about 6 years ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello and welcome to this week's old
3s school Q&A I hope you having a wonderful
4s week I'm your host Mark gambit and this
6s week I'm joined on the couch by mod
8s Kirin y'all right MA - hello mod west
12s and on the end there we have a new face
14s cheese mod acorn say hello everybody so
18s as a new face we'll start with you a
21s corn welcome first of all to the team
24s this is your initiation oh yeah
30s so I guess we'll start with your role so
32s what are you we're going to do for us on
33s the old school team right so I'm gonna
36s be the new old school community manager
38s so hi everyone what I'll be doing is
43s working with what gambit on things like
46s the blogs the posts engaging with the
48s community talking to you guys
52s toasting on reddit I've had imagined any
54s social media and taking in ideas that
58s you guys have feeding them back to dubs
60s and then bringing that back to you guys
63s awesome
64s what did you do before yeah so I'm not
68s new I assume most of you may have
71s already realized that I used to work in
74s the anti-cheating team that was banning
77s BOTS and rila trading things like that
81s so I've moved over now to community
85s management and I was doing that for
87s about a year and a half now
89s great I know it's lots of monkey s in
92s the chat teasing we're not now down an
97s anti cheating specialists are we
98s you have been sort of filled in for on
102s that team so yes so my position has been
104s filled
105s ok excellent good so don't start
107s watching guys we are still watching
109s what's your what's your history with old
112s school then have you been playing long
113s yeah so I've been playing runescape
116s since 2005 so I've been playing for
120s quite a long time pretty much on
122s religiously almost every day I do play
125s old school every night most likely every
128s night if you see me so yeah quite
131s well-versed at immersion
133s infested everything yeah oh you're a
135s g-man sir yeah okay what is your
138s favorite content in-game then what do
140s you spend most the time doing so right
143s now the most of the time I do is a
145s farming contracts I hate to say that I'm
148s addicted to them but there's time and so
151s I just log in and stare at the old patch
153s that I had to plant and wait for it the
156s heck but I do love it it's probably one
163s of the best things I've had to do
165s recently and normally farming's our
167s grind but it just makes it really fun in
171s on your secret about your account and
173s holy moly icon has chosen to do a 10 HP
180s skimmer
181s and hence is participating a lot of
186s content well I I do raids as a 10 HP
191s scaler so I'll just I might not be the
194s best in it but I do try okay so we'll
207s hit you with the usual newbie question
209s which is if you could change anything
210s about the game unfold what would you
212s what would you change
214s clan system hands down there's so many
219s times where I want to be in two
221s different chats at the same time and I
224s want to talk to people but then I have
226s to go if I want to go do something with
228s climb elsewhere or I wants to do
230s something with friends I can't do it at
233s the same time like talking wise so I
235s definitely change crown system if I
237s could sure I reckon I love the players
239s agree with you I reckon a lot to like
245s cool so in chat its exclamation mark new
248s mod I believe we'll take you to mod
251s acorns Twitter in case it doesn't hiss
253s Jagex acorn there's your free plug hey
258s and I guess the last thing people to ask
261s you is what are you looking forward to
262s most update wise this year
265s in 2019 I'd probably have to say warding
269s I know that there's some hesitation
272s around it but I'm quite looking forward
274s to it after having numerous
276s conversations with mod West about
279s warning I'd say that it's it's looking
282s really exciting for me especially with
285s my limited accounts but also just it's
288s it sounds really fun and really excited
292s to work on that project with rod Swain
295s and yourself to then deliver that like
298s news to the player is hopefully in the
299s future there's not any obviously right
302s now all you guys have is basically what
304s your lens re-invest we have more
306s information than that and it's going to
309s be coming obviously over the course of
311s the coming months so we'll get
312s information to you so that you can
314s actually start to realize what's the
316s potential is skill and what can we do
317s with it so while we have West here would
319s you like to tease anything that's like
321s what you tease to me earlier oh oh yeah
324s well something that plays have been
331s wanting for quite some time now are the
333s dagwon high robes so this seems like a
335s perfect opportunity for awarding like I
337s mean the magic robes that sort of
340s fitting sort of perfect opportunity yeah
342s that vehicle and many other
344s opportunities for other high-level herbs
345s as well see a sort of doing that
348s dementia sort of going through some sort
349s of more high level content for warding
350s itself because I think the main concern
352s for warding was where it's very you know
355s low level sort of pitch with not much
357s you know information about the high end
359s rewards see how soldiers going over that
360s now and so sitting through all the
362s feedback and yeah I just rush out with
365s the guy who's just becoming wet laughs
367s said give us what we need to change that
374s yeah well it's because I leave a bit
376s earlier now sort of some of the awkward
378s to always come on every week so if we
380s were to reschedule the five o'clock
382s stream for like 4:30 so you can get more
385s West maybe you find it worth it if we go
390s to ask your loved ones there yep great
397s so yeah we look forward to seeing what
399s well with Southwest and a corn produced
402s with wadding and hearing more about it
404s so if the time being I'm going to thank
406s you mod acorn for your time I'm gonna
408s bring in a super sub which is well
411s you'll see in a second but ya know great
413s great meeting you and we look forward to
414s seeing what sir will you get up soon
416s thank you see you guys the notorious 30
423s second quick period of switching out I
425s will try and fill the gap and welcome
429s mod Bruno to the couch so yeah again
434s it's a exclamation mark a new Marty you
436s follow what mod Akon gets up to at jagex
440s acorn is the twitter handle so I'm going
443s to go through the usual announcements
444s it's exclamation mark membership to
446s check out our creamy Club package which
448s is our best value membership package and
450s we have the razor phone too and six
454s months membership competition still
455s going on its win razor and other
459s announcements so the big one I guess is
462s Friday which happens to be our sick this
465s week and on that Friday old-school turns
470s six years old which is of the excellent
473s exclamation mark birthday to find out
475s what we're going to be up to believe the
476s fifth birthday was a year ago there's a
486s slice of cake in the kitchen on this
488s floor with what looks like a candle in
490s the shape of five on it and I really
491s hope it is not that can lying around
495s fingers crossed so yeah we're going to
498s be doing a special two-hour stream on
500s Friday I think the details for that are
503s showing when you do estimation my
505s birthday I can't believe it's been six
507s years that's crazy
510s yeah long time not in the scale of
