almost 5 years ago - BillWarnecke - Direct link

Hey there, we’re sorry Wrecking Ball has been MIA on XB1. We have a fix going into certification now and we’re targeting Monday to have him back.

Thanks for being so patient while we working through this one, it was a gnarly one.


almost 5 years ago - WyomingMyst-1633 - Direct link

They just launched the new patch. Please note, Wrecking Ball will remain disabled for a little while longer until all users are shown to have been updated.

almost 5 years ago - Drakuloth - Direct link

Hey there everyone,

We were able to patch the issue causing crashes with Hammond a few hours ago. With the new patch, Hammond is being reintroduced to the game. Because of the way content distribution works on consoles, some players will be prompted for this patch earlier than others.

We recommend updating the game as soon as possible to pick up the patch. If you have not gotten the patch yet for your console, we recommend against playing games which allow Hammond, especially competitive matches or those which may result in penalties.

Once you get the patch, Hammond should be re enabled for you, and any associated crashes should stop.