almost 6 years ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello and welcome to this week's old
2s school tune a live stream I'm your host
4s mod gambit and I'm joined on the couch
6s this week by mod Bruno hey mod wolf hey
10s more tired hello and mods Swain
13s hello gonna kick things off the usual
16s way with the announcements before we get
18s into the questions
19s first things first is exclamation mark
22s clue will bring you to the treasure
24s Trailz expansion block that's actually
26s the updates which is happening next week
28s tomorrow let's say next week yeah this
31s update there happening tomorrow even
33s though good it's not been delayed so I'm
40s not title it give us a brief rundown of
41s the things we can expect to see in that
43s update just an overview I finally hasn't
45s seen it yet you have your beginner clues
48s which also has a new type of clue where
50s you will be helping Charlie the Tramp
52s you'll have to either gather or create
54s some items for him and bring them to him
55s to complete step there is also a new
58s music clue which is in easy medium and
62s hearts I believe mm-hmm and then there's
65s plenty of new rewards coming your way
69s excellent well I know he wants to see
71s all of the details it's exclamation mark
72s clue to see that and that's what's
75s coming out tomorrow there's also the
76s Easter event which I think he worked on
77s quite a lot as well more tired funny
79s enough any sort of boys as to what can
82s be expected this year no no okay all
86s right you guys will just have to wait to
87s get it because I just have to wait and
88s see what's happening I bet there will be
89s an egg pun or two might even be some
92s hidden easter egg who knows maybe next
97s thing is dead man so anyone who was sort
100s of following us or dead man as it
102s happened probably knows he didn't
104s necessarily go the way we'd all have
105s liked it to in response to all the
108s events that occurred we have a news post
112s up which is you can see it an
114s exclamation mark summer season that
117s explains our future intent with dead man
118s actually mod Swede when he gives a brief
121s rundown of what's what's going on there
123s sure yeah so like you said that man
126s didn't go too well lots of players
128s weren't able to fight for prize money so
131s we're going to give them an opportunity
132s to rerun the tournament we
134s when is going to occur yet we need to
135s fix what went wrong test it and then
138s arrange for a cut of another production
139s get the prize money sorted which hasn't
141s also been confirmed and but we will be
143s going ahead with summer finals as
144s planned to conclude the current summer
146s season is running not just that dead man
148s is kind of going on hiatus until we've
150s got a more longer-term viable plan we've
153s we know you're kind of disconnected from
156s dead man compared to when it was first
157s launched and it passed a pole like dead
159s man past the pole that's how much
161s players bought into the idea so you want
163s to get back to that to help that we had
165s some influences and PvP is in yesterday
168s which I'll talk about a bit later on as
169s well but dead Magnus on hiatus will be
172s rerunning spring finals and Deadman
174s summer finals will continue as planned
176s cool thank you very much and the last
179s big announcement that we have is well
182s he's sitting right there on the table in
183s front of us we're very proud and happy
185s and excited to announce that we did end
187s up winning the BAFTA audience award for
189s ease mobile game of the year that was
192s obviously a huge deal we'd love to thank
194s all of you for voting and supporting us
196s that's a massive massive achievement for
197s the game and we're super super proud a
200s big shout out to the community between
202s for the I think voting for us so yeah
212s thank you very much for its context when
214s your ward if they're not too familiar
215s it's entirely voted for by the players
218s will by the communities for any game and
220s you love old school runescape more than
223s fortnight players love fortnight and the
225s other games that we beat yeah thank you
229s very very much
230s particular there was a massive massive
233s games that we were running up against
235s not just fortnight I think that one go
238s was there
239s roblox as well clash royale brawl stars
241s yes so obviously a massive massive
243s achievement thank you very much so that
246s just about covers all of the
248s announcements I guess we can just crack
251s on with the questions everyone's happy
252s to unless they've got anything else our
255s first question is it's what's come up
258s quite quite a lot just like over the
260s recent days but maybe for a few weeks
262s it's been on players minds I'd say seen
265s it in a few places here and there it's
266s from every player ever
267s and they asked can you hide poll results
270s how do we how do you feel about this one
272s guys yeah right yeah yeah okay cool
278s right we'll move on then next our next
281s question is from so ash has been working
290s hard with myself to get into this week's
293s update essentially poll results will be
296s hidden until the poll is closed
299s permanently so it's not like you answer
301s and you can see them it's that they'll
302s be hidden for the next poll that we're
304s hoping to get out I don't know if I can
306s give a date but the next poll that we do
308s will have portals hidden tomorrow all
311s poll booths will be disabled temporarily
313s while we do some live testing because
315s the way our live systems work or these
317s cameras on I see the light the way our
319s life systems work are a little bit
320s different and the way they work on the
322s back ends I just want to double-check
323s that in live first you guys wanna be
324s able to play about with it and stuff
326s we'll let you know when it's back up and
328s running and stuff and often that oh yes
331s also the web page of course won't be
332s visible for a poll until after it's been
334s closed as well so that's how that will
337s work what sweet so I'm not telling them
340s when the next poll will be
341s might the blog kind of alluded to the
345s next core poll so aiming for Friday for
349s tomorrow Friday oh so the first poll due
353s to be sent live with hidden results is
355s is going to be about all the content if
358s you remember the message to the
360s community post that we posted a couple
362s weeks ago now what currently the exact
365s date is we yeah end of March and that's
367s called I think I think it's directive if
369s you exclamation mark big blog I think
371s that's what we put the command spoke
376s about hiding no it's just poke about
378s poll results and like a longer term
380s stuff fixing existing content rather
383s than putting new content through and
385s explaining why we want to do both at the
386s same time and why we feel were capable
387s of doing both at the same time play
389s support stuff and PPP generally and I
391s think we are is that maybe a big box not
394s active never mind
395s it's on the new module from I'm not
398s archives like click news and you
400s we'll find it we recommend market I
404s think we're slowly working our way free
406s about as well play sport oh we had a
408s meeting with them recently actually who
410s about 20 minutes ago about the toxicity
412s stuff that's covered in there I think
414s they're looking to release a blog about
415s account security towards the end of the
417s month but it might be starting next but
419s there's no that I could be working on
420s that PvP stuff I mean we're addressing
422s dead man we're pausing it until we're
424s comfortable with making the content work
426s we knew we're people in really we had
430s yeah yeah that's a good point I was
431s gonna mentioned earlier we forgot again
433s we had influencers and people from like
436s notable clans based quite locally into
438s the office on Monday and Tuesday a halt
441s sessions dedicated to not just dead man
443s but PvP generally what they want from
445s PvP and polling and we released a blog
449s 20 minutes ago and spoke about this
451s stuff now so I am feeling very good very
455s confident yeah making good on the
