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about 5 years ago - /u/BillWarnecke - Direct link

Hey there I sent this post over to QA to dig into. Thanks for the report, anyone who has additional video or details please share in the comments if possible.

Sorry for the hassle, cheers.

about 5 years ago - /u/BillWarnecke - Direct link

Originally posted by aurens

hey /u/BillWarnecke not sure if you're still seeking examples of this missing sound bug, but i have one for you.

here is a clip from a live game where a tracer's ult line does not play:

https://gfycat.com/shadowyclumsyalaskanhusky (idk how familiar you are with gfycat but the sound is not on by default)

and here is a clip of the same moment in the replay where the ult line plays correctly:


it seems like tracer plays a grunt that blocks the ult voiceline in the live version whereas the replay doesn't have the grunt for some reason.

This is fixed in the next patch, thanks for taking the time to report details here though, it is much appreciated. Cheers

about 5 years ago - /u/BillWarnecke - Direct link

Originally posted by Carter_OW

Was I right with the off by 1 comment I made?

Hey there, the bug was not an off by one. The issue was introduced while making optimizations for lower spec hardware. In some cases sound occlusion wasn’t recalculated when it needed to be.


about 5 years ago - /u/BillWarnecke - Direct link

Originally posted by Carter_OW

Was it meant to go live today?

Audio is broken still. If not worse than before. Same issue.

1.45 release for the audio fix. Sorry for the delay.

over 4 years ago - /u/BillWarnecke - Direct link

Originally posted by Carter_OW

This issue is still not fixed.

I noticed no difference when /u/billwarnecke said it went live, unfortunately.

Hey u/aurens and u/Carter_OW - I'll pass this along to QA and our sound folks. For the previous bug we had a way to reproduce the issue and verified before and after the change it fixed that particular scenario. Perhaps there's more to it though. Sorry for the hassle.