almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by Jamiea88



almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by GrizzlyChump

So will we see two updates next week since TT rework was delayed?

Still just the one on Thursday at the usual time

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by Pops_rustafied

RIP another snowflake ironman in the farming guild


almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by Radaenne

I think it needs more clarification.

My guess is it's either DMM related, where you normally have instant teleport while in combat but if you attack an NPC there is a tick where you can. Or its spec related, where if you unleash a special attack you can't teleport right away but again, attacking an NPC gives you a tick where you can teleport.

Something along those lines, if that's the case then it's a good fix.

I can confirm this is a Deadman change - I've updated the newspost to make this clear.

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by BurgerNFrys

Wish they would stop adding so much content and focus on fixing the stuff that is already in the game, and try to bring back dead content.

Hey Burger. We're going ahead with Treasure Trails as it's already passed the polls and been developed. BUT - I hear what you're saying, and a lot of players feel the same way. You can expect to hear about our plans to revive dead content and upgrade older content in general next week.

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by LuitenantDan

/u/JagexGambit Is the treasure trail overhaul that got pushed to next week going to include stackable caskets, or is that coming at an even later date?

That's one of the changes coming with the expansion yeah :)

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by Mareks

It failed but they're doing it anyway. Surprised people aren't talking about it more.

Multiple clues failed the poll. Stackable reward caskets passed - so that's what we're going with.

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by DixonCidarMouth

I wouldn’t mind them removing the ‘Wreath’ head item from Diango’s and players inventory and add it to the Druidic 3rd Age

Not a bad shout - I think it'd match the set.

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by mangojuicebox_

So that means we can have more than 1 clue scroll of the same type?

No, that won't be possible since it failed the poll. The reward caskets will be stackable though.

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by justaname001

Wait is the treasure trail expansion the ability to stack clues?

That question failed the polls when the expansion was being voted on, so it's only the caskets which will be stackable. You'll still only be able to have one of each clue tier at a time.

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by Tsobaphomet

The heraldic armor actually looks surprisingly cool.

I like it too. I wasn't ever a big fan of the older heraldic items, but these look great.

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by Ket-omg

Are any of these new weapons in the CS expansion 3-tick melee weapons to replace what horrors you have done with the golden tench? I do remember in a blog post after the nerf of the tench that Jagex was open to ideas on a 3-tick weapon, and what better way to introduce one as a clue scroll reward?


almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by Ket-omg

Mod Gambit: Which of the weapons is the 3-tick one that was showcased? And is it confirmed 1-handed like the tench was, or will it just be an alternative to the event rpg?

It'll be as the tench was, yeah. Although which one it is exactly, I'll leave as a surprise.