515s RuneScape's longevity no this is sure
518s out of it the thing I like about is that
521s it was six years from 2007
523s like our archive point to 2013 when old
526s school came out
528s and take another six years beyond that
530s it's really nice to know that there's
532s now as much as well six years of my work
535s in old school like there's that those
537s six years in the other game I like
539s equaling it also it's mudrock pointed
544s out earlier that if you take out the
546s number of extra call six through ten
547s we're now up to our 300 release which
550s quits the 50 a year which is bad it's a
554s lot work and that's taken out that a
556s week for Christmas you see
557s okay we're pretty much cut everything a
559s week I mean this is safe to say at this
562s point sort of all schools no longer in
563s its infancy it is so mature is a game at
566s this point I mean six years is quite a
567s long time for any game to bigger to be
569s around and successful still so even we
572s could pour over the life starts
577s happening on Friday we'll be doing it
578s for two hours and you can expect all
582s sorts of things on that like a data
583s stream from Maude nasty our product
585s analyst and all sorts of other other
587s things right in the meantime I'm going
591s to announce dead man there's some
596s information for you here I know you guys
597s have been waiting a long time for it so
599s I'll just get this out to you the spring
601s finals are confirmed to be running from
604s Saturday March the 23rd until well for a
608s week until March 30th with the summer
611s season launching once the finals end as
613s usual unfortunately because of Scituate
619s well the situation between ourselves and
621s the venue we're not going to be able to
622s have a live audience at the time but you
629s can expect more updates on the content
631s and things that are going to be involved
632s in the season as soon as possible but
636s yeah we just wanted to give you that
637s announcement right so we move on to
640s other things that are happening this
641s week I'd like to show off something that
643s was suggested to us by gentle tractor
646s which we're going to be including in the
649s cual poll for this week I believe if we
652s can bring that up that would be awesome
653s so what do we make of this guys that's
657s really cool yeah I like it I think we
660s all like it so what are we looking at
662s here exactly ash would you care to
664s explain that is the west side panel the
668s diary side panel the mini-game groupie
671s side panel Thanks bringing it back again
674s that's my face so currently the one side
681s panel slot is used for different lots of
683s different side panels with a little
684s button switch between them and on mobile
688s this and arrows that go through so I
689s decide to scroll through them but
691s nobody's very fond of those mr. tractor
694s or mr. track so I've never been totally
696s sure has some designs this way of doing
700s it with tabs what it's worth they're
702s separate interfaces and they're gonna
704s have to stay separate interfaces so when
707s you switch between them it's not going
708s to be as lag free is when you switch
710s between your bank tabs or things tabs on
713s other interfaces we've got but it won't
715s get any slower than the switching
717s between them currently is and we think
721s it will be something that will help you
724s very much so we'd like to off of that
727s the rating party ones are slightly
729s unusual addition to that in that that's
733s really only relevant if you're raiding
735s and having that tab be there all the
737s time when you're not raiding might be
741s kind of gratuitous and unhelpful so we
746s might not have that one hanging around
748s when you're in where you're not in
749s chambers of Zurich but if you are there
751s would we potentially add it as that
752s fifth tab in that style that seems to be
755s the popular approach for it I mean
757s taking away your access to your quest
759s list is not of interest so as it's not
761s like you own the chambers of Zurich you
763s can't see your quest place you might
765s read something about sheep herder and it
768s might put you off your home no we're
771s very happy to let you have that
773s information in there obviously the
775s mini-game teleports won't be getting you
777s out to the chambers of Zurich justice
778s they don't teleport you out of any other
781s instances either but we're fine with you
783s having access to it in there so I took
786s away the side panel because we wanted to
788s use it for the little thing I think we
790s concluded we wouldn't
791s we want the character summary in the
793s same the same tab just to avoid things
795s getting too cramped in there
797s that might be better placed in something
799s like the account management tab the
802s lobby self explore the options I think
803s we're going with that first option on
804s the left to pole and then self explore
806s from there what the best way to go about
808s it is hoping to meet sorry if the
810s account summary were the sixth tab to be
813s honest but some that might be a bit get
816s changed and we're looking to make right
817s now yes perhaps you can clarify exactly
819s what was written into the poll if it
822s wasn't all the pictures that they're
824s being shown at the moment I believe we
825s will be showing off that picture on the
826s left and the question is going to be
828s worded should the quest tab be changed
833s to a tab system as shown here or
836s something similar I think it would the
839s proviso that yeah we could add other
840s things if if and when there is demand I
842s know everyone want three because they
844s love the character summary but it is
847s worth knowing that obviously we can add
848s that later but that's an additional job
850s that's going to take a non insignificant
853s amount of time to actually develop on
855s top of that and yes you know you've
858s showed them the picture now surely that
859s was something you had on the table it's
862s totally on the table like we say but I
863s think I'm well to make sure there's
866s gonna be space for other stuff this call
868s week we wanted to offer the one on the
870s left of the time being which we know we
871s can do and once we got types of feel
873s like that well we can add another one it
875s easily at a later date
877s sure so I'm gonna move on to this week's
881s update and what players can expect mod
886s Bruno would you care to summarize what
887s we've got so yeah this week we're
889s releasing the changes with auto casting
893s as well as remembering what combats are
895s you were using so if a weapon has a
898s different category and you got multiple
899s weapons so for example got 200 sword and
902s he got a mace if you select that 200
905s sword to slash and give you strength XP
907s and then you changed to a mace and you
909s said actually I want a train in defense
910s so you switch it to defense and then you
913s switch back to the 200 side it will
916s instead of saving you at the - under the
919s defense mode
920s he'll just go back to what used to be
922s then this also works with the auto curse
925s things
925s if you're doing something which requires
927s you to I don't know ice barrage and
930s constantly switching weapons then when
932s you equip your wand
933s you'll be already Ice project which is
936s quite nice very handy very nice
939s can you clarify which areas it doesn't
941s doesn't work in yeah the regular weapons
944s work everywhere however the auto casting
948s only works in safe areas like non PvP
951s area so if you're in the wilderness that
