almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by Loilen

Its in UTC time, that's why this is literally 4 minutes after they finished maintenance.

And no, i didn't have any defense mods, not that any of that was going to help.

Its in UTC time, that's why this is literally 4 minutes after they finished maintenance.

Could you confirm whether you downloaded the patch? The patch released on Steam towards the end of the maintenance. The maintenance itself didn't resolve the issue, the patch does. Did you download that?

Steam can sometimes be a bit finnicky with downloads.

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by Loilen

Are you serious? Have you seen the video? The Xbox buttons? You guys are ridiculous !

Controller UI also appears on PC when playing with a controller. Apologies, I thought I had read that this was a steam version in one of these replies.

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by CombinationOk7202

Tiago starting his line a second before you actually die is just a sync thing, right? Otherwise it opens a whole new can of worms. That was f**king rough, indeed.

Guess the ''one-shot kill protection mechanic'' u/thearcan mentioned few times is still bullshit I always thought it was, too.

If you pause the time at 0:21 you can see the health drop to 6202, then to 0.

So this isn't a true one-shot kill, 100% to 0%. Rather it's two hits in extremely close proximity.

I'm not denying the validity of this report and the one-shot kill protection may indeed need looking at as well since it may well should have indeed triggered here in some form. The audio triggering before the death occurs is also very unusual. Still, we're looking into it.

The team now have the video file and are trying to work through it to see what's going on, but what would help alot is if the OP /u/Loilen could share a longer piece of recorded gameplay since just before the expedition start, so we can see the full setup before hand.

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by Isolfer

I mean most of the stuff I've seen mentioned by the community manager reads as double speak and self covering. We know they did stealth nerfs, we know they call them bugs when they get caught. I know they nerfed drop rates for like 4 days, why because for those 4 days there were new chests all over the place. I've since leveled two characters to max and helped a few friends, never has those chests come back.

SE is pulling a hard gasslighting on the player base in hopes no one calls them on it. PCF don't know what is causing the bug, the issue is due to not having a test live server base for real testing, and having to many teams able to alter the game at once. No team should be able to alter the game in real time, it should go through testing. If I sent a server update live without full testing across all programs and apps I'd be fired.

We have a staging environment for both the game and backend.

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by Loilen

I don't have a longer piece, this is what Xbox records when you do quick share, fact is i am getting that red screen as well when i select character. So i got red screen, loaded in, started expedition, that's it, nothing fancy.

Okay - what would be helpful is to see the full 45 seconds previous to when this clip started recording - that way we can see if there were any other times a one-shot protection might have already procc'd and gone onto cooldown.

If you run into this issue again, could you please try to share a full clip, from expedition start, through to when the issue appears?

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by belcher1805

So you are saying that unless you are at 100% health then its not considered a true one-shot. That is BS, as going all the way back to the demo, there has always been a mechanic to stop from being killed immediately. You would always go to VERY LOW health (depended on the actual level of character) and then die on next hit. I grinded that damn captain for FAR too long to realize that I couldn't just get killed immediately.

I have been patient and wanted this to work but it is getting to the point of bullshit excuses. It was not fixed and it used to work a specific way. I think the fact that it worked and now doesn't is what makes it worse. If it had always been like this, then it wouldn't be as big of a deal.

I probably have Xbox game clips from getting Leggos that I saved that would prove the mechanic worked a different way than it currently does. It consistently would get you down to a specific health number, stay on that number EVEN when shots would hit you and then finally kill you after a second or so. I know I am not the only one on this reddit or that played this game that sees the difference of the game and then the claim that you guys are saying it is not a true one shot. The mechanics changed and everyone knows it besides the excuses.

So you are saying that unless you are at 100% health then its not considered a true one-shot. That is BS, as going all the way back to the demo, there has always been a mechanic to stop from being killed immediately. You would always go to VERY LOW health (depended on the actual level of character) and then die on next hit. I grinded that damn captain for FAR too long to realize that I couldn't just get killed immediately.

Precisely. This is why I've been asking for videos of this issue occurring where we can see the full expedition run, not just the 20 seconds of the issue occurring.

To make myself clearer:

The one-shot kill prevention mechanics (plural) still exist in the game (just as you observed them during the demo), but they have a (short) cooldown. If they are on cooldown, players can be killed very rapidly.

Thats why I need to see the full expedition video of such reports - to determine whether there were previous hits that would have triggered the mechanic to go into cooldown.

Additionally we have spike damage prevention - that prevents a SINGLE hit from dealing a 100% to 0% killing blow. As seen in this reported video, this mechanic wasn't required because there were TWO hits recorded.

NOW - if those one-shot kill prevention mechanics are either not working properly, have a too long CD or are somehow otherwise affected, we of course need to investigate that, but we need to see the complete picture to be able to observe it, not just the few seconds when the killing blows land.

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by belcher1805

There used to be a mechanic like that. I tried saying that in my reply but it was ignored. You would take absolutely no damage for a period of time at a certain health parameter.

There used to be a mechanic like that. I tried saying that in my reply but it was ignored. You would take absolutely no damage for a period of time at a certain health parameter.

I didn't ignore you - what I said was that that mechanic exists but has a cooldown. So it's possible that in these reports the mechanics procc'd very shortly beforehand, went on their respective cooldowns and then the player was once again hit, while it was still on cooldown.

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by NuclearYeti1

How would the mechanic have proc’d on this specific expedition before this fight. It’s weak mobs 2 or 3 at a time that are easily dispatched by a competent player on t15 without being hit. Unless this guy was just standing there for the previous 20 seconds he wouldn’t have proc’d the mechanic. Most people on here have ran this run enough to see 2 seconds of it and can tell you the order of enemies that come out up to this point.

Yep, I very much agree with you - Given the spawns occurring at that early point on this particular expeditions, it's unlikely that the mechanic would already have procc'd in the time between expedition start and the recording start.

BUT: We would have to make the assumption that OP did in fact not procc the mechanic, but that would be an assumption.

Given the fact that OP is a glass cannon build with no defensive mods, it may not be out of the realm of possibility that the death prevention mechanic might have procc'd before, even from OP being hit by weaker mobs.

But this is all based on assumption, as I mentioned. Us seeing the full run, start to finish would allow us to specifically identify whether the mechanics are triggered as intended and then going into cooldown (and is that cooldown too long?) or whether they are simply not activating at the first opportunity.

Edit: Furthermore, without knowing OPs full build, we can't assume that they have enough resistance to certain damage sources.

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by TurboShrike

This might be a long shot but, could it be it is triggering only after death due to latency? Possibly causing also that "invincible" bug where players have no life yet are able to move and act even though the healthbar is clearly depleted, as if the game kinda caught up late to the mechanic but whatever activated on death (disabled colliders?) stay as the game registered?

It's a long shot, but I wouldn't dismiss it as a potential reason here. I'll check in with the team about this - we are running latency testing to improve multiplayer testing at the moment too, so this will be worthwhile checking in on the high ping tests.

Edit: Actually this is a solo-run from OP so latency shouldnt matter as they are they host... I'll still ask the team to look into it.