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I - like many of you - picked up Valheim during the more restrictive period of the lock down. I had been at the time emotionally unwell and disconnected from the already small circle I had.

Valheim gave me a way to escape and quell the seemingly never ending anxiety. I loaded in and just chopped trees and built my base, I didn’t think. I had control of my small area in the game and felt that it was possible to regain that control in my life.

Eventually I captured a small boar and took care of something other than myself. I realized that I was being selfish in my self pity.

When the words “Boar loves you” came up on my screen I nearly broke down in tears. It had been a long time since someone (in this case something/pixels) had said that to me. I felt that there was hope of being loved and sharing love.

I just want to pass along this thank you to the devs. My perception changed as a result of your game, and at a time where everyone needed a chill pill many found it in this game you created.

I can understand that this is a vulnerable post subject to criticism (“cool dude whatever”) but in now having repaired aspects of my life that were amiss - it would be cowardly to attribute my recovery as the net result of my own “willpower/perseverance” and not acknowledge the support I received along the way.

Wish you all the best.

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over 6 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Hey all,

I just wanted to say thank you for the kind gestures and love you’ve shown me this evening. I’ve just got home and can safely say I’m extremely overwhelmed right now.

If I could respond to you all individually I would, but I’m afraid I’d likely not sleep for a week, so hopefully this will suffice!

I’ve had an amazing time at Jagex, made even better by each and every one of you wonderful folk that frequent this subreddit.

Keep REEEE’ing when you’re not happy.
Keep posting your memes.
Keep giving your feedback.

But most importantly, keep being the community I know and love.

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over 5 years ago - Chris - Direct link

Thank You

For many months, I nervously anticipated the moment where I would say "We're really proud to finally reveal Path of Exile 4.0.0" before playing the Path of Exile 2 trailer. As you can see in the recording of the keynote, I was barely holding it together as I said those words on Saturday. I purposefully remained on the side of the stage while the trailer played so I could see the audience reactions, and I can't describe the feelings I felt watching the audience experience Path of Exile 2 for the first time. Every small reveal, from the character selection hanging scene, to the caravan town, to the werewolf form and finally to the Path of Exile 2 name reveal caused the audience to gasp. By the time the trailer had finished, I was very close to tears, and it was difficult to hold it together long enough to carry on the presentation. Afterwards, people told me they cried in the audience. This was the proudest moment of my life.

Path of Exile 2, Conquerors of the Atlas, the Metamorph challenge league, Path of Exile: Mobile and the ExileCon convention itself were the work of hundreds of talented people behind the scenes. While it may have been me on stage, my contributions were both creatively and technically tiny compared to the hard work and passion from the actual developers who created these amazing products.

To everyone on the Grinding Gear Games team: I would like to thank you for your incredible hard work preparing for this event. The amount of polish that went into the trailers and demos was clearly appreciated by our community, and I am so proud of what we have achieved together. You are an amazing family, and I couldn't ask for better people to work with.

I would like to thank everyone behind the scenes at ExileCon who worked so hard to keep the event running. There were a hundred moving pieces, and it all ran seamlessly. Your clear communication, careful contingency planning and high quality standards paid off with an incredible event. Your energy levels and passion for our game were contagious. Attendees frequently told me they loved the high level of staff and player engagement at the event.

I would also like to specifically thank Rebb Ford from Digital Extremes for sharing the wisdom learned from their TennoCon Warframe events. This saved us from making a lot of mistakes.

I would like to thank everyone who could make it out to New Zealand to attend ExileCon in person. It was amazing to meet everyone, hear their stories, and finally put faces to the names I have seen in our community for years. Many of our developers have told me that meeting fans and hearing praise for their work was the highlight of the show for them. I hope you really enjoyed the ExileCon card game, and I'd like to congratulate the 49 people who managed to defeat The Shaper. I'll never forget the cheer that erupted when a Headhunter dropped for one of you.