457s promises that we made there which is a
458s good feeling I think for everybody I'm
460s drinking crab blood I'm havin crab we're
463s going through the list there's no I mean
465s man being up that crab that does right
467s now we get we nearly there nearly done
470s yeah they say yeah like you say one of
472s the promises there was revisiting all
473s the content that's gonna be the first
475s poll do to go live on Friday the poll
477s blog will be live at the end of this
479s stream talking about some of the smaller
481s changes that we're going to do to look
482s at older content and it explains there
484s that these are sort of just in the
487s meantime changes in the beginning of us
488s looking at fixing older content to sort
491s of solve the issue of us getting
493s suggestions from social social media a
496s bit too much and getting a wider a wider
499s view of what the players what what you
500s guys would like we're gonna be
503s conducting surveys and opinion polls and
505s hopefully getting thousands of responses
506s rather than just a few hundred comments
509s of inputs so that's going to drive us we
511s visiting the older content yeah it's
513s worth it's definitely worth pointing out
514s it doesn't end here like just just cuz
517s we've hidden poor results but still want
518s to address concerns about you know
519s smaller communities not having stuff got
521s through that might be better for their
522s community getting it out to more people
524s in the game through different methods as
526s well so it's not it's not just having
529s politics we have it more to do but it's
530s a good first step if you read the blog
532s which is explanation like hide results
534s here too
534s about trying to make voting more
536s accessible will easily to do rather than
539s visiting Paul Booth that's what you want
540s to do we just want to get more people to
542s vote how we do it it's up to you and
545s yeah like werewolf said tackle niche
548s communities getting content he won it
549s was not impactful towards others yep so
553s all looking rather good if I may say so
556s if it's good I said three males good man
559s that's not right now we're good all
568s right cool I will well crack on with the
570s questions then
571s so our first I say genuine question of
574s the hiding results has been a genuine
575s question for a while our second question
577s is from lunch zero guy they asked they
581s say that the range to Melly ghosts at
583s Cerberus to have very similar
584s silhouettes could you update the model
586s of the malygos to have a helmet or a
587s shield so it stands out better I'm not
591s I'm not pro enough to do Serb so I don't
592s have an opinion on this
593s I've got weapons that's I thought we had
595s something yeah but if it's not obvious
597s enough yeah we're small change to make
598s it a bit more of yes yeah we can do that
600s I understand I'm making a mechanic
601s easier yeah I think because like I said
603s I think we already tried to do something
605s for that I guess that I was just not
606s obvious enough yeah sure something less
608s thing no I'm not sure why why no I know
612s you say no I think generally like with
618s colorblind stuff that we do this is one
620s of those things that we just do it's
622s important for all players to be able to
624s access the content some of you said get
626s better right so maybe we've done
628s something it ruins my my colorblind or
630s we got here man ruins by 2020 vision
635s okay funny John look at the name of the
639s next question the newest questions from
644s squinty they say could we get a peace
647s treaty as a reward for completing some
649s of the elves you could show it to your
650s Slayer master to get them to stop
652s assigning elves as a task it doesn't
654s make much sense to be a friend of the
656s elves yet still thought of them by the
657s hundreds or just make it an unlockable
659s perk with Slayer points upon completion
661s of the quest thoughts I saw I don't know
666s if we're playing is doing us what I saw
667s can't reply
668s to that question which is through what
671s iris free do usually sounds quite bad
674s and ominous but I think if you fight
676s elves in prif it's more like a jewel
678s robbing and killing them they just okay
681s say you won here's a reward and you get
682s the UM just kill ya I prefer that as
685s well because I wouldn't want to just
687s remove the task from a task list so I
689s also don't mind killing elves I'm a sort
692s of person when I'm making a pun playing
693s a fantasy game I'll play as a human the
695s reason I didn't like it was just I
696s didn't want to yeah I didn't want to get
698s removed from the task list modern
699s anything I mean having the option to
701s remove it for a cost of slayer point
703s seemed fair enough because it's not
704s really a great task anyway by because I
707s want to promise or confirm anything but
709s I know we are considering something like
711s the suggestion whereby you have a
714s different tier of elves in prif or rum
718s we'll have them in such a way that
719s you're fighting there maybe in a
720s training arena kind of thing where it
722s does make a bit more sense law wise
723s you're not just going around murdering
724s good guys why not pose B asks that they
733s ask about the mimic quite a long run but
735s I think in short what they're asking is
738s will will the mimic that's coming out
740s tomorrow as part the treasure Trailz
742s update this is a new boss will it act or
745s behave like a mimic as it does in other
746s games way by you unexpectedly encounter
749s it when you're opening a casket it
750s sounds like it's not going to be that
751s way and why not so originally it wasn't
755s and then from feedback we investigated
758s doing it so we did look into trying to
761s make it so you know you click on any
762s media to get teleporter and stuff color
764s problems of that the first one is
766s obviously forcing it to do that to
770s people who may not be high enough level
771s isn't really fair and that's just
773s entirely like nerfing mass for an elite
775s clue said arguably you know your highest
777s level if you're doing them anyway but it
779s seemed unfair firstly but then the more
781s important reason was I think players
786s call it path ting what we call it like
789s tell I don't wanna say what we call it
791s but essentially giving the player and
794s ability to teleport from anywhere in the
795s game and to reappear anywhere else in
797s the game was a little too dangerous for
799s us we didn't want that
800s there so for example you know you're in
803s the mimicked boss area I don't know
805s you're opening a clue caskets somewhere
807s and you randomly teleport you let's say
809s you're in an instance we have to demo it
811s there are an instance when the open that
812s we have teleport and back and reopen
814s that instance and it opens up the
815s possibility of too many bugs for
820s something that really didn't add
821s anything to it top of the fact that the
823s mimic has a unique mechanic where if you
825s leave the fight you lose a reward so I
829s also felt like I'm doing mine clear I'm
831s doing my clue it's a random amount of
832s steps you don't know how many steps it
833s is you get teleported into the mimic and
835s you have a full inventory of teleports
837s you go and get ready to do combat you
839s leave and you miss out on one part of
841s your reward immediately just just
842s because it didn't seem fair so there's a
845s couple of reasons when we were creating
847s it that's how does it work there's a
848s confirmation message oh wait when you
851s open a master or an elite casket after
854s the release of this update you'll will
856s be told hey if you want a chance to be a
859s mimic go to Watson's house and talk to
861s them you won't always have this option
863s it's a rare sort of chance for this to
865s have oh no no the first time you attempt
867s to open a mimic or an elite that's all
869s you have taught you are warned that to
871s have a chance of getting him in there
872s you have to talk to this casket in
874s Watsons house and you can say I don't
876s care and you can just drop me a casket
878s you won't get a chance or you go to
