almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Our latest Patch has now released.

Patch Notes:

  • Fixed a bug that was causing armour values to not be calculated properly under certain circumstances, leading players to take unintended increased damage.
  • Changed the damage behaviour of Brood Mother enemies to prevent them from one-hit killing players in under certain circumstances.
  • Addressed an issue that could cause players to be unable to sign-in under certain circumstances.
  • Added telemetry to better track and diagnose any outstanding sign-in issues.
  • Fixes for crashes.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Reply from Community Manager regarding One-Shot Kill Prevention Mechanics - Please read!

Important note: There is a known outstanding issue where the “Damage Blocked” stat on an Expeditions results screen can occasionally appear inconsistently or abnormally low. This appears to be a purely cosmetic issue with the results summary screen, NOT an issue with damage mitigation overall or during gameplay.

I’m also planning to kick off an updated known/investigated issues thread later this week, so please do keep an eye out for that.

In the meantime, please do use this thread to report any outstanding issues that you (continue to) encounter in the game after installing today’s patch (Tuesday, May 25). I will make sure to include consistent issues affecting multiple players in my follow-up news update this week.

In particular, I would be keen to hear whether you (continue to) encounter any mods, skills or gear items consistently not working as intended. If you are able to provide details and reproduction steps for these things not working properly, it would greatly help us investigate them.

Helpful Links:

External link →
almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by MikeBeluga

All this time for like 6 fixes? Rip

As explained a few times previously, this patch is primarily focused on the damage mitigation issue. Other fixes are in the pipeline, but we want to keep this patch slimmed down to be able to focus on damage mitigation.

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by SilverSideDown

Nothing about the inventory bug where all items always show up as new? How hard is that to fix, considering it worked correctly for so long before regressing? I'm not playing again until that bug is gone.

Nothing about the inventory bug where all items always show up as new?

This will be noted in my next news thread - it will be fixed in a future patch.

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by TEFLONtheICON

Understood, but you have to understand that at this point it's underwellming but needed. Just seems like you guys are behind a bit.

I can understand that. That's also why I'm hoping to pull together the known issues thread, so that you can see some of what's in the pipeline.

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by Sofasupastargaming

Thanks guys and girls =) ..... I can say one hundred percent that deaths door does absolutely nothing in my game doesn't proc any extra armor at all no matter what happens to my character

Thanks! As you have a Youtube Channel, do you have a video (or stream VOD) of where we'd be able to see this in action, including what your gear might be at the time?

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by HarmeetCA

So the fix for lack of mitigation in the game was to reduce specific cases of incoming damage from Brood Mothers etc? That took you three weeks?

//: There is a known outstanding issue where the “Damage Blocked” stat on an Expeditions results screen can occasionally appear inconsistently or abnormally low. //

Seriously? lol. Yes, the lack of dmg mitigation that our game stats show you isn't right, you died because you suck. Get grinding losers.

No - the root cause of the issue was a bug that was causing the backend table that deals with armour calculations to not be pulled properly.

The brood mother changes are related, but a separate matter.

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by CalRal

I don’t know if this will help anything, but whatever seems to have been happening with damage before seems to still be happening.

Here is a video that I just captured (after installing the patch)

At the end I back out to the lobby and I’m still getting the “blood screen” (albeit without the spatter this time).

My first question is, is this how the game is supposed to act? Should I be getting insta-killed by a melee through a little shield, most of my health, and a couple stacks of Mitigation? If so, that’s fine. I’ll run more def mods.

My second question is, why am I still getting the “blood screen”? It makes me feel like something is still broken.

For context: this is a CT14 and all of my gear is lvl50. I run Mitigation from Death, one resistance node on the tree, and the borrowed time shield mod from the Chrono set.

I know I’m going to get shredded by all of the MLG analysts on here for how dumb of a move that was. Point taken. I’ve only done that expo once. I’m just trying to get an answer from the dev.

Here is a video that I just captured (after installing the patch)

Thanks for the video - do you have a clip or recording of the full gameplay session before this?