952s won't work
953s that's palled excellent I know we're
957s also doing the rest of the combat and
959s skilling weak Paul changes yep I think
963s one of the other big ones I would say is
964s the auto processes trying to say what
969s we've got yeah so we're optimizing a lot
972s of the things that people don't like to
974s do like cracking coconuts feeling what
978s accountants that sort of stuff and we're
980s also doing a very useful thing which is
982s automating the inch and jewelry spells
984s so if your enchanting like 27 Ruby rings
987s because the ring affording will also be
989s free to play as of this update so if
992s you're in training 27 Rings it after
994s click every single one of them or at the
996s same time or continuously you can just
999s click one and although it's slower it
1001s will do it while there's a as you go on
1003s much like every herb lot for example
1006s which does it well so if you once you've
1010s got the process going by using the items
1012s once it'll write either you can carry on
1015s using them manually as fastest you I see
1018s a fast you can click for those of you
1020s who really got a clicking fast but if
1022s you don't mind it going a fair bit
1023s slower and I we really do mean a fair
1025s bit slower you can just let it keep
1028s running with its own pace and it will do
1030s the rest for you so this means you don't
1032s get a faster XP method or a faster
1035s process but in coming into the game but
1038s because you can because if you're going
1040s it's still manually clicking it's pretty
1042s much not changed that's been done
1044s further like Bruno says the watering
1046s cans the smashing coconuts putting the
1050s coconuts milk in a vial I think
1055s yeah I wouldn't serum 207 those as well
1059s yes they're speak processor for that one
1061s yeah that didn't have a make X on them
1063s one of them did have a make X move left
1065s that word completely alone because it
1067s didn't need anything doing there
1068s excellent so all of that is coming in
1070s addition to the sixth birthday event I
1074s don't if you want to give a very brief
1075s teaser about what that might involve
1078s sure it's just that were events to
1080s celebrate the sixth birthday and give
1082s you an opportunity to get a reward
1084s and of course unlock all the previous
1086s birthday rewards because we do have to
1088s offer those including the Gangnam style
1091s dance I think it is you made it the
1097s fourth birthday event you know an artist
1109s had to be the one seems unlikely we're
1113s gonna have a volunteer right so anywho
1118s you know in the follow to a party room
1120s there's Museum of big updates through
1123s the ages rod West has kindly added the
1125s sixth Bay in there with the big updates
1129s from the last 12 months hidden there's
1133s my arms down there and with his wife and
1139s in the kind of gallery overlooking that
1144s section there is a little disco party
1146s section where the familiar faces from
1150s the older parts of the game have come to
1152s celebrate the birthday so if you want to
1155s see the wise or man rock you know he's
1157s down there try to add you the Duke of
1160s Lumbridge it's kind of even there and as
1165s befits a birthday party it's the most
1170s the oldest and most I suppose notorious
1173s quest would be cooks assistant
1175s so the numbered chef has also turned up
1177s down there and he would like a little
1180s assistance catering this party cuz he
1182s never can cater a party so a little
1185s tribute to our oldest quest there to get
1188s you your rewards
1189s yes you can start this event tomorrow
1191s after the updates which is do about
1193s 11:30 in the morning by going to the
1196s museum under falador party room and
1198s talking to the cook there don't walk
1200s from in Lamberty about help excellent
1203s thank you very much for that ash so I'm
1206s gonna move on to the questions that we
1208s have this week the first of which comes
1209s from busy they asked when are we going
1212s to see the host sidious rework that mod
1215s West flashed back in October
1217s well it's funny that you asked because
1219s we have mod West here with us um we are
1223s expecting to do that is scheduled for
1225s mid to late March I believe is when we
1228s penciled it in that's the aim and I
1231s think if we are very nicely mod West
1233s might be able to demonstrate what it
1234s currently looks like I have something
1236s very pretty to show you the sauce
1247s fiddling with their garb spec you said
1250s he flashed last year so it's been
1253s through a few iterations oh yeah I
1255s believe already but hopefully this one
1257s is going to be the one I'm very excited
1259s for I think it looks great
1262s filler filler I think my dress is good
1266s to go so we're gonna swap over to you
1269s and he'll show off what you can expect
1270s from the host sidious rework I have one
1274s set as you can see here we got like a
1275s nice little gift showing you the Sidious
1277s through the ages so this starts back in
1279s release off January 2016 and it just
1282s shows all the changes that we've made
1283s over the years and now I'm gonna head
1285s into game and just sort of give a little
1287s tour around what I've been working on
1288s say as you may all know this is the the
1291s zaiah dock I'm just gonna slowly move
1294s into the new entrance area so I've
1297s decided to uh make this a bit a bit
1299s grander I've got some statues
1301s representing each of the houses of
1303s current with a nice little character in
1305s each one of them we got a nice and a new
1308s little building here and a tower you
1310s know just some things that's all make
1312s Sarah feel a little less empty and when
1315s I head down this long road here into the
1317s castle area so I'm going to lift up a
1319s little bit
1320s unfortunately I can't move much faster
1322s this is the top speed I can go that oh
1326s yeah yeah I've talked about that so
1328s these are sort of put these around there
1330s around the area a little bit just to
1332s sort of mingle the different houses with
1334s each other so the shady enough setups
1336s some tents around the place just sort of
1338s like a patrol just to keep the area safe
1340s the sort of a they'll give up
1342s essentially police and then I keep going
1345s down this long long road to the to the
1348s castle but I can't teleport on oh yeah
1351s see it just outside of the councillors
1354s houses we've got this new little park
1355s area it's down here we got a nice little
1358s park and a little memorial to only some
1362s long dead king you a nice little pond
1364s over there and little camp for some some
1367s Wayfarers summer these are musicians who
1370s are coming from the music guild which is
1373s something that there's an existing game
1375s yet but it's something that we've been
1376s speaking about in hints here and there
1378s saying that's cool
1379s here are the new houses for the
1381s councillors so the previously the
1383s counters were sort of just all over the
1385s place we wanted to sort of bring them
1386s all together and make it bit make it you
1388s know make a bit more sense and made the
1390s castle feel a bit more established in
1392s the world and I've also lifted the
1394s castle up a little bit to give it a bit
1395s more of an imposing field as you can see
1397s what the various different layers here
1400s and over there as well but this is this
1402s is mostly the same it's just slightly
1404s higher with this wall around the outside
1406s so now I want to head to the south and
