... the bots are out of control. I'd have hoped that more resources would have been put into dealing with them. It was always a struggle to get that resourse when I was there, seems to have not improved.
External link →... the bots are out of control. I'd have hoped that more resources would have been put into dealing with them. It was always a struggle to get that resourse when I was there, seems to have not improved.
External link →I feel like after mod weath left it just went down hill.
Even more than before also does not help they are always doing free membership with Amazon pri.e
Yes, that's not good for bots.
What were the proposal solutions while you were at Jagex, just more bodies to manually check? Did the higher-ups not want to try and invest in machine learning?
That was what was needed. More bodies to target more areas, more investment in technology to help.
One thing I worked with Weath on before he left was the impact of taking action against gold buyers rather than just sellers. I'd be interested to know what you guys think.
What were your findings/projected impact?
I'm in favor of starting to take action against buyers. Wouldn't really be in favor of retroactive bans for buyers because it's basically been policy to not ban buyers up until now, but with enough publicity and messaging (signaling that it will no longer be tolerated) then I believe warning/perm bans for offences going forward is justifiable.
I left before the study was complete sadly
Im pretty sure a few q&a's ago they mentioned the anticheating team is up to 8 but im not 100%
Now that would be good news
Oh sh*t, this got popular.
If anyone is interested, I am streaming tomorrow night and happy to talk about it in person if you want to pop along.