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It's been 22 hours since I was banned, in that time I've cleaned my house and car, finished my uni project, written a 4000 word essay to accompany it, learned chess and mastered the ancient Japanese art of kendo. Life truly isn't the same without the beauty of gielenor.

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about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Hey, we received your appeal about 24 hours ago and it's in a review queue that we work on 'oldest first'.

Right now we are way ahead of the response times we publish, and although that can change daily, there is a good chance you will get the appeal outcome within the next few days.

Looking at the volume in the queue and our current lead times my best guess would be that your appeal will be processed on Sunday, but that's an informed estimate not a hard and fast guarantee!

I can see you have now secured your account and set up Auth, so there is a little less work for us to do in terms of securing the account at the appeal stage, and we can focus on identifying any hijacker activity and letting you know the outcome and next steps.

Obviously it would be unfair of me to process your appeal ahead of everyone else that is sitting ahead of you in the queue, so thanks for your patience!

about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by Lerdroth

Have you thought of allowing the players with queued appeals to see their position?

Nice idea from a player experience POV, however the queue position is only a small indicator of when the appeal may be processed, other factors such as staff availability and incoming volumes across all our contact types, will have a much bigger impact on the response time.

For example, you could be 4,000 in the queue but get a review fairly quickly because we are well resourced and other work types are manageable, or you could be at number 200 in the queue and it take longer as staff are being used on priority work elsewhere.

The 28 day SLA is based on the longest it would take us, in a worst case scenario using forecasting of volumes and staff availability , but turn around for most of the time is more typically 7-10 days.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by 5150-5150

They aren't going to do this.. I'm sure some appeals take a couple seconds to review and others take weeks. It will make it look unfair (and this community will of course be outraged) when people start posting screenshots of their queue position and how quickly some are being resolved vs others. There'd be much more to the story than a queue position.

They are done oldest first so nobody can really jump the queue, the system delivers the oldest pending appeal to the next available staff member, with about 15 staff a day working on that queue (although not for their whole day obviously).

Some appeals take longer than others to process, but the variance isn't as extreme as 'a few seconds vs a few weeks', so even if one does take a while to deal with, once it is resolved, the next oldest appeal will be delivered to the person who carried out that longer review, so the 'bottom line' lead times remain fairly stable.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by chrissyyaboi

Thanks for the help man, I am obviously being satirical for trying to get mine reviewed faster than other peoples, all I wanted was a little info. You have provided far more than I expected so thanks for the transparency I look forward to having my account back 😂

P.S I know your not guaranteeing my account back but you are guaranteeing it will be reviewed at some point so I am confident :)

No problem, please call off the military now. ;)

about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by chrissyyaboi

That's fine, I'll leave a small UN peacekeeping force till next year when I graduate and apply for a job with you guys 😂

Sounds good, come find me on your first 'beer Friday' after joining us and we'll shoot some pool and laugh about 'that day on Reddit'

about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by EmptyRepresentative5

You just have to dig through the website

... 'dig' hmmm .... go to our support centre and in the search box type 'ban'