880s Watson's house and you say yes I do want
882s to be able to potentially get this and
883s then you open your casket and you have a
885s 1 in X chance depending on master or
888s elite to have it turn into anime and if
891s you have a mimic you then go back to
893s Watson's house and you give it a strange
894s casket that make sense mm-hmm there we
899s go that's how that's gonna work and why
901s I do like the UM the mechanic whereby
903s you can try again sort of thing I know
906s you only get a certain amount of tries
908s quite um quite if you die or leave the
909s mimic boss number for reduced rewards
911s it's quite a nice touch I think yeah the
915s the chances are the amount of roll that
917s you get so with masters at 6 with elite
920s it's 5 and of course each time that you
922s fail or you leave the area it goes down
925s by one if you're a high level clue clue
928s hunter you're probably gonna get all
929s rewards after you've fought it what time
932s truthfully more I see okay this next
937s question is a two-parter is from a
941s player called papa
942s 25 they say in the host cities rework
945s the bank seems to have moved away quite
947s a bit from the catacombs exit making it
949s a considerable nerf to gold per hour of
951s the dust devils down there could you
953s maybe added deposit box by the entrance
955s so we can at least bank our loot they
961s don't have an opinion on this is with an
963s O not an a chat
969s I'd actually do dust devils much so I
971s don't really know if this is even sorry
974s I'm not gonna lie can you say the
976s question again I was looking at the chat
979s rework it looks like we're moving the
982s bank further away from the catacombs
984s exit so anyone who's looking to run and
986s Bank their dust devils loot is now doing
989s sorry oh no no no yeah mod West actually
992s raised this to me earlier no we're not
993s we're not doing that the dust devils
995s aren't meant to be as profitable as they
997s are anyway we've already said in the
998s past so we're planning on updating dock
1000s tables of creatures we are definitely
1002s not intending to make it as good as aura
1005s it's already great right it's already
1006s brilliant GP and yes magic XP and Slayer
1010s XP I mean losing an extra watt a couple
1013s 100k sorry okay
1015s that's life okay the second question is
1022s a they say back in 2008 or so a feature
1024s was added to our to runescape that after
1027s a level up you could click on the skill
1030s guide of a skill to see what you are
1031s unlocked with the new level this was
1033s very useful when in training combat or
1035s doing other activities where you'd miss
1036s the level up message in the chat box can
1038s we get this in old-school
1043s and we this I don't know but I wouldn't
1046s mind it a it's quite a nice one if
1050s you're if you're in combat is quite
1051s typical that you'll miss the the level
1053s up message oh yeah yeah yeah so require
1058s full rewrite of the way our level ups
1060s work MA dad was actually rewriting that
1062s a long time ago as is craning but then
1065s you got pot and Dragons there too and
1067s then we go put on another big thing and
1069s another big thing and here we are like
1070s here and a flare and we've not push that
1072s thing out yet it would be possible after
1074s the rewrite potentially but even though
1076s it will need more rewriting because of
1077s the way the interface works and the way
1079s that Ed's been rewriting it I believe
1081s wouldn't allow for this so it's a big
1085s job for kind of little payoff I think
1087s but for newer players I'm you can also
1089s argue our new players on mobile it would
1092s be very it might be useful so we put
1095s something in the chat box you've
1097s unlocked this so it's currently it's
1099s like gradual ation you've leveled up and
1100s underneath fact if they want it map to
1102s toggleable could I say you've unlocked
1104s yeah so it would be a mesma you unlock
1106s the ability to willed whatever
1108s potentially no potentially with the
1110s change that it's doing yes but it's a
1113s again it's been held off that change for
1115s a little while ok Garhwal says that
1121s since the moss giant boss is one of two
1123s free-to-play bosses it seems strange
1125s that it doesn't drop any free-to-play
1126s items it would make sense for a free to
1129s play draws boss to drop a unique item in
1131s free to play what do you think of this
1133s it has got free to play items it's not
1136s the vision a unique free depressing like
1138s the cloud runner get up yeah we could
1139s hold back and drop it was polled
1142s originally the staff should it be
1143s free-to-play oh yeah and the reason we
1146s were worried was just botting I think oh
1147s I can't I don't even know why I would be
1155s there's a good idea for for an item so
1158s Rock says it we polled in to failed
1159s which rings a bell yeah I was pretty
1161s sure it wasn't it failed the poll but if
1164s anything if any suggestions that
1166s everybody unanimously wants I'm sure
1167s would be open for it right I do have a
1170s comment from mod West on this he says
1172s that as both of the free-to-play Giants
1174s a week to mage maybe could tie into
1177s warding potentially so maybe like a drop
1180s which is then used to create something
1181s maybe like a new major armor or
1183s something warding related that'd be
1186s really cool has a unique drop from play
1188s boss about that sort of way off into the
1191s future cool yeah okay Rover to the idea
1198s so our next question is from Dragoon
1201s they ask if they'll ever be any
1203s expansions or upgrades to zoa's in the
1205s future maybe if we choose to do as I
1210s request expansion but yeah as with every
1213s Q&A
1213s fred's and every tweet and ready Fred we
1216s see people want continuations of all the
1218s quest lines yeah they won the seed
1220s goblins sport forever sea slugs and the
1223s Knights Templar Furber the white knights
1225s forever now as ogres I mean we have we
1229s can choose one currently chosen elves
1231s pretending that one yeah you want desert
1234s treasure to lots of lots of Fred's about
1236s that see we filled in a lot of prayer
1238s gaps the past couple years as well a lot
1241s of different bones are now in the game
1242s and it's like doing need more rogue org
1245s and big bones I think it's that one it's
1251s yeah
1251s then what you show them yeah so the
1254s answers may be but it depends what we
1255s what quest line we choose to expand on
1258s next and ideally rather than us making
1261s that decision internally which I think
1262s we did do a Dragon Slayer on somebody
1264s else we put it through the players and
1267s see which big quest expansion would you
1268s prefer yeah that's fair Fiore the right
1271s way to go about it like anecdotal I
1273s can't imagine everybody voting so girl
1277s but the idea of draggers sounds epic
1280s well you know that dragon dog is so
1283s dragon slayer free complaining the
1285s Dragon Slayer the quest line make it
1287s really fat you know you know when you
1288s see like an 18 year old dog that just
1290s it's really like oh is it good boy that
1296s kind of thing family magining sounds
1298s horrific could be an expansion to the
1300s experiment place I do have a comment on
1308s this from mod West as well who says
1311s that he's mod wes is boarding mad at the
1315s minute like everything is like so
1317s focused on making his contact exciting
1319s and good for you guys he's got another
1320s sort of warding related answer for this
1322s question he says that he'd love to add a
1325s new well maybe even a few new undead
1327s bosses to tie into warding the new skill
1330s and zygors could feature in that
1332s potentially more uses for things like
1333s crumpled undead which is sort of on you
1335s well underused I'd say at the minute
1338s just as option so he's exploring this
1339s kind of thing so yeah so it lots of
1343s placement first on you mentioned warding
1345s there's a lot of spam but it hasn't
1346s passed Jen you're quite right it will be
1347s subject to poll and it hasn't happened
1349s we've seen the revised design for
1352s compared to what we've shown and