1408s it's gonna take me past the mess and the
1410s mess has had a severe reduction in size
1413s and the entrances are slightly easier to
1416s get into as well so I'll just go in
1418s there to remove the roof as you can see
1419s it's a bit cozier in there and you know
1421s they're still demanding their food as
1423s they usually do and the chefs are in
1426s there cooking they probably going to be
1427s walking quite strange because the
1429s content still isn't completely adapted
1431s to the rearrangement of most of these
1433s areas so I won't spend too long looking
1435s at that just in case and south of the
1437s mess Watson's house is still think that
1439s it's had quite a bit of a makeover he's
1441s now looking quite a bit more you know
1445s he's got some big building rooms you
1448s know I should expect dinner in house
1449s he's got like a diner a kitchen and he's
1451s even got like a like a bed as well which
1453s I don't think he had before so
1455s that's quite handy yeah what's the Never
1459s Sleeps he's too busy given up with his
1460s master please girls so now I'm gonna
1462s head over to the east little bit so this
1464s is where the hideous kitchen is where
1465s you get your your lovely boosts and
1467s again what I've been trying to do with
1469s all these buildings is trying to give
1470s them a unique feel because the main
1472s issue with his Sidious was lots of the
1473s buildings sort of felt copy and pasted
1475s it was quite difficult to really tell
1477s where you were when you're walking
1478s around so the idea here is to sort of
1480s give it its own sort of unique vibe and
1482s you know just bring space between all
1484s the buildings as well and sort of give
1486s it that sort of old-school feel so now
1488s when I head further east and this will
1490s bring us into the sort of the new
1492s localized area of his Sidious so I've
1494s attempted to do here is take all the
1496s sort of important buildings and houses
1497s around so I'll just bring them all
1498s closer together so we've got some other
1500s lovely little green houses lying around
1503s here and there and a nice little central
1505s area for the market so these are where
1508s all the stores you'd expect to find
1510s we've got the bank here some of the
1513s things just lying around we've got a pub
1514s again the sort of the same shape and
1516s layout as the previous pub it's just a
1517s little bit smaller and this court it's
1519s only all orchard in the background for
1521s the cider and a nice little park to
1523s drink with all your friends if that's
1525s what you want to do and I mean the rest
1526s of this town is fairly straightforward
1529s we've got a state agent he's a he's up
1531s here now we've got the general store and
1535s over here to the south we have Lord has
1538s cities his house again that's got a
1540s fairly big upgrade he's a it's quite
1543s rich it makes sense and the opposite
1546s there we have the church which I've made
1548s it again look a bit more Church like got
1551s nicer stained glass window etc the south
1554s of here is all pretty much the same as
1557s it used to be so the plow fields little
1559s farmers house then this is one of the
1561s master farm unless the chief farmer the
1563s master farmers are in the town somewhere
1564s those are still a diva ball and you can
1567s still lock them in building so that
1568s should still be kid we got the house
1571s portal and being is that didn't really
1574s seem to be a point have a church it to
1575s church is almost like in shouting
1577s distance I decided to turn this church
1579s into more of like a little forest
1580s account for the monks to hang out in and
1582s yeah just this area in general was
1584s fairly similar I just sort of added some
1586s more scenery and stuff like that
1588s and south coast as well as very much the
1590s same so don't worry about your in planes
1593s and your sand crabs they're all pretty
1595s much all the same so this is where a the
1598s cooking store was and this has been
1600s replaced with a well the King Saul has
1602s been moved and now we have like a mine
1603s and some ruins and then over here we
1605s have the the shrunken type farm which
1607s I've made sure it's still possible for
1609s at least two people to be doing this at
1611s once and this is considerably smaller
1614s now which is fantastic and now I'm gonna
1617s head over to the binary so this have
1619s changed quite considerably as you can
1622s see the previous assets were quite large
1624s so I wanted to bring it more in line
1626s with what you'd expect a vine a vineyard
1628s to look like so he have some there's
1630s still the same amount of um spots here
1632s there's some like scenery ones that you
1634s can't really interact with these are
1636s probably Lord cities or something and
1638s then the ones that you'll be using
1639s touched in the center there I did expect
1642s and there's also some changes to the
1644s saltpetre area to the west so here's
1647s like I decided to bring that saltpeter
1650s so closer together and had like a little
1651s area for sort of a essentially the
1655s saltpeter company to just sort of
1656s operate out of well you know been named
1661s Lugh you got the clerk here which is the
1663s the lady um donate your saltpeter tea
1666s for the city's favor and again he's a
1669s city of these so peas I've just sort of
1671s been made a bit more central and the
1674s bank here has now been replaced with an
1676s old ruined castle with some lovely
1680s skeletons inside so the um the entrance
1683s to the catacombs are still in the same
1684s place so you will have to go slightly
1686s further for your banking let's go to the
1687s north and Bank in their hideous kitchens
1689s as the bank that was there before has
1691s now been moved over to the town as you
1693s saw earlier so that's just sort of like
1695s a quick brief overview of all the
1697s changes to her Sidious and yeah I think
1700s it's already starting to uh but it's
1702s time to come together and I'm really
1704s looking forward to sort of doing similar
1705s changes to some of the other houses as
1706s well that have a sort of flow and design
1708s problem yeah that's the city's rework
1711s and it's been a great joy to be working
1714s on and hopefully you like what you see
1717s so this is actually already past and
1722s rest assured that's actually going in I
1725s would say not ball just yet my mistake
1730s we're gonna pull that soon it's going to
1732s come in well March like we say hopefully
1735s fingers crossed
1735s I think it looks really good I noticed
1737s you've used some new scenery we haven't
1739s actually seen before
1743s yeah but me like a new Wolcott and some
1745s various assets here and there just I
1754s really liked the look of the stone work
1757s bridge in particular I think that looked
1759s great new buildings as well those look
1763s nice the previous walk it was a bit of a
1765s strange one because it was slightly
1766s shorter than every other Wolcott we've
1768s had so if you were to actually is what
1770s roofs were rendered when you were in
1772s there the rooms would be clipping if you
1773s had a little bit so I made them a little
1775s bit taller to match with the rest of the
1776s world sure
1777s and it's not just sort of aesthetics as
1779s well in terms of the map layout it's a
1781s bit more functional literally in short
1783s there's more flow to the area and it
1785s just feels a bit more like the rest of
1786s the main mainland which is a really what
1789s I think of the players have been asking
1792s for for a while now
