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almost 6 years ago - /u/Mod_West - Direct link

Glad you like it! <3

almost 6 years ago - /u/Mod_West - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


There's a deposit box in the middle of all the saltpetre deposits. It's arguably a little easier now :P

almost 6 years ago - /u/Mod_West - Direct link

Originally posted by Gnarwhalz

It truly is breathtaking. The amount of work that went into this facelift is astounding, as someone who recognizes how much time and effort things as outwardly simple as designing a small town's layout or modeling a low-poly brick building can require.

You've done an amazing job, as did everyone who had a hand in giving Hosidius the look it deserved and now has.

It really is just plain GORGEOUS. It's cozy, charming, organic, oozing with flavour and polish. Outdone doesn't BEGIN to describe it.

From one fledgling game designer to one with much more experience... PLEASE keep this trend going.

Thanks! It means a lot, truly. World building is a passion of mine and many parts of Zeah are missing a level of cohesion and character that I’ve been wanting to fix for a long time now.

Big reworks like this one are difficult to get out due to the push back from changing things and the massive amount of testing required. I’ve plans for other houses too but it’s too early to share, but hopefully they’ll be just as good :)

Thanks also go to Mod Maz for making sure all the content worked and Mod Bruno for testing it all! (And all the rest of the team for feedback and play testing)