1353s reversed and it's looking so good we're
1355s hoping to get it to you quite soon so I
1357s would ask you to reserve judgment until
1358s you see the revised lot has changed late
1362s we've kind of purposely kept the
1363s announcement pretty vague back in
1365s October I think it was just so you have
1368s the opportunity to contribute to it and
1369s it's looking good it is looking a sizing
1373s we there's been a lot of feedback taking
1375s on board lots of discussions and
1377s research done between well ourselves and
1381s you guys so it is looking at citing
1384s guardian of Eden cool whose name says
1390s says Ken cutting fish from barbarian
1392s fishing be automated like it is from
1394s aerial fishing it could be but people
1398s don't really do it much because you
1400s don't really get much out of it you
1402s should just drop it
1403s yeah they all three ticket yeah who's
1405s actually I mean what you get like it of
1407s what do you get from it again
1409s caviar row and bitch off cut make
1412s barbarian potions great again okay I
1417s mean I guess we could we've been looking
1419s to automate several processes recently
1422s but I don't know if that's one of the
1424s ones high up on the list in particular
1426s just three ticket for hello just don't
1430s be bad people three take with fish but
1433s even then you really need automated cuz
1436s you wouldn't it wouldn't help out three
1438s taken to mmm-hmm
1440s they also ask a second question which is
1443s that was opposed to a month or two about
1444s sorry there's a post a month or two ago
1446s about some middle ground item in between
1448s the anti Dragon shield and the dragon
1450s fire shield
1451s are we still interested in this how do
1456s we feel about it like it may be a dragon
1458s and dragon kite shield or something like
1460s that I saw that good idea on reddit the
1464s one where it was like after you've done
1465s tracking stare and I can t remember was
1468s it was like a if you get smithing level
1470s or something you can get like an adamant
1472s kite field equivalent stats mm-hmm with
1476s the dragon fire kept Billy but it's like
1478s I just didn't know what it fit in okay I
1481s guess a free-to-play shield and killing
1484s dragons so it's like I don't get it I
1487s remember the I think it was literally
1489s the dragon square shield being polled to
1491s have the dragon fire effect and that
1494s failed so I don't I didn't make much
1498s sense though I was a blatant yeah bang I
1505s guess it's for people who can't quite
1507s afford a DFS just yet they are quite
1510s cheap and I think if you would kind of
1512s make sense to have one between whether
1514s it was the antigen for fight still with
1516s Dragon shield and quiet one defense yeah
1518s and a DFS requires 7075 so it makes
1521s sense to have something in the middle
1522s but then would you with that then make
1524s the TFS even cheaper I just I just I
1526s just never wear it like I'd wear a
1528s defender and new Dragon's Lair to with
1531s like a level 1 one right yeah and then
1533s then you get my portion yeah yeah at the
1535s end I don't even know I don't even care
1537s I shield anymore
1538s I think it's just to me even bits to me
1544s okay that's fair no I'm more attracted
1550s to the desert accountant aspects of the
1552s Ironman saying but so a new bill would
1554s be pretty cool give them the viability
1556s to go and actually kill stuff hmm okay
1560s so it sounds like we're probably leaning
1561s away from that cuz we're not sure what
1562s kind of niche is gonna fit I'm open to
1565s hearing why though just let us know as
1567s usual as Quito's or something I'm sure
1571s there is a way that we're not thinking
1572s of oh like you know the heat of the mall
1573s on the Q&A we have 10,000 people telling
1576s us that you're silly for saying that one
1578s thing so yeah there's no cool so
1582s petrifying asks mm-hmm asks if we can
1586s allow skill capes on in tirana I'd like
1589s to use my farming skill Kip effect on
1590s the hops patch they say the only skill
1592s cape that could be useful other than
1593s farming is the fletching skill cape
1595s which allows you to take out a bronze
1596s crossbow but it's can already be done by
1598s taking in logs and a knife and fletching
1600s it skill capes on in tirana there any
1604s harming this is it a messy bit of like
1607s code that we don't wanna touch I just
1609s don't I don't want to do it yeah bill
1613s doesn't need like you you you don't need
1616s to your skill capes everywhere but it
1618s doesn't the farming cape work anyway
1620s there could be wrong I'm sure we did
1622s something that was like how that just
1623s works there anywhere I don't know I
1625s can't remember we had something like
1627s that with the monk guarding the boat or
1630s allowing passage by the boat look at
1632s your cape and black actually you've got
1634s ninety nine so if you are making
1635s exception but usually it's no capes what
1638s up about it's a lion okay he would say
1641s that so he might let 99 farming gate but
1645s an attack cave be like the hell man your
1649s texture money right now are they you
1657s actually found them
1657s Oh hops are really profitable right now
1659s because of help me out what people use
1662s hops for what a thing it was birdhouses
1664s but then we changed the changed without
1665s herb seeds and I think hop seeds fall in
1668s price but I might be wrong no actual
1669s hops themselves they use for a new lure
1671s wasn't it earned the retro hardwood
1673s trees or listen we released the new tree
1675s with farming guild but requires hots
1677s no no red with dragon fruit no I was my
1683s hobby trees yeah sure oh yeah like all
1687s right the relatively profitable so what
1690s we think is probably harmless but
1692s they're not necessarily needed okay cool
1698s the a demeanor says can we get a little
1702s icon that indicates whenever someone on
1704s our friends list or in our clan chat is
1706s mobile replying as a pain and hazard let
1708s people see why we're not plan is
1713s requires you know it will play some work
1717s from it going to what aren't the content
1719s team I remember these this attack so
1721s remember back when we announced mobile
1723s all the long long time ago and we had
1726s like a special mobile Q&A pretty sure
1728s that question was brought up and we
1730s didn't want to do that I can't remember
1731s why oh no well we said that we wanted to
1733s do it okay maybe I think it was to do
1739s with you'd be able to add people to the
1741s friends see if there are mobile perhaps
1743s if we know more than in a sort of PvP
1744s world or something do you have your
1745s private on in the world no in there were
1748s anywhere I hide my privates off it's not
1752s even on friends off I don't talk to
1754s people were large a single-player MMR
1757s don't talk to me okay I worry that some
1763s people would probably get exploited in
1766s some way but other than that I don't I
1771s don't know if it really is that much of
1772s a nice to have you can probably make the
1775s effort to send one line to say I'm on
1777s the ball don't talk to me I don't I use
1779s view nor PM's I get or just turn them
1781s off yeah like a quick response if you're
1783s on more bile is okay I was gonna say
1785s like is he's adding this icon solving
1788s the issue of it not being so great they
1790s talk on mobile something that's probably
1792s something sold separately if anything
1794s people might avoid talking to you but
1796s really so right now but yeah question is
1808s similar to this which I've seen is could
1811s we get some kind of indicator in the
1812s friends list or yet in the friends list
1813s which shows from the other person has
1815s you edited as well which would be useful
1817s for sort of clearing friends lists of
1820s users who ones online these days you can
1822s quickly check if they if you join their
1825s clan chat and it's open that's good help
1827s that's I think the only way to check
1829s ionizer does require you going through
1832s each one individually
1834s don't want 400 people yeah don't have
1837s too many for us the way that we're gonna
1840s end all right well I'll move on then mr.
