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4 months ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

The price of corruption!

On a serious note, we're discussing what can be done with the mechanical restrictions for this particular case.

4 months ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Dry-Hunter-8818

I think i understand what they wanted to do. Pledging allegiance to Dahak can't get you instantaneously from NG to CE, it's a slowly progress.

BUT the fact is that you can't make that slow shift coz you're already at 10h of the end of the game so you will remain TN until the epilogue AND it cause issues with those who venerate Dahak from the start (which is a bit the opposite of what they were trying to do with allowing Apsu and Dahak deities from the start)

Not sure about this fix.... It would have been cool if it was an act III or IV thing with two routes but you can't really make slow narrative progress with a late game path who only has 10-15 hours of play left.

Sadly that'd be too big of an addition to even consider at this point. The way it is currently integrated into the game, it's just the first steps into the evil.

4 months ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by EbyKakTpakTop

Wait, so you're telling me a cleric of Dahak loses class powers after switching to corrupted GD? Lol 🤣 Also the bug with weapons effects stacking still persists even after the hotfix.

Some edge cases have remained, yeah, we're working on it.