We need to see what happened in the time before the issue occurred to determine whether the one-shot kill mechanic is working as expected.

Looking at the video in 0.25 speed, you actually get hit twice - the first attacking bringing you down to 600 health, the second attack killing you.

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by Moises1213

You just gotta stand with full health and let them shoot you once and record it. Looks like they need an exact specific proof. People keep running around leaving enemies nearby and they keep coming up with excuses.

Please make sure that any such recording includes the full expedition run, not just the 20 seconds of the issue occurring. We'd need to see happens in the time before the issue appears.

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by ta_6170566

one-shot kill mechanic

you actually get hit twice

That really does not matter, you guys are focusing on the wrong issue.

One hit or ten hits, the health bar should not just instantly evaporate like that.

You need to decrease enemy damage or increase player resistance. There is a reason why the players are saying that the game was the most fun when the golem mod was bugged.

I know you are not the one calling the shots, but you won't be able to logic yourselves out of this one. Players will complain until something substantial is done.

I talked a bit more about this here. That should help better frame things.

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by politicusmaximus

I've now seen 4 different videos people have posted after the patch showing this shit CLEARLY didn't work.

Lol, this is absolutely f**king hilarious now.

I talked a bit more about this here.

Would you be able to perhaps link me to one of those videos that are a full length expedition run that ends in this issue? The ones I've seen so far are too short to be able to form a complete picture of the particular situation.

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by TEFLONtheICON

Ok folks, after some initial testing I have found that Resistance is key to survival for anomaly based attacks. Without confirmation from u/thearcan, that includes Monster melee, altered attacks, statuses, etc. My pyro feels like my Dev with just the addition of the CIRCLE OF POWER tier 3 mod. Earlier I was tight over my deaths but after this change it feels bomb! Please try it out.

Just to confirm - from your previous post (here) - since that post you essentially started using Resistance and in particular a Tier 3 Resistance Mod as a mitigator against damage and your survival increased?

Or put differently: Your build previously had very little focus on mitigating against anomaly damage and you were getting rinsed by anomaly damage? And then you included resistance into your build and you started to survive better?

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by SpectrumPT

"Supremacy: Progression" stuk at 99% & "Sybilla Flores" Lore entrie doesn't unlock

  • What platform are you on?
    • Steam
  • What exactly happened?
  • So I recently defeated Yagak solo on my devastator (I was waiting for the restoration to do this as my deva build was almost perfect and I knew I would have better chances with him) after I finished it, theoretically, my accolade section for "Progression" should complete as the one thing I was missing was completing all expeditions solo, unfortunately this didn't happen, the accolade "Supremacy: Progression" is stuck at 99% and nothing I do will fix that, all other accolades in this tab are complete. It occurred to me that this might also be related to other bug I found in the accolades/journals, basically, because of the Demo I think, there's one character lore entry that doesn't appear as unlocked, even though I did unlock it in the Demo, the entry is the one about Sybilla Flores, because this entry is bugged out, I suspect that it's interfering with the progression section, as the unlocking of all journal entries belongs to that section, hope this helps. This bug does not seem to be known as it is not being discussed at all, also this suck because it prevents me from finishing the game 100% which is my focus right now. Also, I am not the only one as can be seen here
  • Did you play the Outriders Demo?
  • Yes

Thanks for the report! Can you get in touch with our support team - I believe they may be able to help look into your account specifically to help you with this in particular:

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by -Certified-

Just for reference, I spec 20% Resistance in my tree and use damage absorber for a total of 30% all the time and have rarely been one shot, maybe from the brood mother pre patch a couple of times, but usually because I was trying tank them and loads of adds.

I always presumed it was armour that would help mitigate the damage bug as it was physical attacks, can you confirm if certain attacks are maybe dealing anomoly damage? That might be where abit of confusion from the players is coming from.

Also, played some expos last night and didn't get one shot, tried to make it happen a couple of times but didn't

Appreciate the responses as always Toby.

