
2624s I thought it would essentially sure any
2627s other items maybe I even knew I did just
2628s historically guys that surprised you in
2630s terms of their value no climbing boots
2636s surprise to you but the weirdest thing
2640s was back then I used to do an awful lot
2642s - I used an awful lot of free to play
2647s Piquet and so
2649s had a whole stack of several hundred
2651s climbing boots in my bank but no idea
2653s this thing was gonna happen
2654s round up a prize I'm like I ain't
2657s touching them for six months but that's
2660s what you see you don't touch him for a
2661s couple of months but the Alka price did
2663s the same and that's what you knew all
2664s along as your uncle is a mod mark and I
2667s told you if one search is on the GE
2670s there's a little reference that in the
2672s form of the rock climbing boots which
2673s you can find and try to buy the
2677s description does say these boots were
2678s made for trolling about what we meant by
2683s that which is a point yeah anyway so
2687s maxi max asks how are the player
2690s submissions for treasure for the
2692s treasure trails expansion so far has
2694s there been anything noteworthy I assume
2696s you have really cool stuff in there
2698s there so so much cool cool idea that all
2701s bleach mold Lee yes so that you can get
2704s your mold pink like the baby ones
2706s running around the cavern rather than
2707s the one that looks like the giant mullet
2710s is that bleached fur rather than just
2711s having the first shaved maybe maybe I'm
2713s old razor would be more appropriate well
2715s I suppose we could um shave your mold
2718s but mom's new feet
2729s oh good lord it's doing quite good any
2732s what there was a golden Spade I thought
2735s was quite good I like the gold yep the
2737s pka's will have a good time yeah I'm
2740s showing you got to get it from
2741s wilderness clean quite frankly I like
2742s the dye something on scarf I was quite
2745s happy with that one like you know
2747s recloser no not scoffs iconic I like
2749s having like a little net it's like so
2752s many so many cool ideas we could I mean
2754s I could easily have to 300 different
2756s ions out the ideas they're coming I
2757s think yeah a full year of try to try a
2759s trail of bits like it seems like most of
2763s the suggestions I just add gold gold why
2767s am I still stunned by the 26 2016
2770s Treasure Trail update of my favorite one
2772s we added was the monk rules G we lost of
2778s that year of epic twice do I say yeah
2780s weirdly
2782s oh yeah yeah good for the year brother
2785s yeah yeah yeah yeah well everyone else
2791s does it
2791s I just had you say this today go to the
2793s chat yeah yeah okay okay yeah yeah I've
2797s gone also from mod acorn who's actually
2799s handing a lot of treasure Trailz stuff
2800s and in absence I will answer on her
2803s behalf
2804s she says that the submissions have been
2806s amazing
2807s there have been lots of really cool
2808s reward ideas as well as puzzle options
2812s she says that she found the Nev
2814s body-pillow to be quite noteworthy
2821s brilliant and all we could do that like
2827s you put those two hands some just behind
2831s the pillow be like it feels like it she
2833s oh she said that definitely sparked
2837s discussion and if it doesn't make into
2840s the treasure Trailz rewards it's a
2842s possible merge store option instead to
2846s buy a real life body pillows very
2852s different than what you're thinking of a
2854s body pillow it's just a toll pillow okay
2859s yeah well she said there's been lots of
2861s great other other designs as well for
2864s things like the mimic and rewards
2866s etcetera etcetera so yeah we're really
2867s pleased to see to see all of that thank
2869s you for participating yeah you got you
2874s guys are doing great at helping us make
2876s the game and this is why we do what we
2878s do yeah yeah we're working working to
2882s you guys is a simultaneous feeling of
2884s both shame and excitement there look at
2887s this a piece of body pillow oh is that
2890s news for you body for those I think the
2898s 2016 apparently we barely were any clues
2900s ourselves yeah not quite going on that's
2907s been fun watching people try a softer oh
2909s you want to talk about
2911s okay no pins yet the next question from
2918s ray Lee who asks how about adding a tax
2923s when buying and selling from the ground
2925s exchange for example having to pay 1%
2928s more on any big transactions I would
2931s love to do that as a driver out of gold
2935s out the game that we bigger than the
2938s jewelry by a long long way it's hardly
2946s taxation without representation I see
2953s this duel arena tasks now don't see any
2954s improve that palace has got a lot bigger
2956s if you know it's that that alkyd palace
2958s has got bigger that's where taxes are
2959s going from that jeweler in and that's
2960s why we have intact for the dolphins
2962s gilded yachts he's probably on the way I
2964s saw included this one as a bear fun I
2967s know it would never he was gonna be shot
2969s down and down better to oblivion by
2972s these sort of thing we're gonna have to
2973s do this yeah I wanted to raise all the
2976s another question about it which is when
2979s we're looking at gold sinks how do we
2980s how we approach that without being to
2983s solve imposing what's the thought
2985s process well we recently thought players
2988s might willing to vote for the abilities
2990s pay a million quince and a balk and
2992s never have to pay 875 that's the funny
2994s thing like people are like no and then
