

13 Dec


This person can no longer play Overwatch. This type of behavior isn’t welcome in our game.

09 Dec



17 Nov


Hey there, sorry for this bug, I know it's a frustrating one. We have a more robust change in the upcoming Season 2 release. Apologies we couldn't get this fully fixed in the update today.


Originally posted by No32

(link to patch notes)

no link to patch notes


Whoops will fix.


Originally posted by ValkyroMusic

There could some aspect of it I'm unaware of, but it's totally possible they just felt the need to explicitly say that to avoid a bunch of uninformed people complaining to them about it.

Yes, we felt like being very explicit about how this works was important to avoid any confusion.

09 Nov


Originally posted by DDzxy

Not entirely true, in custom games like Gun Game when Echo copies you, then you quickly get a new hero, echo will remain that hero even if you changed yours.

I think it has to do with memory issues.

This is correct. It’s a performance constraint.

05 Nov

29 Oct


Originally posted by BaseLordBoom

I mean game design is hard and technical issues are bound to happen. If this becomes a repeated thing then I'll be upset but as a first time I can only get so upset especially when they are willing to own up to their f**kup.

Thanks for the reasonable take, it's appreciated. Having these changes delayed is frustrating, for sure. We'll continue to work to do better in the future.

Gameplay data, including hero abilities, is compiled into game assets that exist on both the client and the server. When we change abilities, even simple numerical values, we need to have both the client and server updated to match. This may seem overly complicated, but I'd highly recommend watching a GDC session we did in 2017 that dives into this system in depth before making that assumption!

When we need to update both the client and server, the simplest way is to release a new version. We release new versions every few weeks, but given Cross Play and Cross Progression, these releases require scheduling. We can urgently add a rele...

Read more

Originally posted by rubenburgt

Let me try something what i haven't tried before.


u/BillWarnecke could you take a look at this issue? It has been in the game since the release, we hear nothing about it and it would be great if it could be as reliable as how it was in Overwatch 1.

Hey there, we have a fix for this coming in the next patch. We're aware of many bugs with Ice Wall, and have been working to address them. Apologies for the impact to your games. :(

23 Oct


The info in this thread is correct. Almost all players go into the cross play queues, so being in a platform specific queue will be a much longer wait.

I’ll see if we can add some messaging in the client that warns you if you’re set this way.


Hey there we’re aware of this bug and have a fix coming in the upcoming patch this week. Sorry for the hassle.

17 Oct


We’ve seen reports like this and we’re looking into it. Sorry for the hassle.


Originally posted by ElectronicAngle1864

Wow I wonder if Blizzard would do anything about that.


10 Oct


Thanks for the report, we're on this.

08 Oct


Hey there, we are actively investigating this error still. This error indicates a problem with player data loading, and we have made a few fixes to address specific cases of this in our updates this week. Unfortunately there is more left to do here. We’re very sorry that this is impacting some of you and we’re working on fully resolving it.

We’ll keep sharing updates as we have them, but I don’t have an ETA for the next set of fixes yet.


Hey there. We’re aware some players are hitting LC-208 after the most recent update. We’re working on additional fixes for this error for these players. Sorry for this, we know it’s frustrating.

07 Oct


Originally posted by Thranxar

Not sure I agree here. I’m a software engineer, and we always launch early in the day, and NEVER on a Friday. I understand that this is the second of two down periods, but I’m surprised they didn’t start them way earlier in the day, like 12PM PST

Waiting on database replication. Couldn’t go earlier.



30 Sep


Originally posted by woooooowdude16

is it only available to preload/predownload overwatch 2 today or i'm I able to at anytime after the predownload is released?

Once the preload is available it will remain available up through launch. No rush.


Originally posted by Daenous

Hi u/BillWarnecke - can you ask CS to post an update - a lot of people across social media are wondering about the delay/predownload

Yep, they're on it. Sorry for the confusion!