Our online Infrastructure has been running in the green for the past 18 hours with fast logins and stable connections.
We appreciate some you faced long log-ins last yesterday, but we don't anticipate this issue tonight. We look forward to welcoming you back to Enoch Outriders! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FWBqfzzWQAEEFg-.jpg
Our online Infrastructure has been running in the green for the past 18 hours with fast log-ins and stable connections.
We appreciate some you faced long log-ins yesterday, but we don't anticipate this issue tonight. We look forward to welcoming you back to Enoch Outriders! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FWBqfzzWQAEEFg-.jpg
@GGD1720 You'll need to claim them on Twitch first - then they will be dropped on the respective character class. So the Trickster Weapon will drop onto a Trickster Character at that Tricksters item level.
@VantVant10 Are you on Xbox? Could you try clearing your Xbox Cache by powering off your console and unplugging it for a minute or so? Putting it into rest mode isn't enough.