1846s path asks if the shades in the last
1850s level of the stronghold of security
1851s could be given normal XP rights have
1854s reduce oh because they used to be a
1858s random event right
1859s and remember they used to have it
1861s release it just parameter we could
1862s probably do that oh we could we could
1864s make out regular expect people wondered
1866s yeah I wasn't worried didn't I think
1869s it's because it used to be a random lent
1871s around events just to be blessings be
1872s and we were retired at there I think
1874s going so it probably just still has the
1878s thing that says don't give lots of XP on
1879s it so we can do that oh no nobody think
1882s no no don't do that but it's possible if
1885s you guys want it ok cool cool cool
1890s oh I should have a comment from mod Wes
1892s on that who does actually yeah seems to
1894s be the case that it was because of the
1896s random events thing he also says he
1898s might be worth buffing the Gadda hammer
1900s so thats it out damages the dragon
1902s scimitar in a defender when you're on
1903s the on trades I guess that makes sense
1906s yeah yeah gotta hammers a weird one it's
1910s only using like that the one quest isn't
1912s it and then they get it in the question
1914s never use it we could to see that thing
1915s used a bit more upgrade to make it
1918s one-handed confined says could the
1923s dragon has to be buffed for use against
1925s dragons currently the leaf bladed sword
1926s is a better choice if you don't have a
1928s zamorak in spear or the abyssal dagger
1931s dragon has two is it good enough what do
1934s you think
1937s do you know how many players actually
1939s used the dragon hasta not many doesn't
1944s need to be better if it's underused
1947s a lot of things dude where are we
1951s buffing ever gonna be here a long time
1953s all right so we need to start with
1955s Seattle's yeah exactly
1958s poor Hummers also it made to be useful
1964s cuz obviously it's nice it's like useful
1966s but not everything is made to be useful
1968s in the game like the leap layered salt
1974s 55 to wield yes mrs. fixity mmm and it's
1978s stronger I'm sorry it's weaker than a
1980s leafleting saws despite the fact that
1982s it's a higher level hmm I don't actually
1986s think that's the Dragon has for being
1988s weak I think that's actually that we've
1989s lives all being strong but I don't to
1991s change that so ladies stuff is strong
1993s but yeah I'd leave that where it is
1995s exactly so if I do we just all the buff
1998s the Hastur to a point where it's you
2000s know on par or something at which point
2002s the rest the dragon equipments out of
2003s line like it just seems weird it's it's
2006s fine some things except sometimes things
2008s are going to be not as good as others
2009s that happens I think that the answer to
2012s that exactly we're probably not looking
2014s to a debuff that and my dad is bald not
2023s my dad he's a find us the name of the
2024s the user they say will you add a toggle
2027s to rotate the screen on old-school
2029s mobile and oh well that's the first
2035s question of a couple I remember
2040s initially we just want to make it make
2042s one interface then it's easier for us to
2045s work one and make one interface work
2046s well yeah but I have seen players use
2048s other software to rotate the screen for
2051s them and if played at doing that then it
2053s becomes a question of should we
2054s facilitate ourselves mm-hmm don't know
2057s what the answer is you got to be looking
2061s like here on Twitter and on runescape on
2062s you and just looking through Twitter
2068s yeah require redesign
2069s the interface would rather have some
2070s back-end stuff as well that we couldn't
2072s do content wise because it would require
2073s B it would need to detect when you do
2075s this right and we can't think of all the
2078s interfaces have to be redesigned
2079s I know oh well we did that yeah darn it
2085s it it's not very possible right now but
2089s it's not impossible
2091s max how do I bring the faces so if you I
2093s haven't tried playing vertically I might
2094s try it just to see how it works news
2096s using current like third-party software
2098s if I once opened a bank for example will
2100s there be lots of overlap with maybe chat
2103s boxes and sidebars as well I can't
2105s imagine it looking great and then we'd
2108s run into those design problems as well
2109s and then we currently intended then we'd
2111s have to manage two different interfaces
2114s and it comes a lot of work for a
2117s minority of players they know okay I'm
2123s just I'm just trying to communicate the
2125s kind of things we have to think about
2127s before we say yeah okay we'll make
2128s another interface I was going to there
2131s at the chat that's my mistake okay who
2135s you'd like loving me being non-committal
2136s no no you never Camille you never commit
2139s to anything I don't apologize to anyone
2143s in chat ice or inadvertently offended by
2145s uh saying my dad is fine because he's
2147s not bald
2147s um there's nothing wrong with being
2149s bored is a good look for some people
2152s that's all didn't mean anything by it
2155s I'll move on to the next question from
2157s the same player then still mobile
2160s related they also want to know if
2161s old-school Mobile's going to be made
2163s compatible with a normal computer mouse
2167s how do you feel about this I feel really
2172s bad for these questions again it's one
2174s of those like like we can't personally
2177s do content side I think like it's
2179s definitely I think people would like
2180s right but I don't necessarily know if we
2183s can but we get requests for like oh yeah
2187s I understand like you know wanting a
2188s remote keyboard and stuff on my back I'm
2190s just imagining some with like a mouse a
2192s keyboard I was like confused but you're
2200s you laughing is making me that
2202s it's not but people know the thing is
2205s right no I get this the thing is me you
2207s have a phone already right I have like
2209s you know perform right yeah and I won't
2212s be old school more but no this isn't
2216s funny no like why would I spend more
2218s like a key wireless keyboard a mouse is
2220s like what 30 quid I'm on the train I'm
2223s gonna London bond down hey girl mouse
2225s and keyboard that's why I make a lot of
2229s words rain we don't all have laptop
2231s money
2232s [Laughter]
2235s prism like more expensive look yeah but
2237s the phone is my life but the this
2239s has a lot this is scary this thing but a
2242s laptop alright alright okay just don't
2249s beep off I know what I'm saying it's all
2263s mmm
2265s vent okie asks can you give to my
2268s gorillas okay yeah come on
2273s can we give demonic gorillas a PJ timer
2276s of sorts it seems like everyone every
2278s time one goes off for me a second when
2281s it goes off of me a second when it goes
2283s to Mellie and it gets stuck behind
2285s something another one attacks me I lose
2287s my kill I think it's more the pathing
2289s rather than yeah the PJ timer is
2291s annoying I encounter it too but then to
2294s accommodate for that I just make sure I
2295s position myself so I know one gets stuck
2297s but if you can fix the popping without
2299s having to do that that'd be a bear sold
2303s one already actually as well that's why
2305s I'm or I'll need a double check but I
2309s actually think it has something similar
2310s already built in am I just need up being
