over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

This is a long one, and I think it's a ton of quality content.

  • The usual update on the projects we're working on.
  • A peek at the work on the Clans update.
  • A follow-up from the March PvP Vision. We confirm that we aren't going to remove PvP Worlds, there's a cool LMS map concept, we talk about a possible solution to the Bounty Hunter issues, and a new area in the Wilderness called Ferox' Enclave.
  • Some insight in our efforts to secure a consistent 'Old School' art style.
  • Say hello to two new J-Mods!
over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by Necessary-Ad-6521

Craving more league info 😬

We're not ready to start sharing just yet, but soon I hope!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by Giantslay3r

New LMS map looks dope.

I'm not so sure about the Wilderness Hub - I like the concept, and the graphics/map - but "hubs" for minigames (e.g. Gamers Grotto in RS3) feel too artificial to me.

I wasn't a fan of the Grotto in the slightest, it was far too small and it felt weird to be there.

I feel like we've achieved something that feels quite natural here, but it's a very good point you raised.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by Mother_Education

No update today? PvP world rota didn’t switch

My personal opinion: don’t waste time on bounty hunter. Ideally find a way to encourage people to pk in PvP worlds where it’s 1v1, but not encouragement through extra financial gain as it will just be abused

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by rahtid_

"Remove High Risk worlds, replace with Very High Risk worlds: We'd still like to proceed with this. It's possible that it might happen alongside the release of the Wilderness Hub (see below)."

Would this mean worlds like 365 are being swapped out for another world where you lose all your items?

If that is the case, please keep in mind that many people use world 365 because of the stability of the world, and I'm sure a large majority are not PvPers. Removing one of your best worlds, that is used heavily by even people in the US because of it's consistency, in favour of a super high risk would probably not work well.

Also taking into account that a lot of people that are PvMing aren't using protect item anyways, which is why it's not a compromise to use that world. Please consider leaving 365 untouched, and possibly adding another world.

So if we were to keep 365 untouched (but remove the High Risk flag), and assign the Very High Risk flag to another world, you'd be okay with the change?

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


10:30am BST (5:30 ET)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by noideawhatoput2

Are you guys aiming for the next league to be open around Nov/Dec like TL? Or would it be some time next year?

The aim is this year. That's all I'll say so far

over 4 years ago - /u/Mod_West - Direct link

Originally posted by W-Virginia

For the absolute love of Jesus Christ. IF you add a new LMS map REMOVE ALL ladders going upstairs to another floor or underground. There are far too many bots and boosters who simply hide in random buildings and try to afk to top 5. It slows down the game’s immensely when people are hiding and you have to essentially find them or wait till they die by fog or finally come running in. Also please remove the ability to go upstairs in the existing map regardless of if your account is in combat or not. There’s literally zero purpose to allowing players to hide.

I'll be sure to keep this in mind! I've always preferred raised areas in PvP minigames to behave like the castle wars walls so you can still see and interact with the other players. It is a shame to lock off access to the upper floors but on the other hand it means I can make use of them as scenery a lot better :D

over 4 years ago - /u/Mod_West - Direct link

Originally posted by IAmJimmyBuffet

Damn, that is foul.

How dare those filthy English misuse their language :P

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexOasis - Direct link

Originally posted by crustyteats

Two design critiques:

LMS lobby: Do not give it floors. Make it separate 3 enclosures like it currently is, that way people can easily see if there are enough players to start a comp game, or if it makes more sense to play casual instead without having to go up ladders so see how many people are there.

Ferox Bridges: They may look nice, but get rid of the bridge. It is a natural choke point. I am willing to bet money people will use the bridges to set up multi/dd lures which will turn noobs away from the PVP content there. Or at least make them and the surrounding area singles.

Also I'm not sure about having a wilderness spawn, hopefully that doesn't make it easier to rag in the wilderness if the pking hot spots change.

Thanks for the concerns, to answer the lobby being split. We initially wanted it to be one floor, you can see all, but the amount of space that would take up would mean the enclave would have a much larger footprint, which isn't what we wanted, so a nice compromise is having it split to 3 and to have the UI updated to show which game mode is busy :)

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