It's worse than a Bethesda title, and I'm saying this after having finished Nyrissa's romance. It was probably the least fun I've had playing a CRPG in quite some time, entirely because anywhere I'd go there was one bug or another screwing things up. I'm aware they'll never be fixed but it makes it no less a clownshow.
What makes it worse though is that the game itself is great - the bugs alone are the issue! There are just so many of them and of such severity...
Here's a list.
- Charges initiated outside of combat in turn-based mode may sometimes not resolve at all, leaving the character frozen and inoperative during their turn.
- Attacks initiated at or near the edge of a character's movement distance or 5-foot move may sometimes not resolve at all and waste their turn.
- Follow-up iterative attacks may sometimes refuse to register that another enemy's in range after killing one, yet again wasting most of their turn.
- Respeccing some story companions causes them to permanently lose their companion quest buffs.
- Dispels on some story companions causes them to permanently lose their companion quest buffs.
- Linzi's ring will sometimes be unequipped on respec, and is usable by MC. Oddly, it has fully implemented functionality and does teleport you to Oleg's.
- A hefty number of the '+1 to [x role] in [y region]' kingdom management buffs don't do anything.
- If you use a Crisis Point on a project and cancel it on the same day, the Crisis Point is not refunded.
- Numerous areas are bugged thanks to the Magical Prison quest, as some key enemies are spawned by default and others don't trigger the quest flags properly if you kill them too quickly.
- Numerous quests can be broken simply by killing enemies too efficiently. If you kill Armag in Amiri's duel, for example, it bricks the save. This goes for any story-related NPC from the Mite Queen to Irovetti.
- Numerous flags for unlocking kingdom upgrades don't set properly, leading to cases where you have 300+ in all kingdom stats and don't meet the low double-digit prerequisite.
- The Twice-Born Warlord auto-fails the objective to reach Armag quickly if you respec, even though respeccing takes a day and getting to him can take seven and not fail it.
- Beneath the Stolen Lands has enemies that will poison you through poison immunity, confuse you through confusion immunity, etc. and the final boss has a few more bugs unique to itself in this regard.
- Too many story flags aren't set properly. I'll list a few below.
- The most infuriating of which: for unknown reasons, you can succeed at Vordakai's 23 DC Arcane check about his curse, get the respective curse research, and the dialogue option w/ Nyrissa won't appear because the responsible key - 'd675b1f0fbbb52c4ba6a3a7642bd79cd' and/or '9c0b744e62fd6854a97216dd87907b6e' - was not set. Possibly related to saving and quitting to take a dump right after he drops dead.
- Various key flags involving Nilak and Amiri can end up not being set or set improperly if you leave the area too early (ie. under the effect of a zoomy spell like Haste) if saves are especially large. I suspect the game has to decompress and recompress everything?
- Related to the above, items dropped in zones - even worthless ones - will quickly make your save file gigantic. As save cleaners can potentially break the above but even more, it took mine becoming 7 GB for me to do it... right before HatEoT, so it was pointless.
- HatEoT is itself 90% bugs.
- Fearing some enemies in HatEoT can break scripted sequences and crash the game as they trigger all of them at once by running away.
- Like with Beneath the Stolen Lands, some enemies just ignore your Death Ward to level drain you anyway.
- Respeccing anyone using Eight-Eyes runs the risk of teleporting them somewhere off the map, which can only be resolved by saving, going to the menu, and loading that save back up again. This bug is permanent, from that point on they'll do this at random... and even in combat.
- Just a second mention of the disasterpiece that is the Nyrissa Vordakai dialogue bug.
- Enemy tooltips cause a massive hitch.
These are just the notable bugs I've found and kept track of, there are so many tiny ones that I didn't because they aren't really that bad, are questionably bugs, are kind of silly, or any of the above (ie. AoOing an enemy every time they shoot their bow; they can do this to you, and it's funny to watch so it's whatever.)
God, please tell me WotR is better than this.
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