1793s excellent no thank you very much for
1794s that so I'm gonna crack on with the
1797s questions then the first one coming from
1802s player called James who asks if we can
1805s Smith our own pickaxes given that we can
1808s already Smith wood cutting axes this
1811s would make sense and be useful for iron
1813s men look like West Bucky Lilly yeah that
1816s feels like one of the dwarf quests I
1818s think I don't know why we ever cared to
1822s look behind question hmm
1824s no way was enough to begin with strange
1827s one any particular reason we don't I
1828s can't read well I don't know of a reason
1831s I don't believe our s classic had the
1832s whole range of pickaxes to begin with
1835s how would we feel about offering this or
1838s doing this the other way people get is
1841s through the shop in I guess yeah the
1844s woman 12 an area or just getting it from
1847s a monster which I mean
1849s there's no reason not to I guess that's
1851s what a little incomplete it not being
1852s usable in terms of it devalue existing
1855s content buying a rune pickaxe from is
1860s probably still gonna be easier than
1862s getting the levels to Smith one oneself
1865s so even if it is something that iron
1869s players would benefit from I don't think
1870s it's an incredibly huge help for most of
1874s them unless they happen to have that
1875s smithing level when mining level and if
1877s they can get that far without using a
1879s pickaxe yeah quite impressive
1881s I imagine we've probably put the levels
1882s I like the current existing thing but
1884s just the same level ish about there Ezra
1887s would cling access yeah make sense so
1889s yeah ruin actually probably like 80
1891s something smithing you'll be very
1894s surprised if you didn't have a yard
1896s smithing for no rune accent yeah that'd
1898s be impressive okay alright so we'll be
1900s open to that question from the wild is
1903s can you add a shady and soldier that
1905s tells you how many Lizard Men Sharma's
1907s you've killed in the Lizabeth temple we
1911s have more of those in the middle there's
1912s been cave right in the temple yes I
1916s think the counter that they used to have
1919s used to count all Lizard Men not
1922s specifically the shamans unless
1924s somebody's added one that justice the
1926s shop and since then I didn't know about
1927s I don't think they have them I know
1930s there's an NPC in the temple already
1932s know yeah infiltrator yeah he'll stop
1935s you if you don't have enough favor um
1937s maybe we could have him tell you what
1938s your kill count is oh I'm not subjecting
1941s tomorrow's update he's gonna actually
1942s stop turning off and shouting at you if
1944s you try to cast magical use chin
1946s chompers in the chambers of Zurich
1947s because he's not there sorry about that
1949s one we're gonna get out fixed yeah okay
1953s well I'll give that one a hard maybe
1955s then I don't see any reason not to do it
1956s if there's enough demand enough people
1958s wanting to know how long it's been
1959s before they've gotten there whatever
1962s fine of course I won't be able to the
1964s backtrack or all your other previous
1966s kill they you should they're generally
1968s used to that and I've not so far seen
1970s them have too much trouble with that I
1973s think that they're mostly happy to get
1975s account to anyway great I have a
1979s question from I either whoever that is
1982s who wants to know if we can get a better
1984s idea of the anticipated XP rates of the
1988s skills used against his al Carnot so for
1991s anyone who doesn't know is old car no is
1993s the name of the skilling boss that's
1996s going to be introduced with prif after
1998s some of the elves and I think the skills
2002s involved in taking it down are
2005s runecrafting mining and smithing I
2007s believe is the design I'll ask this one
2013s on Ed's behalf I am which is it's not
2017s meant to be a training method don't
2019s expect high XP rates we've said before
2020s they'll be minimal I don't think we have
2023s an exact figure yet expected but we're
2025s talking like only a couple K XP per hour
2027s for these things it's more about the
2029s rewards mm well you don't go to bosses
2031s to train so yeah you go there for the
2033s rewards lot thing we've tried to emulate
2035s I think it was like going to burn loss
2037s you don't get a band off to training
2038s strength level obviously getting XP but
2042s you don't go there for that reason okay
2044s there's a few comments mentioning winter
2045s Todd and that's the sort of thing we
2047s want to learn from because that sort of
2049s removed the necessity for ever really
2051s doing any sort of maple or like below
2053s sort training oh I've just missed what I
2060s either said and just brought something
2061s more to that question see if we can
2063s chase what he what he said
2066s there was more to the question is it
2068s comparable to winter Todd minimal or
2070s less than that so minimal would be the
2073s amethyst a lot more minimum we won't be
2074s going 250 K XP an hour there yeah you
2079s know it really is sort of reward centric
2081s um it's gonna be resources and rewards
2083s and yeah tangible assets rather than XP
2086s it's the focus breakfast asks are there
2090s plans to complete some of the older
2092s quest lines in particular rise of the
2094s red axe is left on a massive cliffhanger
2096s and it'd be shame not to wrap that up no
2101s just us the mornings that the elf series
2104s had been left incomplete and is now
2106s being completed I see no reason why we
2110s couldn't do something similar with the
2111s other ones
2113s admittedly there's tended to be more
2115s interest in the desert quests and the
2118s great big gap in the map that is
2120s metaphors yeah possibly is more visible
2122s than the Celtic Grimm stories but it
2125s would be nice to do something with it
2127s and then there's matter of sanik yes
2130s like the draw series in the case of
2133s Zanic if we did give the land than the
2134s goblins cuz that was nearly complete in
2137s development in the August 2007 so we we
2140s could take what's in the archive
2142s complete its fix the known bugs from its
2145s original launch and keep it back to you
2147s I just don't remember it being all that
2149s great it led to an amazing cliffhanger
2151s where sanic got into a box and the lid
2153s shot and that's the end of that it's not
2155s everyone like sanic so maybe that would
2157s do peace in a box cool does they don't
2165s have a favourite quest line in
2167s particular that way they would prefer to
2168s be the first one we there's a treasure
2171s Biff again because you've talked about
2172s it before you used to give us sort of
2174s lost sand the sort of idea that I think
2177s it's got some of their ideas something
2179s has to say what he's gonna or certainly
2181s some of the dungeons that you pitched
2182s for it we then used for debt for Dragon
2184s Slayer was a bit wrong with the treasure
2188s seeker because so much a sequel rather
2190s than a sort of an homage to it so it had
2191s the sort of similar sort of layout where
2193s you went to four different places and
2195s ports and bosses it's unlikely to be
2197s called desert treasure too by the way
2198s because the story doesn't really lend
2200s itself to that right yeah I think it
2203s does the first thing I'm gonna finish
2204s it's going to be fun girls right yes
2207s yeah so many puzzles Paul mm-hmm but
2209s I'll be a full complete story life and
2211s plague see all the way through
2212s hopeful that should be coming fairly
2214s soon once coal burns out the way mm-hmm