2996s never have a have a tax on the G but the
2998s other part is I mean if we get a
2999s suggestion it is can we have a permanent
3001s X Y or Z we say sure how much does it
3003s usually cost 100 GP
3005s yeah well it's 10 mil for a one-off cost
3007s and people still spend it because
3009s despite the fact you are never ever
3011s going to use that content to make your
3014s 10 million back people still spend that
3016s money for that one off that just pay for
3017s obedience yeah sure
3019s the gold thing on the demon has a bit of
3021s different that is you made a very big
3023s difference yes there are money
3025s attributed that is insane it's basically
3028s how you approach it is is it like
3031s getting a mug I mean that one for
3033s instance and putting it in the ocean and
3037s pulling that water out of it yeah you
3039s know the scale yeah it's because that
3041s would do nothing right you take you
3043s centuries of the whole human race
3045s with the mug you can see the water to
3050s when it's flowing into the sea you as
3052s well so yeah you need understand the
3054s impact and if it's the right one to do
3055s oh it's just a waste of time
3057s when you just know for no reason
3058s economically I'd like to have the data
3061s of course
3063s oh no player is going to desire the 1%
3067s tax Tegrity it the element of the touch
3072s for GA is not the thing that it's the
3074s girl thinks fair enough but it
3076s emphasizes player trading yes encourage
3080s you to do play the player trading
3081s because you avoid the tax that's that's
3085s the side of it that I actually thinks
3086s better and more sure I got some good
3089s gameplay yeah obviously at the same time
3092s they reverse inconvenience and from the
3094s office why the GE was originally made
3096s back at o7 without a tax because at the
3099s time there was gonna be the trading
3101s restrictions and players player trading
3105s was going to be very seriously throttled
3108s Hawke's Bay the wilderness so the G was
3113s designed to be well nice and not to
3116s drive you away from itself that's why I
3118s tax wasn't thought then and since that's
3121s what the engine had then and it's kind
3124s of what rs3 still using now we didn't
3127s get a different version of it either
3128s when the G was recreating 2015 for us in
3132s the service this is awesome Lisa little
3134s suggestion of merchant language where we
3138s have five worlds which yeah you can only
3140s trade with each other you can't use the
3143s G at all I've rather like the mode that
3146s some players are doing where they can't
3147s use shops or the GE they're not buying
3150s as such but they've got to get things
3152s without using shops as the source
3154s I don't know major yeah I really don't
3158s even watching it but Ronin series bronze
3160s man is being pretty fun as well
3161s you can only trade on the G once you've
3164s received the item once yourself I
3165s thought I was really cool nice I didn't
3166s I like that yeah something I think about
3170s is um obviously on world three four five
3173s there's no grand exchange yet that's the
3175s permanent dead man world
3176s mmm have you got some news
3179s not necessary guarding that just yet or
3181s is the news I mean I know we're thinking
3183s about making the kind of change
3185s available there
3185s I think we've gots pretty much
3188s confirmation for the engine team that is
3190s due on March the 7th Oh excellent
3194s that's okay good that's awesome so okay
3200s permanent dead man's gonna change
3202s dramatically then if anyone's interested
3203s and wants to play with it and have the
3205s grant exchange there as well there we go
3208s but I was thinking what about a world
3211s where you have a separate save but he
3213s doesn't have the grant exchange for
3214s players who do prefer merchant man mode
3216s that's potentially I think we could
3218s explore may be a golden Islands little
3222s thing you're not really an iron man that
3223s is yeah so yeah yeah I'll move on then
3229s um I appreciate with reaching the end of
3231s the stream so I'll get the next couple
3233s questions out quickly
3234s Eternals to know if we can get
3235s notifications on our phone when stuff
3238s sells on the ground exchange
3240s notification systems being worked on by
3242s the engine team I don't think we're
3246s going to see it until the summer when
3248s what we then use it for is up to us so
3251s potentially we could do that I guess I
3253s think it's a question for John see who's
3256s the expert on that but we are working on
3258s a notification system can I do love a
3260s notification system summer the dream is
3262s really far me he's done her patches
3264s already jump on in it's been nine
3266s minutes now be really useful there was a
3270s lot of customization on what he does and
3271s doesn't show them lunch guy wants to
3276s know another mobile raise the question
3277s they want to know can it be changed so
3280s that a small button opens the keyboard
3281s to chat on mobile rather than the whole
3283s chat bar which is quite close to the
3285s middle of the screen again so currently
3288s on mobile to open the chat you click on
3290s the chat bar you're in the chat box and
3291s that covers quite a lot of the screen
3293s it's quite close to the middle as well
3294s and some players have found that to be a
3296s bit in the way they get sup with you all
3297s aiming for something else like actually
3299s a small button it is doable but my
3303s imagine oh yeah the moment this very
3306s large invisible interface component