I would like to thank everyone who watched our ExileCon stream online. We had hundreds of thousands of viewers during the keynote, it was seen by over a million unique people last time I checked. I'm super sorry that the way we're awarding the Twitch Drops from the weekend has been taking a while. It backlogged up to 24 hours and is still awarding them. This caused a lot of people to be upset that they didn't win anything when they're actually in the queue to receive awards. Awards should be given out today though. We are sorry for the inconvenience and frustration this caused!

ExileCon was the best weekend of my life, it made the last thirteen years incredibly worthwhile. It has been an amazing journey, one I am proud to have been on with you. I can't wait to share future news about these expansions, starting with Conquerors of the Atlas and the Metamorph league, which you'll be playing in less than a month!


about 4 years ago - dmg04 - Direct link
Happy Holidays. 
2020 has been a year unlike any other. There have been challenges that many of us have never faced before. There have been moments of difficulty, fear, and sorrow. But something that’s kept us going, no matter how difficult things may have been, has been this community. 
Before we go bid a temporary farewell for the holidays, we wanted to say thank you to the Destiny community for being a bright light for those in need. Time and time again, you prove that gaming does good. Even during quarantine, you made your mark on each charity initiative that’s been available. You helped to elevate the voices of those who need to be seen and heard. No matter the challenge, you show up in force to take a stand when others are unable to. 
Through 2020, you’ve raised ~$4.9 million in total through our charity events. With each initiative, you’ve smashed expectations. It’s been wonderful to see how much good this community can do.
Thank you, truly, for being Guardians of the world.   

GCX Legends 

Earlier this year, a few of you made some truly significant contributions to the GXC Charity Event during our time on the stream. Each of you are legends in our hearts. 
  • Datto & Danielle  
  • RussC2503 
  • CCkun91 
  • GPHash 
  • DrLupo 

Additionally, we want to honor our Thank You incentive for the GCX Charity Stream earlier this year. A massive “thank you” to everyone who donated $500 or more. 
  • A Storm Rising 
  • Avalonstar 
  • Bobizard 
  • Brandon D. 
  • Crimmy 
  • Cyntinel 
  • ErianasVow 
  • HiredN00bs 
  • JDV 
  • light.gg 
  • Lynid 
  • MageFyre 
  • MyExHasMyMoney 
  • NFreak 
  • Orion 
  • Paul Tassi 
  • PixelBehr 
  • Ruxomar 
  • steccato 
  • ThatchedRoof 
  • TheZolo2011 
  • TSG_Saint 
  • whereisxur.com 
  • BigDaddyTeej 
  • Crymidium 
  • o0wilky0o 
  • Pyro Gaming 
  • Sundance321 
  • ThaStrake 
  • The_BryceKIng 
  • Yumi and the Mayhem Wolves 

Note: For anyone who donated $100 or more, make sure to check your email. We’ve recently distributed the Fluid Resonance emblem, so make sure to redeem it! 

Light Keepers 

Before we go, we’d also like to take a moment to thank everyone who donated or contributed to our most recent Game2Give livestream marathon. Each of the following Light Keepers helped to raise over 10 thousand dollars during each of their respective livestreams. As a note, you've collectively helped to raise over $1.3M to date, and the Light Keepers campaign will be open until 12/31, 11:59pm PT! 
  • Gladd 
  • Rick Casey 
  • Leopard 
  • Thomas Middleditch 
  • Tamsin Wood 
  • GernaderJake 
  • Ekuegan 
  • T1Riot 
  • Pause Reset Play 
  • Gigz 

  • Destiny Item Manager 
  • Clan Obtained 
  • Jungle Squad 
  • Emerge 

Many thanks to all who hopped on a stream, donated, or helped to spread the word on this initiative.  

No matter your contributions, everything helps, and you’ve all helped make this world a better place. We’re excited for 2021, and to see how much more we can do to help those in need.     Thank you, and we’ll see you starside. 
over 3 years ago - /u/Unusual-Albatross - Direct link

Thank you so much for your kind words! I am so so so happy that you could find some comfort in Valheim. Reading this honestly brought a tear to my eye.

I wish you all the best, and thank you once again 🥰