Original Post — Direct link
almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by Hellrs

I went to the Customer Support page and selected the option to change email for old/inaccessible emails. I provided my details and submitted it just to be told I would be "emailed shortly with the results" but how am I supposed to see that email? The email server is completely inaccessible

Edit: I can still log in to the runescape account, Im just worried about authenticator, password changing, etc.

2nd Edit: Account was locked under suspicion it was hijacked. I was sent an email to my new email address saying recovery attempt denied. and then another email 8 minutes later saying recovery attempt approved? It allowed me to change the password with my new email and account is now unlocked so I guess all Is solved

RE: 2nd Edit. The support system worked as intended.

We wouldn't email your old email, that'd be pointless, you're quite right. The second appeal would have been accepted because it contained stronger information than your first appeal.