3307s being the thing you click on for that or
3309s tap on smaller and if we made a small
3311s one that looks
3312s maybe a speech bubble not too small baby
3314s keep in mind it's worth you know some
3317s people might like especially newer
3319s mobile users might like it a bit bigger
3321s to begin with who I'm sure they'd want
3322s to talk yeah okay so we are open to
3325s changing that it sounds possibly with
3328s this network thing should be fine
3331s excellent brother wants to know if dyes
3335s can be added to the herb-lore skill or
3337s if we can have a way to make them
3338s ourselves without having to go to Aggie
3340s the witch why some people might want
3345s them see why not I mean yeah we can only
3350s research but I don't see what were a bit
3354s there's the entire quest that unlocks
3356s pink dye we could of course streamline
3359s the process of getting them off Aggie
3360s considerably in the way we did Ferb you
3363s know a ver with ethics all these kids uh
3369s why don't we just draw I don't just take
3371s Gillan or and put it in Mauritania mmm
3375s good thinking also the girls are highly
3377s request were quietly for the sense okay
3385s this teams are like that know the best
3387s suggestion in the entire stream yeah
3391s look this is where we stay put all of
3395s Gielinor inside Mauritania and it's just
3397s it solves nothing right the restrictions
3400s are there and that's the point that's
3402s what makes it fun so if Mauritania ever
3405s you know takes over the rest of the
3406s world by concrete with vampires
3409s no that would be interesting I really
3411s cautious now when I get suggestions I'm
3413s reading it I'm like why would they want
3415s that there what would that change will
3417s it affects one play I think where it's
3421s not fun right from legs isn't fun
3423s watching is that's a true not fun Aggies
3429s method of giving you dies is pretty
3431s horrible it is there are ways we could
3434s improve that sure so appreciate we're a
3437s couple minutes away from the end of the
3439s stream I remember you mentioning
3440s Maude Matt K something about crack the
3443s clear
3443s yeah sure we address that so so we could
3447s go first clue went last week wasn't last
3449s Friday
3450s Oh Friday yeah yeah Friday thirst ergo
3452s camera first last Friday the first clue
3454s went out but some of you pains went and
3458s found it early before we were ready and
3460s went and solved it we said at that point
3462s we would we would make sure we didn't do
3465s that again so when you found this clue
3468s up on the website by doing the same
3470s method again you decided that it was a
3472s real clue and went to went to solve it
3475s so unfortunately you guys weren't clever
3478s enough to solve it how do you have
3480s actually solved the clue there we go
3482s there's the code one Wow yeah if you'd
3485s have actually solved the clue properly
3486s you would have found out this isn't a
3488s real clue none of you managed to
3492s actually solve it properly or what you
3493s needed to do is you needed to take this
3495s probability calculation and put it into
3498s the right distribution which is the
3500s Poisson distribution which we as we all
3503s know it's French for fish and you were
3504s to come out with an RGB code which was
3508s red and it was a red fish it's a red
3511s herring couldn't even get that and you
3515s think you're gonna solve crack the clue
3516s on I think so my my favorite part about
3518s this is that I was watching for earlier
3520s I'm right the beginning the stream he
3522s was like ah I just I just don't think
3524s that'd be a red herring and literally
3527s said it if you walk back like the first
3529s 10 minutes of the stream he goes I just
3530s don't think that give us a red herring
3532s like this as he's looking at the clear
3535s I'm like oh my god he has no idea what
3537s he's just said he's just yeah sorry for
3539s what do I favor bits in the post
3542s remembers where you are getting red
3544s herring you know something you news in
3546s the chat oh dear sorry bro books and for
3550s guardian technically he got the clue
3553s just didn't know he did it yeah yeah you
3556s know you've sold it properly I mean he
3558s got eyes got no chance solving crack the
3560s clay when I'm for route I simply just
3561s given them a picture of their custody or
3563s something yeah okay we don't even know
3568s we don't even know the answers yeah so
3569s please please bring up the actual clues
3571s which I believe the second I'm going to
3572s release later this week is that the plan
3574s I believe it's Friday you guys are
3576s controlling
3577s yeah the news posting website yeah
3582s waiting for the official announcement
3585s source so that you don't get you know
3587s more red herrings which may exist yes
3590s they might exist my favorite part of
3592s this whole thing was reading the
3595s correctly subreddit where somebody
3597s posted a clue to leaked and they said oh
3600s how do you find it they were from the
3601s first one didn't even change it right so
3609s that just about wraps us up I realize
3611s we're at 6 o'clock
3612s I'm gonna thank everybody for watching
3614s our stream and everybody for joining me
3616s on the sofa this week hope you guys have
3620s a good next well a good week we'll catch
3622s a good week and we'll catch you again on
3625s Thursday as usual and the play is asking
3627s about group I'd man I had said that with
3629s about 25 past five robots go back
3633s alright well thank you everyone and
3635s we'll see you in the next one bye bye
3642s [Music]