Under PvP status, there are two titles that say "Possible 'consolidation' content changes:", is this supposed to say something different?
Under PvP status, there are two titles that say "Possible 'consolidation' content changes:", is this supposed to say something different?
Yep, the second one now says 'growth'.
And as you may have guessed from the GIF above, it was a success!
Uhhh.. am I the only one who doesn't see a GIF? This is my page in that area: https://i.imgur.com/YFuj1y6.png
Huh. That might be my error. Let me try and fix that...
Please don’t remove PvP worlds. They allow for so much variety that isn’t possible in the wilderness. Removing them won’t make people go to the wilderness it’ll just make them quit.
the wilderness. Removing them won’t make people go to the wilderness it’ll just make them quit.
What variety/qualities that are unique and can't be replicated? Genuinely asking.
PLEASE do not restrict wilderness access to specific worlds
Why do you feel that way?
Big fan of you working towards becoming more transparent.
Just the beginning!
Soul wars would be great though I think there'd need to be a few minor changes to the xp rewards (if they are still offered) to not affect current 10hp/unique builds.
One idea would be a 40cb requirement (same as pest control) either for the game or just a req for claiming xp.
We fully expect to have the rewards conversation. For now, we just wanted to show the results of an experiment.
I feel like adding soul wars is just begging for it to be botted
I said something similar on a Q&A a while back. Back when I was a player I remember training Magic by barraging bots at spawns. We'd do everything we could to offset this. It's worth noting that we aren't necessarily saying that the rewards will be the same.
a w45 dmm reset is long overdue, but please keep it permanent instead of seasonal. many hate questing already as is and having to do quests and train skills all over again every few months is an instant turn off.
removal of pvp worlds is not a good idea, don't do it. for one, risk fighters having to relocate to wilderness will just kill risk fighting as a whole
no soul wars, no stealing creations (i know this wasn't mentioned but w/e), both were hot garbage
One of the reasons we're considering a seasonal aspect is because we aren't confident that resetting the server wouldn't just result in the same thing happening again. I'd really only want to reset it on a seasonal basis if we can provide advantages to players who consistently play (to make the things you mentioned easier).
Why is the removal of PvP worlds a bad idea?
I was just yesterday thinking that we need more Kourend quests. Very happy to read about the development of that and hope that the quest is another iconic old school quest like MM2 or DS2!
The quest we mentioned won't be of the same scale as MM2 or DS2, but it's the next in the storyline which ultimately will (hopefully) lead to a Grandmaster finale (like MM2 or DS2)!
Achievements (PvM): This project remains at the high-level concept stage. The idea is to have various tasks/challenges against bosses, ranging from 'Kill Giant Mole without receiving any damage'--
We are but men, not gods.
The idea ultimately is on the lower end of the spectrum, it can help get players new to it thinking about how they can do the boss in a better fashion - but on the higher end it presents room for new challenges, pushing the boundaries of what can be done.
Achievements (PvM): This project remains at the high-level concept stage. The idea is to have various tasks/challenges against bosses, ranging from 'Kill Giant Mole without receiving any damage'--
We are but men, not gods.
With some of the lower level bosses it inevitably is harder to come up with interesting challenges considering that they have very few mechanics.
One of the other ideas for mole on the sheet is to try and kill it before he digs 2 or 3 times. Although most of the suggested tasks are just ideas for now
/u/JagexSween PLEASE don't stop doing this. This is utterly amazing, and exactly the kind of communication we need as a playerbase. This makes us feel like our $11 was worth it.
Also, please DM me the name of a Mod who's most actively involved with trying to improve PVP as I have a rough-idea for getting noobie players into PVP despite the massive learning curve and I'd like it to be chewed on by someone who cares.
Feel free to send me a message or email [email protected]. I'll chew.