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A couple of weeks ago I posted how queue times suddenly became 6+ minutes for tank/support after the Echo update. Bill responded and fixed the issue and queue times returned to the normal 10-15 seconds.

And then the Anniversary patch dropped yesterday and the same issue is now back. We have to raise awareness in hopes they’ll see it again and make the same fix as before. Thanks!

Edit: It was Bill

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almost 5 years ago - /u/BillWarnecke - Direct link

Hey there, we made some more adjustments and things should be back to normal. Thanks for the note, sorry for that. Cheers

almost 5 years ago - /u/BillWarnecke - Direct link

Originally posted by shotteh22

Currently sitting in a 10 minute solo queue for support, came here to see if others had noticed anything "off."

Paging u/BillWarnecke to put this on his radar.

EDIT: solo queue competitive for support ended up being 12 minutes.

Thanks for the ping, should be better now, sorry for that