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almost 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

I've spoken about this in the update thread but I can talk about it here aswell.

We only really nerfed floors 4 and 5 and even then only by a small amount. We'll continue to review it as time goes on.

I absolutely want Sepulchre to be the best way to train agility if you're good enough to do it however the gap between looting and not looting is pretty large, perhaps bigger than I'd like.

You should still be able to get slightly better rates while looting chests than rooftops but if you want to get much better rates you shouldn't be looting. If looting was significantly better than rooftops then not looting would be absolutely ridiculous, that's what this nerf was attempting to address.

I'm considering adding token amounts of agility xp to crossing bridges and going through portals similar to grappling to help off-set the difference in upcoming weeks if I think it needs it.

almost 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


We actually didn't poll any rates. The 75k/hr that I've seen quoted and floating around is the rate that I was getting in testing pre-launch (and notably pre-day 1 hotfix to xp rates). I said it on a livestream and I also said that I'd expect players to beat that because they'd likely do it more consistently than me

almost 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Sh4moo

If looting was significantly better than rooftops then not looting would be absolutely ridiculous

This is where I disagree. Rooftops are pretty good money as it is with marks of grace (especially ardy). I'm not sure what the gp/hr is at HS for different levels, but I don't think its anything too crazy. This on top of the fact that it's high effort training vs low effort, a substantial divide between both xp and gp seems very un-ridiculous to me.

Thank you for the amazing content though! I hope you know the criticism is only because we care <3

I need to get the balance right across all floors. I believe 5 is in a good place now so in the coming weeks I may distribute some of floor 5s xp across some of the other floors if they need it if that makes sense.

Haha and don't worry. I also want this to be successful content, I think "dead content" is a little bit harsh but I expected the memes :P

almost 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by UnluckyNate

Could a hallowed shop reward be added (maybe a hallowed lockick?) or the other shop rewards be tweaked to speed up the looting process somehow to bring looting more in line?

That was the intention of the tools. I suppose I could make the strange old lockpick pick the lock faster or just speed up the action of pushing the coffin lid.

But as I'm sure you can see there were lots of more important fixes I definitely wanted to do first as a higher priority. I'll have to consider how I want to tackle bringing the difference in xp/hr in

almost 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by RideForKP

Yeah after maxing out at 57k xp/hr looting 2/3/4 at 88 agil then reading you're gonna f**king nerf it more is frustrating. It takes so much effort people deserve high xp rates.

You'd probably get more xp if you just looted 3/4 or just 4