2312s a little bit okay perhaps so yeah we're
2316s gonna pimp that one cool the next
2319s question is actually something I wanted
2320s to comment on anyway
2322s and we'll put out official comms I think
2324s to clarify this know that is involved so
2330s Taba Tron
2331s asks when can we expect a bounty hunter
2333s rework as promised back in late 2018
2336s so far bounty hunter has received some
2337s cold chain jizz but seems to have been
2340s placed far back in the backlog in terms
2342s of the overall so I don't want to
2343s address this actually and let you guys
2345s know what's happening so obviously we
2347s announced it in runefest well last year
2351s 2018 that we would be reworking bounty
2353s hunter bringing it some sort of like
2355s fresh new mechanics and features rewards
2357s you name it it's what it was going to be
2359s in there before we called out we also
2361s announced that the year prior to that to
2362s Cibola being ended we announced it two
2364s years consecutively right so I want to
2368s give you guys a status on this we are
2370s keen to get the designs all ready and
2372s show it to you guys and have it put into
2374s game the the only thing is for us we're
2379s revisiting the whole strategy for
2383s introducing PvP content into game we
2385s know there is an issue whereby the PvP
2387s community isn't necessarily popular with
2390s all of the other communities and for
2393s that reason there a lot of things tend
2394s to get shot down in the polls we know
2395s this is the thing that goes on so we're
2397s looking for the right way to implement
2400s PvP changes and make sure that players
2403s who care the most about PvP are the ones
2405s giving the magis the designs but then
2408s also the vote on whether or not the
2409s things go into game and before that is
2411s done we're not actually able to release
2413s bounty under because we know pretty much
2415s what's going to happen but once we've
2418s solved the palling issue I think we can
2419s do more to make the concept or the
2423s designer sure better yeah so I wouldn't
2425s expect to hear nothing until polling
2427s ston in the meantime we can iron out the
2428s design and make sure it's what you want
2429s it works for us - yep like you mentioned
2432s sort of earlier screen we've had players
2434s in to discuss PvP content and ideas with
2437s us we're going to keep doing that and
2438s bounty hunters one of the things we're
2439s happy to to keep on the table than
2441s working with you guys to design and it
2443s won't be the same group of players that
2444s we had it would be people who engage
2446s with the content also people we don't
2448s engage in content because a lot of
2450s people who have a brown tones are want
2451s more people with a kill and they want
2452s more people to play by announcer so it
2454s makes sense for us to talk to those
2456s potential victims or killers cool so
2459s that's where we're at on that one mm-hmm
2463s kids the shiz does that mean anything
2468s like I don't think so
2470s says spiritual creature slayer
2472s assignments are unlocked after
2473s completing death plateau which doesn't
2475s make sense since you can't get into God
2477s Wars dungeon after death plateau is that
2481s the case what do they mean exactly by
2484s that am I missing a trick here they say
2487s can this be changed to partial
2488s completion of troll stronghold maybe
2490s after defeating dad since that's what
2491s you need to do to get into the God Wars
2493s dungeon I assume that's what I was
2494s alluding to like just right as you
2495s complete the difficult o doesn't mean
2496s you're able to access it I think you can
2499s though
2499s it's the really convolute it is very
2501s convoluted to get there that way but you
2503s definitely can rice you just need to
2506s collect the spiky ones I'm sure I'm sure
2508s of it
2509s I'm sure of it I just think that most
2511s people associate with the other quest
2512s because it's like we're easier to get
2514s there after the teleport but it's
2516s definitely possible I'm sure it is
2518s okay take what is now shout out column
2521s out what's the name worthy done I'm
2524s alright now again they're made I'm
2526s pretty sure you can why it's wilderness
2528s god water cave as one yeah so what we
2531s wouldn't so we're not going to change it
2535s to partial completion then because I
2536s mean that will at least save people
2538s having to go with a long way around then
2539s if you can't actually do it I've got
2541s something to say in the quest bro
2543s impossible is it not possible at all you
2545s should save as possible and then yeah
2548s let's go we'll look into it after sorry
2549s well table that one and make it more
2551s look into it
2556s Bobby gold says what's the chances of
2559s having moss giants given an extension
2561s for Slayer tasks and also having other
2563s Slayer masters assign them I understand
2566s they're not technically Slayer monsters
2568s but I enjoyed getting them as tasks so I
2569s could get mati keys and even it's a high
2571s Slayer level I wish I could do them as a
2573s task you may enjoy them but I doubt many
2576s other people will which is why I'd
2579s rather not add it to the task list so
2584s know what Bruno both the people I about
2589s this is a general giant extension so
2591s they could choose more science if they
2593s want to you have to unlock it and then
2594s people who don't enjoy it
2596s yes I don't have to buy it what's the
2597s I'm always happier of a middle ground
2599s what's what's the pun name for a giant
2601s extension I don't know like big boy so
2604s you're in better that can be a curious
2608s gumpa superiors somebody the chat will
2609s come up with a good one there we go all
2611s right
2614s morphine's asks oh I hope someone asking
2618s about poor results okay well we are far
2621s enough into the stream if you've missed
2622s the beginning exclamation mark Hyde
2625s results I believe yep will lead you to
2628s the announcement that we put out just
2629s just before we end we went live on the
2631s stream we are bossy mossy coming in now
2637s it's fun the thickening my word
2643s exclamation mark Hyde results if you
2644s haven't seen it already will bring you
2645s to the announcement that we put live
2648s just before we went on stream saying we
2649s are going to go ahead and hide results
2651s on polls we and yet we're gonna be
2657s running the first poll with hidden
2658s results hopefully on Friday
2662s Turbo mangu asks if mod West is
2666s intending to slowly rework the general
2667s layout of all those air houses after
2669s host Sidious rework is released they
2672s think Shay's Ian and piss gorillas need
2674s some attention in terms of layout and
2676s identity how do we feel about these
2679s these houses since there it does feel
2682s empty I definitely agree with sherry and
2686s Mike before the updates it was just a
2688s massive massive just empty land shares
2691s Ian still is I can show you yeah yeah
2693s it's like always 10 yeah what makes it
2697s worse is all the tents and all the
2698s graves like they are huge mmm
2701s the tents and also you go upstairs and
2703s in one of the tents is a massive table
2705s as well I think he wants to at some
2707s point go through them right you've got
2708s the comments right menu do you have a
2710s comment from the last time I actually
2711s used that piss Korea's content was do
2715s you remember the game bug way he'd get
2717s thieving lots of thieving SP fellow when
