Hi Ayiza, I know you're getting a lot of comments but could you please comment on this and possibly even discuss it with the team depending on your response to this?
I would still claim that magic is the weakest of the 3 styles with this change reverted back... Even with magic reverted back (I'm actually happy with the accuracy bonus requirement for it to work). There is still the issue of 2 out of 3 of the tier six relics edging on entirely useless for magic. There is also being locked into ice magick.
In particular... It doesn't make sense to force the player to downrank a spell to benefit from something like draining strikes. Is there a limitation in the game that prevents draining strikes from working only on the specific target the player clicked and not on all the others hit by barrage? Perhaps a potential workaround is to give us 4 new ancient magick spells, single-target ones that have the same power as their barrage counterparts?
On top of that, it doesn't feel like it's in the spirit of what was intended to now force ancients users to use ice magick only. Is there any reason this "buff" could not be progressively applied to all types of spell damage now, if not to the exact same degree as ice spells?
I'm far from the only person that feels that tier 6 has little improvement for mages so I really hope you see and consider this!