over 4 years ago - Sasha_JP - Direct link
Originally posted by Ashraa: Warning For: Spamming
Your post "Question about steam controller settings" is in violation of our Community Rules and Guidelines:
The controller support is absolute gash.
I tried the top two configs and both are horrible.
If you're looking for controller support then wait.
Can't understand why a game like this wouldn't have native controller support. Are there still basement dwellers with monitors in 2019 playing arpg's ??

Your post has been identified as spam because it contains content that is off-topic or redundant. When posting in the Community, please ensure that your posts are both constructive and unique.

Our Community Rules and Guidelines article contains more specific information, along with some of our reasoning behind these decisions. This is not a ban - just a reminder to follow the rules when participating in Steam Discussions.

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Pretty sure given an honest opinion to the original post isn't spam?
Currently controller support is really bad, unplayable.
Some reviews state that it's fine, this is not the case.
Developers have said controller support will be skiing in a free weeks.
If you want to play with a controller then wait.
Don't flag a post as sp when it's just giving honest information you big melts.

Hey Ashraa. You copy-pasted the exact same message on several threads, hence the warning. Please don't spam threads with identical posts, as indicated in the warning.