2719s we allowed the teleport yeah before we
2721s blocked that no that's the only time
2724s I've been there since I got fever if I'm
2725s probably honest the last time I did it
2726s was for the achievement diary which
2727s required me to do that again and doing
2729s legitimately was the what I was like so
2731s annoyed again I really I really enjoyed
2735s that great content actually was too high
2737s I mean if we were to revisit the the
2739s mapping of that area and make that more
2742s feasible for like a feeding method
2743s rather than Artie nice then quite nicely
2748s mmm and would probably make it easier to
2751s justify why we work we were reworking
2753s one big area of the game if people would
2755s go there and use it as well sure I think
2757s that's one of the other thing exploiting
2759s I was testing for two minutes be
2765s thorough testing that is one of the best
2768s things I think about I think there is
2771s about a mob West working to the ho
2772s sidious rework is it does make it feel
2774s less empty you know they're sort of
2777s grand and spacious without any stuff in
2779s it everything's sort of placed a mapped
2781s in such a way that there's stuff
2782s everywhere which does look great it
2785s would be cool to see that for the rest
2786s of the day as well mm-hmm he actually
2788s comments on this question he says he has
2790s a plan already for love Akane and Arceus
2792s he's yet to look into the other two but
2795s it would make sense to give them a
2796s Polish as well he's also reaching out to
2799s you guys to say if you have any specific
2800s issues we have with those areas do let
2803s him know it'll be a big help
2804s he is at jagex west on twitter if you
2807s want to ping him those suggestions I
2808s think they all need a better we work but
2810s I wouldn't prioritize those two over the
2812s other ones our next question is Olympia
2827s this questions not very well not very
2831s well put they say that rooms that you
2834s place upstairs already filled the open
2836s doorways that's why I can't imagine it
2837s being i feel like i'm i've been posted
2841s half a question yeah unless you can make
2842s sense of this one notes have a lot
2843s they're asking so I feel like the actual
2848s suggestion itself is mr. O'Connell it's
2850s very unprofessional sorry can you make
2854s sense of that is this any way this could
2858s be implemented in game yeah I think it
2860s has the way of the actual question goes
2861s rooms that you play
2862s don't actually no rooms that you place
2864s upstairs already fill the open door with
2866s so I can't imagine it being too
2867s difficult I guess they might be asking
2870s can rooms be put down stairs and
2872s automatically fill the rooms in between
2874s right that makes it that's why I think
2875s that's gonna be okay so the question is
2877s hey if I move a room downstairs with
2881s Ash's awesome system that allows us to
2882s move rooms which I still AM in or about
2884s every time I see it can the rooms we
2886s filled in in between they go I don't
2891s know not be as simple as doing the
2893s upstairs one because if it did then
2895s everything would be shutting you'll be
2896s stuck in your house yeah it's not as
2899s easy I think but it's more of an ask
2901s question I'm afraid that one sorry okay
2906s we just have a question from AB Mara
2910s they say on the collection log for the
2912s clues can you make gilded and Third Age
2915s into a separate category it can be done
2917s as it's now essentially impossible to
2918s complete the hard leads and master
2920s sections because of this man to be
2923s completed yeah if they're part of the
2925s actual clues it can be done but I don't
2928s see it shouldn't be done we can do it if
2930s people want to but I can see that it
2933s would it would trigger me a little bit
2934s like I've got all of them excels and
2936s accept their stuff and especially
2938s because it's shared across multiple
2939s collection interfaces it's not every
2943s tier of clue though but it brought
2945s across three of them half of them hmm
2948s soon half I can see where they came from
2951s yeah it would look cleaner I definitely
2953s think that it's a bit inconsistent but
2955s to be honest with their collection logs
2956s sometimes inconsistent in general we did
2958s solve declare from the beginning that
2960s the collection log isn't designed to be
2961s a completionist yoke it's not you know
2964s we're not expecting you to tick off and
2965s complete all of it if you do
2967s congratulations but yeah bunny you'll
2970s need RNG and a half to make that happen
2972s but if it is a small easy non impactful
2976s change that makes the like you should
2978s playgroup happy yeah why not do it like
2981s it's still it's still gonna track it
2982s we're not removing it we're just putting
2984s a separate sub category so that's people
2986s like oh look I finished my elite section
2989s except on Third Age and gold it right
2991s right I'm fine okay make sense
2995s don't forget to take all the sexy
2997s screenshots I have to look at it like
2999s yeah let me wait I'm open to it
3001s personally I would probably leave that
3003s call to more Lenny see what he thinks
3005s about I know his intention was to have
3006s it sort of as it is but perhaps even be
3009s swayed if enough of the community want
3011s it yes so our final question I realized
3015s we're a little bit early but we don't
3017s actually have all the questions that we
3019s want necessary so math to be an early
3022s finish this week sorry guys but it's
3025s from mandatory and they say when we do
3027s the host videos house where you work
3028s will we also take a look at the mess
3030s hall as it's right now there's lots of
3033s room for improvement they say you can
3036s only take out one 5 10 or 50 items or
3039s take X now you have to mainly change X
3041s to 14 if you're making stews why not
3043s have the game either remember what value
3045s you had X to be like thanks to its not
3050s in the remit of the hideous rework but
3053s it's it's actually a relatively small
3055s thing to have to remember which one you
3056s last did we could do that for sure just
3058s as a generic change that's not promising
3060s it with the Hasid es rebirth that's just
3062s as a separate suggestion it's something
3064s that we can do yes okay also questions
3068s in the chat that's right looking out for
3070s one someone asked about adding stats to
3072s the champions cape I'm quite averse to
3073s win because we added that hiring was
3075s only last year right and we added it
3078s strictly as a cosmetic cape and it's
3079s quickly scaling up to people wanting of
3082s a max version people wanting stats on it
3084s too so we did it because players wanted
3087s it as just cosmetic was the initial
3089s pitch from the players ourselves that's
3095s my opinion on it anyway I agree that's
3097s why I feel the same way you spent extra
3100s spirit tree seeds useless after night
3103s I'm farming doing mill potentially to
3105s skip contracts and the farming guild
3108s good it was a suggestion there okay
3111s it does feel bad to have a an item that
3114s becomes useless after a certain point
3116s I'd like to do something with them I
3118s just don't know what you know what and
3119s will rework contracts anyway I believe
3121s so maybe wait until after that rework
3124s before we decided to do something to
3125s Matt that's fair
3127s I've seen one asking I've seen actually
3129s death