2216s three personally I'm really keen on the
2219s sea slug line haha and would be would be
2223s happy to see that wrapped up soon maybe
2225s next even thought to be fair my favorite
2228s was the monkey madness line yeah very I
2230s think I think we're essentially you're
2232s not that although we didn't quite
2234s confirm whether what if I Clough was
2236s dead you just cut away but well
2241s essentially we still finished that
2242s storyline morning started the chat was
2244s asking about one big favor
2246s come up a few pounds to continue Oh God
2251s for us maybe not so funny for them well
2254s titles earth and endless like gritter of
2257s the favor for a few favors more things
2259s like I'll make a mini quest which is one
2262s another small favor and it's likely just
2264s what can you go outside and get this
2266s please thanks le workshop 3 finish the
2275s sort of the body / outfit I guess there
2280s isn't gonna be a divine workshop anyway
2284s not anymore
2285s I'll move on to a question from Mario
2287s who asks if we would consider adding
2289s distractions and diversions to old score
2291s we have a few don't we I mean
2293s technically a clue scroll to the
2294s discharge version isn't it yeah I'd say
2297s so
2297s which ones were they wanting in
2299s particular um it was just an open
2301s question I'm seeing a lot of no in chat
2303s and I kind of anticipated this they make
2305s is it I think the problem is they have
2306s this sort of connotation with they think
2308s distracting the diversion is purely
2309s penguin hide-and-seek mm-hmm and I don't
2311s think they want penguin house biggest
2313s distinction is the daily nature the
2316s weekly literature of what a lot of
2318s distractions and diversions are no and
2320s far while clue squirrels talk to all the
2324s definitions of destruction aversion
2326s that's exactly what they are but they
2329s are presented in a fashion that allows
2330s you to mix up your gameplay but you
2332s don't feel forced to go and do it
2334s so I believe there is a place it's more
2339s a random event to be honest yeah where
2343s for an example there was there one in
2346s runescape I'm not sure how popular is
2347s but it's called the pit so when you do
2349s your agility training every now and then
2351s randomly while you're training Italy by
2353s the conventional training method for
2355s agility you will get called over to take
2357s part there's a little extra game I guess
2359s a nice XP and it breaks up your agility
2361s training gives you something slightly
2362s interesting to look forward to it's
2364s presented in a way that doesn't force
2366s you to do it that the gorilla mask
2368s correct yeah I really like that one I
2371s mean we also have in blings technically
2373s they're sort distractions of diversions
2374s if you walk past limping you're gonna
2375s beat up and grab that it's a very small
2377s distraction
2378s they're very well as the well-executed
2381s distraction and aversions there's more
2382s things like that it also so I'm not just
2385s talking about the pit itself by the way
2386s I'm talking about the more the method of
2388s how we deliver a DMT regardless what
2391s you'd like to pick itself all evil trees
2393s as well I like those yes yeah I liked
2395s the I thought the shooting starts with
2397s good glass person because I'm not big
2398s into mining but it was nice if you're
2400s doing a thing and then yeah you brought
2402s across that okay some nice XP question
2405s with the evil tree if you were walking
2407s almost anywhere that you'd be like the
2409s triple e thing that made the roots that
2411s grab you yeah and then you feel oh I've
2413s got to do this otherwise I'm missing out
2414s you run there as fast as possible it's
2416s still fairly healthy although it's scary
2418s and I was young just walking around
2419s there's like massive vine thing coming
2421s out here it depends on the content
2425s whether it's achievable do that sort of
2426s thing
2427s it's hard to do it I start thinking
2429s something I could work across the whole
2431s mining skill one year actually mining
2433s Iraq what can happen that was well that
2435s was the sort of person star the shooting
2437s stars thing but they dropped in such
2439s obscure places that no one was ever
2441s metering away from mining places a fair
2444s bit because you probably weren't mining
2446s in the place where it's going to turn up
2447s yeah and well you could use your Poh to
2450s find out where it's gonna be that's
2451s really not the same as briefly having a
2454s distraction from your mining yeah sure
2455s whereas if mining the rock occasional
2458s your founder but you found something at
2462s the rock then that sort of breaks up
2464s your mining if you were responding to
2466s that I don't be in a smoking rock well
2469s your mining occasionally you dig a
2471s little hole a hole fall through you can
2473s click in there yeah and they're a little
2474s Katherine and there's like this little
2477s special thing of mine in there yeah I
2479s guess it's natural rewards or something
2481s definitely good of a little bit mining
2483s single so the next question from TIG is
2490s is there a chance of damage at the
2492s winter Todd being rescaled so it doesn't
2494s punish higher level to players the laws
2499s bats say there isn't any when the Cebu
2501s is using 11 10 so it level 10 HP
2503s accounts so that shouldn't be
2505s controversial wow you're doing
2508s I think the solution we thought came up
2510s with is adding a warm four meter that
2513s century more lectures your life points
2515s hit points your life my personal feel is
2523s that Winsett odds already very powerful
2527s and I wouldn't necessarily want to make
2529s it easier or better even if the scaling
2532s is a bit odd in the way it works I think
2534s it's already very strong I wouldn't
2535s necessarily nerf it but I wouldn't
2537s necessarily look to buff it either but
2540s that's where I'm at winter Todd yeah the
2543s other option is to have a sort of a food
2545s item that would only work in winter Todd
2547s that would scare the oil based on your
2549s health as well but that's I think it's
2551s not about buffing or nursing it it's
2553s that some at the moment if you are low
2556s level HP you're kind of immune and if
2559s you've trained your combat by choosing
2562s not to restrict yourself then you get
2565s hit a lot
2565s and it makes the Reds Todd worse for you
2568s so changing the formula so that either
2571s everyone's immune I know it comes across
2574s as a buff but is I'll give you something
2576s that's already there just only for lower
2579s level people or if you see something so
2581s that everybody has to deal with damage
2583s in some way it really does seem
2585s preferable it would also be nice to mix
2587s of the metaphor heartcry men as well
2588s because currently most hard crying men
2590s are like 10 h b9 fire-making and then
2593s they die and then they're just another
2595s dead hardcore with men by making this is
2598s a bit of a shame yeah I mean it isn't
2600s immediate go-to for well a fresh Iron
2602s Man isn't it it's furious about at the
2610s same time I think majority the slots on
2612s the front page of people 200 mil so yes
2614s could a lot of them do it yeah 3 Oh
2618s lunch guy asks well they say the
2622s beekeeper random event was disabled for
2624s mobile users a while ago it gives a week
2627s reward compared to the effort required
2629s so could it be disabled for desktop
2631s users as well this would make it a
2634s little more likely that players get a
