over 6 years
ago -
Old School RuneScape
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | in this video I'm going to give you a |
1s | few pointers on where to start out with |
3s | training each combat stat and the |
5s | benefits of doing so training your |
7s | combat stance is as simple as dealing |
9s | damage to an enemy depending on your |
10s | attack style and the weapon you're using |
12s | or SPO you are casting this will earn |
14s | you experience in the different combat |
15s | skills first off let's take a look at |
17s | the melee stats training melee is about |
19s | as simple as it gets |
20s | wield a weapon select an attack style in |
23s | the combat tab and kill stuff the attack |
24s | style you choose will determine whether |
26s | you gain experience in attack strength |
28s | defense or all three you can hover or |
31s | long-press on each of the attack styles |
33s | in the combat tab to see which skill |
35s | they give experience to lumbridge and |
37s | the surrounding areas are filled with |
38s | low-level monsters which are perfect to |
40s | start training killing the cows in the |
42s | Cowpens has the added bonus of cowhide |
44s | drops which are currently worth about |
46s | 150 coins each picking these up and |
49s | selling them on the grand exchange which |
50s | is north of varrock is an easy way to |
52s | earn enough money to buy new weapons and |
54s | armors as you unlock them you can see |
56s | what weapons are available to you at |
58s | each attack level by going to the stats |
60s | tab and then clicking or tapping on the |
62s | attack skill the same can be done for |
63s | armors and defense when training melee |
65s | you want to use a scimitar they provide |
67s | the best combination of accuracy |
69s | strength and speed you can buy scimitar |
71s | x' from the AL courage scimitar shop or |
73s | from other players via the grant |
74s | exchange as you reach higher levels you |
76s | should explore the game to find more |
78s | appropriate training spots popular spots |
80s | include the alkyd Palace the stronghold |
82s | of security in barbarian village + rock |
84s | and sand crabs of founding members areas |
87s | and now let's move on to ranged training |
89s | range requires a bow and ammunition you |
91s | are given a short bow and 25 bronze |
93s | arrows after completing tutorial island |
95s | and this is a great start much like the |
97s | scimitar with mal a short bows offer the |
99s | best damage per second for ranged in the |
101s | free-to-play game as you attack monsters |
103s | with ranged the ammo you use will drop |
105s | to the ground you can retrieve the ammo |
107s | from the floor but a portion of that |
108s | ammo will disappear and cannot be |
110s | retrieved to get your hands on more ammo |
112s | as well as higher tier bows for when you |
114s | level up your ranged you can head to the |
116s | archery shop found in varrock one of the |
118s | main benefits of ranged over melee is |
120s | that you can attack enemies from a |
122s | distance this allows you to trap them |
123s | behind obstacles to prevent them |
125s | attacking you next up we have magic |
127s | which is quite different to both ranged |
129s | and melee to trained magic you need |
131s | routes these magical rocks are consumed |
133s | as you cast spells |
134s | different combinations of runes are |
135s | required to perform different spells you |
137s | can purchase rules from the rune shop |
139s | info rock and you can also purchase an |
141s | elemental staff from Zach's store info |
143s | Rock wielding an elemental staff |
145s | provides you with an infinite number of |
146s | runes in one element a good way of |
148s | starting out magic training is to |
150s | purchase an air staff and mine routes |
152s | this allows you to cast wind strike the |
154s | lowest level spell much like with ranged |
156s | combat spells can be cast from a |
158s | distance and monsters can be trapped |
160s | behind obstacles with wind strike you |
162s | will gain magic levels very quickly and |
164s | you'll soon be able to cast water strike |
165s | earth strike and fire strike these |
167s | spells require additional runes but they |
169s | can deal more damage and provide more |
171s | experience as you level up you're also |
173s | unlock non-combat spells such as |
176s | teleports in the alchemy spells these |
177s | can be used to rapidly level up without |
179s | being in combat and teleports are |
181s | extremely useful for getting around the |
183s | game the hit points skill is trained as |
184s | you gain experience in other combat |
186s | stats with any damage you deal you gain |
188s | experience in hit points regardless of |
191s | the combat style used and finally we |
193s | have prayer unlike the other combat |
194s | stats prayer isn't trained in combat |
197s | instead you train it by burying boats |
199s | you can pick up bows from the monsters |
201s | you are training on and bury them to |
202s | level up your prayer different types of |
204s | bones exist throughout the game which |
205s | can provide increased experience one |
207s | example is big bones drop by giants they |
210s | provide more experience than two |