Good to get some context, thank you very much! I'm actually talking to the team to see if I can pull together a survivibility guide to help explain some of the more nebulous mechanics, included which damage source does what. If I'm able to put that out, I think it may go a long way in explaining to people why they might be dying (perhaps because their build isn't ideal for the damage source).

Once everyone has an understanding of that, we can actually get a better understanding of what is a true issue and what is people being underspecc'd and not using damage prevention mechanics properly (because the mechanics are so hard to understand without a guide).

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by tyronefenton

Set bonus on the Borealis set for Technomancer isn’t working. Not receiving 90% damage bonus.

Set bonus for Statue set for Devastator isn’t working. Damage granted isn’t working as described by the set bonus description.

Trickster Cyclone skill bugs out when knocked back as you activate the skill (on another players connection). You then proceed to get stuck when you walk. Only way to move is to dodge roll. Only way to fix is to quit to lobby and reload into the game.

Multiplayer connection is very inconsistent. Yellow and red bar connection. Skills incorrectly show uses left and when skills are usable (says no cooldown but still on cooldown). Please look into dedicated severs or try improve the net code.

Multiplayer high latency compensation and aim assist. I’ve noticed that when I join people in the US (from South Africa), even if the host connection is good (1 gig connection), the game seems to try assist by giving you aimbot aim assist where your aim locks on to the center of all enemies and stays locked on while you stay zoomed in. While this might be great for builds where critical hits aren’t required (ie Trickster shotgun), it is problematic if you are a crit reliant build. You are unable to move you aim to the targets head. The only fix is to disable aim assist entirely.

Crawlers ground attack spam ability. When multiple crawlers (3+) are on the screen and spamming the ground slam ability (with the waves of crystals), the game freezes briefly. This is happening across multiple platforms including PS5, PS4, Xbox.

Visibility of Brood Mother attack. Once the brood mother does the large area AoE DoT attack, sometimes you cannot see the area affected and end up running over it and dying if already low health. Bit unfair if you can’t see it. Please improve the visibility of this attack.

Sometimes if you complete an Expedition within 1 second of the target time, it still grants you the wrong reward level. For example the time limit for gold on Boom Town is 6:30. If you complete it 6:29 or 6:30 on the dot, it will still only reward you with silver. The reward page will say you went over the timer by 0:00 seconds.

Matchmaking not working as intended. Sometimes when you search for a team doing Expeditions, you are put with a team who are playing the story.

Starting expeditions and voting. This can result in being disconnected from the party leader. Sometimes when the party leader goes to start an expedition, no prompt to vote appears. The expedition begins and the rest of the party is kicked. Also, sometimes a prompt is given and even if the player rejects the vote, they are still sent into the expedition. Sometimes when you choose to delay the vote, the timer doesn’t change.

Sometimes when you join a game, it gets stuck on the loading screen at 100%. Only fix is to reload the game (PS5).

Sometimes if your friend disconnects from your game session, they cannot rejoin as it says they are already in their group.

Sometimes when matchmaking at the matchmaking station in game, if you miss the prompt to join the game after it has found a game, it will no longer search for another game until you return to the title screen and reload.

Blighted rounds, lag and ammo back on kill. When on another hosts connection, sometimes even when you see you got the killing shot, the mods that are meant to return ammo to your clip don’t proc properly, and can happen multiple times in a row, resulting in you losing your blighted rounds which greatly affect DPS and timed runs. This is probably due to the latency issues/net code/multiplayer connection issues, and your mods aren’t registering properly with the hosts server. Haven’t had this issue on my own solo session.

Using doors to next area in Expeditions not resetting skill cooldown for other players who didn’t interact with the door. Only the person who interacts with the door gets their skill cooldowns reset. This disadvantages the rest of the team, specially players with long cooldowns on skills such as Blighted Rounds. Resetting all player cooldowns would bring greater balance (to the force). I’m pretty sure this is a bug and not intended.

