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about 3 years ago - /u/PCF_Pawel - Direct link

Originally posted by Quixz_

i read a dev response on another post basically saying the lower sens is intentional on weapons making burst firing the better way. but are you really supposed to not at all be able to aim up or down after two shots with bolt action? IMO Bolt action is burst only since you cant acutally hold down the fire button and there is a long built in delay between the shots. it just feels very clunky to use bolt action.

Just to verify this isn't in fact a bug. You keep holding the fire button presses entire time right?

The bolt action is specific case where we wanted it to create high skill weapon that is difficult to use but rewards player with high damage. The best way to use is to release a trigger afer each shot and let recoil and accuracy to stabilise before you pull the next shot or the recoil penalties will stack. You can see how the scope returns close to original position after each shot and that's the best moment to pull the trigger. There is only 0.2s difference between keeping the trigger squeezed and doing it optimally.

That being said I just explain the intention behind it. It is quite easy to change and doesn't require a patch to do so however I've also seen voices from people who like this general idea so we have to look at this from various angles and consider various people opinion.

about 3 years ago - /u/PCF_Pawel - Direct link

Originally posted by Quixz_

You Are actually not able to hold down the trigger on bolt action, If you do, it stops firing. meaning in this clip I am pressing and releasing the button. Also, if I was to use devastator leap after firing, I still have the low sens which has caused me to leap to the wrong target. in end game that would probably kill me.

I'll look into this.