3129s come off quite a lot is that can we have
3131s hydro tasks assigned by dura del how do
3134s you feel about this one or should they
3135s stay Cohen are specific nothing
3137s Ciaran previously mentioned this one
3140s yeah yeah do you remember that remember
3143s but I personally wouldn't mind it well
3146s that's sort of like the point of Karen
3147s out to get out Hydra tasks yeah hmm it's
3150s like it's Corner speciality along with
3152s your keys right you know the more that
3154s you take away from her the more that
3156s you've got her as a Bible or desirable
3158s Slayer monster no yeah same way that if
3162s you want Inferno and fight cave tusks
3164s you don't go to Kona mm-hmm that's
3168s totally dry fixed Emma on scepter we see
3172s that one quite a lot our person has got
3175s lots of them if they fix it but you just
3178s now seen are making it like free demo P
3181s hmm its mythic mask a pan option again
3187s you this mythix mythix is quite useful
3191s crush yes there's a case for it because
3194s it's got a best in slot bonus something
3197s that will not quite like to see I've
3199s seen some mock-ups and it doesn't look
3200s very cool TOB Pet metamorphosis scene
3205s suggested I was in the chat thinks about
3207s quite a bit by few people were so you
3209s adopt innate between every boss rather
3210s than just a one but I think we'd have to
3212s look at how many people have the pet and
3214s it was worth spending a time doing it
3217s see someone talking about the Hydra tail
3219s there so we left that one we're thinking
3223s of having an alternate reward for the
3225s Hydra tail so something you could
3226s combine it with to upgrade it currently
3227s only makes the Bonecrusher necklace
3232s which is considered maybe a bit
3234s underpowered for how difficult it is to
3236s obtain we offered the bone whip at the
3240s time which actually decides actually did
3243s we end up holding that one did we pull
3245s it we pulled it balls we weren't happy
3248s with the design at the time and felt
3250s maybe a bit rushed and we suspected
3253s based on the reaction he wouldn't
3254s necessarily do that well he didn't fill
3255s the niche we wanted it to
3257s I'm open to making the Bonecrusher
3260s necklace
3262s better or stronger I think the moments
3265s got terrible stats it doesn't even
3266s compare to a glory I would probably have
3268s it sort of fury level that way it's a
3272s bit more usable at least what about the
3277s charger operate from RESCUE teaser I saw
3280s that one a little while ago I wouldn't
3283s mind lowering it a little bit as long as
3284s you can't get tons of them can you up
3289s two players again that one I think cuz
3291s that one's not a what is the drop rate
3294s for the one in 1000 yes is the same as
3296s the other jars but obviously the pet is
3298s one in 65 to accommodate with the fact
3300s that you kill very few of them in
3301s comparison yeah so yeah I don't
3306s necessarily think people would desire it
3307s though that's the issue but yeah and I'm
3311s not too sure that's fair like some
3314s things have to be farmed is that really
3315s weird it's gotta be one of the rarer
3316s pets though surely given that you know
3318s you have to do all that farming to know
3319s the pets very common the jar sorry the
3321s jar goldenblood who was actually asking
3323s a question quite a lot
3324s I said one in 2500 I'm pretty sure it's
3329s one in 1k but if it's one in 500 anyway
3332s it's it's still really high nevertheless
3334s there's a high number Tsubasa you can't
3335s kill lots of few people talking about
3340s group Ironman we have not announced it
3341s like it's something we've said that
3344s would be quite cool to do we've seen an
3345s appetite among the players and streamers
3347s but we're not committing to it it means
3349s engine work to facilitates it then it
3350s will need a lot of content focus about
3353s what will allow how well it can't
3355s interact and stuff so there's no what
3357s date on it other than we know that some
3360s people want it they'd have to pull it
3362s and we don't have the capability to
3364s offer it right now so sort of go back to
3367s it but actually someone there in the
3368s chat just made a point it's currently
3370s the betting slots melee necklace the
3373s torture comes from demonic guerrillas
3376s which is arguably not as tough to get as
3378s the bone crusher necklace given that you
3379s have to have completed ds2 grinded it
3382s from Volkov and then got the 95 Slayer
3385s requirement to get the Hydra tail and
3387s killed the Hydra boss enough times to do
3388s it so maybe that is actually a
3390s reasonable justification to have a
3392s better a new best in slot necklace ID
3395s with that maybe making it on par with
3397s Porcha or better not fair no please no I
3402s don't even want to be matching lorries
3404s that's made to be honest with you why is
3406s that I think it's I mean given how tough
3408s it is to get I probably wouldn't go as
3409s far as that but it goes back to the
3413s dragon hats for this question we had
3414s earlier right like not everything needs
3416s to be the best thing in the game right
3419s so let's say we let's pretend in some
3421s mystical world we did create any best
3424s and slow that item that you say is right
3427s then oh you've ruined the zenite
3429s necklace can you bought that to make my
3430s better you get this infinite loop like
3432s some things need to be worse than oh
3434s yeah he was an issue and like sure that
3437s was the item that we've went hey you
3439s know what it's not the best that's fine
3441s it has a snitch yeah it has snitch use
3445s for lazy players who might be bursting
3446s things and want their prayer never to
3448s drop you don't miss their tasks yeah and
3450s it's like that's fine not many people
3452s use it for that that's also fine like
3454s not everything needs to be the best
3457s that's reasonable firelight is on
3459s Phoenix pet I like that suggestion but
3462s yeah we said yes to it before I can't
3466s remember I don't know how many asked why
3469s we didn't poll hiding poll results like
3471s we did previously there's nothing it's
3473s because the reason that we're removing
3474s them is that you will felt that your
3476s vote was emitting impact is by seeing
3479s the poll results being visible so we've
3482s did as an integrity change which is
3484s actually some like hide results if you
3486s haven't already seen it cool well I
3491s think that just about brings us to an
3493s end then I'm gonna call that a wrap if
3496s you miss the beginning we won a BAFTA
3499s audience award thank you very much for
3501s ease mobile game of the year thank you
3502s so much for voting and supporting us in
3504s that we're gonna go ahead and hide poll
3506s results that's a thing now exclamation
3508s mark hide results will bring into the
3509s announcement to remind you you won't be
3511s able to access the poll booth tomorrow
3513s yes maybe a few hours depending on how
3517s long it takes exclamation mark clue
3520s brings you to the trailer trails
3521s expansion blog that's the update going
3523s out tomorrow and also Easter and Easter
3526s is happening tomorrow as well so
3528s a big big update tomorrow yeah a big big
3530s day it's been a big week
3532s really all sorts going on so yeah we
3534s thank everyone on the couch for joining
3536s me and you guys for joining us as well I
3538s hope you have an excellent week and we
3540s will catch you in the next one
3541s buh-bye