2635s useful random event like the genie or
2637s dr. Jekyll
2638s as our stance on the beekeeper event Oh
2641s before the glad if we get a female
2643s version of its outfit so that we could
2645s give that as a reward and the version of
2649s the beekeeper event in rs3 from a 2009
2652s onwards was a lot more solvable for
2655s humans than the any version old schools
2658s ever had so that would be an alternative
2661s way to go if players
2663s what's the outfit yeah I'd be off of
2666s making a adjusted theme of Aryan matter
2669s from the well the shape of the beekeeper
2672s outfit frankly you can't easily tell her
2674s it's a metal fear yeah no I actually did
2679s it for the first time the other day I
2680s tend to tend to just dismiss
2682s I thought give it a you know why and now
2684s I know yeah now I know exactly why I
2686s just dismiss every random that isn't the
2689s genie or the exam I tend to do
2692s Leo's one to find that fun actually you
2703s do the most because it's got all the the
2704s the emotes as well as the yeah made is
2708s pretty good for the roads yeah I feel
2710s like to do the thing where we remove the
2711s ops on the fake walls I think we did
2714s that did we do it
2715s yeah because it was literally impossible
2716s for mobile to actually I'd like to do it
2718s on desktop as well see no reason for it
2720s exist at this point remember they're
2721s sort of ready at the time who was stuck
2727s review I hope they got out I'm saying
2730s they're still trying to solve the maze
2733s Jimmy wants us to increase the speed of
2736s the bone grinder at the ecto front us
2738s they say that the wilderness alter has
2740s made every other prayer training method
2742s obsolete that one has the risk that
2745s doesn't mean and if we were to make the
2747s different is even easier then it would
2749s sort of devalue all your personal gilded
2752s orders it has not made other prayer like
2757s it's not made other pro training
2758s leathers obsolete either they are all
2760s widely done gilded honor is quietly
2762s people trained on that and so on heads
2765s as well knees
2766s yeah I mean I just did that for night
2768s and I'd pray myself but
2771s the one that isn't use very much is echo
2773s we currently have the feature of Robin
2778s from the Diaries who did some
2779s automatically for you I don't think
2781s that's very widely used
2782s perhaps we could look at improving that
2784s and then you don't even need to use a
2785s bone grinder yeah he doesn't do many and
2787s it's sort of a daily which you don't
2789s really get my show off so I don't think
2791s many people do it all I mean I'm by the
2793s active front it's a lot but I am a nine
2795s man yeah you think it was all yeah I
2798s don't think people go to the echo
2799s fondness for xB they go more because a
2802s lot cheaper and I mean you do get some
2805s like wish I didn't do I don't have to
2810s say that by the way because the chats
2812s doing it for me okay so who Vegeta asked
2819s if we can rebalance is that I'm just
2823s falling into a trap they haven't I don't
2824s think so either
2830s nothing that's safe I'm alright I'll
2832s sort of hope edges asks if we can
2836s rebalance maces shorts Ward's battle
2838s axes and war hammers to make them more
2840s viable but I think bollocks is need
2842s changing but I would like to look at the
2844s short swords and where were the swords
2846s on there oh yeah sure sort of makers do
2848s not have really any role as dance you I
2851s think it's just difficult though to give
2853s them a niche there's always going to be
2855s a best one-handed weapon of that level
2857s back in the day mates were given the +1
2861s prayer yeah just to give them something
2863s distinct and unique use as we know from
2867s the next decade but it didn't achieve
2869s that but maybe a bigger one would have
2872s it be nice if there's a closer balance
2875s between slash that'll crushes best and
2877s slots
2879s I'm fine if I was you crush being slow
2881s and what knife we really want it to be
2882s but it's such a big difference between
2885s that that's speed it just makes the
2888s difference yeah the other problem with
2889s lower weapons is over hitting with low
2891s as your dps yeah because I think the but
2894s lockers are one higher hit than schema
2896s to so obviously the want explore you're
2898s never gonna want to use it yep okay so
2902s maybe but then balancing
2903s Trekkie is our salsa big changes of
2905s old-school vibe and yeah like a lot of
2907s people will be naysayers for that reason
2909s like why don't we change the Scimitar
2912s will remain if you can make something
2916s better a scimitar that will be even more
2918s interesting the same player has asked if
2922s we would consider making fletching free
2924s to play I think we've talked about this
2927s idea before allowing them to make the
2929s first sort of few bows up to maybe
2931s without war so knowing how players even
2935s feel about the idea of a skill becoming
2937s free to play after all these years of it
2938s not being a like a strong and if so why
2942s fletching on the boat case but mostly
2948s you train Fletcher by making a whole lot
2950s of bows that you then out for the money
2951s this is not the best gameplay we have
2956s hmm
2957s I mean they would sort of finish that
2960s sort of triangle you can make runes and
2962s you can make some stuff luto says given
2966s virginity mMmmm see what the chat said
2969s about that one I probably won't be a
2971s more useful one but still but we must
2973s say apparently on the recent livestream
2975s we talked about how run energy was a
2977s problem in them low in the free-to-play
2980s game yeah what is the difference like
2983s Chile has on and there's quite a
2986s substantial difference it doesn't in
2989s fact how fast it drains impact how fast
2991s it recovers I think it goes from
2993s something like one every 12 ticks that
2997s level warrant is somewhat like watered
2998s every $4.99 something like that my car
3001s ahead is listed on the wiki page does it
3005s scale evenly from 1 to 99
3006s I believe we remember myths in it here's
3008s a 12-minute I remember they told it goes
3010s up every 6 levels but yeah there's the /
3013s stage factor so thank you don't mind
3016s would we if we were to consider
3017s something like this could we say up to
3019s level 30 or snow would make may be free
3021s to play a little bit less potentially
3023s but it's also likely that you can go
3026s both ways I mean freight plays very
3027s limited on training methods but like
3029s runecrafting
3029s you can do 99 runecrafting but you don't
3032s really want to
3034s no think about hydrants you have been
3036s trainer Jillian a free to play area
3038s because there's no not at level one yeah
3040s our course would have to be added yeah
3042s but I think exactly hard of course but
3044s they can't access the no one and yet and
3047s the lowest level of course in the free
3049s to play area is the level 10 drain a
3051s rooftop yeah which obviously is a
3054s starting point for them unless they want
3056s a genie lamp all the way yeah imagine
3057s they don't want a genie lamp like some
3059s people seen lumbridge actually feel
3062s about the idea of like a skill like
3063s actually being free or Polly would you
3064s theater strawpoll hello yes oh god Lenny
3069s who's kindly doing chat for us today
3070s police was not giving him the here the
3072s credit for that earlier energies quite a
3076s problem in free-to-play as well that you
3079s guys know how frustrating is when you
