almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Hey everyone! We'll be live tomorrow on Thursday 13th October for Quest-Speedrunning-themed Q&A with Mods Ayiza, Ed, Kieren, Goblin and Roq!*

Do you have questions for the team? Ask away! We'll be live at 17:00 BST on Twitch.

- Questions about Quest Speedrunning are preferred, as we have Mod Ed on this week who worked directly on this week's game update.
- Feedback about Quest Speedrunning is also welcome. I'll be having a meeting tomorrow to review feedback and send it directly to the devs. Tag me with your feedback!
- Questions about general topics are also welcome! ❤
- Player suggestions are not the preference to cover on the Q&A, BUT any suggestions you post here can be reviewed and covered in our internal meetings.**

So what would you like to know?

*Guests not 100% confirmed but that's what it's looking like.
** The Bee change that came in this week is an example of a suggestion I've passed from Q&A threads directly to the team as a small QoL change. So we do look at them but they aren't the preference for weekly stream questions. Will probably explore dedicated streams for player suggestions in the future.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Hey everyone! We'll be live tomorrow on Thursday 13th October for Quest-Speedrunning-themed Q&A with Mods Ayiza, Ed, Kieren, Goblin and Roq!*

Do you have questions for the team? Ask away! We'll be live at 17:00 BST on Twitch.

- Questions about Quest Speedrunning are preferred, as we have Mod Ed on this week who worked directly on this week's game update.
- Feedback about Quest Speedrunning is also welcome. I'll be having a meeting tomorrow to review feedback and send it directly to the devs. Tag me with your feedback!
- Questions about general topics are also welcome! ❤
- Player suggestions are not the preference to cover on the Q&A, BUT any suggestions you post here can be reviewed and covered in our internal meetings.**

So what would you like to know?

*Guests not 100% confirmed but that's what it's looking like.
** The Bee change that came in this week is an example of a suggestion I've passed from Q&A threads directly to the team as a small QoL change. So we do look at them but they aren't the preference for weekly stream questions. Will probably explore dedicated streams for player suggestions in the future.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by averkf

I've been wanting the ability to repeat quests since 2007 (not specifically as a speedrun, but I don't think there's a fail time with any of these so you can technically do them at any pace). And I like speedrunning as a concept, although I have never considered it on RS just because having to create + level + bond a new account every time I want to attempt a quest seems ridiculously boring.

Speedrunning on RS is a fairly niche community, but I think it's also limited by the fact you need to start a new account each time you do a quest, which is incredibly tedious. So Jagex may be appealing to a small group of players, but it has the potential to appeal to a much wider set of players who would find quest speedrunning fun but are put off by how much time it takes to set up an account to Song of the Elves, for example. Now you don't have to do all that preparation, meaning all of the people like me actually now have the ability to do so without any effort. Also, I can finally do some quests that I haven't done in almost 10 years again!

This is a great explanation honestly, thanks for this!

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Chopmaninov

Speed-running Feedback: u/JagexLight please figure out how to make door actions non-blocking for other players. Too many players trying the same quest at once is very annoying to deal with; I came across this issue while trying to do the oil-can portion of Earnest the Chicken especially.

The Ernest one was hotfixed, can you let me know if any other doors have this issue? They should have all been patched to deal with this issue, however, some doors use different code so they may have to been manually updated.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Abnormal_Armadillo

  1. Is there any way spirit flakes could be made tradeable? I know there's concern about it being an upgrade item for spirit angler gear, but what about converting the flakes to a different item? IE "Infused fishing bait."

  2. I remember months back, asking if the Woodcutting Cape could get a guild teleport, with the team having (seemingly) no issues with it. With it being such a simple change, will that be added any time soon?

  3. It's be nice that, if something wasn't talked about during the stream, and it -did- go mentioned to the team for an internal meeting, if players were alerted somehow. (Even if I don't know the answer, it'd be nice to know my post was noticed.) Probably a lot to ask, but just a thought.

Sidenote, suggestion streams sound fantastic, but I really hope that they're handled a bit better than other "suggestion" streams have been in the past. IE: Talking about an issue, or the team saying they like the suggestion, but it being basically forgotten about after the stream ends. (Wintertodt damage scaling discussions come to mind.)

Hey, I would love to provide updates to players about what suggestions are greenlit on a weekly basis. It's not something I can promise will happen soon but it's on my mind. Potentially as a weekly section in game update posts, but I can't guarantee this happens every single week and I also can't guarantee I can give reasoning for every suggestion we come across. I'd need to also factor it into my workload to manage but if the community feel like this is something important then I'll try to bump this up in prio.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Sitdownpro

Two TOA suggestions:

Can we hire a kid to smuggle in/out our pickaxe for like 10k gp.

Can we add a deposit wall slot in TOA lobby to store equipment and supplies no longer needed. Possibly paying the kid to transport them to our bank camel.

Hey, I saw you post this in the game update post last week. I brought it to the devs in our game update review. Generally we understand the convenience factor here but it was considered that you'd only shave off a few seconds of time here and overall the time cost to implement this doesn't provide enough benefit for the player in this instance. A good suggestion, but not something we felt should follow up on