about 8 years ago - /u/modghost - Direct link

---Post updated 19/01/17---09:26


I've completed a selection of 7 male haircuts and 1 female haircut to fill the remaining spaces on the haircut interfaces.

I chose these styles by saving all the images posted to me, and observing the popular trends and replicating them as best I could to work within the limitations of our game engine.

The final result can be seen here: http://imgur.com/a/Y9gDD

As previously discussed in "Post updated 18/01/17---14:12," the afro haircut was one of the most popular requests on both Reddit and Twitter. Whilst we cannot offer this as a haircut, I can confirm that we will be polling the option to obtain a selection of basic, single coloured wigs from Party Pete.

Thanks everyone for taking part in this discussion, it's been a pleasure interacting with you all,

Mod Ghost

---Post updated 18/01/17---16:23


I've completed the first pass on 7 new haircuts.

I removed the corn rows as people don't seem to want contemporary haircuts.

You can view the initial selection here and share your opinions below: http://imgur.com/a/RpF6x


Mod Ghost

---Post updated 18/01/17---14:12


Unfortunately, due to haircuts not being an equitable item, some head items will always clip with larger haircuts. This will be a bit too obvious with the afro haircut and therefore it is not a viable option for this QOL job.

There is however the alternative to offer a selection of afro wigs as a separate QOL update if there is the demand. Read more here:



Mod Ghost

---Post updated 18/01/17---9:00am Hi,

Thanks for all your suggestions, I'll be working on some new haircuts today.

Taken from this thread there will be:

  • An afro
  • Some spikey hair.
  • Shaved sides on hair with hair on top.
  • Shaolin pony tail.
  • Short hair with a shaved in side parting.
  • "Benjamin franklin."
  • Corn rows.

We can't do:

  • Large, spiked manga hair - Because it will clip through the top of some hat items.
  • Long hair going down a player's back - Because the entire length of hair will move like a rigged sheet of hair with the rest of the head; it will clip with other worn items; arranging the order in which it renders with other items will be problematic and eat time that is outside the scope of this update.
  • Pony tails / pig tails with that are placed high up on a player's head - They will clip through head items, like some existing pony tails.

I'll look into the potential for adding new beards and get back to you on whether there is scope for this in a QOL update.

Female beards would require me to go through every female, player head model in game and remove the jaws. I would then need to create new jaw models to be added in script with beards attached. Unfortunately this is outside the scope of this project.

In terms of female haircuts, there are currently 23 in game and only 17 male haircuts. This means there isn't much room on the interface, for female haircuts and to add more would require adjustments to the haircut user interfaced which, is outside the scope of a small QOL updated.

Thank you to everyone for contributing to this post, sorry if we can't take you ideas into game but this graphics QOL update can't impact on our content developers' workload or allow scope for engine changes.

I hope you like the haircuts which we poll to you in the coming weeks.

Mod Ghost

---Original post---


A lot of people have been contacting me asking for some new haircuts in game.

I can create you some models based on your suggestions if you get them to me today.


Mod Ghost

PS: We can't do new colours as, that requires engine work which is outside the scope of this potential poll suggestion.

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