Devastator impale and timers. Not sure if a bug or working as intended. When impaling an enemy, the game should immediately register the enemy as being killed. The time spent waiting for the impale animation to end to proceed to the next area or for an obelisk to resume capturing is wasted. I’ve put this near my QoL suggestions in case this was intended by the developers. Seems unnecessary to penalize players on time for using a skill.

Other QoL improvements that would be great: - Ability to leave a game as soon as the host connection issue prompt shows up - Allow late joining players to travel to the host/group area immediately regardless if in combat or not. Too much time spent running whilst the team struggle to deal with the scaled up enemies without the extra firepower. - Ability to mark items as favorite so that they don’t get accidentally sold or dismantled - Ability to sell or dismantle collectors edition/add on guns (even if no scraps or resources given). Currently the only way is to move them to a new character, then delete the character. - Don’t allow people to join hosts who haven’t moved in a while (maybe a timer of 3-5 minutes?). 80% of the lobbies I join are players who are AFK and then I need to research. Factoring in time standing still or AFK will help avoid this. - Remove interrupt when reviving a party member or reduce time taken to revive. - Introduce dedicated servers or improve net code to improve connection stability.

Note: All these bugs I have experienced first hand whilst playing the game. I have all four character classes, all at CT15. I love the game, hence why I play so much. But these bugs and QoL changes need to be addressed.

Thank you very much compiling this lengthy list, I (and by the looks of it everyone else) very much appreciates it!

A few of these things will be covered in my known issues list tomorrow, for others I'm having the team check through our database (JIRA) if they have anything similar on file, or if they are able to reproduce the issue you've mentioned in particular.

As a final question - what language do you play in? I assume it's English as you mentioned US and South Africa but I wanted to double-check as our April 30th patch clarified the set description on the Borealis Monach in English, but other languages still need to be fixed as well. So knowing whether you're reading it in English or not-English will give me a better understanding of what issue you're seeing.

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by Top_Drawer

How does 20 minutes of prior gameplay at all impact a single instance of an enemy attack?

You mention wanting a full picture, but in no way have you described what the additional context actually offers.

The previous gameplay would let us see whether the game's inbuilt oneshot/death-prevention mechanics triggered and then went onto cooldown/were on cooldown at time of death (which is normal), or whether they never procc'd at all (which would be unintended behaviour).

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by Japan198

Hi there ,

Patch is working but on my character defensive mods such as mitigation from death are not working . I do not get any armor after any kill which still makes this unplayable . Please advise urgently

Hey there - does mitigation from death not work for you in multiplayer (Client or host?) or in solo? Or both?

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by zhouster

/u/thearcan I'm still getting a bug in Heart of the Wild on my Technomancer where after clearing mobs in the room after the crystal (3rd area), no more mobs spawn and I'm unable to progress further. The objective is marked "Venture deep into the forest" and...well we can't.

Thanks for the report - what platform is this on? And do you find that you're killing enemies very quickly (perhaps even before they fully spawn?)

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by DukeFerret

Since I've started running an Impale focused build on my Devastator I have noticed 2 big issues with the skill that really mess with my runs.

Frozen Enemies Are Immune

Trying to hit a frozen target with Impale will fail. If Its the only enemy in range it will fail to find a target, if there are multiple and only one is frozen it will hit everything except the frozen target. This makes group play with an Impale focused build like mine extremely difficult, especially when running with a Technomancer.

Bleed Fails to Apply, Sometimes

BY a very rough guesstimation it feels like around 30-40% of the time Impale will not apply the Bleed status. As my build is Impale focused and stacks a LOT of extra damage vs bleeding targets this can ruin expedition runs for me.

If you want any video proof I can pull some or create some pretty easily. lmk

Thanks for the reports, I've passed them on but if you are able to provide a longer form video where this happens, that would be very helpful!

almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by DukeFerret

Thank you for replying! I will get online tonight and get some footage off of my xbox for you. How would you prefer i get it to you?

If you could upload it to Youtube and Pass me a link (as a reply here or privately in DMs), that would be very helpful.

What platform will this be on by the way?