almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Suddenly_Seinfeld

Should we allow players with 99% of the total Quest Points to complete the Lumbridge and Draynor Elite Diary Task by speaking to the Wise Old Man, without having to unlock the Quest Cape?

This feels like far too "meta" of an achievement. I understand wanting to bump down the requirements of the task, as it's becomes far more "difficult" as time goes on (especially with quests like aNatT acting as a bottleneck) but "99% of quest points" just feels weird.

Pick a number. 250 is round and roughly the same number of QPs that OSRS launched with. Could go with 270 for the While Guthix Sleeps nod and keeping it "elite"

Heya! Thanks for the feedback. We've explained in the newspost why we went with the percentage option, something that will help in the future.

I feel like if we pick a specific number, the overall threshold over the years will decrease drastically compared to keeping it as a percentage.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by OpMightDeliver

These are some sick ideas for changes!! Time to rant about the most pointless one: Baguettes

I think the most fun part of the baguettes is how it insentivises you to care about 1 of the 20 randoms and hope for that rare drop, so while I think adding the sandwich lady as a source is cool and thematic I also want it to be similar in rarity. maybe it could stay 1/256 from box and be 1/32 from baguette? (×1/10 or whatever from getting to pick a baguette but still)

Appreciate the feedback, I think there's something with Random Events as a whole that's a bigger topic of discussion itself.

EDIT: It's a bigger issue due to the Collection Log slot.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by SurvivorCoachLt

Should we move some of the vegetation surrounding the Fairy Rings at the Tower of Life and the Legends' Guild for better access?

And maybe fix the click box on it, it feels atrocious to click whilst being on mobile or desktop.

Thanks for the feedback! Something I'll share with the team!

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by UnluckyNate

Along the lines of the unfinished torstol being used for antivenom+, can extended antifires be allowed to combine with crushed superior dragon bones to make superior extended antifires? Currently, once you make extended antifires, they are impossible to upgrade

Cheers for the input! I'll raise this to the team, but this might be something beyond Poll 77, but something I'll defo share around with this first round of feedback.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by davy_the_sus

Please don't change the stale baguette!

Any reason why we shouldn't change this? :)

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by WastingEXP

interesting QOL options though, can't see anything failing.

nice for limited accounts I guess. funny UIM get the option to store mining gloves but not the abyssal lantern. Idk if I've heard any UIM complain about the gloves

just dropping the rate on stale baguette feels boring though.

Thanks for the feedback!

The Abyssal Lantern is something we can look at beyond Poll 77 and I'll bring it up with the team.

In terms of the Stale Baguette, the Collection Log slot for it is one of the main reasons for making it a more common item.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Colt_Cant_Dance

Limpwurt farming has been a topic coming up a lot as a generally feelsbad thing compared to Snape grass and other secondaries. A lot of the speculation is due to the fact that it's a flower compared to a bush or an allotment. Is there anything that can be looked at there?

Maybe something for a future poll? You can leave your feedback in the survey at the bottom of the newspost :)

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by wzrddddd

any chance the team could consider instanced sepulchre for this poll? it has been asked for a lot by players who are going for 200m agi and in a time where the servers are terrible you ideally wanna play on the good ones without crashing/being crashed by other players, ty

Unfortunately, it won't be something that will be added to Poll 77 but it can definitely be something we could look at in the future.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by SirRanger

Why is not adding another cape option to the quest cape step at lumby&draynor diary an option? Falador elite has it, why lumbridge can't? We have a lot of different capes that could be an option: any raids 100 or more complition capes/champions cape/infernal cape/the gauntlet cape/music cape/achievement.

Most of the changes are good and cool, but why are the jars tradeble at all??? Now while someone can camp a boss and slay it 10000 times and get 2-4 jars per drop rate can sell it to someone who ho never visited that boss and will display it in he's poh. It's shouldn't be just another collection log item, it should mean that it you have that jar displayed in your poh you slayed the boss enough times to get it or you got lucky. Was it ever polled and didn't gain enough %?

Thanks for the feedback, it's something I can liaise with the team on in regards to adding additional requirements instead.

It was originally polled and failed by 3% but it's something we've seen come up over the years and thought it was worth revisiting.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by KnobelKnight

Should we add the option to repair your Essence Pouches at Guardians of the Rift? This would cost 25 pearls to unlock initially and would cost 1 pearl for each repair made this way.

The idea of having to pay to unlock a service that you then have to pay for again to actually use sounds weird. Plus having to run to your bank to grab a single pearl just to repair your pouches sounds really annoying and not worth the cost. Could we have it so that there's a higher one time fee that allows unlimited repairs?

I believe the idea behind is to be a nice alternative rather than going out of the way to get the Lunar Spellbook. If this method was going to be a quicker alternative I would agree with you but this is meant to be a nice option to a current frustration.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by SevereSwam

Our final question involves the Wilderness! We want to give PvPers a bit more accessibility by enabling the Special Attack Orb wherever you choose to fight other players – in the Wilderness, on PvP worlds, or inside PvP minigames like Last Man Standing or the Emir’s Arena.

