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over 1 year ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by bandthricenotsomice

I honestly dislike that they made ayiza the reply guy lol. He's better at being on camera and talking. He comes off super super super condescending in any post where jagex did something fairly misleading to the playerbase lol. Whatever not like many people would do this content anyways

It's difficult to get the right message across in text when you're up against it, I don't mean to seem condescending but even I see it myself in my replies at times, but I do have good intentions!

This example is just a typical case of how development works though. We had a design in mind, we developed it, tested it, then felt the content would benefit from being changed slightly from the original design.

I really hope players will give it a chance on release as these new Single variants really are nothing like the current versions we're all used to. They'll be much faster to kill so you won't have to lose out on a huge amount of invested time getting half a kill if you choose to escape, and they'll be relatively fast to return back to.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Thosepassionfruits

Ayiza has some wacky ideas about PvP. I don't understand why he keeps trying to allow restricted PvP builds to bypass quests to obtain PK gear they normally wouldn't be able to get due to quest xp. First they tried with the duel arena rewards and then again with the restricted account builds that would null quest xp. Both times the community struck it down.

I didn't actually design Official Account Builds nor the PvP Arena rewards, just that by nature of working in Community Management we provide support on all updates.

PvP isn't something everyone picks up for various different reasons, so you'll often see myself (and now Mod Goblin) being the CM names behind those projects.

I do however think there's a huge amount of potential to be had with Official Account Builds, but the main benefit was never to allow players to bypass quests. I think most of the higher tier gear is still hard-locked behind level requirements and those that weren't would have been considered during Community Consultation.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Thosepassionfruits

Were you not the one pushing for the duel arena rewards to be restricted on multiple iterations because you didn’t think the rewards would pass otherwise? Genuinely asking because my memory on it is hazy and don’t want to continue to harp on your if you weren’t.

I certainly was the person communicating the restricted poll and working through the feedback to begin with, but again, that doesn't mean I was the sole decision maker.

I did help provide input on how we'd approach a restricted poll, and what restrictions might seem fitting if we were to put one in place. But the sole decision wasn't mine, it rarely is for any individual due to the nature of us working in teams.

For as long as I can remember, I've been somewhat against PvP restricted polls as I think they're too difficult to draw the line between who should be able to vote. I'm sure there are old Q&A's of me saying that out there. That being said, our role within CM is to support content regardless of our own opinion and look at things more objectively.

Personally, I give just as much attention to a PvP project as I would a PvM or Skilling one. You just probably see more of me around here when it comes to PvP as the others within the CM team handle other updates :)