almost 6 years
ago -
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We're now available in Early Access and we couldn't be more excited to share this early version of Pagan Online with you.
Lots of new content will be added during the Early Access period, the biggest of which is co-op! Co-operative play is a huge part of Pagan Online that we’re polishing up and will be shipping very soon.
Expect to see more storyline, along with which comes new zones and new enemies. Speaking of more content, this is just the beginning! We are going to deliver new content regularly throughout the year so the story and game can evolve over time and give you new and creative ways to enjoy the game.
Feel free to share your day-1 thoughts with us here, and don't forget to join us on Discord!
Lots of new content will be added during the Early Access period, the biggest of which is co-op! Co-operative play is a huge part of Pagan Online that we’re polishing up and will be shipping very soon.
Expect to see more storyline, along with which comes new zones and new enemies. Speaking of more content, this is just the beginning! We are going to deliver new content regularly throughout the year so the story and game can evolve over time and give you new and creative ways to enjoy the game.
Feel free to share your day-1 thoughts with us here, and don't forget to join us on Discord!