This method would still be slower than the classic route in the Combat Options tab, but will allow players to choose how they feel most comfortable using their special attacks.

What does this mean? How would it be slower?

Probably not ideal wording choice, but think the intent is to suggest that short of being an Osu! monster it's likely going to be much quicker to switch and spec using F-keys and proper inventory setups (especially when so many players have been building this muscle memory for years) then to switch and move your mouse all the way up to the orb and then click opponent etc.

Feels more like an accessibility/consistency point (as well as good for mobile) to try and cut down on something functioning super differently in PvP than the wider game.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by fitmedcook

I'd like for the team to just take player feedback on QoL updates again in the future, Mod Light does it on twitter occasionally and some nice things get added.

Quick QoL suggestion if youre taking them: Give Wesley a knife so he can cut up my sturgeon for caviar to use in potion mixes

It's something we'll look to do and we also want to find out what areas of the game we should focus QoL on. You can add that info on the survey we've linked in the newspost :)

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by BONG_WATER_RAMEN

Sandwich lady is a good baker bro, y'all be insulting her skills to make the stale baguette common

I mean, most people don't take her goodies anyway, makes me sad as the sandwich-themed J-mod :(

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by iStinger

Spec orb is a bad idea. Will allow 1 ticking from non spec bar weapons

No it wouldn't - the spec orb is only available when you have a weapon that has a special attack.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Th3LastMonk

If you're at the point of starting elite diaries, just in terms of the skills you have already there's no excuse not to have a quest cape honestly. Elite diaries require some very high skills, and the quest cape does not. No support!

One of the biggest points of contention when it comes to the Quest Cape itself atm, is around A Night At The Theatre. This is a quest that wouldn't be removed but would still allow players to complete the diary without needing to say that quest in particular.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by WryGoat

Kinda disappointed that the baguette from sandwich lady isn't being polled separately from a decrease in rarity. It should be polled as dropping in-line with the mystery box drop rate, not a static 1/8. I think it would be fine for the baguette to come from sandwich lady as well, but not at that rate. There's no reason every random event item needs to be common other than a small minority of people who want collection log slots handed to them.

I'm not against changing the questions if the feedback warrants it and the devs agree, exactly what feedback is for :)

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by bake_disaster


The survey is borderline impossible to complete on mobile. Trying to swipe up/down to scroll through the 22 options in order to sort them makes you click and drag an item instead of scrolling. Hopefully that makes sense

Thanks for the feedback, unfortunately in terms of processing the data from our end, this is the best way. I could potentially look into an option that asks if you are on mobile, but I would need some time to sort this.

I'll let you know if this happens :)

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by nmschu

While talking about storing the fish sack barrel, can we look at obtaining the fish sack itself? It costs 1000 pearls at like 18 pearls an hour. That’s an incredibly long grind for something so click intensive. Should be like 300 pearls

Something I would love for us to visit, but not something that would be included in Poll 77. I would add it to the survey we included if you feel like we should :)

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by meirionh

"allow the player to give him items they’ve prepared in advance" - stupid question maybe, but I'd like clarification... does this mean you still have to make it yourself, or buyable on GE?

No, it means you can have 1000 fish in the bank and just grab one of those :)

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by meirionh

u/JagexSarnie If you're already fixing the wildy lever AND doing some "yes and dont show me again" stuff, I would love if the wilderness lever in Edgeville had a right click "Quick use" option, so I can keep the warning on (to avoid accidental misclick) but also don't have to go through the dialogue every time I purposefully want to use it?

I know this has been suggested before and the jmods had nothing against it, but never heard about it ever again

Whack it in the survey :)

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by sluttynuttybuddy69

Do you plan on making the rune pouches level locked? As in, a level 40 runercrafter can't receive the large pouch, like it currently is? Also, is it in order, such as you can't receive a medium pouch then a small? I didn't see these, so I wanted to verify.

The plan is to work how it will in the abyss, you can still get them at any level but you'll get them in order. If you were to then roll one after gaining them all, you'll likely receive pearls.

almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by _Jaiden

A couple brief points of feedback:

The scrolling on the survey for mobile is quite poor. It's tough to use when you want to scroll and you end up reorganizing the options, and it happened consistently for me so I just gave up until I get to my work station.

As someone who rarely engages (almost never) with PvP content, I would be okay with adding spec orb to combat minigames, but I'm not sure about wilderness, if I'm doing something in the wild I bring a snare, and dds, and pray mage I don't get TBD. I thought this was already voted on but if it's up for repoll I guess I'll vote on it.

In my opinion the only things that are relevant in the qol update are the fairy rings and blast furnace. Everything else is a 'meh'.

Iron btw

Thanks for the feedback _Jaiden :) I've updated the survey to include a selection for Desktop and Mobile now, something that I'll look to keep improving going forward with these surveys.

almost 2 years ago - - Direct link
We're back with the next Quality of Life poll and want to update you on the future of Qol.

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