3080s walk anywhere we boy that's giving it
3082s this is why you buy stamina potions and
3084s you do that even it's definitely a
3086s generally imagine being limited a1 and
3089s so we gotta think about this in terms of
3092s also how many new players we got coming
3093s in from mobile as well who were getting
3095s frustrated by this and it's an annoying
3097s the game so a navigation general in
3101s free-to-play is considerably lacking
3102s compared to Frick debatably yes this is
3105s about trying to alleviate some of these
3106s problems without stepping over all the
3108s problems that we we don't want to
3110s through in stamina portions and their
3113s place in the game etc plus it wouldn't
3115s even be giving them something that
3117s members haven't had to struggle through
3119s because if it were done if they're
3122s trying to support difficulty to address
3123s in this way they have to grind just like
3125s you did only without access to perhaps
3128s the same courses so you might still be I
3132s think you'd still be winning from your
3134s membership mm-hmm okay so also if we did
3137s this because like in terms of you're
3139s getting a benefit versus not getting a
3140s benefit we do sort of if if we felt we
3144s gave too much the free play people
3146s wouldn't be signing up for a membership
3147s and we're doing this obviously in the
3149s lens of we want the game to succeed and
3151s grow we wouldn't do if we didn't think
3153s it would benefit membership at the end
3155s of the day and don't say we don't want
3158s to push something on the game that you
3159s guys aren't comfortable with but we've
3161s been see what you make of this because
3162s there were a lot more well there's a lot
3164s more yes and the Chapman was for
3165s fletching any
3168s that last thought I don't want to call
3171s it a twitch would you call that
3173s oh jeez are they what they call its
3175s Botti the golden one the golden play oh
3178s is that is that why though is that I use
3180s them anyway alright I'm aware that we're
3190s running out whether we're running out of
3195s time pretty quick so I'm gonna last
3197s through some questions first one being
3201s can we get a toggle to untrimmed skill
3203s capes this is gonna get downloaded to
3205s oblivion
3206s I saw a suggestion I'll add to it or
3208s amend it which was could we have the
3210s option to just untrimmed the first skill
3212s cape that we receive so that it still
3214s has the oldest the first cape I gots we
3217s almost certainly have done that if we
3219s had records of which was the first cape
3221s you'd received right okay legitimate
3224s question then because obviously we can't
3226s track your first 99 we wouldn't be able
3228s to do it retroactively Lee for everyone
3230s who already has them and that's most of
3232s you I imagine we've got 99 should we
3235s start tracking it and doing it for
3236s future people that don't think that'll
3239s possible to be fair yeah I think it
3241s would either it'd be a good thing I
3244s think
3244s that's not based on that is there a way
3247s to currently keep your own criminate by
3249s dropping it yeah yeah it was like a
3251s hacky way by like going to a freezer PI
3253s world dropping it that's our stuff yeah
3255s that surprisingly
3256s that's so the results in on the straw
3260s poll we did we asked would you like to
3262s see agility made free-to-play we just
3265s went for a yes/no and 68% of you have
3267s said yes with 32% of you saying no I
3270s mean and if we were to offer it with the
3272s kind of restrictions that the chat was
3274s talking about like caffeine level 30 or
3276s the course not being as good as well as
3279s members can get to I think we do anyway
3282s players might feel a bit more
3283s comfortable with the change even than
3285s they were able to see from that poll oh
3287s maybe that's something we should
3288s strongly consider them interested see
3294s you on the topic of skill capes yeah you
3295s can keep them through my mod Bruno sir
3297s as a kind of you
3298s a keyway but that's that's all there is
3301s for the time being and it would be a
3303s shame for people with well people with
3305s the 99 untrimmed slake ages it was quite
3309s impressive and well the other impressive
3311s ones I guess HP is thought impressive
3314s no no because most people if they do
3317s Slayer
3318s all the way through they end up getting
3320s 99 HP first oh right of course that's
3322s what I did at least I'll be on to the
3326s next question then we have one
3329s specifically for mod Bruno where it is
3332s are there any updates on your comp list
3335s yeah
3336s I'm still being having a look at it
3337s there's no big updates it's all still
3341s just there I might try and picture me to
3345s you guys on a Q&A and give it a full
3348s look on the Q&A so you guys can like
3349s talk about it so it gets a little bit
3351s more reception I did make a tweet about
3353s weighing like August but been quite a
3355s while so some people might forgot about
3358s it we have a question which is a Kansan
3365s purpose be added to the legends guild
3367s dungeon Oh what like that this is a
3376s legend top end course everything special
3381s about the shadow warriors well it was
3382s reputed that they had a really good
3385s chance at the gem table and thus the
3387s really rare tables in rs classic and
3392s that was probably true at the time since
3394s then gorac saw a thing so not so much
3397s and I think pit scorpions were meant to
3399s be a really good combat training space
3400s but they're not so no design that was
3407s sort of encouraged people killing shadow
3409s creatures and I was a sort of ties into
3411s that does it raise I think we spoke
3412s about earlier okay that's what I mean
3415s that might go away into helping that as
3417s well yeah I think they're only good use
3419s is when you have a scorpion task for my
3421s tutorial so just go in there kind on the
3423s market rlh being quick so you want to
3425s roll but your
3428s this gives you two older to get rid of a
3430s task you do yeah yeah that's that's the
3432s method mm-hmm generally go quite low
3434s counts the yeah it's probably useful
3436s okay so did the players say what they
3439s wanted in there or just something just
3441s yeah
3442s could something be done with it I guess
3444s the answer is yes we would like to black
3446s case all right so I'm gonna call it
3452s there notice we're at six so I think it
3454s brings us about to the end of the stream
3456s just a couple of reminders it's
3458s exclamation mark a new mod to welcome
3460s mod acorn who's on Jags acorn on Twitter
3464s so you can follow her and see what she
3466s gets up to exclamation mark birthday for
3469s details about the birthday stream it's
3472s the old school sixth birthday and we'll
3474s be streaming for two hours on Friday to
3476s talk all about it and I guess that about
3479s wraps things up for us so I'd like to
3481s thank you all very much for watching and
3483s for everyone joining me here on the sofa
3485s this week and we'll catch you in the
3487s next one
3487s buh bye anyone tell me why six is Afraid
3499s of seven
3499s and what first I can't work both inside
3502s and out sick of seven eight nine okay
3509s well how about this one how many cooks a
3511s system more like Piketty boom it just
3515s kicked you don't even care
3517s it was playing that stupid game you've
3519s got family to think of now
3521s about sums up this week's oscar
3524s runescape Q&A now if you want some real
3525s data be sure to tune into our sixth
3527s birthday livestream on February the 22nd