211s | standard bones but they also require you |
213s | to kill a higher level creature now that |
215s | you know the basics of training combat |
217s | skills let's take a look at some of what |
219s | lies ahead as you level up special |
221s | attacks are available on some members |
223s | only weapons these attacks consume |
225s | special attack energy to unleash |
226s | extremely useful and powerful attacks |
229s | one example is the dragon dagger special |
231s | attack the dragon dagger requires level |
233s | 60 attack and completion of lost city to |
235s | equip the special attack puncture deals |
237s | two hits at once with 25% higher |
239s | accuracy and 15% higher damage that can |
242s | very easily be a devastating blow to |
244s | anything or anyone that you're fighting |
246s | and that's just one of the many special |
248s | attacks which are unlocked to higher |
249s | levels one of the most difficult combat |
251s | challenges in old school runescape is |
253s | taking on other players head-to-head but |
255s | doing so can be as profitable as it is |
257s | difficult as killing another player |
259s | allows you to claim their items as a |
261s | reward you can attack other players |
262s | within the wilderness the area found at |
264s | north of |
264s | ebolas ditch the deeper into the |
266s | wilderness adventure the more players |
268s | you can attack or be attacked by |
270s | alternatively you can login to a PvP wot |
273s | on PvP worlds PvP combat is enabled |
275s | almost everywhere with just a few small |
277s | safe sites in old-school PvP combat |
280s | comes in many different forms different |
282s | account bills prefer different sets of |
284s | armors special attack weapons combat |
286s | styles and in many places at players |
288s | group up to do fights of a particular |
290s | kind if you're just starting out it's |
292s | gonna take you a while to get to grips |
294s | with what different kinds of account |
295s | builds there are and what different |
296s | types of peak hang there is a good place |
298s | to get started is to jump straight into |
300s | the wilderness north of Rock east bank |
302s | in free-to-play there's usually plenty |
303s | of people messing about here having a |
305s | bit of fun peeking and it's a great |
307s | place to dip your feet it remember if |
309s | you die in the Ornish you are gonna lose |
310s | all of your items so make sure you're |
313s | not risking too much old school features |
315s | many boss monsters to kill killing |
317s | bosses can be extremely profitable but |
319s | often requires very high combat stats |
321s | and a great understanding of how combat |
323s | works let's take a look at just a few |
325s | examples of bosses from around old |
326s | school the king black dragon is one of |
328s | the oldest bosses in old school the |
330s | three-headed black dragon is located in |
332s | a cave found deep within the wilderness |
334s | and it's known to drop the rare draconic |
335s | visage the God Wars dungeon holds for |
338s | immensely powerful bosses groups of |
340s | players take on these bosses day and |
341s | night in the hopes of getting a valuable |
343s | drop the items dropped by these bosses |
345s | can exceed 30 million coins in value one |
348s | of old school's most iconic challenges |
350s | is to stock jad found within the toss |
352s | our fight cave just getting to to stock |
354s | jad requires you to defeat 62 |
356s | increasingly difficult waves of monsters |
358s | all without banking and jad itself can |
361s | kill almost anyone in a single hit one |
363s | slip-up and it is game over those who |
365s | completely fight cave earned themselves |
366s | a fire cape one of the best melee capes |
369s | in the game and finally the inferno the |
371s | inferno is the greatest solo player vs. |
374s | monster challenge available in altschool |
376s | it requires you to take on many waves of |
378s | complex and increasingly deadly enemies |
380s | culminating in a fight against the final |
383s | boss tusk al Zook |
384s | if you're able to avoid death throughout |
386s | this ordeal you can claim yourself an |
388s | infernal cape a powerful untradable cape |
391s | that is only owned by a |
392s | thousand players like other MMORPGs old |
395s | school runescape also offers raiding |
397s | counters there are currently two raids |
399s | in game the chambers of Zurich and the |
401s | theatre of blood those killed enough to |
402s | complete them might be rewarded with the |
404s | twisted bow or scythe of the took two |
406s | incredibly valuable and powerful items |
408s | guaranteed to give riches and that is |
410s | where we're going to finish off this |
411s | video remember old school runescape is |
413s | now available on mobile check out the |
415s | link in the description to download it |
417s | free on iOS or Android if you're |
418s | interested in more brief introductions |
420s | to the various aspects of old school |
422s | runescape check out the videos are |
423s | linked on screen and in the description |
425s | thank you all for watching and good luck |
426s | with your old school adventure |
429s | [Music] |